Guild Wars 2 - Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - February 03, 2018

Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - February 03, 2018

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:10 AM PST

This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Which Elementalist Nerf Are You?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:08 PM PST

When you haven't touched sPvP for a long time.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:36 AM PST

No, you can't have that Mithril

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:15 PM PST

[Fanart] Quick picture of grand lion griffon.. cub

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:46 PM PST

Is now a good time to dive into GW2?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:13 PM PST

I'm a former hardcore raider in WoW for over a decade and the next expansion isn't really looking that interesting to me and I've managed to do everything I'm interested in doing for the rest of Legion so I'm looking for a new game to try. I've had GW2 for a few years, but never really dove in to it. I'm use to knowing everything about the game I'm playing and having a ton of resources at my command, so I'm a bit hesitant jumping into a new MMO. This probably sounds silly, but is it too late to deep dive into GW2?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Dakhath79
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I just built a new PC, and decided to jazz it up a bit- I hope you guys appreciate it as much as I do!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:28 PM PST

Rewards in PoF and how acquisition of reward matters more than reward itself

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:29 AM PST

I've been thinking about it for a long time. Why people say that rewards in PoF are not so great and there is no reason to be in PoF maps after you explored them? PoF have much more skins to collect than HoT had, much more collections to complete. I think problem is in how you acquire those skins. Let sunspear weapons be an example, because recently I wanted to finish this collection. You get them by crafting. You unlock recipes by buying them from PoF heart vendor with trade contracts and karma. So far so good, you need to play in PoF maps to acquire recipes. But then it falls flat on its face. I already got a lot of trade contracts, so I just completed one heart and bought all required recipes, it took me maybe 5 mins. Then I just sat in Mistlock Sanctuary and crafted all weapons. It is because to craft them you just need money. This is the case with most of PoF skins, they just require gold, they don't require you to participate in PoF metas, or even to play in PoF maps. And because there are more profitable gold farms than PoF meta events, no one is doing them. Solution to this problem is very easy. One crafting component for those weapons should be non tradeable. If you couldn't craft or buy Pulsing Brandspark, but you need to do PoF meta for it, I think we would see more players doing events in PoF maps. Similar to how people were and still are doing chack garent meta to get chack eggs. What do you think about that reddit? Is problem with PoF rewards the way you acquire them?

tl;dr: Getting PoF rewards should require you to play in PoF maps. As of now they only require gold, so players who want PoF rewards farm silverwastes or fractals, or complete PvP/WvW track. This is imo bad for expansion.

submitted by /u/kairostsukishoku
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Why don't we have unidentified gear in non-PoF zones?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:55 AM PST

About a week ago, I decided to go do Dragon's Stand for fun, and I remembered how annoying inventory management could become when blues and greens begin to cram themselves into your inventory, instead of stacking like unidentified gear was made to do. I don't know anything about whether it would be slightly more or less expensive to gain gear this way, but I suspect that the quality of life in core tyria and heart of thorns would be greatly improved by only having unidentified gear.

So why hasn't this happened yet? I thought unidentified gear was made with the purpose of adding quality of life, so why hasn't it been extended to the rest of the game yet? Is there something I'm missing?

submitted by /u/Drewbawb
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Aurene's vision showed far more than we could have ever imagined! Prepare to be shocked by what Aurene truely showed us...

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:01 PM PST

So I wanted to look closer into her vision and I wanted to find some hidden pics, figures etc.

And you will find out in the bottom of this post tagged by spoiler.

1st person we see is an awakened canid, but then we see an asura: Taimi I think its Taimi, because she has brown hair and her hair looks like she doesn't have her hair bow yet. She looks scared because she is overwhelmed by Awakened.

2nd guy may be a norn: Braham? I don't know whether this person has hair or not, but as you can see he shows his tongue, so its certainly Braham. :D

3rd person is a human: Kasmeer? she doesn't look quite as her, but who might be this women anyway?

4th person is a charr: Rox this figure looks just like her.

5th person is an awakened women called "Mysterious Figure": Lonai, there are rumours that this may be Lonai.

And now...

And the last person, that may be familiar to us is...

I don't know what to say, Glint told us in her memory that the future is not always clear and when she was having her prophecies, she was always upset that they are not always showing the whole truth, also the events that may come in the future aren't ordered, so we saw Taimi surrounded by the Awakened- that happened, but I didn't see Rox lying down on ground and waiting for death. We see her screaming, we see as almost all of Dragon's Watch are suffering.

But this moment when it showed Scarlet's figure, I was just shocked...

What do you think?

Edits: just changing some weird words

submitted by /u/auroraeleonora
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6,352 hours and 44 mins later...

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:53 AM PST

Finally got my Dragon Rank!

submitted by /u/EremiteAngel
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THE PATH OF FIRE HUNT:((North America))

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:33 AM PST

THE PATH OF FIRE HUNT: Join us as we tour the Crystal Desert! WP's, HP's, MP's, POI's, Vista's, Event's, Griffon collection. Any level is welcome, RP friendly! 3rd of February. 10 am PST/ 11 am MST/ 12 pm CST/ 1 pm EST. Goes for about 8-12 hours depending on rate of travel. We will try to keep it in LFG as long as we have room. We attempt to take 20 minute breaks every two hours or so. Feel free to come and go! See you there, -Brother Drake

submitted by /u/Brother-Drake
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How do people feel about the Molten Boss rework?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:20 PM PST

I'm not a fan.

For the most part, I've liked the Fractal changes. Some I'm ambivalent about, some I think were a change for the worse. But the Molten Boss rework might be my least favorite.

Yes, the previous version was too quick, but to make it longer we now have to kill the same mobs repeatedly - and killing them isn't even that fun. It's just that over and over (and one time with a champ!) until you get to the final boss again. (FWIW: My favorite fractal is Thaumanova, which has plenty of variety throughout.)

Any other opinions?

submitted by /u/ninefourteen
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Dragonhunter WvW Roaming ?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:46 AM PST

Question: How do I casual WvW?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:05 PM PST

Hi all,

With all the WvW changes I wanted to get back into it. I'm not a hard core pvper but I do occasionally like to hop into sPvP and WvW. Unfortunately, there's an extreme lack of information on WvW. So I was hoping people could share their resources and advice here for people who want to get into WvW on a casual level because let's be honest, these changes will make people come back to try it out. Might as well have them know what they are doing at least a little!

My questions:

  • Where's a good place to find builds? The only place I've found is and I hear mixed things about that. Looking at it it seems Firebrand support is a solid choice...but then I heard from a frequent WvWer that it's not...?

  • Personally I like playing as a support type in pvp areas, and I have one of each class. What are my options?

  • I keep hearing frontline versus backline. I assume this means position in a zerg, but what kind of roles fit well there?

  • What's an easy build to get into to do fairly well in WvW? A "newbie build" so to speak. Or do you just recommend using a class you're familiar with?

Thanks all, and I hope these WvW changes end up being really good for WvW!

submitted by /u/Disig
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How do I "start playing" fractals?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:58 AM PST

Embarrasing question but I've been dabbled in most areas of the game since I started playing a couple years ago, but never fractals. They seem a bit confusing with the levels, the agony stuff, ascended gear etc. Plus, whever I look on lfg people are always doing random numbers between 1-25, and I don't want to piss people off because I have never played the level before.

Is there like a quick start guide on which fractal I should start with, what gear I need, etc? Thanks

submitted by /u/want_to_rfractal
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Final Fantasy Cosplay - Archadian Judge

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:05 PM PST

Elementalist Leak for PvP - Analysis

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:24 AM PST

Here are the leak taken from the other topic, lets do a fast analysis

"Elementalist: In order to change the playstyle of Weaver in PvP, we have made some adjustments to both its offensive and defensive aspects. Sword damage has been increased, and more synergy has been introduced from striking enemies with a particular condition.

Cauterizing Strike: This skill now has 2 pulses, at the start and end of the animation. Both pulses inflict 1 stack of burning and vulnerability.

Searing Slash: This skill now does 25% more damage against burning foes.

Polaric Leap: The daze inflicted by this skill has been increased from 0.25 seconds to 0.75 seconds.

Charged Strike: This skill now does 25% more damage.

Polaric Slash: This skill now does 30% more damage.

Crystal Slash: This skill now does 22% more damage.

Earthen Vortex: The evade time window from of skill has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds. This skill now does 33% more damage against bleeding foes.

Crystal Sunder: The bleeding stacks applied by this skill have been increased from 1 to 2.

Tailored Victory: This skill now does 100% more damage, and applies 15 stacks of vulnerability to all foes within a 360 radius.

Natural Frenzy: This skill now does 40% more damage.

Riptide: The evade frame has been decreased from 1.75 seconds to 1.25 seconds. The regeneration applied has been reduced from 5.5 seconds to 5 seconds.

Aqua Siphon: This skill now does 35% more damage to chilled foes.

Twin Strike: The chill inflicted by this skill has been increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.

Unravel: Count recharge reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.

Twist of Fate: The evade frame has been decreased from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.


Aquatic Benevolence: Healing from this skill decreased from 15% to 10%.

Lesser Arcane Shield: Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 55 seconds.

Superior Elements: The critical chance for hitting weakened enemies has been increased from 15% to 20%.

Weaver's Prowess: The increased condition damage and duration from this trait are now both 15%. Gain 2 stacks of might for 3 seconds after attuning to a different element."

  • Autoattack Sword get a significant buff DPS, especially for the last 3rd hit, 25% increase
  • Skill 2 Sword Air get longer stun, Skill 2 Sword Earth get more DPS.
  • All Skill 3 Sword single attunement get a big buff, sadly it's still bad to Single Attune in PvP...
  • Unravel get a buff with a 5s CD reduction but Unravel is still a waste of slot...
  • Crazy buff to Water/Earth dual attunement Skill, a range skill (rare on sword) : 40% increase, this skill is now good DPS.
  • Moderate nerf to ALL EVADE SKILL : Water 2, Earth 2, Twist of fate : All evade are reduce from 1.75s to 1.25s & from 1s to 0.75s. Not a massive nerf but a significant want as long as Sword sustain comes from only these skill
  • Weaver's Prowess buff is great & makes Condition way better, making mixed power/condi amulet in a better place.
  • Elite Weaver Skill massive Buff : Now apply 15 stack of vulnerabily so your burst when your ennemy is CC for 2.5s will be bigger ! + 100% DPS making it same DPS than Earth 2 Sword, not bad, you can hit with 2k now.

A big DPS increase to sword

A small sustain nerf

Seems legit, lets see how it works soon ! What do you think about it ?

submitted by /u/Cellofrag_____
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Dear fellow dye-hard fans

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 11:55 PM PST

Recently ANet gave a free black lion kit+key to everyone who logged in for a specific week. I thought I'd gotten lucky by obtaining a Rare Dye Kit, but it seems that it was actually a guaranteed drop for everybody. While I was initially saddened to discover I wasn't as fortunate as I thought I had been, this DOES mean however that a lot of the rare, special gem-store only dyes are the cheapest they've been in a long, long time.

If you are a fellow Fashion Wars end-game fan and were saving up for a birthday gift to unlock a rare dye like I was, a lot of them are actually at a great price right now.

Happy dying!

submitted by /u/Rapturos
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Is Herald viable in tier 4 fractals?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:35 AM PST

Balance Patch Leaks Part 2-3

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:36 PM PST

Does anyone have the second and the third part of the leaked balance patch notes? Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/dontmindmeplzzz
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When the Risen decides rapping is the way to go

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:26 PM PST

So are the 2nd and 3rd pages of the balance leaks lost? Has nobody got them anymore?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:46 PM PST

I am so excited for the patch so Im asking if someone has the 2nd and 3rd page of the patch notes.

submitted by /u/FairyFox67
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Thief chances since PoF launch?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:04 PM PST

I was playing GW2 pretty actively for the few months leading up to PoF, having not really played much at all since release. Unfortunately, Deadeye, which I was really excited to try out (as my main is a thief) turned out to be not only awkward to play, but also pretty weak, leaving me to continue to play staff DD (for the rest of my life).

Have there been any major changes/buffs to Deadeye in the last few months, or has ANet given up on it?

submitted by /u/dachocochamp
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