Civilization - The /r/civ Discord is giving away 2 FREE copies of RISE AND FALL

The /r/civ Discord is giving away 2 FREE copies of RISE AND FALL

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:28 AM PST

Hey everyone! With the upcoming release of Civilization VI: Rise and Fall on February 8th, we decided to celebrate by giving away not one, but two FREE copies!

How To Enter:

  1. Join the /r/civ Discord server with a registered account.

  2. Navigate to the #giveaway channel in NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS

  3. 'React' to the giveaway post by clicking on the 🎉 emoji.

  4. (Optional) Leave a comment below on who your most anticipated R&F civ is!

That's it. You're now eligible to win a FREE copy of Rise and Fall!

Winners will be drawn on Thursday, February 8th, 3:00 PM UTC -- countdown here.

(Note: 2 winners will be selected, 1 copy each. Rise and Fall DLC only, base game not included.)

If you'd like to invite your friends, you can send them this invite:

submitted by /u/Draeren
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Looks like Teddy is suzerain of La Venta!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:42 AM PST

Pedro II has just finished building a wonder. Brazilian Royal family picture, in front of the Sphinx and the Gize Pyramid. 1871.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:16 AM PST

The United States has discovered Stirrups!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:56 PM PST

Ran into our boy, Poundmaker, at the museum.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:23 PM PST

Ah, yes. The infamous Carthaginian-Norwegian Ski Infantry

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:57 PM PST

Island plates + Indonesia + Auckland = Real tile porn

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:55 AM PST

Tangier, a City of Two Ports

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:07 PM PST

The governors from Rise & Fall

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:49 AM PST

My wishlist for the next patch

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:10 AM PST

So, with Rise and Fall wrapping up for release, I'm sure that the devs are already starting to think ahead for the next patch, so I figured this is the best time to share my ideas. All of these will be relatively simple and straightforward suggestions. I will refrain from whining about the AI being stupid and the game filled with bugs, since that's not something that can be fixed in a day, but the things I will list here mostly are, if you agree they are right.

  1. Casus Belli for joint wars. This is pretty self-explanatory, you shouldn't get punished with warmongering penalties because you seek a cooperation for dealing with an enemy that has already offended you.

  2. Warmonger Casus Belli. I think when a civ is just being way too aggressive and has already swallowed up another civ you shouldn't have to wait to have one of your cities attacked before you can strike back. In Civ 5 when somebody was being this trigger happy the peaceful civs joined forces and crushed him, like in the world wars to an extent, so it's really sad that you can only be forgiven to declare a war on a civ that hasn't attacked you if they have attacked someone you are allied or are suzerain of.

  3. Non-suzerain based city states protection war. Why do I need to have been a suzerain of a city state to start a liberation war to free them? I agree that being a suzerain should make the campaign more acceptable, but that should only be a modifier, not a requirement.

  4. A report screen dedicated to what wonders are being build. It's really frustrating how going for wonders on Deity is a coin toss at best and nigh impossible at worst. I think if you have achieved the highest diplomatic visibility with a civ you should know if they have started a wonder (which maybe is already the case, but you can never track all the news items you get to sort through the important stuff) and you should be able to send a spy in there to find out how many turns it will take them to finish it. I like how you have made diplomatic visibility give a combat bonus, but I feel like this change will feel even better, encouraging players to focus on this mechanic more.

  5. Have a turn based alarm clock with custom messages. Like, be able to tell the game to set an alarm for turn 56 and be able to write whatever you want in the alarm note, like "switch out of this tech cause you are getting the eureka soon after that" or "stop your city growing to keep your overall happiness".

  6. I feel like the first 5 suggestions are no-brainers that are good and make sense, the next few might be a bit more in the gray area of balance options. Have more options to generate loyalty in a free city towards your civ. From the stream yesterday it became apparent that while you have plenty of options to get a city to revolt, if there is a third civ with more cities next to the ones you are targeting you will be essentially gifting them. I really like the new spy missions that help with removing loyalty, but maybe let a spy be able to stay in the free city and generate loyalty towards your civ, or be able to buy their loyalty with gold or envoys. Unless you are aiming at to be completely impossible to do an effective take over of another civ without at least some military capture, we need something more.

  7. Find a way to utilize a huge standing army that doesn't rack up warmongering penalties. Right now if I have a big army and I'm not at war with anyone it feels like a huge waste of gold, especially late game. Maybe it is a good idea to be able to loan your army to a city-state or another civ. While I realize that the first part is kind of overlapping with my third suggestion and the second part is technically already available, I wish both of them were emphasized more. For instance have the AI make a deal with you where it will pay you a set amount of gold for each kill of an enemy unit you do. This way you can't just take the money and do nothing, you will have an excuse to actually go war some and it should end when the defending AI makes peace with the offending one, so to not allow for people to abuse the system.

  8. Be able to remove strategic and luxury resources. I don't even want to get something from them. Just when it's late game and I don't need horses, nor Iron and I have no one to trade my 5 sets of diamonds, I want just more space for other stuff, like districts and wonders.

  9. Be able to specify which cities will get one of the 4 amenities that a luxury resource provides. This feature will allow you to build cities that won't grow so amenities are wasted on them to not waste these amenities and will help to fight against losing loyalty.

edit: A word. Not admitting which one it was.

submitted by /u/dantemp
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The Brazilian royal family visiting the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx was cool and all, but you'll never be as cool as Samurai visiting it.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:32 PM PST

A hero has arisen (Civ V style FOW is finally here!)

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:28 PM PST

The deplorable state of air combat

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:34 PM PST

With Rise and Fall just around the corner, something I'm hoping for is an improvement to one of the buggiest and least developed parts of the game: air combat. However, I suspect that will not be happening.

Let's be honest. Most games of Civ VI never feature air combat. Either the game ends before it shows up or the player has such an overwhelming advantage over the AI that the poor AI never even manages to build a fighter. When aircraft do show up it's usually something akin to Italian aircraft bombing Ethiopian villages.

However if you ever do manage to actually engage the AI in air combat, you'll find it to be in frankly an unfinished state. For starters, despite being combat units you can't combine air units to make corps or armies. Land and sea units can all do this, but not air. There's really no reason why not, and it's well established in the real world to have large groups of aircraft operating together. Squadron and Wing would be perfectly logical terms for air corps and armies respectively.

Air combat is breathtakingly buggy. Stick a fighter or bomber on an aircraft carrier, then move the carrier. You'll find that the aircraft stays where the carrier was when it was first transfered to the carrier, but is unselectable. You have to select it via the carrier itself. But don't be mistaken, the plane hasn't actually moved. To get it to follow the carrier requires rebasing it to another location, then flying it back onto the carrier. This must be repeated every time the carrier moves.

Speaking of redeploying aircraft, the game would have you think that they have a limited redeployment range, and will helpfully show you, when selecting redeploy, a green hex around any eligible location to move the aircraft to. The trouble is this is bugged to the point of uselessness; the actual redeployment range is vastly larger. Of course the only way to know this is to just try and ignore the game telling you not to, which is hardly intuitive.

The game just treats air units bizarrely. They often can't be directly attacked; I've had fighters ready to take out an enemy fighter at an airfield and found I can't attack them. Yet my nearby Missile Cruisers COULD shoot down the Fighter, and in fact gave me the eureka for Guidance Systems, which I suspect less than 0.01% of Civ's playerbase has ever actually gotten. Fighters can only deploy over friendly territory, making them useless for providing air protection over distant armies from carriers, despite that being something that the player would absolutely expect them to do. I gained some cities in a peace deal that had Indonesian fighters deployed in them. When the war was over, the Fighters stayed there. They haven't left since. The game just doesn't seem to know what to do with them.

Speaking of fighters, check out this shot from my latest game. My jet fighter, end-game unit, against a Fighter, and it's going to be a suicide run. For me. Mines even promoted to have a bonus against fighters, and yet it will make virtually no difference. The difference between their two base strengths is FIVE. Fighters have a hidden malus against cities, which if it's shown anywhere, I'm yet to see it. You may ask why I'd be attacking a city with a Jet Fighter instead of just shooting down the enemy fighter so my bombers can do their job, and the answer is: I can't! That's right, my fighter can't directly attack the fighter over the city.

Civ V's air combat was hardly stellar, but it was light years better than this mess. If ground or sea combat was in the same state as air power, the game simply wouldn't have been released. As I said, the only reason I can think that air combat is in the unfinished state it is comes down to the fact that it rarely comes up in the average game. But that really shouldn't be an excuse. It's in the game, and it deserves better than this.

submitted by /u/Glanea
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The perfect girl doesn't exi-

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:28 PM PST

Best start ever.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:46 AM PST

Spy mission suggestion: Take out border guards

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:25 PM PST

I find it really annyoing to be blocked off from big parts of the map because someone who hates me put small cities on the most northern and southern tiles, and I think that a new mission to counter that would be pretty neat.

So, as the title says, spies would now be able to temporarily take out border guards, meaning that for twenty turns or so, you would be able to move your units through their territory if you can exit on the same turn. Its success probability would be somewhere around 50% but only take a few turns to be completed. What do you think?

submitted by /u/shemaleinspectors
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That's a lot of silver

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:36 AM PST

Gorgo starts alone in an island, its turn 315 and she only has 1 city.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:39 AM PST

When your bestest buddy and ally Germany sees you have a weak army and comes to totally protect you and not for any other reason :)

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:21 PM PST

Possibly the most chill deity ending ever?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:01 PM PST

Why did they remove the ability to pay AI to fight for you? Diplomacy in general is a total joke in 6

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:19 PM PST

Diplomacy in 6 is so disappointing, I really hope the expansion addresses it a LOT.

I don't see any benefit for them to remove the ability to pay AI to fight. In past Civ games, I was always a HEAVY diplomacy player, pretty much 80% of my time each turn was spent trading and babying my relation with every single Civ I could. If a Civ hated me and was building an army, or if they were getting too strong, I'd pay them to fight someone else or get someone else to fight them etc.

I can't find any options like that in 6 at all besides requiring me to do a Joint War which is literal garbage. All Joint war does is make every single Civ hate me because WARMONGEREEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!! and the AI Civ you do a joint war with never does a single thing besides immediately make peace after 10 turns. Warmonger is one of the worst handled concepts I've ever seen. No matter what you do, it's essentially impossible to avoid Warmonger crap. Gilgamesh declared WAR ON ME, and Gandhi immediately denounced me. I hadn't even taken a single city or done anything besides desperately try to defend my own territory. Gandhi was just pissed that I was at war when we met. And by "war" I mean I was getting the living crap beaten out of me with my capital besieged on turn 30

It seems like it's physically impossible to be allies with every Civ in a match. In fact, every single game I've played has always ended up with 2 large factions. Half will be my allies and love me, half will hate my guts and will absolutely refuse to even accept free gold or resources and will spend the entire game denouncing me for no reason.

Pretty much every single game I play is just

Meet Civ

Try to establish embassy

They refuse

They denounce me because "They just plain don't like you"

Hate me for unknown reasons

They spend the entire game trying to get people to do joint war against me while they denounce me every few turns

Who ever thought that making the AI auto hate the player because "They just plain don't you like you" as a "valid" reason needs to be slapped upside the head

submitted by /u/ChuunibyouImouto
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Settling next to water

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:40 PM PST

Has anybody else noticed that recently in particular the AI has become very poor at settling adjacent to coast or fresh water. They will often settle just 1-2 tiles from a lake/river, almost as if they are not even coded to seek out the bonus housing.

This is very irritating as it makes the AIs cities worse and means that they are not worth keeping if you conquer them.

Is there a mod that will fix this behaviour? Since I doubt Firaxis will notice, unless it is going to be fixed when they fix spawn locations.

submitted by /u/emperoreden
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Nice Juxtaposition

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:29 AM PST

When will I be able to play civ 5 on my phone?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:02 PM PST

I am a simple man. I don't ask for much.

submitted by /u/setiwoh
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Nicely done Civ, great play!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:33 PM PST

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