Learn Dota 2 - Tip: Bind 'Purchase Quickbuy' to Mouse Wheel

Tip: Bind 'Purchase Quickbuy' to Mouse Wheel

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:34 PM PST

If you get into a situation where you're about to die and have multiple items in your quickbuy, it's really easy to just scroll the mouse wheel up or down to buy all of them in one motion rather than having to spam hit the same key repeatedly. This isn't some huge gamechanger or anything but I find this keybinding really natural and easy to use, and maybe someone else will find this useful to try out as well.

submitted by /u/generic_name_123
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Top 200 NA Support Player SaveDota Stream

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:14 PM PST

Hey guys, I know there's not a lot of great streams out there to learn support from. I mostly know Save from playing him at local Chicago LANs over the past years, and all the players who are aware of him knew how good he already was, and how much potential he has/had.

He's a great player and is truly a unicorn in that he is a pure support player and has been for many years. He was a staple for Blue Pikachu, a tier 2 NA team that very nearly qualified for quite a few different majors and took games off Leviathan. Basically, this guy is the future, he's a super legit support player, and an excellent person from all my experiences. He has a lot to offer that people can learn from. Check him out while he's still somewhat grassroots and see a TI contender in the making.

submitted by /u/amppd
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What are the longest spell/item combos in terms of keypresses that you need to rapidly execute in this game?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:31 PM PST

I'm working on a new set of keybinds based on the SC2 Core framework, and I want to have a setup where I can easily execute long combos rapidly if I need to. From what I can tell, most heroes won't have a combo longer than 5 or 6 keypresses. For example:

Skywrath Mage: veil/eblade > seal > concussive shot > bolt > ult > dagon (i.e., item/spell/spell/spell/spell/item)

Legion: Armlet > blademail > PTA > blink > duel (item/item/selfcast spell/item/spell)

I don't play Invoker, but I am sure he has much longer combos but they probably involve hitting the same button multiple times. In general, it seems like a lot of pros change their hotkeys when playing Invoker (https://dotahotkeys.com/), so different rules apply to that hero. I don't play Meepo, Morphling or Rubick so I don't know how long their combos can get.

On a side note, I think the most active abilities any hero can have is 12 (6 active spells, 6 items). As a practical matter only Doom will get to 12 actual actives, I believe, as KOTL and Invoker will usually have an Agh's (passive) at a minimum. Not sure about heroes like Lifestealer, Rubick, Morphling, etc.

submitted by /u/ak1247
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How did anti-mage kill me here?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:19 PM PST

Match ID: 3746135839 Skip to 1:39 How does anti-mage kill me here? Why does the tower not hit him? This is not the first time this has happened to me. Please do not link any videos detailing how tower aggro works because I have already watched them.

This example of my tower not helping me usually only works in the dire offlane. If the enemy carry ever makes the mistake of walking into tower range I just stand my ground and hit them because I know the tower should hit them back. In Radiant offlane this works for me reliably.

submitted by /u/DrMcWho
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A concept I wanted to dicuss

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:37 AM PST

I recently got coached, and my coach said that, when losing, you should always farm. He said that you should never try to make plays without your items. I have seen some contradicting informations saying that when in a shit lane, try to rotate and get kills to get back into the game. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/iKnowButWhy
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What to do after all lanes are lost?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:04 PM PST

I played terrorblade in this game against a lastpick batrider, which meant the lane was basically over for me.


My supports weren't good versus the bat pick, and he just dived me every time they tp'ed mid to defend the TA from a bounty hunter. Is this an outdraft or was there something I could have done to have won this game?

submitted by /u/Longtimelurkerq
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Can i get analysed?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:40 PM PST

So, i was playing as AM on this match and had a toxic guy (DP) screaming on how bad was my pick, so he randomed dp, went mid and started to suicide, then near 20min the dire lost control of the game and the result is on the link. The game was rough for me but i made some decisions and would love to have some opinions (on pick, positioning, farming and decisions at all).

sorry for any grammar mistake.

submitted by /u/lelisss
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When do you buy Crimson Guard and why?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:00 AM PST

Any idea what this icon is?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:41 AM PST

Was spectating a game a friend of mine was doing(as Luna), and saw this odd orb icon next to their hp bar. I never saw this on Luna before, any idea what this is? They noticed it ingame and didn't know what it was either.


submitted by /u/YoshimitsuPrime
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How do you make your team forget about your existence at the game?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:24 PM PST

Any method to do this

submitted by /u/DarkFlameShadowNinja
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Can someone please explain what happened here?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:09 PM PST

Before arcana comes out. How do I pudge?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:51 PM PST

Is K-D Ratio a worthwhile stat to think about?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:50 AM PST

See title.

It just seems that even if I have a relatively good KD ratio (without KSing), and I'm still losing games...then I am doing something else wrong...


Or is that just a bad streak of teammates?

submitted by /u/CentralConflict
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New to dota2, juggernaut seems to be my current favourite hero to play. Have some questions

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:49 PM PST

my current profile for juggernaut: https://imgur.com/a/sgCx0

1. What's the average/optimal GPM/XPM that a juggernaut (or even just any carries) that I should be working my goal towards?

2. Is it better to max W or E second? I'm currently maxing E 2nd except for some games where I think i might need the extra regen for survival, but I'm not sure which is the best to max since the crit scales better late game when you have higher damage.

3. Is there any good in-depth guides(for example: advanced tricks) for juggernaut out there? Video preferred.

submitted by /u/qqcar
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How was my itemization this game?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:31 AM PST

I hope it's within the rules to ask for items but here is the dotabuff link

submitted by /u/LiquidAurum
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Appeal to all sub-ancient [4] players

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:20 AM PST

I'm really frustrated to see people in my skill bracket do all these mistakes every single game, although they are very basic and key concepts

  • Carries - When being ahead of the enemy in farm, levels and networth, please, i'm begging you guys to HIT TOWERS. You NEED to group up, run at them, force fights, and take towers! The reason why you owned the early game might have been that enemy heroes' power spikes come later, so don't allow them to farm items, don't trade farm please!!!!!

  • Offlaners - you guys are farming too much! pick up cheap items and start creating chaos on the map and disrupting enemy cores' farm! pickup utility items, di*kride your carry and mid! You're never gonna scale as much as they do.

    That's it for now, sorry for the rant.

submitted by /u/kondio-
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Battle fury on Cores

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:14 AM PST

So recently in my games I've been seeing every PA and void go battle fury and try fighting with brown boots battle fury. I actually can't begin to comprehend the stupidity of these people, but how do I deal with players who do this? Should I just constantly remind them to go farm?

submitted by /u/nyffpro
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Support Necro?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:59 AM PST

Hello Gents,

I've been finding recent success with support necrophos in the guardian bracket and would like to hear your opinion on it. I'm supporting by purchasing wards throughout the game and zoning during the lane phase. I roam if i feel the carry can sustain alone, sometimes farm jungle to finish an item or push another lane. I feel like as the game progresses i make a good impact damage wise. My item build at the end of the game is usually similar to a core necro.

My dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/119204853

submitted by /u/brotherman223
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How to play Support Silencer

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:08 AM PST

First and foremost, I'm a pleb and mostly play pubs. I have some questions:

  • What's the typical role in lane as a support? What's the typical skill build as Glaives now feel like nothing but tickles early on?

  • What's the best talent build up?

  • What's the ideal item progression? I always went with Tranqs into Atos into Pike.

  • Is it viable to build him like a magic nuker?


submitted by /u/murrric
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How find dota toxic mmr?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:21 AM PST

before was the following way: Type 'Developer 1' in the console Type "dota_game_account_debug"

You should see somewhere on the list that pops up a piece of text called, "player_behavior_score_last_report"

The number followed by that text is your toxic mmr from 10,000 to 0.

Now in 7.09 I dont see the behavior score

submitted by /u/potkor
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TA alternative build

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:31 AM PST

Hi. What is ta other build? Apart from blink? I recall sanga yasha drums phase boots. But i dont really remember. Anyone knows?

submitted by /u/420gitgudorDIE
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Position 5 . Shadow Shaman

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:47 AM PST

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