Learn Dota 2 - Full meal before playing a game

Full meal before playing a game

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:10 AM PST

Hey guys, have you ever played a Dota 2 game after a full meal? For some reason I realized that I tend to play worse, my doctor told me that its something normal cause apparently the blood cells would be in my stomach digesting the fruit/food instead of the brain where its obviously more needed if you wanna play better, what does everyone think?

submitted by /u/lackoffibrein2k18
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The biggest misconceptions in dota part 1 - ''we'll lose lategame against X''

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:57 AM PST

Best heroes to learn offlane?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:51 AM PST

I made another thread about just coming back to the game after 4 years. I'm trying to learn at least 2 positions and I mostly used to play mid but I'm trying to learn offlane.

I used to play Weaver offlane but I'm having a tough time being efficient with him.

Since I'm sort of playing with a fresh start I wanted to learn some good solo offlanes heroes that can disrupt the carry and the creep equilibrium.

I wanted to get started with at least 2 heroes that I can practice with offlane but I'm not fully familiar with the meta yet.

submitted by /u/A_Mild_Abra
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I'm not sure how to win anymore(a returning player seeking advice)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:12 PM PST

Hi. As the title says, I'm a returning player (left after 6.84 and returned at 7.07)and I cannot win. So, here to seek your advise. I have never played ranked, however, back then, according to the teammates and opponents' mmr, it looks like I had around 2k mmr.

Back then I had 55% win rate for over 400 matches. I know it's not great but it's not too bad, I guess. Now I only have 50% win rate for only 60 matches. It seems that I am stuck, can't even figure out why I lost.

However, I believe that I mostly lose because I lose the lane phase for the most of the time. I have noticed that the game develops pretty fast compared to 2 years ago. Back then,even if we lose the lane phase, we still had a chance to come back later by creating space/farming up/split push etc. Now it feels like everything develops really fast and snowballs so hard. Every single mistake hits so hard.

So...what exactly do you do in the early game(~15mins)? I really want to take towers faster than the opponents but it's really difficult to get the tower 1 if you lost the lane phase. What heroes do you exactly recommend to pick? What solo player can do to change the game?

Another question is, it seems that matchmaking system is different from the one used to be. I often matches up with legend, archons which I really don't feel like I belong to. I still feel like I should be matched up with crusaders(2k mmr people). How to avoid this weird matchup like this?

Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/anotherLion0628
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Vengeful Spirit Guide/Build

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:26 PM PST

Hello, I'm a scrub that only recently got into playing ranked matches (despite the fact that I've been playing Dota for about a year or so. I mainly play VS, so I've been looking for a good guide/build to use.

Please tell me if you know any - any help would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/ariies-
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Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:29 AM PST

Just thought I'd shout out to Gosu.AI in case folks weren't aware of it. It offers a very neat analysis of your gameplay and recommendations. It's free too!

I am in no way affiliated with it, but just wanted to make people aware in case you want to try it. Here is a sample of what the analysis looks like.


submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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support early game rotations

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:47 AM PST

as a 2k scrub it is not unusal for me to be a bit lost, but when i play a position 4 or 5 i feel lost a lot sooner than usual. i understand it's hard to give a set order for what to be doing in the early game, but can someone give me a kind of simplified flowchart about when i should be stacking, when i should be zoning, and when i should just be completely elsewhere on the map? a lot of times i feel like i'm too focused on one of these 3 and have been having a hard time doing them all without falling very far behind.

submitted by /u/forgespirit
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Someone explain pulling creep aggro to me

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:08 AM PST

I've been trying to pay more attention to it lately, but in a game earlier I was standing in the middle of a creep wave as invoker and right clicking the enemy Shadow Fiend, but the creeps weren't aggroing onto me. What was I doing wrong?

submitted by /u/GlyphInBullet
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Finally reached 4k!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:36 AM PST

After 2300ish hours (and a shiton of rubick spams lol), I have finally reached 4k! Of course this is all thanks to the support I got from /r/learndota2. So thank you guys for helping me and without you guys, this would be impossible for me to reach :)

My next goal would be 5k, so wish me luck guys!

submitted by /u/alttec9
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Why did they remove the ability to see enemy cast range?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:59 PM PST

My friends and I used to use it all the time to see what people had in the early game + how to position yourself, but they got rid of it. I don't even think it was that broken. Any particular reason why it was removed?

submitted by /u/Liamrun
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Terrorblade, Maxing Conjure vs. Metamorphosis

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:35 AM PST

So I've been watching ESL and been keeping track of Terrorblade. So far I've seen Miracle go for Conjure, while Rtz and Ramzes max Metamorphosis. Can someone help me understand when to max either skill? I'm guessing Metamorphosis is for fighting and Conjure is for farming?

Also same question for Drums/Lance/Yasha. I saw Ramzes build Drums even though their Offlaner already built one as well. I vaguely remember someone posting here Lance is for fighting early, Drums are for pushing early, and Yasha is for farming the jungle. Do I have them right? Any insights please?

Thank You.

submitted by /u/chokee03
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When is it proper to get Echo Sabre?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:31 AM PST

I really like STR carries, and I really like echo sabre, but my friends seem to be against the item. And Idk when to go about getting it, can anyone explain the stregnths of echo sabre and when its proper to get it?

Like, most WK, CK, builds ect get Armlet, can I get both armlet and echo?

submitted by /u/itsMerikh
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Expanding Carry hero pool.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:04 PM PST

I've come to realize that I can only play a few carries to a decent-enough level, namely AM, Jugg, and Slark. Idk why, but I feel like I need to learn more carries if I want to progress in the role, as AM and Slark are mostly map-awarness oriented heroes that rely on their escapes.

What are some good carries to learn to expand my pool? I think I need more teamfight heroes like Luna and Gyro, not sure though.

Link to my Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/126850087

Thanks in advance!!

submitted by /u/Adradem
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Experiences Climbing with the Nature's Prophet?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:34 PM PST

average rubick item timings?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:04 PM PST

I ususally go arcanes > blink and so I want to know at what minute is the latest i can get these items? This is for pos 4/5 rubick by the way. Thx

submitted by /u/alttec9
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What could I have done to prevent the loss with high gold/exp advantage (Pos 1 Spectre)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:05 AM PST

I'm 1.4k solo due to calibrating early and I'd like to know how to improve my game sense in this regard. I was playing spec safelane.

Despite having a large gold and exp advantage over the enemy team, my team ended up losing. What are any things I could have done to prevent the loss in the late game. Any different items or even other strategies?

Link to dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3750144186

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Madmarty
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Position 1 carry guide

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:22 PM PST

Position 1 carry :

  1. Generally carries have less mana pool, so ferry out a clarity and use your mana only for offense or defense, don't spend it for farming or clearing out the lanes.
  2. While farming the neutrals get 1 clarity and salve so that you won't be running with low hp and mana when there is a gank on the map.
  3. Farm pattern for carry is to push the towers, if that's not possible just push the lane and even if that's not possible you can go jungle. That's your priority.
  4. Take fights or ganks in a lane or jungle where you can take objectives. Because if you just win a team fight but your waves aren't pushed out then you lose the advantage of killing the enemy.
  5. If you have a hero in your team that is good at team fights you can early tp into his lane and try to force that tower. Just tell me if this is alright or do I need to know more?.
submitted by /u/aaaazxnkis
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