Minecraft - I never thought It would be possible to have too much food until I built this...

I never thought It would be possible to have too much food until I built this...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:21 PM PST

Row of houses.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:14 PM PST

Prismarine Spawns Underwater Like An Ore.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:27 PM PST

A room in my base.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:47 AM PST

We are now building a massive transport hub at the Center of the city

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:36 AM PST

The Power of Underwater Slabs and Stairs

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:57 PM PST

Got some progress done on this area. I’m struggling a bit on what to put on the empty sides of this pic and it’s slowly torturing me haha. Anyway, hope you guys like it. I also forgot to add the heads to those organics, they’ll probably just be derps lol

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:21 PM PST

Gdansk Poland

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:43 AM PST

Nice island survival seed: supersecretseed, version MCPE 1.2.10

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:01 AM PST

A little base i build in survival, planing to make the middle column intro spiral stairs to the basement

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:16 PM PST

Just finished my new Nether Hub! [Vanilla Survival]

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:06 AM PST

Savannas really are on of the most beautiful biomes

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:33 PM PST

Phantoms: cool mob, bad implementation

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:22 PM PST

Before typing this out, I want to make it clear that I might disagree with you. That's fine, don't get mad about it, people have different opinions.

The new 1.13 phantom mob is pretty cool. It flies above you, occasionally swooping down to attack. If you strike the phantom while it dives, it flies back up harmlessly, but if you miss your attack it will take a sizable chunk of your health before repeating the cycle.

This is all well and good. It's an interesting attack pattern that's fun to deal with. At least, fun to deal with if you're experienced in the game's combat and/or have decent gear to fight with. The problem with the phantom lies in where and when it is fought: every night, unavoidably next to you, if you haven't slept recently. It's a punishment for not sleeping, again something that is conceptually good, but the punishment would be excessive even if beds were something everyone had. This is clearly not the case, however. For a long time now, beds have been inconsistently obtained. You either spawn near sheep or you don't, and if you don't then you need to kill ~10-15 spiders for your resting place.

Think of a new player. They might not even know that beds are a mechanic in this game, and even if they do they are at the mercy of the random number generator. If they spawn near sheep, that's great, they get a bed. If not, they have to venture out at night and kill far too many spiders to expect from someone who doesn't know their way around a sword. If they do neither of these, then they are powerless to stop almost certain death every night. The problem is compounded by the fact that phantoms and spiders must be found together, so if you need spiders for a bed, you can't even just wait out the phantoms indoors and then venture out to get a sleeping accomodation.

Again, I think that the actual fight against this monster is very interesting and unique. The other place phantoms are found in, The End, is a perfect place for them. There, you meet large numbers of dangerous endermen, as well as shulkers that are comparable to phantoms in the intricacies of their attacks. However, using phantoms to punish players for staying awake comes with fundemental flaws if beds stay so inconsistently easy or difficult to obtain. This is all to say nothing of multiplayer, which introduces all sorts of problems with requiring all players to sleep simultaneously.

TL;DR: Phantoms as an end mob are cool, but using them to penalize sleepless nights is unfair to new players and makes no sense if beds stay hard to obtain under normal circumstances.

submitted by /u/uncommonmoose
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the black spot on the resistance icon looks a bit like a pegasus

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:33 PM PST

Crait ski speeder prototype

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:08 PM PST

The Great Ziggurat - Hourly Timelapse

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:12 PM PST

Medieval Survival World Update: added a sawmill, with a custom stream to power it!

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:08 PM PST

Built a new house (Plan on rebuilding In Survival)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:23 AM PST

An idea I had for a new ocean floor block - Coarse Sand.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:54 AM PST

Gravel was something generally disliked as an ocean sea floor; it looked ugly and / or dull and many people felt sand fit better. In recent snapshots, a compromise has been made; lukewarm and warm oceans now generate with sandy floors. However, that still leaves frozen, cold, and normal oceans with gravel, not to mention ocean floors being made of pure sand is... imaginative.

Of course, Minecraft isn't mean to be super realistic, but I think it could be even better, so I've actually come up with a block dedicated for the ocean floors: Coarse Sand.


Like Coarse Dirt, it would have a rougher, slightly darker texture, but because it was meant to only generate in the ocean, it would actually have visible patterns that indicate water movement. Something like this. Chunks of gravel would also be visible.

In my first post on r/minecraftsuggestions I made a rushed concept, but here I fixed it up a bit and put a little bit more to it. Here is the NEW Mock Up It would definitely not be a block affected by random rotation. Mojang could probably make a lot better texture, but hopefully you get what I'm going for. Here's the old one just in case you were curious.


I would imagine that this generates as the basic/main block on most ocean floors. My idea was that it could generate in cold, normal, and lukewarm oceans along with a few small scattered patches of gravel. In warm oceans it would still generate as such, but instead of clusters of gravel it'd be clusters of regular sand. Finally, Frozen oceans could retain the gravel generation since I think it fits the cold, dark atmosphere.

The block itself would also be affected by gravity, just like regular sand.

Edit: Perhaps it could instead generate in only normal, lukewarm, while both frozen and cold retain gravel. This way the two temperatures can be differentiated.


You would also be able to craft Coarse Sand similarly to how you craft Coarse Dirt; two blocks of gravel and two blocks of sand gets you four blocks of Coarse Sand.

Edit, Smelting/Decrafting:

In the previous thread, a few mentioned the subject of concrete; the gravel oceans were a reliable source to create this material. So perhaps you could smelt Coarse Sand into a gravel block so this feature remains. This would apply to Coarse Dirt as well for consistency.

Chucking it into the Crafting Table could get you the sand part of it too.

TL;DR: New gravel-y/wavy sand block specifically to be the main block for the floors of all ocean types except Frozen. Can be crafted with sand and gravel like Coarse Dirt.

And that's pretty much it. As I said, I'm sure Mojang/Jappa would be able to come up with much better textures for it, but I think it would be a perfect vanilla-friendly addition for Update Aquatic.

submitted by /u/DanglingChandeliers
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Fish dance on lilypads..

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:13 PM PST

I killed all the squid with a repeating command block.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:56 PM PST

My finished natural looking chest room.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 05:17 PM PST

A design i made

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 05:50 AM PST

Considering how a colored version of the Phantom's art was at the ready at Minecon, Mojang should shows us colored versions of A, C, and D just for fun.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:36 PM PST

Right when Mob B, now called the "Phantom," won the poll they had a colored version of its artwork seemingly at the ready to announce the winner. Logically, this would mean versions of this image exist for the other mobs as well.

So what I'm getting at here is that Mojang should release these images, just for fun. It would be cool to see the intended colors they had in mind, just for some interesting trivia (and maybe good for modders too, wink wink).

Prrrrroooobably should crop out the "WINNER" part though, that might confuse people. Or just the whole background in general.

submitted by /u/DanglingChandeliers
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