Test Server Update: Color Tests, Solo Win Rewards, and more! Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:43 PM PST Win a Solo match on Test and earn a Silver Zodiac Crate! Over the next three days, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (2/21 – 2/23) we'll be rewarding players who get first place wins from Solo matches on the Test Server. The reward won't be automatically granted upon the completion of the match but will be granted to your Live account within a week. We're looking for data to help us tune the new scoring system so please play how you would normally play on the Live Servers. Make sure you tune in for the Royalty Showdown[www.h1z1.com] for more information on scoring changes coming in the next season. Color and Visibility Tests. Over the next three days, we'll also be trying out different times of day for color and visibility tweaks. We'll be adjusting saturation and vibrancy levels on our end so when reviewing the differences between the days, remove any digital vibrancy you've additionally added via NVIDIA tools and turn shadows back on if you have them disabled. Please take some time to jump in-game, play a match and then provide your feedback via the in-game survey. We're ultimately looking at improving player visibility to enhance the current gameplay. - Wednesday: In-game time set to 10am
- Thursday: In-game time set to 2pm
- Friday: In-game time set to 4pm
General Updates - Added a 10 second spawn selection lockout before the match begins.
- Removed Magnum as a starting weapon in Combat Zone.
- Added a new item called Super Serum that will heal players to full health instantly (after the cast). This is only available in the Combat Zone.
- Added animation to exiting the ATV at moderate to high speed.
Bug Fixes - Fixed another issue that could cause framerate stutters. We will continue to investigate and implement improvements in this area.
- Falling off objects now behaves the same with Reduce Input Lag enabled or disabled.
- Players once again parachute from the intended altitude.
- Players should no longer appear partially below the ground in Fort Destiny.
- Cleaned up the first person vehicle exit roll animation.
- Fixed player animation when sitting in the back of a pickup truck.
- Players no longer incorrectly walk when standing from prone after aiming down sights with a throwable.
- Fixed backpacks appearing distorted or folded when equipped by a player.
- Play Again and Next buttons should no longer occasionally be missing after dying in Solos.
- Top 10 Matches screen no longer appears distorted when clicking "More Info" or "Back."
- Removed spinning image over the H1Z1 logo in the main menu.
- Red dotted line to the safe zone now appears underneath the player icon in the mini-map.
- "Stay in Group" UI elements no longer clip over other HUD elements.
- Fixed a few crashes that were occurring on the previous Test build.
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