Destiny - Destiny 2 Development Roadmap - February 21 2018

Destiny 2 Development Roadmap - February 21 2018

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:13 PM PST


Game Director Christopher Barrett:A few weeks ago, we shared a Destiny 2 Development Roadmap to preview some changes we're working on for Destiny 2. As we've mentioned before, the roadmap is our current best estimate, and we'll do our best to update you as our plans unfold.

Image Link

With today's update we've moved a few items out to later releases – this is because we are trying to ensure each feature we add hits a sufficiently high quality bar. So while we really wanted to get Nightfall Strike Unique Weapons into your hands next week to coincide with Nightfall Scoring, it's more important that each of those rewards live up to the difficulty it will take to earn them. They have to be super cool, so we're giving the artists extra time to make sure they are... super cool. Mod System Improvements are also still planned, but will not be available when 1.2.0 is released. We'll give more details on when to expect these changes at a future date. We also have a big addition we're eager share – Rumblewill be joining 6v6 Iron Banner and Mayhem in our new rotating weekly Crucible playlist in 1.1.4. We want to make sure players have a more diverse set of game modes available in both Crucible and Private Matches. Doublesis also planned to return, but we do not have an exact release date just yet. Keep an eye out for next week's TWAB where we'll go into more depth with our future Crucible plans.

There's lots more we're eager to talk about in the coming weeks. We promise to be as transparent as possible and keep you updated as we go. We hope you're along for the ride.

<3 Chris

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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I'll probably still be made fun of, but this is the first time I've ever been proud of myself in Crucible.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:13 AM PST

Edit: Wow. Thank you all so, so much for the positivity. I figured this would get swept under the rug. I made sure to give every person in the thread an upvote. And thank you to the kind guardian who gifted me gold! My first time! Also, to those bothered by the weapons I'm using: I'm simply using what I've become most comfortable with, just like you.

submitted by /u/LilTrailMix
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Bungie, you either have to bring back Random Rolls... or go the path of Monster Hunter/The Division/Destiny with Weapons and Armor. A Looter doesn't work without a lot of choices for loot and a good grind.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:11 AM PST

The way I see it, Bungie really has three paths they have to take the game to make it a proper looter shooter.

These paths involve making the game more like their competitors or making it like the previous game.

The two big competitors I want to use for this example are:

Monster Hunter World


The Division

As well as for comparison


Let's start with Monster Hunter World.

Monster Hunter World: Forging and Skill Tree

In Monster Hunter all of the loot is static, must be forged/bought to obtain, and is customizable through Forging, Upgrading Equipment, and Skill Trees.

Monster Hunter World Weapon Skill Tree

As you can see in the example above, you get many paths to take a piece of gear through the forging system, giving your weapons elements and boosts depending on which path you take.

Destiny 2 can take this path with loot and allow forging to be one of the main ways to get better loot.

  • Loot is already Static (for the most part) so making loot that follows that system isn't out of the question.

  • Allowing resources to drop from bosses/crucible to make loot that can branch off and become better over time can be good investments for those who grind the game.

  • Exotic Loot and Rarity can still work the same way, except now Exotics will be the highest tier of loot through forging, not RNG drops.

  • And Loot can be given interesting perks and looks depending on the path you take, making gear more personalized and meaningful to the player.

Now let's take a look at The Division.

The Division: RNG, Forging, and Reforging

In The Division the loot is a balance of RNG drops from High-Level Enemies and Activities, Forging of Loot through Blueprints, and Reforging of loot in the Recalibration Station.

The Division Recalibration Station

As you can see in the example above, loot in The Division has many options for reforging and overall loot in general that makes the gameplay complex and good for those who want to min-max gear.

Destiny 2 can take this path with loot and allow forging and reforging to be one of the main ways to get better loot and create a good grind.

  • Loot in Destiny was RNG so making loot that follows that system isn't out of the question.

  • Allowing resources to drop from bosses/crucible to make specialized loot can make a meaningful grind for those who like to play the game a lot.

  • Exotic Loot and Rarity can still work the same way, except now Exotics will be the highest tier of loot through forging and RNG drops from High-Level/End-game Activities.

  • And Loot can be given interesting perks and looks making gear more personalized and meaningful to the player.

  • Mods and how they work in The Division can be transferred to the mod system in Destiny 2 fairly well.

The final game we will compare to is Destiny.

Destiny: RNG Loot and Quests

In Destiny loot is obtained through RNG throughout the whole game. The rarity of loot is what makes items better and more unique and usually, the best loot is obtained from High-Level, End-Game Activities.

Destiny 1 Strike-Specific Loot Sources Sheet

As you can see in the example above, loot in Destiny was kept refreshing by having specialized places where loot dropped and having all loot be randomized rolls to create a chase for players.

Destiny 2 can take this path with loot and allow random rolls and specialized loot to make the game replayability and chase go up.

  • Loot in Destiny was RNG so making loot that follows that system isn't out of the question, again.

  • Allowing bosses/crucible to drop specialized loot can make a meaningful grind for those who like to play the game a lot.

  • Exotic Loot and Rarity can still work the same way, with RNG drops from High-Level/End-game Activities have the most customizable loot with the most choices.

  • And Loot can be given interesting perks and looks making gear more personalized and meaningful to the player.

  • Mods and how they work in Destiny 2 can be improved to work better with systems that are like Destiny 1.

Let's round these all up.

In general, Destiny 2 fails in many aspects when compared to competitors on the market and the previous game in the series.

However, the game can definitely be improved and is in no way unsalvagable. Destiny 1 was the same way where it had to improve over time so it can be done again.

Bungie can help improve the game by making changes that:

  • Create meaningful grinds

  • Allows for customization

  • Create many options for loot

  • Create unique loot

And it seems that Bungie is trying to do that with their development plans for the future of Destiny 2.

Hopefully, they take what the past and present to mind when working on Destiny 2.

But what do you Guardians think? How would you improve Destiny 2 and what path would you take to make it better?

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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Ishtar Commander is out now for PC in the Windows 10 Store

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:14 AM PST

For those that don't know Bungie open up the API their official app uses to 3rd parties so we can build betterer apps. Ishtar Commander has let people on Android and iOS manage all their gear in an app that lovingly recreates the in-game Destiny UI.

Back in October I did release a Windows version but you could only get it as an unsigned EXE file which in the land of Windows results in various scary security dialogs being shown. Thus no one was interested in trying it. I have now jumped through all the hoops to get fully Microsoft certified and the app can now be downloaded from the trusted official Windows 10 store here.

It is totally free and doesn't even show adverts.

It has all the exact same features as the mobile version and will stay equal going forward. You can now drag and drop items to move them. Long press items to inspect them. Also don't forget this is a desktop app so the window can be expanded and the content will take advantage of the extra space.

There is still lots to do and the ability to find duplicates, search and loadouts is coming. I hope now the app can be more easily found and updated people will now use it and motivate me to get those added. Being an app though you get a serious speed boost and you should find the app opens blindingly fast and is as smooth as a babies bottom.

Let us know what you think.

A signed Mac OS version can be found here.

submitted by /u/TheRealDesignker
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Bungie please explain why you decided to nerf grenade and melee cooldown times from D1 if you just made grenades and melee's weaker across the board?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:45 AM PST

It just doesn't make sense. We should have our grenades and melee's atleast every 25 seconds since they are weaker across the board. I mean I could see them being at the cooldown they are now if grenades were 1 shot kills but they are not and since grenades and melee's are so weak it makes the mods for them redundant. Why should I have to waste 3 armor slots on one type of mod to see any kind of change for something that just tickles? If this current iteration of the crucible is the route we are going its best to make cooldown mods one armor slot that lowers the cooldown without having to stack them.

submitted by /u/Iron-Wu
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Leviathan cheese was fixed, but the fun-killing spawn bug is still ruining raids 168 days after launch. There are myths on how to avoid this. Bungie response appreciated.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:19 AM PST

This happens so often my clan has a name for it, "Hard Wipe."

Of course I'm talking about when players respawn dead after a wipe. This seems to be indicated by players appearing as partially loaded ghosts, or noticing your own gear is not visually changing after swapping pieces.

I've heard that you mustn't be too far away when changing gear, and if you get the ghosting visual then you should just swap pieces until it no longer appears.

I raid a lot, and can say definitively that this doesn't work 100%. Beyond that, I think it's ludicrous that we're relying on myths and rumor from each other.

Not sure if Bungie has made a statement about it, but something along the lines of, "We can/can't reasonably fix this, here's a decent workaround" would be really helpful.

Edit clarification: Bug - team all dies. Everyone sees loading names & kills list. However not everyone spawns in, one or more players remain "dead". Only guaranteed solution is orbit, and time wasted in the wonderbelly or Castellum.

submitted by /u/Devoidus
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Gauntlet challenge reminder: if all 6 players stand on a plate for a few seconds before the first runners pick up their orbs, challenge is automatically completed.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:37 PM PST

Since it's that time again, a friendly reminder that if all 6 players stand on any plate for a few seconds before the first runners grab the orb, you will automatically fulfill challenge and then can complete the rest of the encounter however you want.

This is by far the easiest challenge to complete, so spread that LFG word. Don't let a team "give up on a challenge." Just tell them all to stand on a plate before the first run and enjoy your challenge loots.

submitted by /u/LucentBeam8MP
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Bungie, while you're working on that sandbox update, don't forget about the radar.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 01:14 AM PST

Allegedly, you want your game to be more fast paced. You apparently feel so strongly about this that you named this upcoming update the "Go Fast" update. You want people to play more fast-paced and aggressive? Let them retain some semblance of situational awareness while they're fighting. The radar re-up time after aiming down your sights needs to be brought right back to D1 levels. It would be a great way to achieve your goal of speeding things up and it would be super easy.

Edit: Many people have brought up the fact that the radar currently has too much range as well. Personally, I agree. I don't think it needs to be halved like some are suggesting, but I do believe it needs to be reduced significantly.

Edit edit: Changed "sites" to "sights". Thanks, u/Dundre.

Edit edit edit: Since this is gaining some traction, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that it would probably be best if Bungie simply kept the radar and all the different aspects of it in mind during testing. While I would still prefer the radar work as it did in D1, I'm only one person, and a biased one at that. In reality, multiple potential solutions should be tested and decided on from there.

submitted by /u/ArnoldSwarzepussy
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PDX-45 Roll is great this week!!!

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:27 AM PST

Perfect balance, counterbalance, smallbore. If you've been holding on to a package for months make sure you log on to D1 and pick it up!

Edit: if you're on the fence about picking this up, Banshee is selling a PDX-45 package as well so you can pick this up and continue to wait for THE god roll

submitted by /u/kingbun
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Bungie: 2 of 3 Public Events on Titan are Fallen Walker. Can you swap one to be the Servitor event?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:30 AM PST

Bungie, just for variation for those of us who can't get enough of Titan public events.

Could you swap the Fallen Public even that happens on one of the two locations to be the Ether event instead? It would be great to just get a little more variation than to have either Fallen Walker 2x or the Witches ritual.

We know that the Hive ritual is FUN! Thanks to all you Hunters with Orpheus Rig who make the floor turn into orbs for supers. It's my favorite event right now just because of those fast pace it is.

But on those Fallen events, it would be nice to not have to play the Walker event every time.

submitted by /u/Hollywood_Zro
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Devrim Kay currently giving out 330 Engrams on the EDZ for rank ups

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:41 AM PST

  • Only applies if you are currently 330 base (or 335 with mods)

  • The Faction Rally daily is on the EDZ so chance to get some tokens to turn in for 330s while you get it

Edit - Daily now changed to strikes

  • Scathelocke isn't half bad if you get a Masterworks and he also gives out Masterwork Uriels Gift chances

  • He likes Tea

submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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Startled kinderguardian......exit stage right......

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:31 AM PST

I celebrated finally obtaining the howl emote in D1 by using it on low ranked guardians as they arrived in the tower. This guardian's reaction reaction cracked me up. "What is that!?! Keep your distance......keep your distance......"

Edit: Gifv courtesy of Mblim771_Kyle:

submitted by /u/weezycombs
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Lost Sectors For Every Planet Speedrun - Farm With Friends or Spice It Up (Under A Minute)

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:07 AM PST

Don't Waste Your Time On The Same Planet:
EDZ Trostland -
Titan The Rig -
Nessus Glade of Echoes -
IO Lost Oasis -
Mercury The Lighthouse - (2 Minutes Because Only 1 Choice)

Grind With Friends
Me and a Hunter On IO -

Some Tips:
Use Your Glimmer On Mods/Maps Before You Start
Clean Out as many slots as possible on your farming character
Equip Mida and use it while running
Equip a 160/150 speed sparrow with "Transmat Preloader" perk
Equip Exotic Boots that increase movement speed
Zenith of Your Kind shotgun gets 4 bullets, fires fast, reloads itself, and is full-auto.
Match the energy type of your guns with your ultra's shield.
Resilience will work best since you will do more running than fighting
Healing Rift, Marksman Dodge, and Rally Barricade should speed things up
Use your supers on a fresh run
Use your grenades as you get them
You can rally at a public event flag to start out with heavy ammo
Always pick up the heavy ammo that the ultra drops
Equip a ghost that has a "scanner" perk for the destination you are on for more "faction consumables" (Only applies to planetary tokens)
You can pop a fireteam medallion for extra XP
High Jump with High mobility and Stomp EE5 Can Help With Jumps for hunters

R.I.P. Weep Farm

submitted by /u/pastuleo23
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What do you call a cowardly Iron Lord?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:00 AM PST

A chicken Saladin. Sorry.

submitted by /u/OldJewNewAccount
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I miss the mystery of what the weekly reset was going to be each week.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:48 AM PST

During Rise of Iron, I would wake up every Tuesday and immediately check the weekly reset. Finding out which bounties were being sold and especially what the modifiers were for heroic strikes and the nightfall. I would watch Esoterickk's solo Nightfall runs because I though it was incredible how he was able to tune his load out specifically to that weeks modifiers. Eventually he upload other class's solo and occasionally a "no guns run" if the modifiers lines up.

I just feel that with this current strike and nightfall system, it is way too predictable and boring. Sadly, I've stopped watching those solo nightfall videos because if I wanted to see this weeks run, I could just go back and rewatch the video that was posted a few weeks ago. The modifiers were something my clan and I would talk about as play and discus what we should use that would be most efficient. Now it's, "What's the nightfall this week?" "It's the stupid Savathun one with the crappy modifiers. " "Yeah I'm not doing that one, no way."

submitted by /u/Chiggins108
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Eater of Worlds Speedrun World Record (17:54)

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:01 PM PST


Pretty much as the title says; our speedrun of the EoW raid lair completed in 17:54, making for the first sub-18 raid in Destiny 2 also!

Overall this was a pretty decent run but there's definitely room for improvement in most sections too. But our main goal was hitting a sub-18 and we managed to do so! The run involves using 6 Hunters due to how good they are on quickly killing Argos, and they seem to work pretty decently in other sections as well. The strategy for each section is as follows:

Escape the Reactor
The main thing about keeping this section fast is prejumping as soon as you hear the noise signaling a new plate spawned. There's a fine balance you need to take though, because if you jump too early then you'll obviously die (and the timing can be a little tricky for some), but too slow and you lose a massive amount of time. The entire team needs be jumping at essentially the same time as the first person, and all moving as a group. Nothing really crazy or special is done for this, just finding the right balance between everyone going fast and at the same time, and not hitting them too early.

Defeat the Loyalists
The main thing about this is just spawn trapping the enemies and killing them all ASAP. We'd have 3 people on each side spread out somewhat evenly. One person more towards the middle, and the other 2 down with the drop ships / trapping the doors. Every drop ship that came down you'd have a Hunter Tethering with Orpheus Rigs and instantly killing the enemies. Soon as the final Colossus are coming in you want to be somewhat ready to move out and run.

Break the Barrier (Argos Phase 1)
For this there's nothing really special about the fight, you can't really do anything to significantly speed up most of the fight and the time save comes down to the last 2 rounds. As a general goal you just want everyone split into 3 teams of 2, and on each side you pretty much always want to have 2 Craniums ready or planted. The time save here comes from the final 2 rounds and having people waiting at the sides ready to kill any Mines that come on spawn. This removes having to move around the map and saves a little time.

Argos, Planetary Core
This fight is where most of the timesave will come from. You can kill Argos in a single shield break with the right setups and gear. What you want to have is 3 Hunters running Tether + Orpheus Rigs on the side that you're going to be breaking his shield and doing DPS from. There's certain spots you can hit that will allow you to constantly chain tethers and generate orbs. The other 3 people will be charging the Craniums and bringing them over while those 3 generate orbs.

Once the last Cranium is coming over, everyone will swap to Golden Gun with Nighthawk and get ready for the DPS phase. Basically it just involves everyone constantly chaining the Nighthawk shots with all the orbs the Nightstalkers generated earlier, and firing Rockets in between. Everyone does this enough and you kill Argos in the one shield break! Void + Solar side are significantly better for this, Arc side can be a bit of a pain due to the ground there but it's still doable too.

Other than that it's just the two running sections at the start / after the Loyalists. Nothing too special about that other than going as fast as possible. The running section after the Loyalists and the cannon that launches you out needs the entire fireteam sitting there, so if somebody falls behind it's better to have them leave and rejoin after. That's what happened in this run and you see me needing to leave due to getting just barely clipped and kill, and if there's any doubt here's another POV showing it's a legit run:

The first running section was pretty good, however the plates were a little slow on this run. I normally don't lead the start so we had to adjust here and that could've been a bit quicker. The other plates (third set mainly) could've been a bit faster too. Loyalists were fairly clean, the run to Argos could've been slightly faster with more run speed perks but only a few seconds there. Argos Phase 1 wasn't bad at all, but Argos himself could've definitely been quicker. Didn't have the best Cranium spawns so lost a bit of time having to run to Arc and back, and then we were a little slow to break the shield. Couple of us missed the first Nighthawk (oops), but otherwise the rest was smooth.

With a cleaner run I feel like this could be somewhere sub 17:30-17:40 using these strats alone!

This run was also accepted on the creations page for MOTW voting, so if you'd like to vote the link can be found here:

Hopefully that covers everything! If there's any other questions feel free to ask, our full fireteam and names are all listed in the description of the video too. :)

submitted by /u/esoterickk
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More players will never attempt trials until the loot is worthwhile.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:23 AM PST

Part of the reason D1 trials was so popular was because the loot was 1. Freaking cool to look at 2. Had incredible perks and stats. This isn't the only reason people played by any means. It was way more fun as 3v3, you could run solo or with your team and still kick butt, the maps were more trials friendly, and just overall the PVP experience was better. But what I want to point out is that the loot, as it stands, is bland and not superior to loot I can get from doing strikes or crucible, or the raid, or even public events for crying out loud. So why in the world would I spend hours trying to beat these insane teams on trials that just stomp me for loot that isn't even worth having. The tough teams will never go away. Trials was never meant to be easy. It was however supposed to be worth the challenge... while this is only a portion of the problem it is a big problem. More people would give Trials a chance if there was a specific weapon or armor piece that was just beast in stats and made them look dope as hell. Even if your not a 2.5 kd sweaty you will go for that loot. I did all the time in D1 and I'm sub par in the crucible but I wanted the loot so effing bad. I know there is so much more to fix but this would be a great start. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks guardians.

submitted by /u/LoganReynolds
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[TowerThought] How come Sagira has a name but our ghost doesn't?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:40 AM PST

Aren't we supposed to be the most heroic Guardian of this age? I think our ghost deserves a name.

submitted by /u/Captain_Crouton_X1
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Gameplay content for the Faction Rally event is repetitive and boring. Make the rally a true competition between the factions with a PvP mode and something more for PvE.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:33 PM PST

Standing in a circle for what seems like forever is putting me to sleep. Running lost sectors is so unchallenging and uneventful. Run through, shoot some adds, skip some, throw 1 grenade...maybe 2. Shoot some boxes. Use a super on a boss. Loot chest. Fast travel to next spot. Rinse repeat.

Come on Bungie! Let's bring this game and this event to life!

Add a PvP mode that is unique.

Obviously 4v4v4 would be a fun thing to try. But if that is out of the realm of possibilities, at least consider some 4v4 salvage type game mode. I mean...salvage makes sense in terms of the objective for the faction rally. Compete against another team for supplies/salvage.

Maybe try something new for Destiny. A crazy objective based game mode. Capture the flag (rift) meets supremecy (kills get you a point plus enemies drop a faction token) and occasionally something spawns in the middle that your team has to capture (salvage).

Game starts and each team has a rift in their spawn. We need to go capture the rift of the enemy team and bring it back to our spawn before the enemy team does the same. Once that happens, a capture circle (like overtime flag) spawns in the middle of the map. The team that dunked their opponents rift can now go capture the supplies. The other team can try to deny them the supplies by capturing it before them. All the while, everyone someone dies, they drop a faction token or a "supply" for your team to pick up. Add the supplies/salvage captured as a big ol stack that counts for the faction rally overall count and each little token count as 1. Would be cool to also give the winning team some sort of a fraction of supplies captured as post game reward tokens.

Make 2 separate lobbies. A lobby where you get matched up with other players who are pledged to your same faction and 4 players who are part of another faction. And a 2nd mode where if you are in a fireteam and you are all pledged to a different faction, you just get put into a "consensus" lobby where the teams are just mixed.

For PvE, I really don't know. There's got to be something more interesting than this. Maybe juice up the special FR public event with faster timers, but a much more interesting boss. If dead orbit members contributed more to capturing those supplies and taking down the boss, give the players involved in that event and pledged to Dead Orbit a bonus drop of 5 tokens and maybe a random faction loot drop.

Add in a timed event that spawns in an area on the map and players race there to capture the supplies AGAINST each other. I get that players can fast travel, but maybe allow players to "accept the challenge", which disables fast travel for the period of the event and we can jump on our sparrows and try to control it for longer or capture it faster. Treat it like the other supply public event, but give each faction their own "capture timer" and the more FWC members in the circle the faster it goes for them.

Something more than this. I don't believe this faction rally is the best you can do.

Edit: Whoa this really took off. My inbox though...

I kind of have a few general replies to some comments I have seen.

  • The game doesn't need another PvP event.

I don't think any event, whether it's a special holiday event or on the monthly rotation, should be exclusively PvE or PvP. For a game that is struggling to keep up the numbers, having events that are exclusive to the PvP crowd or exclusive to the PvE crowd just doesn't help this game reach its peak. I think every event should have multiple activities to satisfy all the players. Even Iron Banner. RoI established the Iron Lords/Iron Wolves as being alive and well. Give PvE players Fallen assassination missions for the week of RoI. Treat them like "Wolves are Prowling" event from house of wolves. Have an armor set for that side of the game. Have a few special assassination patrol missions. Have Efrideet show up as the 2nd vendor for the event and have her carry some bounties. Maybe have Petra show up and do it.

  • The matchmaking though.

Yea, I thought about this myself. That is why I suggested 2 lobbies. One mixed and matched. They can always set some sort of timer and if a lobby to fill up after a couple minutes, they could just fill it up and move on and not worry about perfect matchmaking. It wouldn't ruin the experience for me if it was a New Monarchy vs FWC and there was one random Dead Orbit guy in the game.

  • Improvements are coming.

I guess I overlooked that on the roadmap. They haven't really talked about it yet, right? I hope it is more than just economy changes and they add some actual gameplay improvements.

submitted by /u/Bartman1919
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Bungie, can you please bring back inferno playlists in the crucible just so that all the people who ask for no radar can see the corner campy, shotgun fest that ensues?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:21 AM PST

In all seriousness. It would be nice to have the option; that way people can have the choice to play either play style.

submitted by /u/G-star-84
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Make Factions available all the time

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:04 PM PST

The faction rally is fine, I enjoy having a reason to go through the lost sectors. But I miss the D1 days where we were rewarded for grinding by also gaining faction reputation. With the way that the token system works, I am not sure how Bungie would measure faction increases or when tokens would be given, but it would be great if this was another way to reward people for grinding.

It would be cool if factions were always available and there was a set loot pool, and then there would still be the faction rallies and there would be the reward weapon and the ornaments available during that week.

submitted by /u/siraread13
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Faction Rally Wallpapers [2560x1440]

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:47 AM PST

Worked these up last night. Hope you guys make some use of them.


submitted by /u/DrBumperHumper
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“Just saw a Sunshot kill explosion chain for a triple kill in exotic tuning pvp playtest.“

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:40 PM PST

Tweet from Jon W here

Sounds like some exotics are going to finally feel exotic.

submitted by /u/RouletteZoku
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An Interesting Article Regarding The Future Of Destiny’s Narrative By Paul Tassi

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:43 AM PST

Paul Tassi put out a pretty good article outlining the major faults with D2's narrative and what he would like to see for the future of the game's story. I think it's a really good read. He pretty much hits the nail right on the head. The major points are:

-Make our guardian speak, again

-Have NPC's fight alongside us just like they did in the Homecoming mission

-Give us a new enemy to face (Paul mentions rogue humans/awoken/exo, but I think a new alien race would really be appreciated as well

-Move the story forward or start unraveling some mysteries (He uses the Traveler still being a mystery as an example)

-More emphasis on Adventures

-And lastly, but in my opinion most importantly, tone down the humor. I would add to focus on a more adult audience, also.

I love this. Hopefully, Bungie reads this article and agrees with Paul.

submitted by /u/Coohippo
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Inside Every "Secret Room" in D1 PVP

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:55 AM PST

Hey guys.

So I've been dabbling with glitches in Destiny 1 recently and I made a little compilation of every "Secret Room" that you can get into in the PVP maps.

Now by "Secret Rooms", I mean rooms that everyone knows about but were once impossible to get inside of. Also all of these rooms are ones where people inside the map can still see you (but not kill you).

To do this, I used a Modified Emote Glitch

What you'll need:

  • Come At Me emote

How to do it:

  1. Crouch

  2. Emote

  3. Wait for your body to lean as far as possible.

  4. Click Sprint+Crouch

Using this method, you can get inside of most any wall in Destiny 1.

The following is a video showing 15 "Secret Rooms" in:

  • Asylum
  • Bannerfall
  • Cauldron
  • Dungeons
  • Last Exit
  • Rusted Lands
  • Skyline
  • Widow's Court

Happy exploring!

submitted by /u/JewBoy300
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The "Thing" about Hunters

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:37 AM PST

Obligatory "Hunter main since beta here", I think all of you Warlocks and Titans are sick of hearing your Hunter friends (or reading posts by Hunters here) complaining about the class. "Hunters are very strong!" you'll say, and, "Nightstalker is meta!". But it falls upon deaf ears. You see posts compaining about Hunters get upvotes as quickly as you try to downvote them. People complain about Golden Gun as it shoots you out of Stormtrace from accross the map or Nightstalker as it goes invisible and takes out your radar.

The issue isn't Hunter strength, though, it is Hunter identity. Stip everything else from Titan and Warlock and you are still left with the archetype they are clearly designed to represent. The Titan is the warrior, they smash, bash, and beat their foes to submission in very stylish heavy armor. They keep one of those little golf towels at their waist to wipe the sweat from their brow or the viscera from their gauntlets. The Warlock is the mage. They command the primal forces of the light itself, channelling it into pure destructive energy. They wear flowing robes and their connection to the light can bring them back from the brink of defeat.

This is where I encounter my personal problem with Hunter: they don't have a unified concept for the class.

Is the Hunter the rogue? The ranger?

You may say "the Hunter is sneaky and subtle", but only one subclass has stealth. You might say "the Hunter is a master of the knife", but you are clearly still playing D1. I don't really know who said "man, the Hunter should have a monk subclass", that person clearly just as confused as I am. You may have noticed I haven't said anything about Gunslinger, but honestly I am not even sure what I can say. Destiny is a shooter. Everyone has guns. Gunslingers very briefly have access to an OP gun that no one else can use. It is better than most guns, but also worse than some. Despite this, Gunslinger remains one of the more fleshed-out subclasses, but this, in my opinion, serves to make the chasm between the subclasses even deeper, as there are simply no connections between a Western-style gunslinger and a monk and a woodland trapper. The Hunters place simply appears to be "neat mobile classes here", and I think the class suffers for it.

I think a major issue encountered by having each subclass represent a fully unique playstyle, instead of emphasizing aspects of play, is that if someone chooses Hunter because they enjoy one of those playstyles, they are effectively shoehorned into a single subclass. Someone might choose Titan because they like Striker, but if Striker is in a bad place, both Defender and Sunbreaker share many thematic and playstyle similarities that make it, in my opinion, easier to switch. If you chose Hunter because you like Arcstrider (or Bladedancer), being forced to play Gunslinger or Nightstalker gives almost no common ground. This also changes how exotics are perceived, if Gunslinger gets a great new exotic, but Nightstalker gets nothing, that is far more impactful than if the same happened on Warlock or Titan subclasses.

submitted by /u/Khaanik
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