Guild Wars 2 - Guildmates made an awesome tribute to our Guild Leader who recently passed away. Some guild decorations are beautiful when placed together. This will honor his legacy dearly.

Guildmates made an awesome tribute to our Guild Leader who recently passed away. Some guild decorations are beautiful when placed together. This will honor his legacy dearly.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 01:13 PM PST

Commission of my Charr Mesmer! Turned out pretty good

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:06 AM PST

[dT] Discretize Relaunch | Fractal Meta Changes

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:18 AM PST

Hi everyone,

it's been a while since we posted something - we weren't sleeping in the meantime :)

We finally finished the conversion of our website to React, which results in a faster, better structured and most importantly a more accessible website! All our guide sources are now public and everyone can contribute, but more on that later.


What is new

We still have our three main sections: Mechanics, Builds (previously Classes) and Fractals. Those sections contain guides overviews, some special sections (benchmarks/records) and the actual guide.


The mechanics section didn't change that much, we updated everything for PoF (finally) and extended a few guides like Blast Stacking. This section will most likely grow in the future, with small guides on fractal rewards, farming and more!


Now the Fractal guides underwent a major update! The most prominent feature is probably the new images thanks to our member /u/Acopone. We also updated all guides for the current balance patch, reviewed mistlock instabilities, potion and sigil data and added multiple PoVs for the current record video.

Following the last Fractal patch we updated the Molten Boss Fractal and Captain Mai Trin Boss Fractal guides, thanks to /u/Amerika-jinn we also have a brand new guide for the Twilight Oasis Fractal!

You'll notice that the daily fractals are highlighted on the overview page, making it really easy to estimate the time needed for a full run.


We decided to categorize builds into Meta, Great and Good Builds. The meta tier is obviously the recommended choice for speed runs, providing the fastest clearing times overall. The remaining tiers contain other viable builds perfectly capable of clearing all content, just not as fast :)

Every build page contains a list of perks from that specific build, like key skills (e.g. Portal Entre), traits (Banners), boons, conditions and effects.

There is also the new Benchmarks page, though we don't do official "dT benchmarks" yet and rather rely on community videos (thanks to SC obviously).

Note that we want to offer a separate team compositions section in the future, with a tool similar to the WoW MMO-Champion RaidComp one. Which brings me to the next point..

Fractal Meta Changes

With the changes to Alacrity and Mesmer, the fastest team composition for most of the fractals is now 1x Boon Chronomancer, 1x Hybrid Spellbreaker and 3x Arcane Power Weaver.

The Chrono is able to provide 10-12 boons permanently to the team, which has great synergy with the Spellbreaker's Empowered trait and the Weaver's Bountiful Power. 25x Might is covered by the Mesmer and 1-2 Arcane Weavers with Elemental Attunement, the only things you loose from a Druid is Glyph of Empowerement, Frost Spirit, Spotter (redundant for Weavers with Superior Elements), some CC and some Vulnerability.

In return you gain one more DPS which greatly speeds up long fights and doesn't suffer from unavailable breakbars (Artsariiv during marbles, Arkk..). There are still fights where CC is king (MAMA, Ensolyss), in those fights 1-2 Weavers can spec Air for a slight damage increase. You can replace one Weaver with a Power Druid for more CC and burst modifiers.

Please note that this setup is only recommended if you were previously playing without a Heal Druid already, as the comp is naturally more fragile and depends on a good chrono. Especially in condition-heavy environments (Volcanic endboss, Cliffside) a Druid still makes things easier if you're not 100% focused.

Edit: We're aware this might be hard to follow without videos, it's now our priority 1 to do some until next weekend - strongly recommend to try it out on your own though if you're confident enough to play without a healer!

Call to action - How to contribute

All our guide sources are now available in a public repository - everyone can contribute!

The actual guides are written in extended Markdown with custom components, making it easy for everyone to write something - even for people without a coding background. Take for example the raw Snowblind Fractal guide source, it should be really simple to understand.

We even went one step further and built a custom WYSIWYG markdown editor - just paste the snowblind source markdown there and see what happens.. awesome, right? :)

So if you find a mistake or want to create something new and helpful for the community, all you need is a GitHub account. Either create an issue describing the problem or create a pull request with your own solution.

Other notes

Apart from the things already online, we're working on a few other features and hope to publish them soon:

  • Team Composition tool (mentioned above)
  • Build Editor (~70% done)
  • GW2 Raidar data integration
  • Integration of GatsbyJS for static HTML pages and better searching

I want to thank everyone contributing to our community, especially /u/DxCx66 for helping me out with modern JS whenever needed. Hopefully we can unite the few GW2 theorycrafting people left even more in the future!

As always, our Discord server is usually the best place for immediate support, feel free to join our discussions. Our ingame guild is at about 100 members, consider joining us if you meet the requirements.

See you in daily fractals :)

submitted by /u/iamthemetagame
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GW2 Trading Post bot reverse engineered

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:20 PM PST

[Request] Back Slot display priority. People work hard for their back pieces and when you use a shield it defeats the entire purpose unless you are in combat.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:28 AM PST

PVE Legendary Armor still not fixed 8 months later

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:09 AM PST

A few months ago I posted this as well as my original post from 8 months ago. There's never been any developer comments beyond a screenshot from a streamer's twitch chat. Are the dye issues regarding color saturation and the glow aura still coming along at some point or has this been abandoned?

submitted by /u/endelon
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Tarot style drawing of my charr, Libra

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:39 AM PST

Best thing ever...tnx ANet <3

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:05 AM PST

Greetings ladies and gents

I just had my most jaw-dropping moment ever in GW2. I was in Silverwastes roaming around (in hopes of rare bosses spawning) and was anxiously waiting for my final exam results (hardest exam on my semester). Finally a massage came and...I PASSED!

I jumped off my chair, started shouting and bouncing. As we beat the Vinewrath I wrote in map chat something like "Passed final (and hardest) exam. 24 hours GW 2 marathon incoming!". As nice as the GW2 community is, everyone started to congratulate me. BUT, the following that happened was absolutely one of the best things ever.

I received a private massage from GW2 team and in the inventory a Black Lion Chest eyes swallowed with tears and I almost started crying...ANet is the best!

EDIT: Might have also been a regular player, but awesome nevertheless!

  • Kind regards
submitted by /u/Intreductor
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Rare footage of a Charr Daredevil in action

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:13 PM PST

Dagger Swallower Spec (My character is stuck like this)

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:40 PM PST

[Poll] Living World Season 1 - Do you want it back? How much? What format?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:20 AM PST

I would like to see some numbers regarding interest on a potential Living World Season 1 return, so here we go:

> > > Link to the poll here < < <

> > > Link to results so far here < < <

Poll options explained:

  • Complete return: Adapt LW1 into a full new season, respecting the original experience, including its gameplay. This means returns of Battle for Lion's Arch, Ancient Karka, Twisted Marionette, and more, all in their original forms, as much as it's possible.
  • Partial return: Adapt LW1 into something simpler, enough to get the job done. Fractals of the Mist, a shorter season covering the most important points, etc. In some cases, like the world bosses, the original groupal gameplay would be lost.
  • Something else: Instead of an adaptation, a different type of return, like a better recap video, a series of ingame flashbacks, an expanded written summary, etc.
  • No return: You don't want LW1 back in any way whatsoever.

Some data you might be interested in knowing:

Personally, I really want LW1 back, if that wasn't obvious. It had some pretty good content that would be very fun to replay, specially the stuff designed for large groups, and the hole in the story is really punishing for new players, affecting their motivation to play the game and their interest in the overall story and lore of the franchise.

The poll does not cover things like willingness to pay for it, or if the voters already played LW1 or not, so feel free to post about those in the comments. I could make a better poll using google forms, but then lot of people wouldn't vote out of laziness. If there's real interest on a better study, I'll go for it.

We can talk about how ArenaNet does or doesn't want to bring LW1 back, but the simplest fact is:

Money has the final decision.

If the community shows enough interest to make it worth the development effort, then it's going to happen. Unfortunately, we don't know how much interest we need to show, so we have to keep trying until there's enough of us, or until ArenaNet really confirms it's definitely never going to happen.

Remember that we needed months and months of insistence to get Super Adventure Box back, which was an engine mess due to the original version pretty much using hacks to work. But yet, after 3 years, it returned.

This poll is a good start, and the more people it votes, the better :D.

submitted by /u/Lon-ami
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[Idea] breakbar tutorial - an Idea of a way it could be implemented

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:23 AM PST

So as I was reading the post about the dodging tutorial in the silverwastes, I thought a bit about the breakbar tutorial (something requested for a long time), and how it could be done.

I remembered something : in Ember bay, near Osprey pillars, there are pearl ladden clams which can only be open by breaking their breakbar.

So my idea is :

  • Set a chest Somewhere easily accessible (for example in lion's arch)
  • The only way to open it is breaking its breakbar (same as the clams)
  • Make it openable daily. This way people can try different ways of opening, and the easy reward Can attract a lot of people (thus "training" them to the breakbar, or at least making them aware of the way it works)

What do you think about this ?

submitted by /u/cynferdd
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[Poll] Most Fun Class in Open World PVE

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:48 PM PST

Heya! to you, what is the most fun class in Open World PVE, leave your comment and if is possible say why your choice!

Vote Here:

submitted by /u/Fruitlegend
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Is there an actual reason Guild Halls don't use the WvW or PvP rulesets for skills/conditions etc.?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:00 AM PST

Guild halls and, by extension, their arenas use the PvE ruleset. This means minions can tank more, skills have different coefficents and conditions have their damage adjusted compared to the other PvP environments.

Is there actually any reason for this?

submitted by /u/Lootballs
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Should PvP Call of the Mist return?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 03:28 PM PST

I know some hated it but it's was cool for me during eSports tournaments but maybe Anet can implement it during monthly tournament finals

submitted by /u/HGLatinBoy
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Noone on Gandara can join EB since reset.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:49 AM PST

It is soon an hour and still not fixed. None of us can get in to Eternal Battleground, all whilst the other two servers have tons of people on eb.

Edit: Our queue popped now for all so it is working again. Thank you :)

submitted by /u/Lovaa
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Art - Owed this revenant sylvari for ages now

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:14 AM PST

PvP Guide by numbers. Encompasses all classes

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:40 AM PST

So a youtuber by the name 'Nightmare Court Pictures' posted this absolutely fantstic guide on one of Sindrener's videos about a week ago. I figured a lot of people could find it useful, so here it is:

There's the +1, the 0 and the -1.

 +1's are thieves, FA Ele's, Power Mesmers...roamers that do significant burst damage, are highly mobile and can change the tide of a fight at a moments notice. The 0. This is a 1v1er. or a 2v2er or teamfighter etc.... The purpose of a 0 is to make a fight even, in order to contest a node, or to hold their weight in a teamfight. This includes Necromancers, Firebrands, Holosmiths, mesmers, Dragonhunters...etc. Then you have the -1. This is the 1vXer...bunker, sustain type classes that want to find themselves in 1v2's, 2v3's etcc. Classes like spellbreakers, and bunker druids fall into this category. 

When you add the numbers together in fights, you can figure out whether it's advantageous to you or not. All the classes and builds in the game fall into AT LEAST one of the categories. Some builds can take on multiple categories and some classes are better in certain subaspects then others, for example, a firebrand is a 0...which is a teamfighter/support class, but in some situations can be a -1er and bunker down a point. Classes also have natural counters by other classes, which gives them either a better or worse chance in winning a certain encounter.

Math for -1's

If you are a -1(sustain), and you find yourself in a 2v1 with a +1 and a +1(= +1) it means it means your going to eventually die. If you are a -1(sustain), and you find yourself in a 2v1 with a 0 and a +1(= 0) it means you can probably survive. Maybe have to kite around a bit. If you are a -1(sustain) and you find yourself in a 2v1 with -1 and a +1 (= -1) it means you can probably survive. If you are a -1(sustain)and you find yourself in a 2v1 with 0 and a -1 (= -2) it means you can probably survive on the point. If your are a -1(sustain) and your find yourself in a 2v1 with a -1 and a -1(= -3) it means you can /dance on the node.

Math for 0's

If you are a 0 (1v1er), and you find yourself in a 2v1 with a +1 and a +1(= +2) it means your going to get nuked. If you are a 0 (1v1er) and you find yourself in a 2v1 with a 0 and a +1(= +1) it means your going to die soon. If you are a 0 (1v1er) and you find yourself in a 2v1 with -1 and a +1 (= 0) it means you can probably survive, but you might have to kite around, and leave the point in contest. If you are a 0 (1v1er)and you find yourself in a 2v1 with 0 and a -1 (= -1) it means you can probably survive on the point for a short period of time before having to kite... should be able to disengage with minimal effor if needed. If your are a 0 (1v1er) and your find yourself in a 2v1 with a -1 and a -1(= -2) it means you can probably survive on the point for a while.

Math for +1s

For the most part, a +1 can almost never survive in a 1v1, let alone a 2v1 for any extended periods of meaningful time. So instead, to determine the math we do basically what Sindrener and other thieves already do;

If you are a +1 and you go into a fight to make it a 2v1, if they are a -1, and your teammate is a -1,(= -1) then you will have a hard time trying to kill. If you are a +1 and you go into a fight to make it a 2v1, if they are a 0 and your teammate is a -1,(= 0) then you will spend an average amount of time trying to kill. .If you are a +1 and you go into a fight to make it a 2v1, if they are a +1 and your teammate is a -1,(= +1) then you will spend a short amount of time trying to kill.

Apply this logic for every configuration you could imagine, and then you can extrapolate the same mechanics for 2v2's, or 3v2's or 4v3's or 1v4's etc etc.

Now the fun part here is that once you get the concept of the -1, 0 and +1, then the game becomes a game counting cards.

a -1 who owns a point wants to be fighting other -1's and 0's on that point. and -1's do not want to engage other -1's and 0s if they do not own the node. Again another example, a -1 (like a bunker druid) that owns the point, wants to find themselves fighting firebrands(0), and other bunker druids(-1's) in 1v2's. But a -1 (bunker druid) that DOES NOT own the point should try to avoid getting into a fight with other 0's or -1's.

Again, The idea is like counting cards.

Lets say your team RED consists of; Thief (+1) Revenant (+1/0) Spellbreaker (0/-1) Necromancer (0) Firebrand (0/-1)

The opposing BLUE team has; 2 Spellbreakers (0/-1, 0/-1) Mesmer (0/+1) Holosmith (0/+1) Bunker druid (-1)

Based on the comps numbers, you can tell that the opposing Team blue has a very strong point holding composition. You can even do some quick math, to find that the maxmimum those numbers add up to for both teams is RED : 0 and BLUE : -1. Since the number is negative it means the team has stronger defense. Red seems to be a rather balanced team with no particular strengths in defense or offense.

Now, lets just say these two teams were to verse each other. another thing to understand here is the weaknesses and strengths of certain classes and builds and how that fits into the -1/0/+1 system. For example, A Necro(scourge in particular) naturally counters a warrior (corrupts, unblockables, conditions etc..) So in our hypothetical team composition mentioned above, the necro has a good chance to win the 1v1's against the spellbreakers. In addition, the holosmith isn't a very good +1 against a necro either. In combination with the firebrand, they create a strong 2v2 which means this team has a good composition for teamfights.

Judging again by this system, the RED team seems to theoretically benefit from playing a 2 point strategy, where the spellbreaker holds home getting +1'd by the revenent and thief, while the Firebrand and necromancer hold mid or far in the teamfight, while again being +1'd by the revenant or thief. The Revenant can easily transform roles from a +1 to a teamfighter when needed.

Also judging by this system, the BLUE team has good point holding capabilities, being able to split 3 nodes to keep contested, with the only real threat to their winning strategy is the necromancer. Avoiding teamfights would be their best strategy, and having their Engi and mesmer capable of 1v1ing or teamfighting on the fly when needed is a plus for them.

Rotation is the idea that you want to always be doing whatever role it is that your best suited for in the situation, and moving to where you are most likely going to succeed in achieving that role. If you are a +1, you best situations for you are +1ing against another 0 with a 0 as a teammate. The fight ends quickly without trouble, and you are on your way to the next fight. If you are a 0, you want to be in the 1v1 and winning your 1v1's, which means choosing 1v1's that you are most likely to win, finding your good matchups and rotating into those rather than into bad matchups. If you are a 0 and more of a teamfighter, you want to be in the teamfight, winning your teamfights. It's really that simple.

submitted by /u/ofcsu1
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Would anyone be interested in forming an organized NA Serpent's Ire weekend?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 12:36 PM PST

So, in the interest of finally completing the meta event, would anyone be interested in forming groups for Serpent's Ire throughout the weekend?

The ideal daily plan:

  1. Two commanders - Each commander runs two shifts per day (a single shift = the entire 1.5 hrs leading up to the event and the actual running of the event). While I normally don't run events like this, I could tag up for a trial run.
  2. Ten lieutenants - Each commander will pick five lieutenants. These players are responsible for leading a small subgroup to handle phase two (the split up and CC phase). This is much more open as any player can be assigned a lieutenant so long as they don't act like complete assholes and know where to go.
  3. People. This is one of those "no duh" points, but I rarely find enough people who are interested in completing the event. I estimate a minimum of 35 people divided into five groups of seven at the very least are needed each shift.

The idea is to run the event a total of four times a day for two days: Saturday and Sunday starting at 5:30 PM server time each day. Each commander runs the event twice and then hands the reins to the second commander.

Ideally, during the time leading up to the event, the commanders and lieutenants are explaining the event to the group and emphasizing the importance of crowd control skills.

If anyone is interested, please respond or PM me for more info.

submitted by /u/mollassesbadger
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Harvesting nodes reset times

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:55 PM PST

Most of harvesting nodes are reset at 8AM my time (I think 12AM server time) which includes chests (specially JP chests) rich nodes flax farms in HoT and etc.

However there are some nodes that does not follow this rule and reset 24 hours after harvested. This includes some farms such as Spinach farm in Gendarran, Artichoke farm Straits of Devastation, LS3 Special nodes such as Blood Ruby, Petrified Wood, Winterberry, Jade Shard, Fire Orchid Blossom, Orrian Pearl and unbound magic.

My playing time isn't at the same time of day everyday. Lets put it this way, one day I can play in afternoon and then the next day I can play in morning. So If I do dailies (magic gatherer for example) in afternoon, the next day when I'm playing in morning, nodes are not reset yet but dailies are and because I can't play in afernoon that day, next play time will be a day later meaning I only can do harvesting every 2 days.

If Anet, make all reset times consistent, I'll be able to do harvesting before server reset and then one more time after reset and it is still one harvest in a day.

Imagine how you would feel if you login to game to see the nodes are not there yet!

submitted by /u/BobMobTub
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Core Guardian 30.4k dps [Vod]

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:54 PM PST

Login server down?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 01:41 AM PST

Randomly crashed out of GW2 (nothing unusual) but now I cant log in at all. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Internet and everything else on my PC is working fine as far as I can tell.

EDIT: I should probably add that I'm playing from Australia on NA servers

EDIT2: From what I've seen in comments here and on the official forums it appears the servers themselves are fine it is just something funky is happening in-between. People have had success using a VPN in the US so try that if possible.

EDIT3: As suggested by u/RNstevus you can also try using an alternative method to connect to the internet (e.g. mobile hotspot).

(note these should both just be temporary solutions until the issue is fixed)

submitted by /u/Wyrdern
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