Diablo - This Weeks Challenge Rift is Wudijos The Thrill Conquest

This Weeks Challenge Rift is Wudijos The Thrill Conquest

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 02:40 PM PST

look at those pictures its the same transmog its a Gr45 without a set bonus. ^

p.s. its very aids to play ^


submitted by /u/Baskenater
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[EU] I don't get how to complete this week challenge rift (with the demon hunter). Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 02:25 PM PST

I played DH when it was the brainless turrets build, but I don't know this one and I don't understand how I'm supposed to deal dmg.
Any help would be welcomed

submitted by /u/Isiloki
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Chainer banned for botting.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 04:19 PM PST

FPS Drop Since Patch

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 09:00 AM PST

Anyone else notice a significant FPS drop since the patch they added right before season 13 started? I run my game in 4K so I understand the support is limited, but I didn't have FPS issues with seasons 11 or 12. I even upgraded my RAM and swapped to a solid state hard drive before season 13 started. For the curious I have an MSI NVIDIA GTX980ti 6GB gpu and 2x8GB Corsair vengeance pro 2400hz ddr3 ram sticks. The ssd is a Samsung 950evo.

Edit: I left a newly joined community and my game is smooth again minus normal server lag. Such a strange bug.

submitted by /u/Clews207
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Every time I join a group, no matter the difficulty or type, it's only me and 1 other person. I can't seem to get into a group of 3 or 4. Is this just me?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:08 PM PST

I've asked others about it and they've noticed the same thing. I love playing in groups so I can get more XP and chat with a few people over random dumb stuff. Now it's only me and one other person... every single time... I really feel like this isn't just me...

submitted by /u/47L45
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Speedlazy build gem setup for GR pushing (x/post from r/Diablo3Necromancers)

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 08:44 AM PST

original post

So, I'm new to necro, and so far the build I had most fun is the Speedlazy necro (https://www.diablofans.com/builds/96985-s12-speedylazy), but recently I'm questioning my choice of gems for GR pushing.

Currently I'm using PE+Toxin+Trapped, but GR bosses are now starting to get a bit more tough so my question would be: there is any other better choice of Gem to improve my performance? Would swapping Trapped for Mirinae or Stricken provide any benefit?

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/theblackbarth
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What's the most efficient way of farming Ancient Legendaries?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:14 AM PST

The season is settled, you've collected all of your build pieces and 3 major ways remain for you to push higher.

  • 1) Ancient Legendaries
  • 2) Boosting Gem Level even further
  • 3) Augumenting your gear

While 2) & 3) revolve around running GRifts, i'm not so sure about optimal way of farming Ancient items.

There's Reforge, Upgrade, Gambling & Dropping. Which of those do you find most effective?

Is the best method the same for all item slots (Weapon/Armor/Jewelery)?

Or maybe it's just best to forget focusing on Ancients and get them along augumenting & boosting your gem levels?

Share your thoughts!

submitted by /u/Tubelectric
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Best Hellfire I've ever gotten...

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 09:35 PM PST

...Before I logged off I said why not craft a few. This was my 3rd I crafted after farming 50 machines.


submitted by /u/Fistbeatz
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Blizzard is aware of Bugged S13 Conquests and looking into it

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 09:22 PM PST

Broken gem drops?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 09:06 PM PST

Seems like gem drops may not be working right.

No matter what torment level, it appears that nothing but marquise gems are dropping.

It feels like Imperial gems are just not on the table, or perhaps are greatly reduced to the point of them dropping less than unique items.

This is causing a huge bottleneck for augmenting ancients.

For what its worth, Im playing a us seasonal necro.

Im used to the gems being more or less trash and it being a slight inconvenience to cube up to flawless imperial, but this is a straight up roadblock.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

submitted by /u/Shenaniboozle
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What took Blizzard so long?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 08:59 PM PST

Logged in after some months and I remember Blizzard announcing a mode called "Challenge Rift" over half a year ago and I was acutally pretty excited about the annoucement, but forgot about that fast, but it looks like it made it into the game just yesterday?

submitted by /u/SeasonalWizardry
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Be careful joining Split Bounty Group with 3 people from the same clan!

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 10:10 PM PST

Today, I joined a group from split bounty community. I was suspicious when I see three people from the same clan. After I finished ACT 2 solo, I notice 2 of them were just idle or following others around. Then, they immediately kicked me without saying anything before turn-in's. When I whispered one of them, and he said they removed me to make room for their clanmate.
So, be careful joining people from the same clan, since they can kick you any time they want. One way to protect yourself is to turn in finished ACT asap so at least you get the bounty bag you worked on.

submitted by /u/Gukle
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[NA]DH Challenge Rift

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:46 PM PST

If you're having trouble with the challenge rift, try completely skipping the second floor other than grabbing the shield pylon

submitted by /u/mayhbe
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Is the bug that makes public matches have less than full amount of players fixed yet?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:42 PM PST

I read that people can't find games with 3 other people and seems like it happened to 100% of the players

submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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Wizard FB build help

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:08 AM PST

I've been looking around at people's builds on diabloprogress, and there seems to be this new variant of FB that I don't understand.


Only uses meteor shower and arcane torrent (flame ward). What is the third different fire skill that triggers the 4pc? Is it the familiar?

Edit: Instead of relying on Sparkflint for the third fire type, what about using the Conflagrate passive, and that leaves an open spot up for something like Bone Chill? Just an idea.

submitted by /u/nishay
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3 conquests journey bugged?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 11:52 AM PST

https://i.imgur.com/Pem8k44.png i have 3 conquests done but journey says i dont, anyone else?

submitted by /u/Bravehood
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Diablo Discord?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:02 AM PST

Just wondering if there's a D3 discord server for the public. Couldn't find any info in the sidebar.

submitted by /u/Placenta_Polenta
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Juicy drop

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 11:22 PM PST

I lvled a necro (even though I dont like to play nec) because my guild needed one. I rerolled tragouls corroded fang 3 times and this is the outcome:


Do I have to mention that the nec is my main now?

submitted by /u/Underfoe
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Posted: 26 Feb 2018 06:00 AM PST




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Thinking of buying D3 for PS3 to play offline co-op; need some feedback and answers

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 09:39 AM PST

I'm thinking of getting D3 as an offline party game for my PS3, since I can't stand split screen. I understand that D3 isn't a split screen game, but with four heroes on the same screen. So I have a few questions: 1) Can I play co-op with the base game alone? Or do I need one of the expansion packs? 2) How many players can play together? I want to make use of all four of my controllers. 3) Other than Act V and the Crusader, is RoS worth getting (assuming it's optional for offline coop) for multiplayer purposes? I already have the base game and RoS on PC. 4) What's the control scheme like? 5) What are the graphics like? I can't get a good sample off of YouTube. 6) Any gameplay issues with offline multiplayer? 7) Can we PvP offline? 8) Can we play together with people online? (e.g. 2+ people on the couch playing with others online)

Any other feedback I surely appreciate. Thanks!

submitted by /u/aceOfMinds
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Charge barb questions

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:53 AM PST

Kinda new to d3 and I'm playing charge barb with 3/8 5/8 pieces, and I kinda hit a wall in grifts around 75, my damage and survivability is fine, but the rifts getting less and less denser and I often find myself out of charges on rare/elite packs and running circles or just dying. My dmg on guardians is good as well, but the ancients keep tanking the boss on deadly aoe and I can't move/kite the boss away or some stray mob appears to prevent from charge recharge.

So how do I deal this annoyances, is there something wrong I'm doing or I am being unlucky with "bad" density grifts?

submitted by /u/Ritmas
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