Destiny - Focused Feedback: Rewards: Cosmetics, End Game and the benefits of obtaining power increasing gear based on difficulty / activity completed

Focused Feedback: Rewards: Cosmetics, End Game and the benefits of obtaining power increasing gear based on difficulty / activity completed

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:09 AM PST

Hello Guardians,

Focused Feedback is where we take the week to focus on a 'Hot Topic' discussed extensively around the Tower.

We do this in order to consolidate Feedback, to get out all your ideas and issues surrounding the topic in one place for discussion and a source of feedback to the Vanguard.

This Thread will be active until next week when a new topic is chosen for discussion

Whilst Focused Feedback is active, ALL posts regarding 'Rewards: Cosmetics, End Game and the benefits of obtaining power increasing gear based on difficulty / activity completed' following its posting will be removed and re-directed to this thread

Any and all Feedback on the topic is welcome.

Regular Sub rules apply so please try to keep the conversation on the topic of the thread and keep it civil between contrasting ideas

A Wiki page - Focused Feedback - has also been created for the Sub as an archive for these topics going forward so they can be looked at by whoever may be interested or just a way to look through previous hot topics of the Sub as time goes on.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Bungie Plz Addition: Remove the Hidden Juggler Mechanic

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 06:20 AM PST

Howdy Guardians,

This change has been added to Bungie Plz.
Going forward, all posts suggesting this change will be removed and redirected to this Megathread.

Submitted by: /u/Clarkey7163 (DTG Mod)

Date approved: 2018-02-26

Modmail Discussion:


Additional threads about the Hidden Juggler Mechanic:




Bonus: 4 & 5

Why it should be added:

Juggler is a restrictive mechanic in PvE that forces people to swap weapons, in D1 this was used as an activity modifier to increase the difficulty of that activity, whereas in D2 it's seemingly everywhere and it makes PvE less fun

DTG Mod Replies


I made a very similar suggestion quite a while ago.

There's no confirmation that a hidden juggler exists though. I've yet to see enough stats.

u/D0cR3d (Reply to u/GreenLego)

Even though there is no confirmation Juggler exists, the suggestions are still to remove it, and those meet the qualifications. Approved from me.


I also approve of it, shall we get it made up? I can do it if so


I agree

Examples given: 1, 2, 3

Criteria Used:

"...3 examples (with links) of recent submissions (with at least 1 being over 5 days old), that have been well received (hundreds of upvotes on the front page of the sub - ex. 300+ upvotes)."


We as r/DTG mods have 0 information regarding the background Bungie work within the game or of this Mechanic and cannot confirm nor deny that it exists in Destiny 2.

This has been added to Bungie Plz as per the above criteria and not as a means of off-handedly confirming this is infact a mechanic hidden within Destiny 2.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Our friends (& wives) threw us a Destiny-themed 40th birthday party...

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 06:51 AM PST

First post.

We have some amazing friends that we get together with on a regular basis -- usually for holiday parties, but we've recently been incorporating some of these into birthday celebrations as well, as several of us have reached the Golden Age of 40.

On Saturday night, my wife and I arrived at our friends' place for a "late Valentine's party", which turned out to be a surprise [joint] 40th birthday party for myself and clanmate JD-Wags.

I was immediately pelted with Nerf darts and soon took notice of the decor:


Social space indicator

Apparently, we unlocked a new "ancient class" :/



They selected props and costume pieces to build our "loadouts"

Golden Gun

Level 40 Achieved

submitted by /u/starfailure
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I don't care how low of a score I get, I cannot wait to solo the Nightfall tomorrow

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 11:51 AM PST

I used to love soloing the NF in D1, but was never able to get one in D2. I tried a couple, especially with the good modifiers, but I could just never get it done in the allotted time. Tomorrow all that changes, and I am stoked to give it another try without the time pressure. Anyone else feel the same?

submitted by /u/AutoEuphoria
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I honestly worry that Bungie really believe emblems are a great reward.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 12:53 PM PST

Seriously, emblems.

In year one we had vex mythoclast and year two we had necrochasm (eventually amazing) and year three the outbreak prime.

Now we have emblems! For nearly everything as a reward. All gear and weapons thanks to reskins and massive overall balance are exactly the same as each other.

Thanks to the boring samey strikes and weird pvp, the same raid over and over again in slightly new variations and no random rolls I worry that I can't take another minute of playing.

What the HELL happened to Destiny?


submitted by /u/D1eThx
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Why do we have to lose our emblem slot just to display an aura? Why can't emblems that would give auras be moved (or copied) to the aura slot?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 08:15 AM PST

I have some pretty cool emblems that I like. I like how they make my menu look, or I'll be asked "How'd you get that emblem?" I also like having auras, such as the Prestige Leviathan or Trials auras... Why am I being forced to pick one or the other? What's the harm in moving leaving the auras in the aura slot?

edit: Y'all need a hobby.


submitted by /u/LuitenantDan
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Insta-summon sparrows is an improvement we shouldn't have to gamble for or purchase an exotic ghost to enjoy.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 06:53 AM PST

I think instantly summoning sparrows is one of the few tangible improvements in Destiny 2. Of course, BungieVision then puts it behind Eververse and RNG, and introduces another solution to that which is also behind Eververse.

It feels so much better to not have a delay on a UI element. Running public events, exploring zones, doing lost sectors - when you're getting on and off your sparrow every few minutes, having to hold down the button each time almost feels like a punishment. You feel de-incentivized to get off the sparrow or leave it a few seconds for it to de-spawn. Instant summon fixes this.

Unless there's some balance concern about the three seconds it takes to summon a sparrow, all sparrows should be instantly summonable by default. We bought the game, and many of us bought the DLC too - there's no reason we should have to gamble or pony up bright dust for an improvement Bungie implemented.

submitted by /u/TheRybka
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Why don't I hardly EVER see fireteams of 3-4 matching other fireteams of 3-4? Seriously.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 08:59 AM PST

I see several groups of friends and familiar names who are running 3-4 stacked fireteams all night long, but they NEVER match each other, and instead match against 4 randoms players.

Seriously. WHY and HOW is this even a thing?

I've been on both sides. EVERY time I solo queue (which is like 96% of the time), literally 90% or more of my matches are against 3 or 4-stacks. Of course I usually get Level 2's and Level 8's on my team as icing on the cake.

We get stomped over and over, so I take a break at the tower and queue again. Well hello! There's another stacked 3-4 fireteam I match up against, with all randoms on my side.

After checking the match history of several of theses stacked fireteams, they NEVER matched up against each other the entire night (5-6 hours of Quickplay). Not once. Literally every game was pubstomping a bunch of randoms.

Then on another occasion I join a group of friends in a 4-stack and queue up Quickplay. We NEVER matched up against other fireteams of 3-4, even though I had several groups of friends who were in stacked fireteams and were queuing at the same time. We almost always matched against 4 randoms, sometimes with a duo mixed in here and there.

Why is matchmaking in Destiny so unbalanced and unfair, a.k.a. pure trash?

This fireteam vs solo parity thing is really getting old now. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are other major unbalance issues like me getting 3 utterly hopeless teammates who are Bronze elo and end up with 0.26 ka/d (note: note k/d) while the other team gets a nice balance of all Gold/Platinum elo players who all end up with positive k/d's. The game expects me to carry 3 unskilled players against 4 average/good players? Fair my smelly hairy guardian ass.

I just recently read how the developers of Fornite considered implementing SBMM into one of their playlists. The majority of the community didn't like it and the developers immediately responded to that feedback and acknowledged they will seek out other ways/means to see how it can be implemented, if at all.

Compare that with Bungo - not a SINGLE word about this. Oh, wait. They did acknowledge the fireteam vs solo issue a short while ago (like 4 months after they launched the game), but when are they possibly (not a guarantee, remember?) being worked on?! 6 MONTHS FROM NOW or sometime in Fall 2018 hahahahahaha!!!!!

submitted by /u/iZeuS_XII
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Heads Up For Tomorrow - Prometheus Lens + Devour Will Wreck in Solar Singe Prestige Nightfalls

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:08 AM PST

If you pair this Exotic Energy Weapon with the Voidwalker's Attunement of Hunger Ability, you're a near-unkillable beast that can keep firing as long as you keep racking up kill combos. Couple that with increased Solar Damage and you will chew through any ads that thought they knew who they were messing with. Have fun, Guardians!

EDIT: We won't know what the challenge cards will be until reset tomorrow, but just in case there's one for Solar :)

submitted by /u/bbgun94
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Idea for how to make Ikora's meditations more interesting: Let us play through some of Destiny's historical events from the perspective of the heroes that were there.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 10:27 PM PST

Ana Bray at twilight gap.

Gheleon fighting SIVA frames.

A mission from the perspective of Dredgen Yor.

A hawk dogfight mission from the perspective of Amanda Holiday.

Just some examples, but the possibilities are endless. I know it's a radical idea and it's "unrealistic" in terms of resources, but I think this would be a hell of a lot more interesting than retreading the same story we've already done*.

*I also think the main story should also be completely replayable ala Destiny 1 from the planetary menu for the people who want to do that.

submitted by /u/RAmarl
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I'm tired of Public Events being the best method to grind for everything.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:22 PM PST

Whether you're trying to make the most of your well-rested buff and pick up Bright Engrams via experience gains or you want to earn faction tokens as efficiently as possible, your best option is always grinding public events. You will always go to the EDZ or Nessus because their bigger maps ensure that you rarely have to wait more than a couple of minutes for your next event, whereas if you try to spend time on, say, Titan, you'll find yourself with long and unfruitful waits between event spawns. So, if you're sitting down to grind for the week's generic rewards, you're going to run public events in the EDZ or on Nessus, and that's it.

The rest of the game might as well not exist. In the amount of time it takes to run a strike and get 7 faction tokens, you could pick up 20 tokens no problem from public events. Hell, you could let other players do all the work, too! And the disparity in experience efficiency is well documented. No matter what your objective is, unless the description specifically requires strikes, you should probably run public events. Trying to generate orbs of light or get melee kills for faction ornaments? Might as well grind public events and get those done while getting your tokens. Finished hunting the activity-specific Crimson Days rewards and looking for Engrams to knock out the holiday's Eververse catalog? Better settle in for a few hours of public events.

It shouldn't be this way. Public events are fun little diversions that you should want to stop for on your way to another destination; they should not be the focus of your time in Destiny. And they're full of annoyances, too: The meta-gaming process by which you open your map and decide where and when to fast travel to maximize your public event opportunities; hoping for enough players to show up (there's never anyone around for the ether servitor event at Firebase Hades) or repeatedly fast traveling to the same location until you find a group; the futile effort to communicate with other players who are not only failing to trigger heroic conditions but also sabotaging your own attempts to do so; all the dull waiting while progress circles fill up; being stuck in one spot for most of the events; and the fact that you never get to play with any power weapons other than the Wardcliff Coil.

Plus, from the limited set available we can clearly see that public events aren't intended to be repeated with this kind of intensity. You've got the injection rig, mining drill, ether servitor, glimmer extraction, fallen armory, taken blight, and vex spire. The hive ritual only occurs on Titan, and, again, Titan's events are too infrequent to farm outside a Flashpoint. Mercury, of course, similarly doesn't count with its single, infrequent event. That list of 7 event types looks alright on paper, but when you're doing nothing but public events for hours on end it becomes exceedingly tedious. These activities lack the complexity and challenge to be at Destiny's forefront.

This is what strikes are supposed to be for! Not that even heroic strikes are particularly difficult, but they at least involve playing the game in an engaged manner. And obviously the Crucible has an infinite ceiling due to the challenge offered by other players. Strikes and Crucible: These are supposed to be the two mainstays of Destiny activity. If anything is the proper venue for grind it's these playlists, but for most players looking to get their rewards efficiently they've become afterthoughts.

So the rewards system is in need of serious rebalancing, but Bungie, please, when you look at improving gains from strikes, don't just compare the intended rate of rewards from public events for comparison. Look at the experience and token gains over time from real players who are grinding for hours and have become very efficient about traveling to and completing public events. That is the actual point of competition for strikes and the Crucible. That is what they have to beat.

As a final note: This is exactly what players mean when we point out that you've got the content in your game but haven't given us adequate reason to play it. I put it to you that repairing this reward balance is a far easier way to "make Destiny fun again" than a lot of other changes that players request. Before you worry about the power fantasy or sandbox changes or adding that mythical special weapon slot or even just providing activity-specific rewards for us to chase, simply help us to justify spending our time playing your more substantial content instead of grinding the same handful of public events for hours and hours. We want to play Destiny the way you intended, but we need incentives rather than deterrents.

submitted by /u/internisus
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PC Woes

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 12:08 PM PST

Destiny 2 on PC is great. 4K at 60 fps is amazing. But there are some problems. Many people are probably already aware of these, but I wanted to get a list out anyway. Finally, these are obviously a lower priority than many other changes, I just hope they are addressed at some point.

Cutscenes - All prerecorded cutscenes (the ones without our guardian in them) are low quality. I would like to see them in 60 fps and 4K.

Icons - Although some icons are high quality, some aren't for some reason. I play in 4K, and it is annoying to see gear previews, subclass drawings, and those little arrows next to text in vendors looking pixelated and blurry in 1080p.

Mouse Sensitivity - Should be adjustable by decimals, not integers.

Multiple Key Bindings - Many games, and most first person shooters, let players select two alternate key bindings at a time for each action. I want to be able to interact with E and my mouse thumb button.

More Key Bind Options - We have 105 keys on my keyboard. I have enough room to have melee bound to C and charged melee ability bound to X. I didn't want to shoulder charged that psion! I should be able to summon my sparrow with F2 without opening up ghost.

Chat notifications - I don't want the chat icon blinking EVERY SINGLE TIME I JOIN A CRUCIBLE MATCH. Chat should only blink when someone has sent you a private message or typed something into fireteam chat.

Destiny 1 Dialogue - PC Destiny 2 is still linked to our bungie accounts . . . So why can't we get veteran voice lines? (Hint: I already know what that invisible thing in the dark cave is)

Map - It would be nice if we could click and drag to move the map around. Also, zooming out would be nice.

No Discord Overlay - Isn't there a way that the discord overlay could be kind of "whitelisted" so that it would work without the potential for cheats?

submitted by /u/MagmawR
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Is Explosive Payload Working as Intended? Complete Damage Analysis

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 09:27 AM PST

Alright you Primitive Screwheads, listen up! You see this? This... is my BOOMSTICK! The Nameless Midnight 180 RPM Scout Rifle. Gunsmith's top of the line. You can find this in Vanguard engrams. That's right, this sweet baby was made in the Last City. Retails for about a hundred and nine tokens, depending on RNG. It's got a Red Dot Micro sight, Flared Magwell, and Explosive Payload. That's right.

Previous posts and videos have examined the damage boost you get from EP, but they are lacking in how thorough they are with respect to the damage done to different enemies. There are also bunch of rumors and hearsay about exactly what EP does, much of it coming from Explosive Rounds analysis done years ago in D1. My goal is to exhaustively test and compare the damage of an EP gun to a similar non-EP gun on every type of enemy in the game.


Lets get the disappointment out of the way first: I didn't shoot every single enemy in the game for this analysis, sorry. However, with CoO we have a activity that contains nearly every enemy from every race at the same power level: Mercury Adventures in the Infinite Forest. This was my testing grounds, and my test subjects were Nameless Midnight and Call to Serve, both 180RPM Kinetic Scout Rifles. I chose NM instead of one of the other EP weapons because it's a Kinetic and I won't have to worry about damage drop-off messing up the numbers. I am making the assumption that EP works the same on all weapons that have it, I think this is a safe assumption. There is also the unique Timed Payload perk on FWC Hand Cannon True Prophecy which works similar to EP, but different, in that it deals less explosive damage and higher impact damage. It might be interesting to see how it lines up with this analysis, but for right now there is only one gun with that perk and it's not heavily used.

I played through all three Normal Mercury Adventures (level 250) on my 335 Warlock with both guns at 335. During this I encountered 36 unique enemies across all four races, many of which I encountered both red-bar and orange-bar versions which provided interesting comparisons. Here are the enemies I tested on:

Class Name Race
red Gladiator Cabal
red Legionary Cabal
red Marauder Cabal
red Phalanx Cabal
red & orange Psion Cabal
red War Beast Cabal
yellow Colossus boss Cabal
red & orange Captain, shielded Fallen
red & orange Dreg Fallen
red & orange Exploder Shank Fallen
red Heavy Shank Fallen
red & orange Servitor Fallen
red & orange Shank Fallen
red Tracer Shank Fallen
red & orange Vandal Fallen
yellow Captain boss, sheilded Fallen
red Acolyte Hive
red Knight Hive
red Thrall Hive
orange Wizard Hive
yellow Ogre boss Hive
orange Cyclops Vex
red & orange Goblin Vex
red & orange Harpy Vex
red & orange Hobgoblin Vex
orange Minotaur, shielded Vex

I recorded damage numbers for both guns, body and crit shots, for every single one of these enemies. When I looked at the resulting data I found that aside from a couple specific outliers, enemies in a given class (red-bar, orange-bar, yellow-bar) all take the same damage. Most of you will say "well duh", but it's important to distinguish because one of the rumors was that the damage is different for different races/enemies, and I found three specific outliers that I'll detail later.


The table below has the data of interest. Note rows 1 and 2 are PvP/Crucible damage for a baseline on the damage percentages. Cts Dmg is the damage points done by a Call to Serve shot. NM Impact is the NM bullet damage, NM Explosion is the explosion damage, and NM Total Dmg is the sum of the impact and explosion damage, for the total damage dealt to the enemy by a Nameless Midnight shot. The three last percentage column are the NM Impact/Explosion/Total damage relative to the CtS damage.

Target Dmg Scalar CtS Dmg NM Impact NM Explosion NM Total Dmg %Impact %Explosion %Total
PvP body 1.00 34 17 17 34 50.0% 50.0% 100.0%
PvP crit 1.41 48 31 17 48 64.6% 35.4% 100.0%
Red bar body or shield 1.00 237 119 237 356 50.2% 100.0% 150.2%
Red bar crit 2.80 664 427 237 664 64.3% 35.7% 100.0%
Orange bar body or shield 1.00 237 119 237 356 50.2% 100.0% 150.2%
Orange bar crit 1.40 332 214 237 451 64.5% 71.4% 135.8%
Yellow bar body or shield 0.84 198 99 124 223 50.0% 62.6% 112.6%
Yellow bar crit 1.17 277 178 124 302 64.3% 44.8% 109.0%
Red Goblin & Hobgoblin crit* 2.80 664 427 474 901 64.3% 71.4% 135.7%
Red Heavy Shank crit* 5.60 1327 853 237 1090 64.3% 17.9% 82.1%

*The last two rows are the three outliers I found. Red-bar Goblins and Hobgoblins take double explosive damage from NM. Note that is does not happen on orange-bar Gobs/Hobgobs, so this isn't something weird related to their crit spot being in the middle of their body, these two specific varieties of enemy just oddly take double explosive damage from NM. The third outlier was the Heavy Shank, it was a red-bar but has a crazy high crit multiplier. This being said, there may be a handful of other enemies in the game that I didn't encounter that may perform differently than my data shows, but I think this is still applicable to 99.9% of the enemies you'll encounter.


Lets start with PvP, the 'golden baseline'. In PvP the explosion from NM deals 50% body shot worth of damage, for both body-shot and crit, and the impact damage makes up the remainder of the shot so both body and crit damage is on-par with CtS.

In PvE, the results vary based on enemy class. Overall, the only time NM does less damage than CtS is on one enemy, the Heavy Shank, due to it's oddly high crit multiplier. Important note: EP does not do increased damage to shields, it does the exact same damage as a body-shot on the same enemy.

On red- and orange-bars in PvE, the explosion always deals a full 100% body-shot worth of damage whether it's a crit shot or not, which is double what it deals in PvP. The impact damage matches PvP damage percentages of 50% and 64% for body/crit. The result is that NM does 50% more body-shot damage to red- and orange-bar enemies, and deals the correct amount of crit damage to red-bars (seemingly by accident or luck, because the impact damage is scaled the same as PvP, and the explosion is always 2x what it should be which matches the red-bar's 2x crit mult), but does an extra 35% to orange bars (because they don't have the 2x multiplier, but the explosion is still 2x what it should be).

On yellow-bars, again the impact damage looks correct relative to the PvP percentages, but the explosive damage is 62% of a normal body-shot for some unknown reason. The end result is 13% increased body damage and 9% increased crit damage.


The description of the Explosive Payload perk is "Projectiles create area of effect detonation on impact.". This says nothing about extra damage. Every other perk that deals extra damage calls it out specifically. Some examples:

  • Armor-Piercing Rounds: Rounds cause extra damage to shields and overpenetrate targets. Slightly increases range.
  • High-Impact Reserves: Rounds at the end of the magazine deal more damage.
  • Kill Clip: Reloading after a kill grants increased damage.
  • Rampage: Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.

Each of the above perks grant a small amount of increased damage to shielded enemies or for limited time. In those limited cases, they still do not hold a candle to the increase in damage that EP provides. Because of this, guns with the above perks (or pretty much any other perk) are measurably, consistently inferior to a similar gun with EP. This leads to a situation where most high-level PvE play is done with an EP gun in at least one of the weapon slots. This kills weapon variety. I've seen many posts asking for EP to be left alone, and other weapons/perks be brought up to the same level of 'power', but I personally don't think this is realistic or even possible.

In my opinion, Explosive Payload is bugged, and should be fixed. That's just my own conclusion, it does not affect any of the data above, but it is completely based on the data. If it were intended to do extra damage, the description should say it, and it should be consistent among all enemy types in PvE and PvP. Please don't disagree with the downvote button, the value of this post is in the data so that you can form your own conclusions and post them in the comments.

I am not calling for a nerf, I love power just as much as anyone else, and our "Power Fantasy" was crippled with D2. I believe our main loss of power is from 1:longer ability cooldowns, 2:loss of Special weapons, and 3:fewer perks on weapons. Items 1 and 2 are separate issues, and I hope they are addressed in future updates. To address item 3 I want to see more powerful weapon perks and mods to make every weapon more fun and powerful. If EP is not fixed, it will always float right to the top of the heap due to it's extreme damage advantage, regardless of any weapon balance adjustments, new perks or mods. EP would still be a top-tier perk if it were fixed; the explosion adds add-clearing ability to low-RoF weapons, has no damage drop-off so it adds effective range, and staggers as well as high-calibur-rounds, which is itself a sought-after perk.

Fixing Explosive Payload is incredibly simple:

  1. Make explosion damage 1/2 body damage in PvE, just like it already is in PvP. This fixes 90% of the problem. -1.1 Verify yellow bar explosion damage is correct 0.84x
  2. Add the lost 1/2 explosion dmg to red-bar crit impact (due to the 2x multiplier unique to red-bars).
  3. Fix red-bar Goblin and Hobgoblin crit doing 2x explosion damage (separate bug, but notable).

Here's what that looks like:

Target Dmg Scalar CtS Dmg NM Impact NM Explosion NM Total Dmg %Impact %Explosion %Total
PvP body 1.00 34 17 17 34 50.0% 50.0% 100.0%
PvP crit 1.41 48 31 17 48 64.6% 35.4% 100.0%
Red bar body or shield 1.00 237 119 118 237 50.2% 49.8% 100.0%
Red bar crit 2.80 664 546 118 664 82.2% 17.8% 100.0%
Orange bar body or shield 1.00 237 119 118 237 50.2% 49.8% 100.0%
Orange bar crit 1.40 332 214 118 332 64.5% 35.5% 100.0%
Yellow bar body or shield 0.84 198 99 99 198 50.0% 50.0% 100.0%
Yellow bar crit 1.17 277 178 99 277 64.3% 35.7% 100.0%

Crucible shows that EP guns are still very strong when they do the proper damage. I think the game would benefit by getting all the weapons on a level playing field by fixing this one perk, and then add power to the entire playing field by improving weapon perks and mods.


Explosive Payload on Nameless Midnight deals significant extra damage to all PvE enemies, more than any other damage-increasing weapon perk. The greatest increase is 50% to body shots on all red- and orange-bar enemies, but even yellow-bar bosses will take 9-13% increased damage. The damage dealt is not affected by enemy shields; shield hits do the same damage as body hits. The apparent cause is that the explosion does full body-shot damage, instead of half damage like it does in PvP. In my opinion this is a bug that should be fixed to improve player choice, along with boosting all weapons via improved perks and mod system to improve weapon variety and player power.

Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You got that?

submitted by /u/motrhed289
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No one asked for triple melee... Why is it in the game?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 02:10 PM PST

It's not interesting, it's not fun, reverse it plox.

Edit: Bungo, Halo:CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Reach, and Destiny 1 all with 2-hit melee, and no one complained. What got in your heads that made you think 12+ years of near multiplayer perfection needed fucked with?

submitted by /u/MrDysprosium
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Argos P2, 2 Damage Phase Raid Assist

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 08:19 AM PST

Made a small program to help players get 2 damage rotations on argos per phase by instantly telling them what craniums to charge to save you doing it in your head.

Imgur of the program:

.exe mediafire link:

Hope this helps some of you to start doing 2 damage phases instead of 1.

Edit: For some info on how to use it, click each colour for what orbs appear, for example if you see 2 solar and 1 arc orb, you click the solar button twice and the arc button once.

Edit 2: Heard that some users were worried about the .exe and that anti virus was picking it up, that happens for any .exe you download from the internet but anyway, here is my shit source code:

submitted by /u/ISmiteScuttle
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The Forbidden Tower: Places you've never been able to go until now.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:53 AM PST

So over the past week, I showed you guys how to get through the glass in the Hall of Vanguards and behind the Speaker's Door in Tower North.

I figured I'd just go ahead and make a compilation of all the places you could never get to in the Tower until now.

These places include:

  • Behind the Shuttle
  • Behind the Blue Glass
  • Inside the Postmaster/Eververse
  • On top of the Tower Guns
  • Behind the Iron Banner Door
  • Behind the Speaker's Door
  • Inside the Speaker's Observatory

Video is 3 minutes.

submitted by /u/JewBoy300
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Don’t get your hopes up for faster TTK

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 06:12 PM PST

I've seen a few folks around here saying that the sandbox update in late March will probably bring with it a faster TTK.

I'm sorry, but if that were the case they would have had it outlined in their "Go Fast Update" preview and they said only a few guns are getting buffs. The only thing it's going to bring with it is faster disengages.... teamshot is here to stay.

submitted by /u/Obersword
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Titan Exotic Helmet Idea: Good Cop / Bad Cop

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:05 AM PST

Good Cop exotic perk: Two Way Mirror

Titan barricade surface is impenetrable to enemies, but the titan and allies can always shoot through it. To offset the OPness of this, durability on the wall is lowered.

Bad Cop exotic perk: Ridin' Dirty

Titan barricade is tinted, enemies cannot see through it, but titan and allies can see out. To offset and balance this, duration of the wall is lowered.

Like? Hate? Any titans sick enough of invis hunters and reloading-arc soul-overshield Warlocks for these to be worth it?

Edit: these exotics are strong. VERY strong. That, my esteemed colleagues, is exactly what we need. There's a few comments about them being OP and my answer is good. They're exotic.

...unless you guys want to keep using feedback fence, or mechaneers tricksleeves, or any other shit exotic that does literally nothing

submitted by /u/Dunkinmydonuts1
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Please talk to us about in air accuracy.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 06:34 PM PST

No salt here, just looking to understand.

Anyways I really dislike the fact the you are limiting your players' skill ceiling.

And it doesn't seem like you do that because you don't think it's fun or not fun but rather because you don't want certain players getting stomped because they haven't mastered shooting in air.

If we were given a proper ranking system I feel like this wouldn't be as big of a problem because of course players who spend 5 hours a week VS someone with 50 hours a week would be in different skill brackets and ultimately different skill ceilings.

Why even have any other jump than just a simple up and down if you are penalized for using it while fighting?

Just looking for feedback and wanted to throw this out to you all while you are working on the Crucible sandbox shake up.

submitted by /u/charbin14
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The problem isn’t 4 stacks going against solo players. The problem is individual skill having little to no significance on the outcome of a match

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 11:56 AM PST

Individual skill needs to matter more, period. There's nothing to strive towards in D2. Improving on a weekly basis is what kept me playing the game even through the stalest of content droughts.

When I first started playing D1, I went from getting 1/2 kills per round (at best), to leading the team in control with 6000 points, clutching out 1v3s in trials, and winning the occasional rumble match.

The skill ceiling needs to be raised back up.

submitted by /u/G-star-84
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My wife got me an awesome Destiny clock!

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:50 AM PST

My wife got me a really cool Destiny-themed clock made from an old record! It was supposed to be a Christmas present because she ordered it in November, but it showed up late last week. It turns out it made a lengthy trip from Ukraine to the US. Fortunately is stayed in one piece!

submitted by /u/jlewis10
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[Concept] Bringing Endgame PvP to the solo player - Trials-level competition in a Free-For-All game mode.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 12:25 AM PST

Since the introduction of Trials in D1, people have been asking for some way to make endgame PvP viable for a solo player. But Trials as it currently stands doesn't really facilitate that. Even with matchmaking, it would still be an uphill battle for the matchmade teams to compete at all. They might get a few wins by virtue of the the player pool expanding, but it would still make them easy bait for most premade teams. After thinking about that for a while, I realized that the only way to really nullify the advantage a team has over a group of randoms os to remove the teams entirely. But to really sell that to the playerbase, you'd have to build the activity from the ground up, from the way it plays, to what you get for playing, to the story it tells. Here's how I think Bungie could do that:


The game mode is Pinnacle - it's like rumble, with a twist. Rather than being tied to score or a time limit, the match is round-based. Eight players load in and fight until there's one guardian left standing. That player gets three points. The last player to die gets two points, and the second-to-last gets one. The round ends, everyone spawns back in, and it starts all over again. There are four rounds, and the player with the most points at the end of the round gets the win. If there is a tie in points when the fourth round comes to a close, the tied players revive and fight it out to be the last man standing with a cap point to prevent camping. The elimination-style scoring would give a little bit of the Battle Royale flavor that people are so hooked on lately, without compromising the things that make Destiny what it is.


The "ticket" would function more or less exactly like Trials tickets have always functioned. In keeping with the current system, you would be guaranteed gear when you reach certain win milestones - 3, 5, and 7 wins gets you rewards that are unique to the game mode. Seven wins with no losses grants you flawless access. However, one of the biggest complaints currently with Trials is there's literally zero reward for not winning. Some people like that, but I would argue it has definitely pushed some people away from Trials. So, to make the game more appealing to players who aren't likely to win, there needs to be something to keep them playing. To accomplish this, tokens will be awarded, per round, to players who finish the round in the top three. This makes it so that the game gets more rewarding the better you get, rather than only being rewarding if you're winning. It incentivizes improvement without cheapening the rewards for winning.


One of the things that made Trials of Osiris great, and in my opinion makes Trials of the Nine great, is the rich lore that surrounds the activities. For any new activity to really shine, it needs to have deep and interesting ties to the universe at large. The easy answer would be to tie it in with The Nine, but to me that doesn't really fit. You've got a game mode centered around singular achievement, where your goal is to prove that you stand alone above the rest in gladiatorial combat. About being the one left standing when the dust settles, no matter the cost. And to me, the only entity in the Destiny universe who fits that motif is Rasputin.

In his attempts to study guardian behavior, he has called us to his bunker to compete with each other as he assesses our growing strength. To entice us, he rewards competitors with Golden Age weapons and armor. These things are not out of character for Rasputin; he has tested us - and rewarded us - in the past on several occasions, and while there is a decent amount of lore that involves Rasputin already, he is still one of the most beloved and interesting characters in the franchise, and expanding him through PvP gives you the opportunity to delve into aspects of his character that might not come out in PvE related activities. And it would give Bungie a reason to bring back Anomaly, which was one of my favorite maps in D1.


This game needs some way to get more people into the endgame activities, without compromising the prestige and uniqueness of those activities. Rather than adapting those activities themselves so that they're easier for solo players, Destiny needs an endgame activity designed for solo players. What better way to do that than to take Rumble and turn into a game mode worthy of sitting next to Trials? Obviously this would require Rumble to return on a more regular basis so that players can practice, and the viability of the activity would depend on how the sandbox meshes with Rumble. Number of rounds and scoring would also need to be tweaked depending on how fast Rumble plays in D2. But I think it's something that would be welcomed by a lot of players.

Thoughts? What sounds good? What doesn't? Am I just stupid in thinking this would be a really cool addition? Let me know!

submitted by /u/It_Was_Jeff
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[PC concerns] Remove Osiris PvP playlists and add Osiris PvP maps to normal PvP playlists

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:09 PM PST

PvP population is extremely low on PC. I've tried searching for a match of Osiris Competitive and every time I get the error "matchmaking took too long." So, I just play normal competitive. But I want to play on the Osiris maps because I paid for them. Sometimes this makes me regret switching to PC. This suggestion shouldn't be difficult since you're [Bungie] good at consolidating and simplifying things

submitted by /u/ClydelFrog
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