Dead by Daylight Developer Stream #87 - Recap

Developer Stream #87 - Recap

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:25 PM PST

The Wraith - Fanart

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:51 AM PST

The hotfix also included a change to the rolling ladder models. You should see less people trying to go to them thinking that it's real stairs to take them up.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:21 AM PST

Patch 1.9.1 just went live on Steam!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:57 AM PST

PATCH 1.9.1


Changed Dead Hard Speed curve. Speed increases to 250% then drops off back to 100% over 0.5 seconds. This is step one of making the speed match the animation (step 2) and the Dead Hard movement easier to decipher from the killer side.

Fixed an issue with Window Vaults allowing survivors to vault faster from one side, survivors now vault at the same speed from both sides of a window.

Increased the odds of spawning "openings" instead of walls (or closed doors) for the rooms in Lery`s Memorial Treatment Theater map.

Reworked the values of three Score Events for The Pig: A Successful Hit after an Ambush Dash gives 200 Bloodpoints instead of 50. Setting a Reverse Bear Trap gives 500 Bloodpoints instead of 250. Starting an Ambush Dash gives 100 Bloodpoints instead of 25.


Fixed a couple of instances where the hatch spawned inside of walls in The Game map

Fixed an issue that allowed The Pig to get an automatic kill when dropping a Survivor with a reverse bear trap on at the exit gate

Fixed an issue that allowed player to see the Killers red stain through doors in The Game map

Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress' movement speed to be too slow when cancelling a hatchet throw

Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse to do the blade wipe animation after blinking and hitting a survivor. The Nurse should now only have her fatigue stun after blinking and hitting.

Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse's Lethal Blink score event to be unobtainable (which prevented progress on her Daily Ritual and achievement)

Fixed an issue that caused some floating grass patches in the Grim Pantry map

Fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze or crash when there were too many available interactions displayed in the HUD.

This was affected by the selected language (which vary in length), and would cause the game to crash.

Fixed an issue that caused the pallet breaking sound to play when The Pig damaged a generator

Fixed an issue that prevented some players from obtaining the "Where Did They Go!?" achievement after meeting the requirements

Fixed some level of detail issues on the number signs at the exit gates in The Game map

Updated the Self-Care perk description with the updated values for Tiers I and II in Polish, Portuguese, Korean and Traditional Chinese.

submitted by /u/Sodenia
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The patch also added Detective Tapps badge to his prestige outfit! Hooray!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:28 AM PST

Suggestion: Rename the "Exposed" debuff to "Vulnerable"

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:16 AM PST

When I started playing the game, I could swear that being Exposed meant that the killer could see you through walls. It was chaos.

It would be a simple change, but would avoid further issues with the naming of this debuff.

submitted by /u/Kialand
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To all you Leatherface mains...

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:51 AM PST

Tiny nurse

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:04 AM PST

A super short DbD animation!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:06 AM PST

PSA: Don't ever kill anyone's girlfriend in this game

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:31 PM PST

Just a remainder to y'all: The Pig is meant to be a spread the damage kind of killer. Believe it or not, you benefit more from not focusing a survivor until the last gens are done as The Pig.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:20 AM PST

Your traps are primarily made to waste time, so try to ensure at least 2 people have a trap at all times. Minimum 1, anymore than 2 is usually a waste.

Don't focus a trapped victim, chase after the saver instead. The RBT on their heads makes them focus more on it's removal than generators or healing, so it creates time for you to chase them down. Make Your Choice is a good enforcer of this, just get it to Tier 3.

Once everyone is hooked at least once/twice, then you can focus individuals down for kills. You don't need to be as optimised as The Pig, as she creates artificial time that stalls the game.


submitted by /u/Eylmao537
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It's so annoying having to find the last immersed survivor when no gen has been done.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:32 AM PST

I am right now looking for a guy for 10 minutes on "the game" map. Since this map is so small Whispers doesn't help me much. There are way too many lockers this guy could be in any of them and the 2 layers of this map does not help.

I am sick of having to DC because someone is immersed and not doing anything.

Please, fix this situation somehow, it's so annoying and happens way too often.

EDIT: Update: After 15 minutes of roaming around the map I checked a random locker and a laurie was in there. She and her SWF mates wrote "HAHAHAHHAHAH" in the end game chat....


submitted by /u/Sodenia
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Underused Survivor Perk Ideas

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:17 AM PST

Got some concepts to improve some weak survivor perks, hope you enjoy!

Deja Vu:
The aura of the generator with the most progress is revealed to you within a 25/50/infinite radius.
If a survivor is working on the generator it's aura is indicated in white.
Does not apply to a generator you're working on.

Calm Spirit:
Additionally, great skill check zones are 20/30/40% larger, and your normal, uninjured breathing is 20/30/40% quieter.

No Mither:
Taking damage now activates a bleedout timer (similar to borrowed time) that lasts 10/12/14s before you are downed.
You can't heal through this by any means.
Cannot be activated after being unhooked for 5s.
Grants 100/150/200% bonus bloodpoints in the survival category, added at the end.

Ace in the Hole:
Grants an add-on 50/75/100% of the time.
Has a 0/25/50% chance to grant a second add-on.
You can now see what addons are applied to your item on the UI at all times. (With or without this perk)

Up the Ante:
Raise the stakes, if you die, reduce bloodpoints gained in the end screen by 13%.
If you survive, increase bloodpoints gained by 13%, each other survivor still alive when you leave the trial grants 7/14/21% extra to this bonus.
Luck now effects perk chances (technician, ace in the hole etc)

While injured grants 8/9/10% bonus action speed and great skill check zones are 0/20/40% larger.

This is not Happening: Original effect removed
While injured gain 2/3/4% extra movement speed and recover from status effects 10/20/30% faster.
At level three, this effect applies when another survivor is currently hooked.

Dark Sense:
Read the auras of totems within a 10/15/20M range and cleanse them 5/10/15% faster.
Each totem you cleanse grants you 2/3/4M extra aura reading range to all perks.

Now grants a random rare or very rare item from the first chest search.
If you are injured, or within 10M of an injured survivor it will be a med-kit of rare or very rare quality.

submitted by /u/Phil2244
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If you're not good at looping, how do you evade killer?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:01 AM PST

Also please no "git gud at looping" answers because that's not what I'm looking for.

I'm just wondering what other survivors tactics are for outsmarting a killer if you DONT rely on pallet looping. I am usually good with stealth play and with Iron Will if I break LOS for a second I can usually find something to hide and crouch around when they come to check it, but that only works about 50% of the time. Otherwise, when a killer finds me I have no idea what to do to lose them or actually make the chase last a decent time before I'm downed. I run to vaulting points like windows and try to use those to my advantage, but I still get downed pretty quickly if my stealth play isn't an option....

submitted by /u/lezbeyotch
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Dead By Daylight Nurse Challange

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 09:17 PM PST

Best counter to hatch stand-offs

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:07 AM PST

I had a game last night playing against the Trapper. He killed 3 teammates and we only got 2 gens done. I ran around looking for the hatch, being slightly careless because I don't want to hold the game hostage. We find the hatch at the same time, and stare at each out for a few seconds, and I go for it. He grabs me out of it, takes 3 steps, and hits his own trap. He drops me and I escape. It was the best thing I've ever seen, I almost wish I would have let him kill me just because I felt bad.

submitted by /u/Elopeppy
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If prestige 4 gave a unique emote for each survivor and a new mori for killers, what would you like to see?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:03 PM PST

Example: Ace Prestige 4 gains finger guns

submitted by /u/Cynder_Burn
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As a Nurse main I am really concerned about the Nurse's balance when the fatigue but gets fixed. She will be stronger than ever

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:53 AM PST


The "new" nurse is just insane. I have hundreds of hours put into my nurse and mastered her and I have to say that she got buffed immensly. The only thing why nobody is talking about it yet is because her fatigue/weapon wiping animation is bugged so nobody is playing her right now.

But if this is fixed (which is confirmed to be fixed soon) I fear that she will just dominate everything even more than she used to do.

  • She can now blink way more precise. She can blink on top of houses (like haddon field or swamp so she has insane mobility now) and she also can cancel blinks if she looks down and blinks (she won't move).

  • The attack after blink is instant. So it is actually way easier to hit a survivor now because the "special lunge" after blink has been removed which took way longer to hit because of its animation. Also, she will fall into fatigue way quicker after a hit because the hit is instant now. This means she will waste less time with this buff in general and thus is even more of a threat.

  • She has trapper lunge speed while moving normally which is also quite nice but said things above just make her broken.

I just want to prepare you guys for insane nurses after the bugfix and maybe devs should look into her again.

submitted by /u/Sodenia
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What even is this score screen?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:52 AM PST

Can we all just take a moment and enjoy how premonition is a fair and useful perk.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:01 AM PST

You can complain decisive Dicking, Self-Care, Sprint Burst, and Dead Broken.But let's face it, ain't nobody gonna get mad at premonition.

submitted by /u/RedJellyBoy
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For real now...

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:42 AM PST

Out of anyone, Amanda Young should have a use for Tinkerer

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:45 AM PST

yet there is none

submitted by /u/Cynder_Burn
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Patch 1.26 out now on PS4.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:23 AM PST


Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:28 PM PST

Oh no, my wife is going to get banned for "camping"

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:38 AM PST

So I got my wife playing this game on PS4. She just called me while I was at work because she got a bunch of hate mail after a match and was confused.

So it was 3 people playing SWF, and she knocked one down and hooked them. As she turned around the 2 the other two were right there rushing the hook. One body blocked while the other pulled her off the hook. She hit the person, put them right back on the hook. This happened twice until the person died. After that, all 3 DC'd and started spamming her with messages like "Have fun with your ban, you can't camp in this game" and "You suck at this game, stop camping like a noob" I had a pretty good laugh at it.

Edit: To add, one of them even said they all reported her for camping XD

TLDR: Wife plays 3 SWF who then farm themselves, they rage quit and try to report her.

submitted by /u/Elopeppy
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