Destiny - Destiny 2 Development Roadmap

Destiny 2 Development Roadmap

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 02:35 PM PST


Game Director Christopher Barrett: Hey, everyone. A few weeks ago, we published a Dev Update with some details about our plans for Destiny 2. With the first of those downloads out the door, we're following up on the conversation with a clearer outlook on when more features and content will arrive in the game. This roadmap contains a series of updates that are scheduled to land in the weeks and months to come.

Everything you'll find below will be delivered to every player of Destiny 2. Some of these delivery dates may change, but everything you see listed here is being worked on the by the team. While there are larger projects in development, these are the game enhancements you'll find in your immediate future. If any of these deployments change, we'll let you know.

Image Link

Beginning tomorrow, and in the coming weeks, we'll dive into details on the features outlined above, featuring screenshots or developer commentary. If this forecast changes, we'll share out a new version of it, with new dates and expectations. We know you have new questions about everything you've just read, and we look forward to answering them.

Thank you again for your feedback about the game.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-02-01]

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:05 AM PST

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: Winding Cove - Loot a Lost Sector in the Winding Cove. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Pikejacked - Steal a Fallen Pike and use it to defeat 20 enemies.
Titan Lost Sectors: The Rig - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rig. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Fallen or Hive supply caches. The Grand Melee - Defeat 5 Hive Knights.
Nessus Lost Sectors: Artifact's Edge - Loot a Lost Sector in Artifact's Edge. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Vex or Fallen supply caches. Scourge of the Vex - Defeat 75 Vex enemies.
IO Pyramidion Raider - Defeat 40 enemies around the entrance to the Vex Pyramidion. Walk the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Dark Decimation - Defeat 3 Taken Centurions.
Mercury Crossing Guard - Successfully complete a public event. Avid Gardener - Gather 10 Simulation Seeds. Dead Legion - Kill 75 Cabal.

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trick Shooting - Rapidly defeat 2 enemies with precision attacks, 10 times. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Point Blank - Defeat 20 enemies with precision attacks at close range. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Quickplay The Hunger - Defeat 15 opponents with Void final blows. Moment of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents in a single life. Look Them in the Eye - Defeat 10 opponents at close range.
Osiris Quickplay The Hunger - Defeat 15 opponents with Void final blows. The Professional - Complete a match with a personal efficiency rating greater than 1.0. Blaze of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents using your Supers.
Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Osiris Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Mayhem High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Double Play - Rapidly defeat 2 opponents, 3 times. Blaze of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents using your Supers.
Trials of Osiris Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 20 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Christopher Barrett has been showing a lot of passion for the Destiny franchise over the years and I want to commend him and his team for that.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:44 AM PST

He's been active on Twitter lately, giving plain answers and sharing some of his goals for updates/general gameplay improvements. I know that he and his team have been working really hard, both on D1 back in the day and on D2 at the moment, and they seem to be the ones that are really passionate about delivering a game that is all around fun to play with an incredible power fantasy.

To Chris and the rest of the Live Team, you guys and gals did amazing work on D1 and we all immensely appreciate your transparency and continued efforts on improving D2.

submitted by /u/lmpossibear
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For IB; can we get an Exoic Sword that is the Battle Axe from D1 ROI?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:48 AM PST

It's one of the most uniquly designed weapons, and its suuch a shame that it was wasted on only a couple of story missions, and Archons Forge. It would be awesome to bring it back as an exotic you can only achieve during IB.

EDIT: Currently, the only weapon type not seen in the form of an exotic in D2 are Swords

submitted by /u/Pat_RedHawk
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Please stop re-skinning guns and armor bungie, we're not stupid

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:41 AM PST

It's really annoying and honestly kind of offensive that you think that we're gonna start salivating over faction rally or iron banner weapons/armor that is simply just a re-skin/shadered old item. I'll give some credit that a good deal of the iron banner rewards are original and cool, but this has been happening in D2 since day 1. I would rather see less rewards for all activities and have them all be original than get the same armor set or guns with a different shader and unnoticeably different stats.

submitted by /u/FuckYeezy
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Bungie, before you implement penalties for quitting from matches, please implement a solo playlist.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:28 AM PST

I know this sounds like a broken record, but this Iron Banner has really jogged my memory about how bad games can go against fireteams of 4 (really haven't touched PvP since CoO launched because of this). It just seems really odd that this seems to be a heavily requested feature and we still have no word on if it is even on the drawing board.

submitted by /u/BedfastDuck
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[Salt Dilution] Ornament style grinds are exactly the type of grinds I like doing

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:39 AM PST

I've posted this before when the faction rally came out, but with Iron Banner active right now, I find myself saying it again:

The grind style for the ornament unlocks are exactly the type of grind I enjoy. For clarity, I'm not saying that the reward at the end of this grind are worth (the Grenade / Melee kills for a sash across the chest on the Titan armour seems hard to justify) but the fact that I have to grind packages, kills, wins, etc are exactly what I want to do.

This is by no means a new concept (we had all this in D1) and I don't want to wander down the rabbit hole of "we already had this, don't give them credit for putting stuff back in the game" words; rants; sadness; words. However, since I'm enjoying this grind and want to see more of these style grinds (maybe with Heroic Events and/or Nightfalls next) I think this is awesome. Prestige Nightfall armour with Ornaments? Just a thought.

One step further, maybe instead of just ornaments they could be ornaments with a perk? Getting 150+ Melee kills in Iron Banner might be worth a perk that let's your melee ability charge 5-10% faster in crucible? Could be crucible specific and/or PvE and PvP. What're your thoughts guardians?

One caveat though, can we agree that the "% of Melee / Grenade kills" is kind of strange and arbitrary? Again this is by no means a new thing; I remember D1 having that for the Thorn quest I think? Maybe the Last Word? Either way, can we maybe switch to "Get X Kills" instead of the percent? It makes it a little easier to track.

TL;DR: Bungie has a long way to go, but the grind style for these ornaments are exactly what I want. Maybe instead of just ornaments they could have perks as well?

Edit: Front Page! Thanks Guardians!

submitted by /u/hammyhampton
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Luke Smith: "1. good stuff coming from the D2 team 2. keep the feedback coming 3. don't be jerks"

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:21 AM PST

  1. good stuff coming from the D2 team
  2. keep the feedback coming
  3. don't be jerks


I mean at least he's finally responding after not talking for a good while.

Something I did notice is he did say "The D2 Team" so if I'm guessing correctly, D3 is still progressing as part of the deal with Activision.

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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Even with Masterworks Armor, I still feel weak as Arcstrider.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:44 AM PST

As soon as I got a full MW Armor set, I went out to test it on the subclass that obviously needs it the most-Arcstrider.

The results have been underwhelming. It certainly does help in close-range encounters, but it´s not that noticeable. And chasing with Arc Staff is still terrible.

When a Striker is coming at me with FOH, I´m afraid. I actually turn around and run. Those fuckers are fast. They are hard to kill. And they just slam on the ground and fuck up anyone in their vicinity, even in the air around them.

With Arc Blade, I feel weak. Dodging does very little, I still feel like I can´t chase people properly, and where Titan just slams the ground without aiming and kills everybody around him, I need to actually aim at people and eliminate them one by one.

Bungie, Arcstrider needs big buffs. If you can´t buff our resilience because of whatever class identity reasons, at least buff mobility, duration,maybe add some special attacks to Arc Staff. It´s dumb that a Titan is quicker as a Hunter. Masterworks isn´t enough.

submitted by /u/Yourself013
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Marty O'Donnell: The Origin Story Of Music Of The Spheres

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:50 AM PST

Kate Remingtons interview with Marty O'Donnell is up. Definitely worth a listen.

"Now that the authentic version of Music of the Spheres is out in the world, for the very first time Marty is able to talk about the theme-rich suite he and Mike wrote to put the creative wheels in motion for Destiny's development team."

Edit: Full masterpiece here (courtesy of /u/tlohtzin123):

submitted by /u/linuxknight
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Beating Leviathan on Prestige on one character lets you buy the gear on all your characters

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:37 AM PST

EDIT: some proof

currently have only beat it on my hunter:

able to purchase on my titan:

submitted by /u/Rufus_Shinra-0
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[CONCEPTS] D2 Strike-Specific Exotics

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:11 AM PST

So in honor of Bungie confirming the return of strike-specific loot, I decided to mock up my own strike exotics for fun. These are just some ideas I've had floating around the old noodle for a while. I've been trying to learn a new 3D modeling program and what better way to learn something than to dive in head-first? Over the past week and a half, I've learned a lot of different techniques and tricks to mimic the style of other weapons in Destiny. You can check out the whole album here:

EDIT: Forgot The Memento's info.
EDIT #2: Thanks for the Gold!

D2 Exotic Weapon Concepts

Weapon Info Below:


This is a taken crossbow you'd be able to unlock by doing the Lake of Shadows strike on Earth and helping Devrim Kay retrieve his family's stolen heirloom. Aposematism refers to the trait displayed by poisonous animals of being brightly colored to warn predators of their toxicity.

Intrinsic Perk: Toxicity
Effect: Hitting an enemy with this weapon makes them temporarily infected. Infected enemies are capable of friendly fire and can spread the infection through physical contact.

Before And After

This is actually a pair of sidearms you'd be able to get after doing a special variation of the Tree of Probabilities strike on Mercury where you get to fight Khartion, Archival Mind instead of Valus Thuun.

Intrinsic Perk: Duality
Effect: Allows you to equip 2 different element types at the same time.

Bloodstained Aria

This is a Hive-inspired sword you'd get from the Savathun's Song strike on Titan.

Intrinsic Perk: Sword Logic
Effect: Kills with this weapon charge the runes on the blade. When charged, pressing R2 will drain the runes and launch a large energy blast. The more runes charged when pressing R2, the larger the blast. Stacks up to 5 times.


This is a Golden Age inspired Tex Mechanica scout rifle you'd get from the Exodus Crash strike on Nessus where you find a broken 1892 Winchester in the Captain's quarters and return it to Banshee-44. I threw in a Clint Eastwood nod here and there as well. The intrinsic perk is interesting. I remember reading somewhere that Glimmer was valuable because it was basically programable matter. So why not use it for bullets? This one was my favorite to work on. I've always loved the style of Tex Mechanica weapons in Destiny. I wonder if Bungie artists have as much fun making Tex Mechanica guns as I did.

Intrinsic Perk: Fistful of Glimmer
Effect: The more Glimmer you have, the more damage this weapon does. Maximum damage reached at 75,000K Glimmer.


This is a Cabal-inspired flamethrower you'd get this by doing the Arms Dealer strike on Earth where you retrieve Valus Zhan's blueprints for his flame turrets and bring them to Cayde-6.

Intrinsic Perk: Hot Spot
Effect: Fire from this weapon sticks to surfaces and spreads through physical contact. Enemies near the fire are highlighted on the screen.

Quantum Apogee

This is a Vex-Inspired long distance hand cannon you'd get by doing the Inverted Spire strike where you download the plans for the weapon from the big hologram of Protheon, Modular Mind on the Cabal drilling platform.

Intrinsic Perk: Juicebox Hero
Effect: Precision kills with this weapon cause the target to explode in a pool of radiolarian fluid, which temporarily stuns enemies who come into contact with it.

Source Code

This is a Vex-Inspired auto rifle you'd get by doing the Root Mind strike on Mercury where you have to trigger a hidden mechanic to fight all 4 Shielded Minotaurs at the same time.

Intrinsic Perk: Trial and Error
Effect: The more times you kill an enemy or type of enemy in one life, the faster this weapon gets at killing them the next time. Stacks up to 5 times.

The Memento

This is a Vex-Inspired linear fusion rifle you'd get by doing a special version of the Pyramidion strike on Io where you take the vex gate just before the boss room and fight Brakion at the lake Asher speaks of.

Intrinsic Perk: Pyramidion Scheme
Effect: Players killed by this weapon will become Contracted until theirs or the user's next death. Contracted players will send a portion of their super energy to the user for each kill they get while alive.

submitted by /u/I--XEROPAIN--I
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The sandbox update needs to address the lack of skill gap between weapon types that makes some weapons undesirable.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:31 AM PST

The last time we had a sandbox update was in November... and that update didn't change anything exept make the uriels gift type auto rifles even easier to use, now they have a competitive body shot time to kill (1.33 sec) and if you have 7 resilience or below you still get killed by 9 crits in 1.07 seconds... making them pretty much the best weapons in the game, they are extremely forgiving and have potentially one of the fastest optimal times to kill in the game for the majority of resilience levels.

All the while pulse rifles and hand cannons are stuck having optimal ttks close to the body ttk of 450 rpm auto rifles even though with a hand cannon/pulse rifle it is more challenging to hit crits to get that optimal time to kill.

Why is it that the easiest to use weapons have the best optimal times to kill and body shot times to kill, while the most challenging and skill based weapons have the same and worse optimal times to kill and also have the worst body shot times to kill in the game?

The easiest to use weapons should have more forgiving body shot times to kill but have a little slower optimal time to kill, and the most challenging to use weapons should have punishing body shot times to kill but reward headshots with a faster time to kill.

This was a thing in destiny 1;

Hand cannons/pulse rifles (and the high impact scout rifles) had some of the worst body shot times to kill in the game (1.2-1.3 seconds on average) but some of the best optimal times to kill in the game (around 0.8 secs mostly)

Auto rifles had some of the best body shot times to kill in the game (1.0 - 1.13 seconds on average) while having a more average optimal time to kill (around 0.97 secs mostly)

This is a core problem with destiny 2's crucible that makes it not fun to play, the easiest to use weapons are objectively the best and the most challenging to use weapons are objectively the worst. That's not how it should be. Skill gaps create diversity, not lowering the bar.

submitted by /u/Seek_Seek_Lest
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I feel like we should hold companies almost 3 decades old and worth more than 9 digits to a higher standard than "Yeah they fucked up Y1 but by Y3 it was great again."

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:22 PM PST

As a consumer, I try to hold the companies I deal with to a high standard. If this was their first product, I'd be much more forgiving, but I have a hard time continuing to trust and support a company that doesn't learn from their mistakes. Especially one with the history and resources of Bungie.

Yeah the game's fun, but it's overall a huge regression from a previous product. Thinking about how a majority of the community will most likely return when the game is "fixed" in a few months, and then dish out more money for Season Passes, DLCs, and even MTXs irks me because it's rewarding a company that's (at a very high level) mishandling a valuable IP.

submitted by /u/pencilshoes
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Flashpoint Nessus Bosses

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:52 AM PST

TL;DR: for Flashpoint Nessus hang around after the Injection Rig event in The Cistern and Glimmer Extraction in The Glade of Echos to fight the post-event bosses.

Flashpoints add extra bosses to selected public events. These bosses either join partway through the event itself or appear one minute after the event ends. They drop a minimum of three tokens and one blue which is more than you will usually get from heroic event chests. They can drop up to two legendaries and the token drops are affected by bonus token ghosts meaning you can get up to six tokens. Bosses that join events should be focused as they will despawn shortly after the event ends (around 10 seconds). You must get a hit on the Flashpoint boss for them to drop loot for you.

This week the Flashpoint is Nessus.


Ether Resupply event at Watcher's Grave will be joined by Yalsis, the Igniter. This Fallen boss spawns around the time the three smaller servitors appear and drops in on the left side (when approaching from the fast travel point). He uses rapid molten welder ranged attacks, moves quickly and teleports. If you are going to super him makes sure you are not about to be teleported by the servitor boss right after popping it (wait until someone has been teleported).

Spire Integration event in The Hallows will be joined by Xegonion, Warped Mind. He spawns after two pads have been capture though it's not certain if this has to do with the captures or the time. He'll teleport into the centre of the arena and will generally remain there. He's a hobgoblin sniper and regularly but infrequently regens while invulnerable. Since you must get a hit on him I would recommend capturing the lowest pad first so that you can get over or around the central wall before he spawns. If you find you are trying to capture this pad last then consider abandoning it get to the hit on the FP boss even if that means failing the heroic trigger.

Spire Integration event at Exodus Black will be joined by Kiphoris, the Eclipsed. This is a Fallen boss with purely melee attacks. When/if he spawns he drops in at the pad closest to the water near the path to the Glade of Echoes. As with Xegonion this is either pad-capture or time-based or may even be random or limited by spawn budget as he spawns very infrequently.

Spire Integration event at The Tangle will be joined by Watchful Harpy who spawns in the air over the arena. Not seen this one often enough to be certain about the mechanics but it seems likely to be the same as the other Spire Integration FP bosses.

After Injection Rig at The Cistern Falysion, Frenzied Mind will spawn on the lake to the North West beyond the event arena with a lot of ranged adds. More often than not there will be a High Value Target in the vicinity to keep you occupied for the wait (or to ambush you while sniping the boss).

After Glimmer Extraction in The Glade of Echoes Ropymion, Delirious Mind will spawn on the slope from the Exodus Black entrance with a very large swarm of ranged adds.

These two post-event bosses are large Minotaur type Vex bosses with no shields and ranged AoE.

More information with portraits for all Flashpoint bosses can be found at lowlidev.

submitted by /u/LeChevaliere
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If they were planning on bringing D1 exotics back why did they wipe our gear for D2 in the first place?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:41 AM PST

Don't get me wrong I love having some of my D1 exotics back but when they said they were wiping everything for D2 to create a new experience that's what I thought we were going to get was a new experience. I was totally ok with that too! As much as I was gonna miss my Gjallarhorn I trusted Bungie was gonna deliver one hell of a sequel to make up for taking everything away from us. Fast forward five months and all I see are people rocking D1 exotics? I myself have mainly D1 exotics in my inventory. I'm rocking knucklehead radar and hard light. I know most people hate that gun but I'm a big PvE player and I love being able to switch the elements at will. And that brings up a good point. They are the same exotics but different perks so you could say they did create a "new" experience but at the same time they didn't need to use hard light for that perk. They could have made a new weapon called Natures Call that had the ability to switch between the elements. I just came up with that and I would freaking love a gun called Natures Call! So the argument goes both ways yes we have new perks but in an old shell that didn't need to be used. So I guess what I'm trying to get at is I really hope bungie is going to focus more on creating a new experience with their D2 gear instead of using D1 as a crutch. Maybe some of you agree that bringing D1 gear seems like the easy way out to produce a larger quantity of gear and maybe some of you think bringing D1 gear with new perks was genius and one of he best parts of D2! I'm really curious to see how the community feels about this topic. Let me know in the comments below! Thanks guardians!

Edit of the Edit: thank you to those who cleared up the "for money" response. Conclusion: they made money on the reboot to bring in new players not by adding old exotics. There is no way to purchase them so please stop saying it was for the money that they brought back D1 exotics. It's an over used comment that's just fishing for up votes and not actually valid for this discussion.

submitted by /u/LoganReynolds
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Using Phoenix Dive and then activating Daybreak will cancel the dive animation, leaving room for you to move anywhere you want. Once you land, the you will automatically unleash the phoenix blast

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:43 AM PST

Edit: Urgh, I screwed up the title.

How to use the Daybreak Dive Blast without the diving animation. Only usable at the start.

Steps to use a Mobile Daybreak Dive Blast:

  • Glide upwards

  • Use Phoenix Dive and then activate Daybreak

  • Glide anywhere of your choice. During this period, you can use your Daybreak projectile attacks

  • Once you land, a blast will activate for free without the diving animation

submitted by /u/The_Taken_Dick
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I'd be completely fine with the shader system if it refunded our shaders when we removed them from items.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:39 AM PST

The IB shotgun has the highest range of any 55 rpm slug gun in the game

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:20 AM PST

I thought shotgun users might want to know.

submitted by /u/GyrokCarns
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Chris Barrett: DLC 2 to launch alongside Season 3 in May

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 08:23 PM PST

Expansion 2 will launch in May alongside Season 3.

That wasn't entirely clear from today's development roadmap

submitted by /u/TheLittleMoa
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Swords and Throwing Knives don't count as melee kills

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:48 AM PST

Grenade Launchers don't count towards grenade kills either.

submitted by /u/HunterStyle
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Bungie, while you're improving the game how about patching the spawning glitch in Leviathan?

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:13 PM PST

For those that are unaware, in Leviathan there is a glitch upon wiping or spawning in that cause player to not appear on the map.

To fix it players can either swap around gear, armor preferred so you dont lose ammo or they can head to orbit and reenter.

It slows down progress in the raid cause it could happen every wipe or any time someone joins the game.

I havent heard bungie address it or acknowledge it but it is a glitch that has been around since the launch of the Leviathan

submitted by /u/gab0607
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Bungie, why don't my raid perks work on Emperor's Respite?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:19 AM PST

I mean, it IS on the Leviathan, right? /s

submitted by /u/ChaztheEpic
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You Can Use TELESTO To Destroy the Vents while they are closed on Injection Rig Public Event !

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:29 PM PST

Even if there are no damage numbers, it will destroy the vents. ;)

I think some nades work too but i am not 100% sure on the grenades part .

Here i made a GIF:

submitted by /u/kristijan1001
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The Fall of Pulse and Scout Rifles (particularly the High-Impact variety)

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:52 AM PST

In D1, high-impact pulses were able to 2-burst people with a TtK of 0.67 seconds, whereas high-impact scouts were able to 3-shot people with a TtK of 0.80 seconds. These numbers made them seem overpowered, but they had stability and handling issues, and therefore required a certain level of skill to wield properly. If you had a skilled hand, you would be rewarded with some of the fastest kill times in the game.

In D2, these weapons are now in their worst possible state. High-impact scouts only have an optimal TtK that matches the Lightweight archetype at 1.20 seconds, with the worst in-class bodyshot TtK at 2 seconds, whereas high-impact pulses also have an optimal TtK of 1.2 seconds, but with an even worse bodyshot TtK at 2.27 seconds. It doesn't matter how skilled you are with these weapons now, because you will only be rewarded with an average, mediocre kill time.

While I agree that they should have poor bodyshot kill times to serve as a reminder that they are for a disciplined shooter, their optimal kill times should reflect that as well. As it stands, high-impact scouts deal 38 damage to the body with a critical multiplier of about 1.4x, resulting in 52 damage to the head; high-impact pulses deal 16 damage per shot to the body with a critical multiplier of 1.625x, resulting in 26 damage per shot to the head. I hope to see these weapons be able to kill as optimally fast as they used to. If we increase the critical multiplier of high-impact scouts to 1.77x and the critical multiplier of high-impact pulses to 2.1875x, then they will once more be able to 3-shot and 2-burst people, respectively. This is to bring them in line with some of the faster firing weapons, which are generally more competitive. And no, nerfing the faster firing weapons is not the answer. As with all things, bring them up to match their competitors so that we have more options in the Crucible meta.

submitted by /u/Joe_Fishstick_McGee
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Arcstrider super kills count towards the melee/grenade ornament.

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 09:46 PM PST

Just in case anyone was wondering.

Edit: Shield bash also works

submitted by /u/kizzzang
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