Civilization - "My queen, that location is mostly just snow, with almost nothing of value there." "Yes, but it has prime polder placement locations, so we're settling there."

"My queen, that location is mostly just snow, with almost nothing of value there." "Yes, but it has prime polder placement locations, so we're settling there."

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:09 AM PST

The Greek economy does suck indeed!

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:22 PM PST

Only one tile island? No problem!

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:48 AM PST

(Icon) Name. (Icon) Name. (Icon) Name. Banana.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:38 AM PST


Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:23 AM PST

The perks of conquering Georgia & how I got 9 new units

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:04 AM PST

I'm playing my first Deity game in R&F with Persia on a fractal map, aiming for a Domination victory.

Georgia was one of my neighbors so clashing was unaivodable, I was finally able to conquer her capital despite her having 3 generals and the +10 strength religious belief, which made it so her horseman could kill 3 immortals & 2 crossbowmen.

Not only did I lose 5 units in the war, I also ended up with cities with holy shrines instead of better districts for my strategy. And then I found the barb camp...

To the left of the capital Georgia had not dealt with a camp, and it was already spawning Reinassance units, there were at least 3 musketmen I couldn't fight with my units, and a few crossbowmen too.

I was about to call it quits when I suddenly thought of something. That extra faith that I thought so useless was actually close enough to get an apostle of Georgia's religion , what if I rolled the Heathen Conversion promotion?

After a few tries I managed to get just that and I sent the apostle to convert the barbs, it turns out the camp was already spawning bombards! After using all the charges I ended up with 3 bombards, 3 crossbowmen and 2 musketmen, plus the typical spearman defending the camp. All close to Rome, my next target.

I guess my Georgian subjects proved themselves useful after all haha !

submitted by /u/DivusC
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Mapuche wonder porn

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:57 AM PST

A Contested Island

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:08 AM PST

What a beautiful city

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:08 PM PST

Ideal City

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:46 PM PST

ever founded so many cities that your newly founded cities have other civs names? does it always start with the US (provided they're not already in the game)?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:44 AM PST

TSL Europe with Dutch. Only two spots for polders, no opportunity for adjacency bonus, one of the polder spots is better used for a harbor, and there are SIX MARSHES in range of the capital which polders can't be built on in VI.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:04 PM PST

I had a pretty good industrial era

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 01:23 PM PST

Icelandic Writing Retreat Gone Wrong (hot new horror flick 2k18)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:04 PM PST

Rebelling cities should not push your troops into enemy territory

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:53 AM PST

Encountered a strangely shaped island

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:01 PM PST

Shaka's theme is so satisfying as you progress through the game

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:07 PM PST

Playing as Scotland, am I doing it right?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:45 AM PST

I've recruited Liang as my first Governor in all my games. Is that the consensus approach? What other conclusions have you reached about Governors?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:57 AM PST

Her initial abilities are obviously geared towards the early game, giving +1 action to your builders and helping you build the Government Plaza and other districts. I think that's why her later level titles, while good, are not as great as that of other governors like Magnus, Pingala and Reyna, she would be too OP if not. That being said, she is really helpful when amenities become an issue in the midgame. I honestly can't see myself starting with another governor.

Victor and Amani are two governors I tend to recruit but not necessarily upgrade, Victor for the shorter span to get to the city and extra defence and Amani as 2 movable envoys.

Moksha is the most underwhelming of the governors, even in religious games. Divine Architect is a good level 1 title and his final title is obviously great, but both level 2 titles are unremarkable, in my game with Georgia I only upgraded him in the late game. I was expecting more from him.

submitted by /u/DivusC
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Alp Arslan leads the Seljuq Empire in Rise & Fall! [MOD]

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:04 AM PST

Anyone else wish you got a production boost to a district or wonder if you have to clear a forest or bonus resource to put it down?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:15 AM PST

I put down a commercial hub on a forest tile and the base 12 turns to complete did not change. It would be nice if you got a production boost equal to if you were to clear the forest while you were simultaneously building the district/wonder. Anyone else agree?

submitted by /u/toprak38
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Dynamic difficulty would be perfect for Civ.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:34 PM PST

On one hand, I don't like having a 1:3 city ratio early on and I value fair starts over everything else. On the other hand, I feel like on lower difficulties victory is certain past a certain threshold and the only limit is how bored I get before jumping to another game.

What I'd like is for there to be an option to start on say Warlord/Prince and if you're doing well enough the game goes up to King or even Emperor. That way you'd have a more engaging mid to endgame without making the early game too constraining.

Thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/rattatatouille
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In a land far far away one certain lady crying in her sleep.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:16 PM PST

Petra? Chichen Itza? ...why not both?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:00 PM PST

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