[Build] Historical castle plan. WIP 7 Days To Die

[Build] Historical castle plan. WIP

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:17 PM PST

day 80ish - restart will I miss anything?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:22 AM PST

We just go through day 77 and it was kind of dull. We build a hole type base on a large hill/mound, so the z's spend all night trying to dig toward us through the side, but will never actually make it (ok they could after another 80 days or so).

I don't want spoilers, but any 'holy shit this changes things' mobs we are going to miss if we restart now?

submitted by /u/danielbelum
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Took your advice and got the PC version!! Here is my first experience. It is amazing!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:21 AM PST

Distant terrain renders correctly but when getting close appears as stone wastes(just terrain made of stone). If entered screen turns black forever(although I can move and fight). How to fix this?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:37 AM PST

As in title. I am running a server on a hoster. Playing on navezgane. I read about deleting certain chunks and they will rerender, but for me it's basically everything south of the burning forest next to Diersville. So I can't enter the desert at all for example. Does anyone know how to fix this?

submitted by /u/Mithrandir2k16
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Bedrock and detection

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:39 AM PST

Hoping someone will be able to help me with this.

I've just built a toothy with a tunnel in the centre that goes down to bedrock and then leads 50 or so metres away from the toothy, still at bedrock level. I want to make a base at the end of the tunnel that will be able to have forges and wall torches, but not attract Screamers. Will having one layer of concrete blocks for a floor, and then the wall torches 3-4 metres up be ok, or does anything that creates a heat signature have to be right down at bedrock level to not attract zombies?

submitted by /u/XpensiveTrash
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(steam) player count on servers

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:56 PM PST

ive read its 8, but are there servers with more people? if its 8, theres no pvp right? and is it hard to find them?

submitted by /u/reyfor11
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Gyrocopter - Conquer(?) the skies in A17!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:57 AM PST

Next ps4 update known?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:29 PM PST

When is it?

submitted by /u/deathofDNA
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Placing candles

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:36 AM PST

So I have limited time to play vidja games cus of work and family. I just got back into playing 7 day, and I'm ready to rage because I can't figure out how to put candles in my home base. Also I'm sorry but I play in PS4, I have not ascended to PC yet. Thanks for any help guys.

submitted by /u/hanson224
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Does the forge have a limit on Xbox one?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:21 AM PST

Like I have a butt load of iron, If I give my forge too much, will it just gobble up any more I have smelting? Or can it hold infinite amounts

submitted by /u/notgodpo
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No more bears spawning in Navezgane... PS4

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:57 AM PST

We're on day 130 and I've had run-ins with 5 bears, but none since around day 40. Aside from a zombie bear (that doesn't complete challenges) that I ran into today, they're nowhere to be found.

Is there a trick to luring them to you or a way to attract them? Would jars of honey be of any help ;)

submitted by /u/Angelareh
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New to servers, how does one manage a hosted server? (Modded, Bluefang)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:20 AM PST

So I have run an Ark server before, but 7 days is tripping me up. I'm trying to figure out how to switch mods or get rid of mods if my friend can not load WOTW for some reason, or even if he doesn't like it.

I bought a server with Bluefang since with a search it sounded like they had the best interface, but I'm not seeing a lot of customization there. I'm assuming I have to change default settings by going into the files? Like say I want an 18 hour day, daily supply crates, never run, what have you?

Most tutorials I am seeing on anything seem to be based upon the person having a dedicated server they run on their machine, but I am not sure if the same tutorials can be used since, to my understanding, everything file wise is hosted on the host company's machines, correct?

Also, for War of the Walkers, both my friend and I need to launch via the mod launcher, then find the server in the server list, correct? I have never played on a hosted server before, and when we have played together it was with me steam-inviting him to my game.

Sorry for being quite the noob at management and back-end, I'm used to a little more "Push button recieve hammer" kind of management. If there's any youtube tutorials on how to manage a hosted server, please throw them at me!

submitted by /u/TheLillin
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Ps4 anyone on right now to co-op?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:19 AM PST

Sonicdeathmnkey. I'm on right now.

submitted by /u/sonicdeathmnkey
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Teleporting Glitch?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:21 AM PST

Recently I've been trying to teleport players in my game to each other for ease of play. It worked fine before but now whenever I type their player id to teleport to the other person, it only teleports me somewhere completely different (I think essentially off the map) they sky doesn't load and is just black and I am constantly hearing the jumping noise while my hand is glitching everywhere. The item that it's holding is fine, it's just my hand.

So then I try to teleport myself using only coordinates, and it says wrong number of something or other, expected 2 or 4, found 3.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong?

submitted by /u/JustJoshCo
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New player, could do with some tips...(PC)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:53 AM PST

Me and a friend have a co-op server and we have just barely survived the 7 day horde, terrible i know XD, specific areas i could do with some help in is skill point allocation, how to get a large amount of materials like iron and wood and just general base building tips. Thanks

submitted by /u/Waterdodger123
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