True Dota 2 - Why is Sange being picked up on jugg over manta lately?

Why is Sange being picked up on jugg over manta lately?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:53 AM PST

I meant Sange and Yasha. Was wondering why I keep seeing people build it over manta lately.

Mostly on juggs though

submitted by /u/bgi123
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What happened to DS?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:06 AM PST

Yo, i was thinking that DS should be pretty good right now but i rarely see him getting picked in 5k bracket. I had a lot of success with DS because you can hold lanes against carrys like WK, Luna and Lycan. On any other Offlane Hero i often just get zoned and pushed past lvl5. With DS this early pushing Meta wont happen too often. DS in Teamfights is such a threat in any stage of the game.

What are your thoughts on DS?

submitted by /u/aram_samsam
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Crusader 5 OD | Itemization & Decision Making - Dota 2 Replay Analysis for a fellow Redditor

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:47 AM PST

I analyze how did Outworld's team do so well in the beginning, but ended up losing in the end. Decision making is not an easy thing to do. The more you practice and be mindful of your decisions, the better you will be at it.

Let me know what you guys think and I'll definitely take any critiques yall have to improve on these videos :)

I'll also tag /u/newp just in case there's some advice in here that could be of use to you. Here is this match's replay ID: 3679894926

submitted by /u/XenosKing
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TA after level 18

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 06:26 PM PST

TA's ability to clear waves with just traps with the level 15 talent should make her extremely broken. Free map control and tons of safe farm just from placing traps in all 3 lanes.

Why isn't TA seeing more popularity for this Naga-esque wave-clear in high level pubs or pro games? She is sitting on a good winrate 5k+ but really low pick rate.

Obviously it means your teammates can't farm the waves, but that has never stopped people from picking Alch/naga/AM/TB/Tinker etc.

submitted by /u/Caderrific
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Viper in 7.07 is an underrated gem

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 11:15 PM PST

A lot of people forgot about his rework shortly after Dueling Fates came out, presumably since he's always been seen as boring and useless beyond dominating lane. I think he has a lot of new potential that's going to waste because people just don't give a shit about him and will chew you out for not doing a "standard" build, even if you have high impact and win with it. Apparently they know better than the 6ks on Dotabuff that give me build ideas to begin with.

In particular, he has a lot more team utility now because reworked Nethertoxin is the only ability in the game that can break passives without talents or a gold investment, and Viper can use it before level 6 as well. Obviously this is only situationally useful, but it does mean there is now a reason to pick Viper over other heroes to begin with, something he has long been waiting for. Heroes that depend a lot on their passives are a nightmare to play against him, like Spectre, Bristle, PA and Tide. On the flip side, he is now much more hindered by spell immunity (Omni's rise to prominence may also be a reason he hasn't seen much attention).

More generally, he feels like he is designed to be more of a durable spellcaster than a light carry. The magical damage he can deal is staggering, and I have had a lot of success building around it:

  • Orchid is a great core item on him. He needs the mana it provides, and the silence compliments his break, keeping escape heroes in place while you melt them. Combos well with your ult, too, since they have similar durations and the bonus damage Orchid deals at the end helps finish off runners.

  • Veil can be useful if no one else is building one and your teammates also have abilities that can benefit from it. Viper likes the stats and HP regen. The magic res reduction stacks with Nethertoxin's and is a good way to deal more damage to a durable lineup. Kaya is also good here if a teammate is getting Veil or you otherwise don't think you need one. Can be superfluous against squishier cores though.

  • Drum is another stat stick that is making a comeback on him, ironic since both Viper and the item itself were reworked since years ago when Drum was considered core on him. Gives Viper some pushing power, much needed MS and a ganking tool to help secure a kill on whoever he is slowing. Ideal for early fights.

  • Pike is still good on him, but more as a mobility item than a carry item. You might not need the extra range for auto attack damage, but it is effectively a cast range increase for Poison Attack, which is always handy. Being able to push yourself and teammates along is always worth it on Viper. IMO it can be better to get Force then hold off on Pike until later if you don't need the range yet.

  • Lotus is fantastic when the enemy draft calls for it. The stats are pretty much perfect, and the active suits Viper's habit of being the center of attention in fights. A huge middle finger to targeted spells that are preventing you from initiating. Can pair well with Blade Mail to really mess with teams that have a lot of initiation of their own.

  • Aghs is a lot better now due to Viper's level 20 talent, which lets you deal around twelve hundred damage every ten seconds after being amped by Nethertoxin and cope more easily with spell immune heroes by letting you cripple them without wasting the cooldown. This is my usual choice if my team needs more initiation. Pairs well with Orchid, for obvious reasons.

  • When doing more of a semi-carry build, Mjollnir is ideal since he can amplify the damage of the chain lightning, which provide him with the area damage he is lacking, and he is perfectly happy to let enemies hit him after he uses the active on himself. More rarely, if you are really stomping, Radiance can give him massive presence in fights, but usually the buildup and opportunity cost aren't worth it.

  • Octarine is a solid end-game pickup, with or without Radiance. The spell lifesteal stacks with the level 10 talent, and the damage ticks from different Nethertoxin casts fully stack (not the magic amp though). The sheer damage Viper can sustain is enough to keep him afloat by spamming debuffs on the enemy team, and reducing the cooldown on Nethertoxin makes it easier to keep enemies afflicted. Punishes drafts that try to drag out fights.

  • For boots, I'm not sure which is best, so Treads are probably still the go-to, but I think any of them could be justified on Viper. Tranquils provide needed mobility and let you farm with your passive, Treads' three settings are all desirable, Phase let you play more aggressively, even Arcanes give well-utilized mana and can be disassembled to make Lotus (this one likely being very situational). I also like to get Travels on him by late game to defend and fight on a moment's notice in uncoordinated solo pubs.

  • Viper's has excellent high level talents that give him different options for approaching the late game. The Poison Attack modification gives decent pushing, the ult talent greatly improves your DPS, the free right click damage lets you transition smoothly into a carry and the Nethertoxin silence turns it into a second initiation.

  • A value point in Nethertoxin is desirable since the cooldown, manacost, range and area don't scale.

Another benefit of Viper's new Q and W is that farming with them is surprisingly convenient. Nethertoxin is a ground targeted spell with good range and a very short cast, so you can use it to stack camps. It also breaks most neutral creeps' passives as well, including the magic resistance aura, which makes them a lot weaker. Once a camp is stacked, use Nethertoxin and your passive to wear them down and finish off the tougher creeps with Poison Attack. I've had no trouble keeping my farm up in hard games without missing out on fights.

Less confidently, I also think Viper as an offlane hero is something worth considering. He is still a huge pain in the ass to deal with early game, but now he farms more easily and remains an important asset to the team even if he has a tough lane. I've been trying it in ranked and even against sensible trilanes, it seems to work simply because dealing with him is never worth the trouble. Even if you die, you will usually take someone with you, and diving towers is a horrible idea when you can use Poison Attack to keep them there.

For non-professional players, though, the most important factor is probably that Viper is fun to play for once. Keeping enemies soaked in as many debuffs as possible and trying to predict where you should drop puddles during moving fights is still trivial, but certainly more engaging than sitting in one place and auto attacking someone until their health drops faster than yours.

submitted by /u/advice-alligator
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[Serious] Help getting out of low ranks in solo Q.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:19 AM PST

Im looking for some serious tips for those who climbed out of low rank MMR. I am currently a Guardian(5) and looking for tips on grinding out of this tier.

I have been playing dota for a long time and have clocked close to 3500 hours into the game. The past few years I rarely played ranked games so never really made an effort to get out. When I first started playing dota I rushed to calibrate and calibrated at 900 mmr years ago.

I had a bad attitude towards ranked games in the past and my anxiety about losing just kept me away from solo q. With the new seasons I feel a lil less pressure and have been enjoying ranked games lately. However I have some issues that I could use some advice on.

Let me first say, I have played games with higher ranked players regularly (3k + 4k). I hold my own in these games since I do understand the game at that level. I know thats not really saying much but 3k games are vastly different from 1k. In 1k there is such a huge difference between the player base in terms of overall game knowledge. 1k games literally make no sense, and goes against all I know about how the game is actually played.

It feels like at this low of a tier, there is no meta. No one has any grasp of roles. For example, LC jungle is still a thing....smh. Instead of taking objectives, teams just fight and fall back to jungle to farm. The games are just so insanely chaotic that its hard to play the heroes I enjoy playing most (earth spirit for example). Pos 4 roaming is not really a thing in low tier and often ill get forced into pos 5 support despite my clear communication at hero select at what role I want to play.

Im looking for hero suggestions for these really chaotic games. Id love to hear how others have grinded out of this tier. Are there any heroes that are spammable, versatile and can remain impactful in these odd matchups (Venge maybe)? Or is there any hero suggestions folks have that can take the game over them selves and force objectives (lycan)?

I can play most roles but have least experience in offlane. Feel free to check out the dotabuff and let me know what suggestions you can give me to improve and get out of this chaotic tier.

submitted by /u/Trasketor
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Never get banned again with this simple App

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:56 PM PST

Hello there, here is a small introduction to Auto Censor, a new app that will make you never get banned for toxicity again in MOBA's and MMO's.

How does it work? Once you download it and activate the filter, you are able to type any word you like expect curse words and negative words considered as bannable offenses. We also have an option that helps this censor really adapt to you. If you know some words or things you say a lot in a negative manner, you can add it just by typing it in the box menu, you will see it is very simple. The software will then block you from sending that word. Leaving you no other option but to say positive words in game, but hey you can still use irony 😉!

To check it out come over here: and please leave us any feedback, keep in mind it is still being updated and improved everyday as we try to make it perfect for the player. Thanks! 💚💙

submitted by /u/atcensor
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Earthshaker's Level 10 Talent

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 04:50 PM PST

Hello people of /truedota,

my question is regarding the Lvl 10 Talent of Earthshaker. Is there ever a reason to pick the 30 damage over 250 Mana? Even as a combat Earthshaker that talent seems underwhelming while 250 Mana can help you tremendously as the Earthshaker is always mana starved (DPS or Support Shaker, any roles).

Would it be too powerful to change it to 8-10 Strength? At least that would synergize well with Enchant Totem and isn't TOO powerful.

What is your opinion? Is that talent good as it is right now or should it be replaced with something else? Ify es what would be the most suitable attribute/property?

Thank you

submitted by /u/cHecker_oD
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