The Escapists 2 Share your thoughts about The Escapists 2!

Share your thoughts about The Escapists 2!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:22 AM PST

Hey there, Escapists!

We're looking for some feedback for The Escapists 2! Whether you loved it, hated it, or just wanted to beat up fellow inmates for the hell of it, we'd love to know what you think!

We always like to reward Teamsters with special items. At the end of the survey, there will be an option for you to enter a prize draw where you can be in with a chance to win one of three cool Team17 loot items!

You can start the survey by clicking this link, which will take you to Google Forms.

Q. What happens to my feedback?
A. All feedback will be passed on to the development team.

Q. If I enter the prize draw who gets to see my email address?
A. Only Janey_Team17, and it will only be used for the purposes of the prize draw.

Q. I'm experiencing issues with the survey. How can I still give feedback?
Q. I submitted my survey responses, and now I just remembered something I wanted to tell you guys!

A. Don't worry! Send me an email with your information -

Q. How long does the survey take to complete?
A. The survey should take approximately 4 minutes to complete, but this also depends on how long it takes you to make choices. This time does not include answering optional questions.

Q. What kinds of question are in the survey?
A. The survey will ask you about your gameplay experiences with The Escapists 2 and consist mainly of 'Tick all that apply' or 'Choose one option' formats.

For a few of the questions, there are 'Other' options for you to write your own thoughts, if the ones provided don't match your experiences.

There are also [Optional] sections which you can use to talk about your experiences, and if you want to skip these, that's fine!

The survey will close on Monday, 22nd January 2018, at 9.30 a.m. GMT.
If you missed the survey link at the top, here it is again.

Thanks for helping us out! Your feedback is helpful, and appreciated!


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