Smite - [GUARDIANS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of January 22, 2018

[GUARDIANS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of January 22, 2018

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:50 AM PST

Welcome to /r/Smite's weekly God Class Discussion Megathread. This is a place for the community to get together and discuss, theorycraft, and ask for help on playing each class.

This week we are focusing on GUARDIANS.

Some ideas to get you started might include:

  • Tips and advice for playing any or all Guardians
  • Good builds, bad builds, and everything in between
  • What roles in each gamemode to play Guardians in
  • Where Guardians fit into the meta
  • Buffs or nerfs you would make and why
  • Questions about the gods or class as a whole

And anything else you can think of!

Please stick to gods that are GUARDIANS. This includes:

  • Ares
  • Artio
  • Athena
  • Bacchus
  • Cabrakan
  • Fafnir
  • Ganesha
  • Geb
  • Khepri
  • Kumbhakarna
  • Kuzenbo
  • Sobek
  • Sylvanus
  • Terra
  • Xing Tian
  • Ymir

See here for an archive of all the previous Class Discussion Megathreads!

Check back next week when we'll be discussing Hunters!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Da Ji (in my own style) hope you guys enjoy

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:38 AM PST

New Trifecta Roster!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:01 PM PST

RohnJobert no longer works for Hi Rez

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:38 PM PST

Thanks to the Devs for keeping Allied's Statue.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:00 PM PST

I just wanted to say thanks to Hirez for keeping his statue as part of the design of the new map. I'm glad that Allied will continue to live on in-game with us.

submitted by /u/quentin550
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Updated SPL Rosters

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:58 PM PST

NA SPL Rosters

Team Name ADC Support Mid Jungle Solo Coach
CLG - - - - - -
eUnited PandaCat PolarBearMike Venenu Screammmmm Benji Cardiac
Luminosity - - - - - -
SpaceStation Gaming BaRRaCCuDDa JeffHindla Baskin andinster Aquarius Omega
Splyce CycloneSpin Aror TheBest Yujiiii Divios -
Trifecta Zapman NeiruMah Metyankey Mask ScaryD -

EU SPL Rosters

Team Name ADC Support Mid Jungle Solo Coach
Mousesports - - - - - -
NRG Esports emilitoo iRaffer Yammyn Adapting ManiaKK -
Obey Alliance Ataraxia - PrettyPriMe CaptainTwig Xaliea Hayzer
SK Gaming - - - - - -
Team Dignitas Arkkyl Trixtank Zyrhoes QvoFred Variety Biggy
Team RivaL Vote KaLas Wlfy iceicebabyy Deathwalker AlphaJackal
submitted by /u/PacSnackz
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A few thoughts on S5 so far and a small problem with Jing Wei passive if not on Order side.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:30 PM PST

After playing about 60 games of this new map I have to say I'm having a really good time with it, even staying up late just to get a few more games in which I have not done in a long time for Smite! I'm enjoying it a lot more than S4 map by a lot so far! Everything looks and feels great on it for the most part. Really awesome job to everyone working on it!

I just want to make this clear as well that I'm mostly an ADC player so I can't say how other roles might be feeling about S5.

The only real problems I have with it so far is a lot of games are ending really fast and you get so much gold to the point there is almost no mid game. I think it should be just a little bit lower in the mid game.

I feel like the EXP you get overall is in a very good spot and it makes for both a mix of early and late game gods playing played which I think is awesome to see! Though to be fair it is only PTS and the meta could change a lot of course as the year goes on as people learn the map more.

The other thing I feel like is a problem is the mage starter item feels like the go to for almost every god unless you are heavy AA based like say Rama or Jing Wei who don't get much out of it other than the MP5.

I'm not sure exactly what to do to it, but I think either giving it a little cd or maybe lowering the damage down a bit could help on the mage starter item.

One thing I am really, really happy to see is duo lane being more of a duo lane again and I really hope it stays that way. I really dislike the 1vs1 ADC meta so much and enjoy having the support stay around a bit longer at the start. It also makes there be more hype early plays in duo lane which is nice!

Also, is it just me or is it really easy to hit level 2 before the other duo if you out clear them and just take the smalls on the purple camp and then go back to wave? This is also really easy to do since the camps die really fast now.

I think what people might do is just start at camps again since they die really fast and the wave takes longer to do now making it harder to punish people that start camps in duo lane. I don't mind that really since I liked that before S4 made everyone start in lane which felt really bad for less early game based gods. I guess we will see how the meta plays out!

The last thing I wanted to say is when playing Jing Wei when not on the Order side of the map her passive can be blocked by the rocks in base which can cost you a lot of time if you don't move around it when flying out of base.

Order side has no problem with Jing Wei passive since nothing will block her when flying. I think the rocks should be lower or make it so Jing Wei passive goes past walls when flying until she is ready to land. My guess is Apollo has this problem as well. Please change this!

Thank you for reading and what does everyone else think of S5 so far? I feel like this is going to be the most hype year of Smite yet and fun for all type of players in Conquest! Just some changes here and there and it should be amazing! Have fun everyone in S5!

submitted by /u/Yewyul
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Bakasura Mid - A Guide to Gluttony

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:39 AM PST

Hey guys, as your fellow Baka one trick and resident sadist I'm happy to announce that come season 5, Bakasura is officially SS+ tier on the "Make your enemies want to AFK" tierlist.

Baka mid, baby.

But why mid lane? Isn't Baka's lane clear terrible? Doesn't Baka belong in the jungle? Yes, both of those things are true, but thanks to the jungle changes from S5, these facts are a boon and not a disadvantage. You see, with the changes to jungle creep scaling, the decrease in camp spawn timers, and the increase of overall jungle camps, Bakasura is an absolute monster given his incredibly fast camp clear from Eat Minion and Take Down. But that's not exactly what we're here for.

You see, because of these jungle changes, Bakasura snowballs faster than Buddy the Elf in Central Park. And to make things worse, you can pair this by plopping this disgustingly cute mouth demon in the mid lane.

Start Baka off with Hunter's blessing for better lane clear, along with both healing and mana chalices. Level your 2, and head to mid lane. Though your clear is quite poor (assumedly) start the first wave off by eating the first melee minion. The enemy mid laner should've already used their clear ability, but given it is 5 minions versus 6, and with the help of your fist knife autos, your should theoretically clear the lane before the enemy god. While they're busy finishing off the remaining archers, rush over to the large harpies furthest away from your jungler (this should allow your jungler to clear the other harpies). With your stacks of Insatiable Hunger, auto one harpie down until you have one second left on your passive, and then eat the other, undamaged harpie, restoring your passive stacks to full, and quickly finishing off the other harpie. This will give you level 2, and gold advantage against the enemy mid laner. Level your 1, jump back on the enemy archer minions, auto them down, and work on the melees. You should clear at just about the same time as the enemy mid.

But where do we go from there? Steal the enemy red buff. Now that you are starting to level butcher blades, your power will spike as high as 70 at level 5. Use this to your advantage and bully the enemy mid laner until they cry - because you can kill them with 4 or 5 autos. Continue this process, counter jungling like an ocelotte on crack cocaine, securing a disgusting level advantage against the mid laner, and stealing precious farm from the enemy jungle. Rush Ninja Tabi and Hastened, and then the rest is up to you.

Why does this work? Since the meta is shifting from the clusterf*ck teamfight that is early game mid, to a more relaxed and farm oriented 1v1, Baka can spiral out of control given his access to lane farm, and counter jungle farm. I've had PTS games where I've been 8 levels ahead of the enemy mid laner, and well over 4k gold. And with this disgusting advantage you can traverse the map at ease because of Baka's speedy nature. If anybody would like a more in-depth guide or viable build options, let me know, I'll be happy to help. Just know that if you try this, you're an asshole, and everyone will despise you.

TL;DR Baka mid is gross and mages are very afraid

Edit: Thank you guys so much for the support! I've heard in game that a lot of people have tried Baka mid with great success, warms my heart that I could help you guys out with something so evil! my IGN is Penkly - add me if you'd like tips, rotation guides, or just want someone to play with! Thank you guys again!

submitted by /u/BakasuraChan
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The Lack Of Console Support And Attention Is Making Many People Start To Leave

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:40 PM PST

I understand that there are many restrictions that can cause patches for ALL games on console to be delayed due to XBox's content restrictions and scanning, but it is legitimately crazy how much support console really lacks. It has come to the point that I sometimes do not even want to play the game because my time will just be wasted or I won't enjoy myself. Here is a list of bugs/glitches/problems that we have been plagued with and how long they have existed:

  • UI glitch that causes players that have reconnected to the game after disconnecting to lose all functions of their UI. It is completely disabled and shows all players as disconnected (This bug has existed for at least 5 patches and is still ongoing)

  • A glitch that makes someone unable to accept a queue which results in a deserter penalty (This has existed since I installed Smite on console which has been at least since the beginning of season 4)

  • The Hachiman glitch that allowed his 1 to travel indefinitely until it reached max distance (even through walls, minions, buff camps, gods, etc.) had literally made the character extremely unbalanced and unfair to play against (This existed for a whole patch ~2/3 weeks with no hotfix) (Not 4 patches)

  • A bug that I have experienced three times since the start of season 4 has causes me at least a 30 minute deserter penalty. After LOCKING IN as a god at the god selection screen all 10 players were kicked and given deserter penalties

  • A glitch that causes Ranked Joust and Conquest games that were a victory to be not counted or for them to be counted as a loss (Happened twice between mid season 4 and four weeks ago)

  • ALL Smite patches are delayed at least a week from their PC counterparts. I want to emphasize that I understand that all games that are on both PC and console have a delay because of Sony and Microsoft's content scanning and restrictions, but there is no way to convince me that there is no negligence on HiRez's part for the huge delays that no other game has. (Not the biggest deal)

This list has many other entries that I could add and I seriously feel sad because of that. I absolutely love Smite, but the immense lack of attention and support on console is finally starting to drive players away if it hasn't already. HiRez doesn't even respond to or acknowledge any of the extremely popular threads on this subreddit when they pertain to anything console related. PLEASE fix this game on console because I want to enjoy my experience.

Edit: OMG HiRez responded! Thank you so much Stealth you are amazing. I want to add that our main focus here isn't on the delays on patches because we understand that it isn't the easiest to rush things through. Our main focus is the bugs and glitches and we are so appreciative that you are showing us some attention.

submitted by /u/TMan4563
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Fight Club

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:47 PM PST

A friend of mine had the best idea idea for a game mode and we tried it with 2 other people although 5v5 would be best. A fight club style match that goes like this

Level 20, max money, no minion spawn, arena, random gods for the match settings.

No aura items, no soul reaver, no stacking items, no potions/pots for player restrictions

How the game works.

One player from each team enters the circle inside arena and fights till one is dead. Once someone dies, someone from the same team immediately enters and fights the victor till someone dies. Once you have 3 deaths, you can no longer enter the circle.

You keep doing this till everyone on a team has 3 deaths and at that point, that team losses. You are allowed to buy and sell items when you die. If you leave the circle for any reason, if you leave by accident or are forced out by the enemy god, then you must let the other fighter kill you.

Even just 2v2 it was a blast.

submitted by /u/mizzouman91
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Part 2: Season 5.1 PTS Mage Builds With In Depth Numbers (3000+ Builds For Each God)

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:57 AM PST

These tests were done over the weekend and do not include any pts updates.

So I have 3 sets of spreadsheets for you all today. They will show various things:

  1. Top 15% Mage Builds. Every god has a list of over 3000 builds that are in the top 15% of the maximum damage possible under certain circumstances. At 48 magical protections only. Ethereal Staff proc is 50 damage based on 3% of Anubis' health. Rod of Tahuti proc is not added.

Agni - Nox:

Nu Wa - Zhong Kui:

  1. Top 5 Mage Builds Per Item. Every complete item got tested for top 5 builds with that item, all sorted by damage. You can find the best damage build on Poseidon if you want to buy Gem of Isolation and sacrifice some damage. Data is for 48 to 308 magical protections at 20 protection increments. Ethereal Staff proc is 50 damage based on 3% of Anubis' health. Rod of Tahuti proc is not added.

All Gods:

Some summaries, below is the list of endgame damage by ability mages using their non ult combos.

God Damage Combo Notes
Anubis 3579 3- 1
Zeus 2819 2 - 1 - 3
He Bo 2449 1 - 3 - 1 Does Not Include Passive
Isis 2172 2 - 1 Assumes minimum distance spirit ball
Agni 2147 1 - 2 - 4 One Bomb and Includes Passive
Hel 1938 L1 - 4 - D1 - D3 Does Not Include Passive
Nox 1859 2 - 1 Does Not Include Passive
Raijin 1848 2 - 1
Scylla 1789 2 - 1 Includes Passive
Janus 1732 1 - 2 Does Not Include Passive
Chang'e 1731 1 - 3 - 1
Aphrodite 1715 2 - 3
Hades 1704 1 - 3
Poseidon 1682 3 - 1 Does Not Include Passive
The Morrigan 1659 2 - 1
Kukulkan 1624 1 - 3 Assumes minimum time inside Whirlwind
Chronos 1561 3 - 1 Does Not Include Passive or Accelerate Section III
Ra 1490 2 - 1
Vulcan 1468 3 - 1
Discordia 1359 2 - 1 Does Not Include Passive
Thoth 1332 3 - 1 Includes Passive
Zhong Kui 1332 1 - 2
Ah Puch 1261 1 - 2
Ao Kuang 1200 2 - 3 - 2 Includes Passive, throws dragons instead of auto attacks
Nu Wa 1197 2 - 3 Does not include minion basic attack damage; assumes hitting shining metal during 60 magical protection debuff.

My opinion on items,

Rod of Tahuti is the talk of the town. It has been nerfed and with all mages getting magical protection buffs, mages do not deal as much damage as before and the question is if the item is worth it. The answer depends on the god. Some can use it with great effect and not building it on those gods, you will see a significant damage reduction. Other gods can drop it happily and not lose any or only a small amount of damage. Look at the cost of the builds and see where dropping Rod of Tahuti can for another item can provide more stats.

Warlock's Staff is coming up in the world and some gods can sacrifice little damage and be able to pick it up instead of Book of Toth.

Soul Gem is a bloated item at 2300 gold that a lot gods can pick up, but pairing it with certain items will cause a huge drop in damage output, so look at each god carefully.

Shaman's Ring is an item only certain people knew about in season 4. With the Rod of Tahuti nerf, I think alot of gods can pick this up and do very well with it. The only question is with the games seemingly shorter than last year, can you max out the stacks in time for end game?

Typhon's Fang and Divine Ruin are specialty items that can be added to your build without sacrificing much. But be careful what other items you pair with them know so you do not lose out too much damage.

Obsidian Shard vs Spear of the Magus. Compared to season 4, nothing has really changed, at 200 protections, many mages need both for maximum damage while others only need Obsidian Shard. If you sill believe that you cannot build both on the gods that I show need both, always pick Obsidian Shard.

To view the numbers for each god :

Bancroft's Talon has lost its favor due to the magical protection buff, but some gods can use it in a cheap build if they are behind and use its passive to make up the loss of damage it now presents.

Soul Reaver is still viable, some gods can afford to pick it up and lose little damage when the passive is down.

Book of the Dead has limited viability as the shield can be nice, if you really want it, your build has to be very specific for maximum shield and maximum damage. Building incorrectly with this item and your damage goes south fast.

Hopefully everything is clear to understand, please let me know if anything is wrong. If aura's become meta again or when the servers go live, I will be updating the guides to show the same data at the higher protections. Thanks to HiRezCapslock for confirming with me on how the Obsidian Shard proc is calculated.

submitted by /u/ImpishCoconut
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TrifectaGG SMITE Roster Reveal Tonight (Around 6 or 7PM EST)

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:56 AM PST

Smite Greek Family Tree

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:09 PM PST

God it's messy but I hope you guys can read it.

Here it is.

This tree uses the parentage described in each god's lore or the most popular version, since there are multiple sources.

Pink Lines: Consorts
Black Lines: Children
Red Line: Born from severed primordial sky balls and arose on a fucking clam.

Hopefully I didn't make a mistake bc I was getting lost making this. Enjoy.

submitted by /u/Kaios-0
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Italian translation of SMITE

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:13 PM PST

Hi everyone. I am a ps4 player of this game since the beta and i still love this game. In Italy the main moba is obviously league of legends, but every friend i suggested to try SMITE started to like it. I think that if SMITE had an italian translation, it could be more popular. I really hope hirez take into account this request cause every player of this game just want to improve the game and try to invite friends to join this game. Thank you.

submitted by /u/Noxturnalis
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Doin' you guys at HI-REZ a favor. thank me later

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:34 PM PST

Suggestion: Display Thorns limit around the players health bar

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:10 AM PST

So with Thorns now having the ability to be ended early by taking too much damage I think it would be a nice touch if maybe the players health bar would have a light puprle touch that would recude with the damage taken but not be connected to health at all. Opinions?

submitted by /u/VoltexRB
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I got Ganesha “Triple” kill 1/1000

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:59 PM PST


Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:06 PM PST

We Should Acknowledge our Named Objectives

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:04 PM PST

I really wish with Season 5, and with us basing the Titans and the Fire Giant off of actual named mythological beings (aka: Kronus, Surtur and [I don't remember what the Order Titan's name is and as far as I'm aware there's nowhere I could find this out in game]) that we could properly acknowledge our objectives by name.

For instance, if I'm a random pleb playing Smite purely for aesthetic or strategic value, I'd have no reason to believe either of the Titans or the Fire Giant for that matter have any name or are based on any living thing. My proposition is that, at the very least, they should be named in some way.

Over the Titans' heads they've got the very basic titles of "Chaos and Order Titan" respectively. I think they should have their names. Either "Chaos Titan Kronus" or simply "Kronus" since we already know they're Titans and who they fight for. Also Fire Giant could be named Fire Giant Surtur, or like Surtur, King of the Fire Giants or something like that.

I know it's not game-changing but I just don't see the point of having these objectives based off of real living, pre-established mythological beings, and then just not even acknowledging this in game.

If you have any other ideas of acknowledging their lore in game, do feel free to comment. Also feel free to call me a pleb for not knowing the other Titan's name, but this is exactly the point I'm trying to make.

submitted by /u/DakotaIsDreaming
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Short but sweet

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:05 PM PST

As much as I love finding out these NA Rosters, when the hell are we getting news for the EU Rosters?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:36 PM PST

I mean, we know like almost all of the NA rosters already. We're just missing Luminosity and CLG to finalize the rosters for NA. When are we getting some EU news though?

submitted by /u/KingdomHeartsII
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I love Duel

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:21 PM PST

I just recently started to play duel and love it. I'm a low level but i'm having fun playing different gods, enjoying the fast que times. I've learned to not rage as much. I don't have to depend on teammates like I do in other game modes. It's just me and another person. It feels more personal, and it almost feels like a different game within a game. I was afraid to play duel for the longest time because I wasn't confident in myself and was afraid of losing. But now I can lose and laugh and try different builds, etc. I suggest anyone who has not given duel a try, do it now. Don't 'worry about your rank. Just have fun.

I barely play any other mode now lol.

Keep on Dueling brotha's.

submitted by /u/DragonGems
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When you have to rely on the force for your bounce [lag]

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:28 AM PST

Voicepack settings should be seperated for each god

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:22 AM PST

I play camazotz with his jurassic skin for example and switch to his normal voice so that my teammates understand what i call.

After that i play ravana with his mma skin and need to set it back to skin voice.

The thing is if you forget to switch back and play with jurassic camazotz... yea its not fun listening to him even if you are the one playing him. Teammates will not even listen to your calls most of the time.

submitted by /u/Bozzkurt69
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Do people really not like F.'s casting?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:14 PM PST

Personally he's one of my favorite casters right next to Hindu. What's the main reason others dislike his casting so much?

submitted by /u/BlackIronVengarl
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It's VoteNBK's birthday, here's a little throwback to celebrate

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:06 AM PST

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