Heroes of the Storm - Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | January 22 - January 28

Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | January 22 - January 28

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:01 AM PST

Ever find yourself looking for more people to play with? Post in here if you are looking for a team for competitive play or if you are a team looking to fill out your roster! You can also check out our Looking For Group Wiki Page!

Previous LFG threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Want to mod the subreddit's Discord? Apply here!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:58 PM PST

Hiya folks,

We're looking for a few community mods to join the ranks in the Discord to help keep it up to date with HoTs news, further discussion, and help handle potential rule breaking.

If you think you'd be a good fit, please fill out the Google form below. Please understand that we get a TON of responses on these forms, and unfortunately can't take everyone, so make sure to put your best foot forward :D

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via modmail. Thanks!

submitted by /u/ILuffhomer
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Blizzard Have Released Online Guides to "educate the player base", FINALLY!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:05 AM PST

Heroes of the Dorm 2018 announcement

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:04 AM PST

Brightwing Lunar New Year Skin

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:39 AM PST

It's a slow day at work and I've been daydreaming about what the Lunar New Year skins are going to be this year. I started doodling a Brightwing skin that I hope will be real someday. Here's the result: https://imgur.com/a/egDm7

I have limited art supplies at work, so just pretend the grey is yellow/gold.

submitted by /u/frenchfrya
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Grubby's advice for toxic Genji players

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:08 AM PST

HOTS should consider adding "Good job", "Good teamwork", "Thanks" pings

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:16 AM PST

HOTS is a game played by humans. I would like to see additional ping types. Even though encouragement has no tactical benefit like the other 4 pings, it increases positivity and can make players try harder.

"Good job" is a generic ping that can cover situations like a nice kill or a taken objective. "Good teamwork" is a good ping for when you worked with someone and you want to highlight the teamwork in accomplishing something. "Thanks" is useful when someone saves you, covers for you, or lanes even if it's boring.

You can bind all of these to another hotkey and use three of the four cardinal directions to access them.

submitted by /u/energybased
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Would you support HGC/HoTS with a "warchest?"

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:33 AM PST

Some of you may or may not be aware of the SC2 "warchest" model that Blizzard introduced into the scene last year. The idea was that you buy the warchest and some of the money goes towards the prize pools for Starcraft 2 esport events. There's one warchest per race and each costs about €10 or your regional equivalent.

As a player, buying the warchest would get you some items in game at a discounted price. As you continued to play games, you earn xp and complete challenges to unlock more items. The items you unlock are the usual things you'd expect - skins, sprays, emotes, voice lines, etc. After a period of time, the chest becomes unavailable to buy, but you can still unlock the skins by just paying for them.

How would you feel about something like this being applied to HoTS? Personally I'd like and support this a whole lot more than the "bits" thing that they used last year for the HGC.

submitted by /u/Jesus_Phish
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Math of the Storm: Tyrael Rework

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:23 AM PST

Stim-Droned Blood-Lusted Aba-Hatted Valla

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:01 PM PST

52 out of 75 Heroes (69.3%) were played on the first week of HGC

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:05 AM PST

Out of those 52 Heroes, the meta ones (1st pick/1st ban/Popularity) and their winrates were:

Warrior: ETC (67%)

Assassin: Greymane (37%), Hanzo (61%), Genji (52%)

Support: Lucio (44%), Rehgar (38%)

Specialist: Abathur (60%)

The benched heroes were:

Warrior: Chen / Cho'Gall / D.va / Rexxar / Varian*

Assassin: Alarak / Nova / Raynor / Butcher / Valeera / Zul'Jin

Support: Ana / Lili / Morales / Tyrande

Specialist: Gazlowe / Murky / Nazeebo / Probius / Sylvanas / Zagara

submitted by /u/-WakaJawaka-
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Heroes of the Dorm Returns for 2018!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:04 AM PST

It appears Heroes forced Overwatch to up their D.Va skin game

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:13 AM PST

Not a manner mule

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:23 AM PST

LFM will be Livestreaming their VOD reviews from their matches against Team 12 today

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:23 PM PST

At 9:00 EST/6:00 PST LFM has decided to livestream their VOD reviews from Sunday.

You can come and flex your armchair critic skills or just see what goes on for an HGC team.

It will be streamed here


submitted by /u/wonderrade
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I wish Demonic Circle felt a bit more... Demonic

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:13 PM PST

Gul'dan's [[Demonic Circle]] is a great talent. It provides the immobile, health based mage with a reliable escape. What's better than juking that wombo combo of the century by noping back to core. Or teaching Chromie two can play at those games?

But I wish it felt more demonic. The rune itself looks cool. But there's no animation to the actual teleport. It's just poof. I wish it left like, a blasted scorch mark. Or a pillar of fel flame. Or even an audio cue like Gul'dan laughing maniacally. It just feels like it's lacking in feedback.

submitted by /u/WhereAreDosDroidekas
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HGC 2018, Phase 1, Week 1 - Super Shimada Bros

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:52 PM PST

Why can we not gift heroes to friends?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:15 PM PST


I convinced my class mate to play HotS and she wants to play Li-Ming but she doesn't own her so she tried her in Try mode. She then tried Thrall and Greymane and loved Thrall.

Now with the free hero rotation this week she will be able to try Li-Ming but now Thrall is gone.

So why are we not able to gift heroes? I don't see it as being an obstacle, not even sure why you didn't add it in the first place it might even give you more money.

Sure we can gift boxes but if a new friend wants a hero they're not going to want to rng through boxes to get the hero they want.

submitted by /u/TheSammyKnight
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Why can everyone see the amount of ammo Tracer has at all times which is just visual clutter but not her ult charging?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:00 AM PST

The ammo bar of Tracer that is constantly moving just adds visual clutter for everyone. It isn't of any major interest to anyone except perhaps for Tracer herself at times but she already has it visible in the lower left corner to begin with.

However, her ultimate charging is of interest to everyone but unlike on for example D.Va, it isn't visible to anyone but herself.

My suggestion would be to remove the constantly moving ammo bar so it isn't visible to anyone else and possibly replace it with an ult charging bar so people know what they are dealing with, just like with D.Va.

submitted by /u/Paladia
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Raycom Sports will produce a weekly, one-hour Heroes of the Dorm program.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:38 AM PST

Hanzo free week + Sharpened Arrowheads is making this the worst week of HOTS I can remember

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:50 PM PST

Blizzard devs really whiffed on this one. Let's hope we see nerfs this week because having -25 armor all game makes this game unfun.

submitted by /u/THOR72
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Still haven't received new ranked rewards!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:56 PM PST

I was really looking forward to more gold mounts. Opened a ticket, posted on the forum, and here we are. Still riding that poverty horse in team league.

I can't be the only one who hasn't yet received them?

submitted by /u/Look_Who_Shows_Up
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Flawed talent of the day: Varian's Victory Rush

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:27 AM PST

If you pick Victory Rush, you'll soon notice that the talent is always on cooldown. It's because even if you're missing just 1 HP, the effect will automatically activate anyway, wasting the huge 400 HP heal.

Another problem is that unlike other two talents, this one is map dependant since only monsters or enemy minions trigger it. The only two maps that feature lots of monsters are Braxis and Infernal Shrines. But then again – talent does its job only if you're missing a chunk of HP. You can reduce cooldown greatly by killing skeletons on IS, but you won't have that heal when enemy heroes finally come.

For the talent to be good, it needs to either have a toggle or to activate only when enough HP is missing.

submitted by /u/Phoenixed
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Gfe Fury shows a cool bug

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:47 AM PST

Thrall lvl 1 buff suggestion

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:31 AM PST

Hi all!

I would say that arguable Thrall has the hardest talent quest to complete [[Crash Lightning]]. I'd like it to have a minor buff that if you manage hit 3 enemy heroes with single chain lightning you would get 2 stacks (1+1) to the quest and with 4 enemy heroes it would be 3 stacks (1+1+1). This would only bring the quest in line with other similar like Hanzo's [[Simple Geometry]].

submitted by /u/Rhaegwyn
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Valeera is needed more than ever

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:04 AM PST

In a meta where we see Genji and Greymane DOMINATING pick/ban rates in professional play (I'm not talking about Hanzo because he is fairly new and will be toned down, I hope), the carry disabler concept of Valeera is needed more than ever.

I don't know how Blizz would do that without ruinning QM, but she is a hero that needs to see professional play.

A healthy (balance wise) Valeera could make teams think twice about insta-locking Genji first pick.

Not so fun fact: she now sits at 40% WR (Hotslogs), the worse hero in the entire game (below Tassadar, Medivh and Zeratul, all of those appeared in HGC this weekend).

submitted by /u/tsiloufas
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Blaze blocks team league screen info in ranked

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:58 AM PST

Blaze needs to move over a bit.


submitted by /u/---sh
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