Pokémon GO - Next community day pokemon is Dratini, February 24 2-5PM EST

Next community day pokemon is Dratini, February 24 2-5PM EST

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:45 PM PST

[Bug] I think this Sudowoodo was being abducted

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:48 AM PST

My buddy & I were talking how sweet a shiny dratini would be but instead of pink he said punk. Thus:

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:38 PM PST

Because Instinct was busy destroying all the gyms, right?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:02 PM PST

I'm a level 29 player who has beaten 11 raids (3 legendary) and I just got my second EX pass. This system is ridiculous.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:12 PM PST

I am not making this post to brag. I'm honestly annoyed for all the high-level players who raid every day who still haven't gotten a pass. I just want to let you all know that I stand with you in saying Niantic needs to change this system and believe me when I say if I could give this pass to someone more deserving I would.

submitted by /u/JoinTheBattle
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Hit 100 consecutive days in a gym!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:50 PM PST

My Dragonite has been hanging out in snow for quite some time now.

He's got a ways to go though, I had a Vaporeon in this gym for 224 straight days last year (that run got me a little more gold)

submitted by /u/Deeger
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The ONE DAY it's actually foggy out, the game makes it rain..

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:59 PM PST

[AR Shot] Thou shalt not pass

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:25 AM PST

Catch me if you can!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:19 AM PST

[Complaint] Broken Ex-raid System

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:39 PM PST

I'm level 38, 136 raids, 106 legendary raids.

I don't like to waste raid passes on pokemon that I don't need or else my number of raids would be way higher. However, I've succumb to this terrible Ex raid system and wasted about a dozen passes (at ex gyms, approx. once a week) just for a shot at a Mewtwo. Still nothing.

I raided at an ex gym last week with my roommate (level 26, 23 raids, 6 legendary raids) and he got the ex raid pass and I didn't.

How in any way is that fair? I have silver badge, he has bronze. I've been raiding at ex-raid gyms at least once a week for months now and still no pass. I'm the one who talked my roommate into playing the game. I've been trying to get an ex raid pass longer than his account has even existed!! This system absolutely needs reworked. Niantic should be rewarding dedicated, long-term players. Not people who come and go constantly. As a dedicated gamer, I really don't want to quit this game. But if the best pokemon are being distributed this poorly, it goes to show the lack of connection between Niantic and the hardcore players.

I realized after being super bummed at the first few waves of invites that its just a game and I need to not take it seriously. But mewtwo is an extremely strong attacker, hes part of my favorite gen and he's been literally impossible for me to get with this system... yet my roommate can start the game and have it within a month.

submitted by /u/Cwdawg124
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Caught this rare thing unconventionally

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:48 PM PST

Why don’t they do ex-raids on the weekends? This is my third pass and I haven’t been able to do any of them because they fall during the week.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:50 AM PST

I'm just curious as to why wouldn't Niantic do these on the weekends instead of during the week?

See here

submitted by /u/SubzeroMK
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A Natu has invaded my Lego City!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:15 PM PST

February Mewtwo invite / raid schedule

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:27 AM PST

Magneton and magnemite spaz our whenever their attack animation plays

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:31 PM PST

[Complaint] So Should I Give Up On EX Raids?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:35 PM PST

As I watch other Discord servers cheer for joy that they have "triggered" a brand new EX raid location it brings me down even more.

I ask them "What do you think caused this new trigger EX raid" and their reply "We just raided it with huge groups (50 people sometimes) and had to create many rooms".

In my town we had 14 at a Kyogre raid at one gym in the morning. That was the most we've had in quite a while. Then when 2 popped up later we could only mustard 7 for one of the raids and didn't even do the second raid.

August 14th I jumped up and got excited and started to track where I did Raids so I wouldn't be left out in case a gym on the west side got an invite and I didn't do a raid there in over a week. After a while I quit when most announcements were for sponsored gyms, which we don't have. Then 3 months later November 21st came and this is what we got....

EX Raid Battles will take place most commonly at Gyms found in parks and sponsored locations. - *50% of our gyms are parks

Trainers with a high-level Gym Badge are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles taking place at that Gym. - *I have Gold badge on every gym

Trainers who have completed a larger number of Raid Battles are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles. - *Over 100 Legendaries and 350 non-legendary raids.

EX Raid Battle start times now take into account popular Raid Battle times at that Gym. - *From other groups this sounds like B.S.

So that's been 2 more months and now we are 5 months into the first announcement and first MewTwo in Japan. I guess EX raids are not random as we initially thought. People have "created" EX raids by having mass amounts of people raid at one spot continuously. Without having a massive amount of people my small group should quit worrying about it. When our area gets an EX pass I know something changed in their algorithm.

submitted by /u/browie
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When PvP comes out in Pokémon go do you think it will largely increase in player base

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:58 PM PST

When pvp comes out in Pokémon how many players do you think would go back to the game or start the game. A article from ign stated that Pokémon go was still at 30 million players per day making it still one of the biggest mobile games but also down from the 120 million players it's launch week. 68 million players a month though meaning there are a lot of people who go in the game still but don't play it everyday so when PvP and trading comes out what do you think that number will go to. Middle of summer of course. 75 million a day maybe if all the players who login once a month decide to play the game daily cause it is kinda what they are waiting for. Or do you think it could be more then that or that it's a stretch and pokemon go will remind with its same numbers even when big features like PvP come out? Update: for PvP a major battle rework is needed no more tap and swipe watch trainer tips video on the new battle system it would work like abilities there will be 3 charge moves meaning 4 moves in all like normal pokemon there will still be one quick move but with so many more moves abilities and a battle system that is actually battling not a test of strength would benefit the game right there

submitted by /u/iRT2018
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[Idea] - How to fix this EX raid debacle

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:36 PM PST

So, I heard something similar to this by a friend, thought it was a great idea, so I decided to expand on it.

It's no surprise that people get upset every time a wave of EX passes gets sent out. Typically there's a big handful of trainers that feel they deserve one, and see people get one that state they hardly raid, or have never been to that gym before, or something similar. It makes the community turn toxic, and those that receive a pass often feel guilty for getting one, especially if it is from a gym they haven't frequented when those that have gold in the gym and raid there daily don't receive one.

I myself am one of the latter. I have 25 gold gyms. Those that have received an EX pass before, I've been excluded everytime despite being gold, and despite having raided there often. I see people from out of town come to our city and get a pass on their raid at that gym. It does make me feel pretty upset. I don't mind others getting their Mewtwo. After all, Niantic did degrade the value of shiny Pikachu with the latest community event, and Dragonite is going to lose it's value in the upcoming community event.

So, I had an idea that I think is fair and balance.

Look, Mewtwo is NOT rare. The system has created a society in which some have multiple Mewtwo raids, and others have none. Or you're like me, and got yours 5 months ago and it's got IVs equivalent to a turd Trump dropped while posting on Twitter. Having everyone get an opportunity to catch Mewtwo that isn't blocked by an RNG lottery doesn't decrease it's value. After all, the true value is 100% IV pokemon that can't be tracked by cheaters and is extremely rare.

I questioned why Niantic, a company that seems to want to promote group play, would have a community event and encourage people to play TOGETHER and also have an EXCLUSIVE raid pass.

So why not put them together?

Keep your current system if you wish, but at the start of a community day give every player a unique EX raid pass. Everyone receives one. It disappears from your inventory if you do not use it at the end of that community day.

At all PARK gyms, a Mewtwo raid spawns. This unique EX raid is not tied to any gym. Any gym that currently can host an EX raid will host a Mewtwo that spawns for 45 minutes RANDOMLY during the 3 hour period. Since you only get one pass, you cannot farm multiple Mewtwos.

This gives EVERYONE a chance to catch a Mewtwo at least ONCE a month. This keeps it's "rarity". Currently, you have about 3-4 opportunities to get an EX pass, with each wave happening in about 7-9 days of the previous one.

submitted by /u/Raven_Paradox1860
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More Interesting Lower Tier Raids Would Be Good (Shiny)

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:03 AM PST

If you're lucky enough to play in a busy city location (I am fortunate in that respect - Central London), then doing T5 raids is pretty easy and contrary to what you mostly see, it is also fun. The socialising and teaming up aspect has probably kept a lot of us playing longer than without. It's been a great positive direction for the game to have taken (please accept my apologies more rural players, I know it's less great for you).

However, it's also kind of ''stressful''. The catching moments get tense, it's a drain on revives and many people you meet say they actually enjoy going and doing more low-key lower tier raids to unwind after doing a bunch of T5 (they also present a different challenge in being able to solo (or duo) and these smaller group requirments can also be more enjoyable than the 20 room raids Legendaries often have).

But, most of those lower tier raids are entirely unwanted and most skipped automatically - unless it's to raid on a potential ex-raid gym.

Adding in newer Pokemon is certainly coming in time (like Mawile, Absol, & Wailmer), but surely if more raid bosses had shiny counterparts that would give greater incentives and fun to spending raid passes on lower tiers?

Like many people, I will never spend a raid pass on either of the Nidos, but if they'd released a shiny version of them, I would have, just for the chance at getting a high IV shiny.

submitted by /u/Mesoplodon
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[idea] pokerus virus

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:36 PM PST

I was thinking of ways they could implement the pokerus virus from the other games into pokemon go and came up with this- The pokerus could be a rare thing that would infect Pokémon you have caught and would last for roughly 3 days. The virus would have no effects except that if you buddied that Pokémon the Pokémon would get 3-5x the candy from the next km marker. Let me know what you think and what would need to be changed.

submitted by /u/Snoke001
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[complaint] great timing on the dratini event Niantic...

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:43 PM PST

So assuming that we get Rayquaza around February 15 or 16, that means that most people won't have a gold dragon badge until this event, which means that for the first week and a half or so of the raquaza raids, they will have a harder time catching Rayquaza than if dratini had been the event pokemon last weekend. What is next? magnemite or beldum after Registeel?

submitted by /u/jab136
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[Discussion] (After the update 1.59.1 )I found a simple way to get KYOGRE, using AR+ and curveball excellent throw to GOTCHA KYOGRE.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:58 PM PST

Before the update 1.59.1, I found a simple way to get KYOGRE

(using AR+ and curveball excellent throw to GOTCHA KYOGRE. Turn the phone down for 45 angle so that the camera can take on the floor then KYOGRE will show up on the top of screen, and you can curveball excellent throw to GOTCHA KYOGRE. If you are interested in getting KYOGRE, please click this link to watch video. (https://youtu.be/V2pe-dCLPb8 ) )

But now, After the update 1.59.1, KYOGRE is bigger and closer, method is same but the angle is different, so I make the new Video. ( https://youtu.be/hk23q_g1J14 )

submitted by /u/neotheone168
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[Idea] Idea Flashback - Stacking Timed Items for more time!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:10 PM PST


I posted this quite some time ago - but with the community day events rolling out three hour windows of bonus XP and Stardust, it seems like it would be a win to get this before the next Community Day.

For those who don't want to click the link, the idea is simple - A trainer can use a timed item (Say, a Star Piece) at any time - even if you have one active. This will add 30 minutes to the clock for that item. So, say it's five minutes until the event starts - I could go in my bag, activate six Star Pieces, six lucky eggs, and six incense, getting three hours of uninterrupted coverage.

This works in our favor and Niantic's, as folks would not forget to activate them.

Seems like a somewhat small QoL upgrade. :)

submitted by /u/TheUncleBob
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