Fortnite Matchmaking Issues

Matchmaking Issues

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:20 PM PST

UPDATE: It appears the Bus was low on BluGlo. We've since refueled and are ready to go! You may encounter a waiting room queue while we start the engines.

Players Saving the World may be having trouble finding a game. We're currently investigating and will be sure to update once we have more information.

submitted by /u/MrPopoTFS
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Please Fix Shurikens, Epic

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:24 AM PST

why is fortnite getting worse

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:29 PM PST

I just logged in after awhile, and my mythic grenadiers hair is clipping through her beanie, my nocturno is blue, then i was trying to upgrade my survivors and my mythic samurai dude got stuck at 144 power with a red downward arrow until i re logged. and then i finished a mission and couldn't collect my rewards until i again re logged, but this time i got stuck waiting in line..... MONEY WELL SPENT :D P.S. oh not to mention the new rolls that seem to have a super high chance to roll instantly ruining any weapon. Like you can easily get 3x " +damage to stunned, knocked down etc." on 2-3 weapons from a golden llama, but getting something like that with crit chance or something is a pipe dream. P.P.S. even if a re roll system were implemented why should i believe anything will be different, it'll probably involve micro transactions so ill be paying more for more disappointment.

submitted by /u/mavericksleet
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Question about Fortnite - how do you build embrasures (tops of castles?) like in this picture?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:11 PM PST

As a Constructor Main (Power BASE KYLE, Come at me) we need to talk about traps.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:05 AM PST

And no, not cost. Not efficiency. Not even the fact that 9 times out of 9 I'm doing my own farming so I can put all these traps up and I'm constantly under appreciated even tho I MAKE 7 10 TILES IN EVERY DIRECTION A GLOWY BLUE WALL OF GO FUCK YOURSELVES, YOU INSOLENT HUSKS.

But god damnit, why can't I remove my traps off of walls(even if I can't get them or their resources back, which is another issue all together)?

You're telling me I gotta break this level 3 metal wall to put up a new ceiling zapper? Why?

submitted by /u/Killtrend
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Super Mario Joins the lama party

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:08 AM PST

An Epic Wishlist: Changes we'd like to see

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:10 PM PST

I think it would be helpful to just have an organized wishlist of changes we'd like to see. I love this game and have put over 100 hours in both StW and BR but there are a lot of reasonable suggestions I'd like to see implemented as we get closer to the F2P release that would make this game much better and hopefully more successful at launch.

Disclaimer: I play on console. I also main Constructor and Outlander so my insights on Soldier and Ninja classes are limited. I will add suggestions



Rework outlander abilities - Let's face it, charges are not a good mechanic, it severely gimps outlander's already low dps. Loot llamas charges work well though.

Assign Loot llama a separate button - I often place them by mistake when trying to use a TEDDY

Rework stamina - Addressed in latest dev update

Reroll weapon/schematic perks - Finally getting a legendary schematic only to see bad rolls hurt, and the introduction of the new set of bad gun perks has further diluted the pool. Let us reroll at a cost

Rework boost pylon - Currently useless. Increase duration significantly

Rework energy cell cost - Bacon is too rare, even more so after the latest cornhusk nerf, switch to batteries--which makes more sense thematically anyways

Rework defenders - Currently useless. Poor dps, AI makes them wander off the edge of map if not boxed in, consumes too many bullets, cumbersome to set up/move positions (Allow us to perma equip a weapon so we don't have to keep dropping everything every time)

Conversion of evolution materials - Raindrops continue to be the games biggest bottleneck. Allow conversion of lightning in a bottle to raindrops and vice versa. Grinding only raindrop missions is boring.

Conversion of crafting materials - Going back to play stonewood just to loot rusty mechanical parts and rough powder doesn't make sense

Repeatable defense missions utilizing our storm shields after defense 10 completed - My big beautiful bases in Stonewood and Plankerton stand useless after all that work

Karma system - Incentivize teamwork, deter afkers. I do not like the vote kick option as it has significant potential for abuse

Rewards for quest completion in Canny and Twine lackluster considering PL - Too often receiving blue schematics/defenders, low xp rewards

Ability to pick up and move traps - Misplaced traps force you to break down the whole wall.

Recycling (or partial refunding at end of mission) for placed traps - Might be nice considering the initial cost of trapping, on the fence about this one

New quick emotes - "Thanks", "Yes", "No"



Access storage in shield defense at any amplifier

Massively increase the size of the chat lobby pool

Confirmation of purchase on llamas to prevent accidental 1-click purchases

Trading system (Reduces risk of players getting scammed)

Increase trap stack limit from 20 to at least 50

Combat pro and crouch for StW

'Open all' or instant open for pinatas

Ability to put request for help in chat, which players can join through and self delete when full (Maybe incentivize with small quest rewards)

Loadouts for heroes (for support, tactical, gadgets)


Persistent Bugs

Unable to see player names in game In game chat often cancels out when typing on console

In game chat locks up on console and player is unable to exit chat. Player is prevented from typing, moving, or even exiting mission (rare)

Inconsistent chest loot versus mission level

Massive lag spikes in game and when players join mission

Hit reg on shurikens inconsistent

Alt-tab sound issue on PC


New Bugs

UAH grenades not working properly TEDDY range

Other player power levels displayed as 1(1) in game

Highlight on quest targets (TV, gnomes, server racks) now gone

Elemental guns now entirely colored according to element (energy weapons are all blue)

submitted by /u/AlNOKEA
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Glide into missions on a glider? (StW)

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:20 AM PST

Pretty cool concept in my opinion. Choosing where you spawn with a mechanic that's essentially already in the game. I mean, Lars has that van for a reason. Plus, gliders!

submitted by /u/WhoDatPandaYT
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Epic, stop releasing patches just before the weekend

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:00 AM PST

I've noticed a pattern. Most of your content patches release on Thursdays, and then everything falls apart over the weekend. I'm sure like most tech companies, the bulk of your work happens during the weekdays and you likely have a skeleton crew on the weekends. Thus we have to suffer through the weekend with these major issues until you have a team ready to handle it. So at least part of the solution is simple: release your content patches earlier in the week (say, Tuesday, for example). That gives you more manpower to address the crippling issues that inevitably occur.

Edit: And just to further reinforce my point, Epic is claiming the "unable to lock profile" and similar issues are fixed as of this morning. They were able to fix it very quickly on a Monday morning when their team is actually in, but we had to deal with it the entire weekend.

submitted by /u/i_cant_mathematics
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Wanted: Quick class loadouts

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:13 AM PST

EPIC youll make some more money with this For lack of a better scenario, you know the custom classes you can build in Call of Duty? Cant you just make something like that, so that I dont have to struggle with all the lag for 1:30 or 2 mins just to change 3 heros around. Give me 4 or preferably more custom load out slots so that i can see the next mission my buddy is selecting and just pick the Primary, support and tactical heros that I've preselected for a class to just be put into those roles.

This next part is how EPIC can probably farm more $$. Along with these custom class load outs, make them apply to survivor slots. Now I know you may have to give everyone more armory slots to support more survivors, but why not? If i want to play as ninja, I want my survivors to be heavy on the melee and ability damage. If I play constructor, maybe I want more trap damage and ranged weapon damage. I dont know, but If i had a lot more survivors to level up or find, im sure i would be opening more llama$$$ so that I can find higher rarity survivors to be slotted for the new roles that I want for the custom loadouts.

submitted by /u/SlickB21
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Still Nothing Since the 16th.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:24 PM PST

I've been waiting WEEKS for some sort of reply now in my email and have yet to get none, even sending in a second reply just in case my first one wasn't received. I replied with what I lost and no one or anything has happened ever since, no reply since then either. I have yet to hear anything, I'd like some help with this.

submitted by /u/kidsmog
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Hate to be the one to do it...

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:26 AM PST

Someone was going to do it let's get it out of the way.

Yet another BR dev update video just came out. Their dev team are all snowed in but they didn't use it as an excuse and released a video update filmed on their phone. In the update they addressed specific issues that the community has been loud about. How very cool of them.

In STW news, errors and crashes have plagued the game since the patch dropped. In this time of dev "communication and transparency", the many complaints and questions from the community about said problems have gone unaddressed with the exception of one reply suggesting to email support. Super.

Alright, back to the Canny grind.

submitted by /u/blueruckus
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Another day, another error

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:16 PM PST

Yet another error to add to the multitude of errors since the latest update. Yes, I have reported it every place appropriate. The game is so broken, and unplayable at the minute. 2 days in a row now that I've been unable to play for any length of time, without encountering some kind of error. I'll not mention the lag, the broken abilities, the not seeing my team mates names, the HUGE 1's at the side of the screen....oops I didn't mean to mention that....

Oh I'll shut up, it's early access blah blah fuckin blah. Bored of it now.

I have a picture of the latest error on imgur

Don't know if that works?

submitted by /u/RubyRobbins
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10 minute wait in Queue

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:10 PM PST

Is anyone else having to wait 10 plus minutes in a queue and then getting denied?? I've never seen this before and it's not letting me play.

submitted by /u/pwm1995
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Urban assault headhunter or power base Knox?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:58 PM PST

I have both as legendary level 20 each, I'm in plankerton. I love traps and bases which makes constructor attractive but his run speed is atrocious. Uah seems like a balanced hero though so it's a tough choice.

submitted by /u/Notdiavolo
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Any ideas on how Fortnite can improve the Outlander and constructor?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:50 PM PST

I play both as a co-op main and I feel there needs to be a lot done with these two. The shock tower for the outlander is just too weak and the outlander needs a bigger double loot find bonus and this needs to apply to materials other than brick, wood and metal. Oh and maybe have the outlander move faster as well since it is the character that farms and scouts the whole map. As for the constructor, the building discount is too low and his decoy needs rework as in remove or extend the time limit it can be deployed and give it more health. Also a wild thought, give him a crafting discount bonus for traps as well?

submitted by /u/catsnbikess
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Rejoin Bug

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:32 PM PST

I just had a network issue and got disconnected from a retrieve the data mission, I was happy to see there was a rejoin option after I connected back. However, after clicking in on it - it simply told me that the server was full, that someone had taken my spot. I don't understand how something like this happens, if they can remember that I was in the game, my slot should be kept until I either abandon or a timer runs out. I was only gone for about 10 seconds and lost about 20min of gameplay. Insanely annoying. Please fix.

submitted by /u/yejosheph
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Fix your game

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:11 PM PST

Not getting any mission rewards / quest rewards / quest progress not updating is frustrating ™. Will you folks please finally do something about that?

submitted by /u/miko_idk
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Daily Llama Thread 22/Jan/2018 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama Percent
Ranged Weapon Llama 28.57%
Weapon Llama 15.13%
People Llama 11.76%
Melee Llama 9.24%
It's a Trap! Llama 8.4%
Super Ranged Llama 4.2%
Super Hero Llama 4.2%
Legendary Troll Loot Truck... Llama 3.36%
Super People Llama 3.36%
Legendary Troll Stash Llama 3.36%
Super Melee Llama 2.52%
11x Upgrade Llama Bundle 2.52%
Upgrade Llama (Seasonal Sale Freebie!) 1.68%
Six Pack Llama 0.84%
Triple Llama 0.84%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Hero - Upgrade Rarity. Ends with winter event?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:46 PM PST

So I have enough mats to upgrade rarity on a few heros... Problem is, I haven't decided which ones I want to upgrade!

When the winter event ends, does my ability to upgrade them end also? Or will I still have my flux and the ability to do so?

Couldn't find anything definitive one way or another...

submitted by /u/lRocklBiter
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What's the difference between free and paid Fortnite on the Xbox?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:53 AM PST

Hello All, I went and bought Fortnite for the xbox yesterday and then i was told it was free. So i took a look at the xbox store and it does seem to be free. Is it really free to download? If so, other than some in game people why would it be worth paying $60 for the game? Appreciate your input!

submitted by /u/Bak3rs
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The "Its early access" Excuse.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:23 AM PST

Quite frankly, Im sick of seeing it. The game is in early access, sure, but that's no excuse for constant bugs each patch with the major bugs not being acknowledged. It took us ages to finally get %dmg on guns fixed for example after being ignored in the dev stream while everyone was spamming it. Every time something big gets broken you get those complaining and those that decide its fine because, you guessed it, "It's early access, you paid to test this!". The point of this post is because i want to know why so many people use this excuse, if you all think its acceptable for these bugs to exist every single patch because of early access and to see why people think that its simply just an excuse. Whats everyone's opinion on this overused excuse?

submitted by /u/Cheato1
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[PS4] Fortnite isn't worth my time anymore, are you guys/gals feeling the same?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:48 AM PST

Stopped playing Fortnite StW [PS4] regularly about two weeks ago because of the increase of game breaking bugs and massive lag, game isnt worth my time anymore. Also Fortnite still crashes and black/blue screens alot on PS4pro, no other PS4 title has done this to my console throughout all my years gaming on it.

I've never seen a game break so many things with each passing patch, patches and fixes are supposed to make things better not worse. It's like nobody on the console QC side is testing or checking anything before sending it out. The lag and load times are not tolerable anymore, 100% unacceptable.

Seasonal gold has killed playing StW because running into AFKers/leechers has become common place, this game desperately needs a block/blacklist player feature in addition to rewarding players based on individual score instead of team score if seasonal gold is going to continue to be a thing.

I bought into Fortnite way before Battle Royale was even a mode, I bought in because of the PvE elements, co-op, base building, trap systems and shooting husks, I did NOT buy in for Battle Royale. I can't speak for other StW players but I have no interest in Battle Royale and never asked for it.

I'll keep an eye on Fortnite from a distance now, no reason to invest/waste anymore time on it in it's current state of the game. Unless there are robust, meaningful and timely QoL change to StW then I have no interest. EPIC maybe slow your roll on monthly events and try making your game a little more stable instead. With Monster Hunter World literally right around the corner now, this is the perfect time to take an extended break from Fortnite. EPIC let me know when you get your shit together, I might check Fortnite out again someday but not today.

edit: words

submitted by /u/LoneWolf-CDN
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Booted from the game into a queue

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:08 PM PST

Gotta love when I'm playing alongside a friend of mine, and as we go to join a mission, the game hiccups, errors, logs me out and puts me into a 7 minute queue. Then my friend goes to join and she gets the same result, only she's put into a 10 minute queue. Bummer.

submitted by /u/OculusVeritas
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