Guild Wars 2 - And this is my story...

And this is my story...

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:21 AM PST

And this is our story...

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:23 PM PST

Can we get a non-destroyed Orr Fractal please?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:50 AM PST

The God who would have damned us all.

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:55 PM PST

[Raids] Healing Druid class guide

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:26 AM PST

What prompted me to write this guide is the sheer lack of good info out there. Any new Druids would have to basically learn on their own, and hopefully have good mentors with info. The meta sites (qT and SC) don't give any info on how to play in a general sense, only what tweaks to make for each boss. No one says anything about HOW to decide to weapon swap, or the basic rotation at all, unlike the DPS builds.

So hopefully this guide can be a good resource. Always open to suggestions.


As a Druid, you have 3 main overarching goals:
1. Stay alive
2. Keep your teammates alive
3. Provide offensive buffs

#1. "Death is a DPS loss," or in a Druid's case, a HPS loss. Which leads to DPS players dying, which does result in a DPS loss. This isn't good. So, goal #1, keep yourself alive. Though most important, this is not the most difficult goal of the 3, as you have a good amount of self-sustain in your traits and skills.

#2. Keep your teammates alive! This isn't only through healing; it's also through granting defensive boons, intercepting damaging projectiles, and CCing dangerous mobs.
Healing is a good chunk of it however. Through both active skills and maintaining Regeneration on allies, you can keep people alive and keep Scholar uptime.

#3. In meta raid comps, every role brings some sort of major DPS contribution to the table. For most classes, this is in the form of actual damage output. For others, like Chrono and Druid, this is done by giving buffs to your teammates that help them do more damage. Druid has several major contributions here:

Might. Might contributes a massive amount of Power and Condition Damage to your DPS classes.
Spirits. Sun and Frost Spirit are both nice DPS increases for any comp.
Spotter. +7% crit chance. For full power classes that are not crit capped, this can be around a 3.6% damage increase
    Quick math: 100 swings, dealing 100 damage on non-crit, with 200% crit damage (typically higher). 93% crit chance is 19,300 damage, 100% crit chance is 20,000
Glyph of Empowerment provides +10% damage output. This only applies to Direct damage, not Conditions, and lasts 6s, so try to time it to cover important moments.
Fury. Depending on Comp, Druid may be one of the only classes able to easily provide Fury to the group. Following the same math from above, Fury is around an 11.1% DPS gain.



Before going into specific skills, a discussion on the mechanics of Celestial Avatar is good:
Astral Energy is the resource you need in order to enter Celestial Avatar (CA). You gain 1.5% charge every time you heal someone, and .75% charge for every physical hit you make on an enemy. For this reason, attacks that hit multiple times will recharge your Astral Energy quickly.

It takes 133 physical hits alone to fill your CA bar from empty, or 66 healing ticks. This underscores the importance of landing Regeneration ticks onto your allies. No other heal ticks as often, on as many targets.

Also important to note is that your skills only heal 5 targets, but Grace of the Land triggers on up to 10. So you can only effectively focus heal 5 people, but provide Might for a whole group.


    CA 1: Cosmic Ray. Tiny ground targeted AoE, no cooldown. Use in downtime of CA, but not otherwise
    CA 2: Seed of Life. Ground targeted Seed that "pops" and heals allies 1 second after casting. Removes 1 nbsp;   Condition
    CA 3: Lunar Impact. Huge ground targeted AoE that Dazes and heals for a large amount. Also a Blast finisher.
    CA 4: Rejuvenating Tides. Point blank channeled AoE that heals allies around you. Also a Water field, but no good way for you personally to use it
    CA 5: Natural Convergence. Stand in place and channel, granting allies Stability on initial cast, and pulsing Slow and Cripple to enemies. At the end, enemies are Immobilized for 8 seconds (a mini Entangle basically)


It's important to note that EVERY skill available to a Druid has a use. All 10 weapon skills + 5 CA skills have times at which they are useful.

    Staff 1: Solar Beam. Heals allies between you and your target, and does some pitiful amount of damage. Hits 3 times, which is helpful for building up Astral Energy to use CA.
    Staff 2: Astral Wisp. Projectile that pierces before latching onto your target, where it then circles them, healing allies it passes through. Use when available.
    Staff 3: Ancestral Grace. "Fly" and evade to your target location and heal allies when you get there. Also a Blast finisher. Very useful for moving around quickly, and a good heal and blast finisher in a pinch.
    Staff 4: Vine Surge. Line-targeted Immobilize, that also cleans Chill, Cripple, and Immobilize from allies. Basically you want to use this when you need an immobilize. Note that during its cast time, if you are moving, the path the vine will take changes slightly, but it will always go from Your Current Location -> Targeted Location when it casts
    Staff 5: Sublime Conversion. Barrier that converts enemy projectiles to healing. Also a water field.

    Axe 1: Ricochet. Bounces to multiple targets.
    Axe 2: Splitblade. Throw 5 axes that pierce
    Axe 3: Winter's Bite. Chill, Bleed, and Weaken your target. If you have Weavers in your comp, Weakness uptime gives them an extra 15% crit chance.
Axe offhand - this is only taken on specific bosses. If you are bringing this, make sure to bring Healing Spring for the Regen. Also, verify that your subgroup has Fury uptime.
    Axe 4: Path of Scars. Throw your axe and pull in enemies that you hit. This offhand isn't run often, but can be useful on fights with lots of adds.
    Axe 5: Whirling Defense. Block Projectiles for 5 seconds

    Warhorn 4: Hunter's Call. Strike a foe 16 times and give 16 short duration Vuln stacks. Good skill to build up CA if you're having issues.
    Warhorn 5: Call of the Wild. Long duration Fury, Might, Swiftness, and, when traited, Regen. Also a blast finisher.


Heal skill
    Glyph of Rejuvenation. Heal yourself for a large amount + nearby allies for a smaller amount. CA: Heal your allies for a large amount and yourself for a smaller amount. The allied-healing actually has a higher scaling value than the self-healing. Additionally, the "heal nearby allies when you use a healing skill" trait seems to be bugged, and double triggers with this skill for an additional ~2000 health.
    Healing Spring. Heal yourself, and place a trap that grants Regen and cleanses allies over a long duration. Also a Water field. Bring this if your group needs more condi cleanse, or you are having issues maintaining regen on the group.

    Glyph of Empowerment. Give nearby allies a +10% damage boost. CA form: Increase outgoing healing for nearby allies.
    Glyph of Tides. Knockback nearby enemies. CA: Pull in nearby enemies
    Glyph of Alignment. Gives condis. CA: Removes condis and heals nearby allies. Very short cooldown Glyph, good to take if you are needing to fill-out your rotation with extra Glyph casts due to its low cooldown. Useful to cast in CA form to remove conditions.
    Glyph of Equality. Stun nearby enemies. CA: Stunbreak nearby allies. This Glyph is on a long cooldown, so it is rarely used as a filler, but its CA form can be useful for certain boss mechanics
    Sun Spirit. Give nearby allies a 75% chance to burn on hit. When traited, pulses Vigor
    Frost Spirit. Give allies a 75% chance to deal 10% extra damage. Basically a 7.5% damage increase for Power classes
    Stone Spirit. Give allies a 75% chance to gain Protection on hit with a 10s cooldown. When traited, pulses Protection
    "Search and Rescue!" Teleport a downed ally in range to your location, and have your pet revive them. Useful on certain bosses with dangerous environmental effects.
    "Protect Me!". AoE Stun break, which works on Fear.


    Spirit of Nature. Heals nearby allies for a good amount, and when activated revives nearby downed allies. When traited it pulses Stability, which can be good and bad.
    Glyph of Unity. Tether yourself to nearby enemies. Whenever you take damage, they take damage. CA: Tether yourself to nearby allies. Whenever you are healed, they are as well. In high-pressure situations, it is good to use it right as CA runs out if you need to. You will get CA back very fast, and your team will have good sustain for that time.
    Entangle. Root nearby foes for 9 seconds


For reference, here are the two builds:
Mixed + Concentration Sigil
Full Harrier's
There is some debate about what stat set is best. There's basically two sides, the "Full Harrier's" side, and the "Magi's/Minstrel's/Harrier's + Concentration sigil" side. I am solidly on the "M/M/H + Conc sigil" side.

Harrier's M/M/H + Conc
More damage Slightly more healing power (12)
Rotation is slightly less important More toughness and vitatlity (~5000 health, 333 toughness)
Sigil of Renewal instead of Concentration More modular if you need to raise or lower toughness
Cheaper sigils

5000 health (30% more) and 333 Toughness (which comes out to a ~14% [2118 armor/2451 armor] damage reduction) is massive. Relying on a Concentration sigil to time your casts is equally as important as landing your Quick Draw on the right skill(s). So you are already trying to do the proper rotation anyways.


There are a variety of pets that are useful in many different situations.

Might Stalker
Fury Tiger
CC Lightning Wyvern + Black Moa/Rock Gazelle
Condi cleanse Brown bear
Immobilize Jacaranda
Regen Fern Hound
Damage Iboga/Lynx

It just depends. Many of the pets mentioned can be covered by the default build, but if you are having specific deficiencies, a certain pet can help cover that issue.


For traits, I am only going to note minor traits if they are key to the build, and major traits if it has any use at all.

    Adept: All 3 have uses. By default, you want to take Sharpened Edges just for the little bit of damage. If you need Vigor uptime, Primal Reflexes can be useful. If you are running Healing Spring, Trapper's Expertise is the one to take.
    Master: Spotter. Nothing else.
    Grandmaster: Quick Draw. Nothing else. IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT QUICK DRAW: If you interrupt a cast by Weapon Swapping or Enter/Exiting CA, causing QD to activate, the skill you were casting is the one that will receive the QD proc. So be sure your casts are finished before exiting. This especially applies to CA4, as you simply do not have time to finish off a 2nd cast of it in a single CA rotation, so it has to be cancelled by dodging. It's not the end of the world to mess this up, but will skip a Warhorn 5 cast.

Nature Magic
    Adept: Allies' Aid. When you start to revive an ally, your pet helps. With this, you can tap an ally to get your pet on it, while you continue to heal the group or do whatever is needed. Alternatively, Instinctive Reaction gives bonus Healing Power, for cases where it is simply not viable to revive people
    Master: Windborne Notes is a very important trait. It's the only long duration Regen that Druid has access to, so when you are battling with Mesmers for who has priority, this is about the only one that consistently wins. If you aren't running WH offhand (Axe for pulls), Spirited Arrival is good to take for Fury.
    Grandmaster: Nature's Vengeance. Gives your spirits passive boon applications. Sun, Stone, and Nature spirits are the more important ones to have the trait with. If you aren't running spirits for some reason, either other trait is fine.

    Adept: Cultivated Synergy is the typical go-to here. It heals allies for more, but remember that also will proc an additional amount of Astral Energy gain, as it is a separate heal. Both other traits have uses, but it is not common to choose them.
    Master minor trait: Live Vicariously. When you heal an ally, you are also healed. This gives you a good amount of self-sustain. Doesn't trigger on passive healing like Regeneration.
    Master: Verdant Etching. Glyphs have reduced CD, and anytime you use a Glyph, also cast Seed of Life, the CA2 skill. This has an additional effect of procing Grace of the Land, giving 3 Might to affected allies. So if you are in a lull and can't get CA up, casting Glyphs to give Might is a backup plan. If you aren't taking any Glyphs (Spirits + Search and Rescue for example), either other trait is good.
    Grandmaster minor: Natural Mender. An extra 20% outgoing healing, this should pretty much always be maxed.
    Grandmaster: Grace of the Land. This trait is why Druids exist in the current raid meta. Anytime you hit someone with a CA skill, they gain 3 Might for base 8 seconds, with 100% Boon Duration, 16 seconds. Never run the other traits.


So first of all, here is your typical, easy-mode rotation:

    0) Start in Staff. Make sure to be in combat before moving to Step 1.
    1) Swap to Axe/Warhorn, activating your Sigil of Conc and Quick Draw
    2) Cast Warhorn 5 to give area Fury, Regen, Might, and Swiftness
    3) Enter CA
    4) CA 4, 3, 2, do whatever. But stay in CA until your weapon swap timer is below 1 second. Sigil of Conc cooldown is 9 secs, Quick Draw is also 9s but affected by Alacrity
    5) Exit CA, activating your Sigil of Conc and Quick Draw
    6) Cast Warhorn 5
    7) Swap to Staff
    8) Use Staff skills, auto attack in downtime
    9) Repeat.

Now, you ARE a healer. If your group is going to die, you are better off skipping the Warhorn phase if you need to re-enter CA before weapon swap is ready to go. Getting back on track is going to be situation dependent, so just try to think about how best to get back into the proper rotation. Quick Drawing Warhorn 5 is the more important one to be aware of, over the Concentration Sigil.

Outside of your typical rotation, there are a few things to watch for. You want to use Glyph of Empowerment pretty much off cooldown while DPSing, but if a particular burn phase is coming up soon, it can be worth it to save and be sure to have ready. This is especially notable during Keep Construct, but is important to avoid wasting on bosses like Slothasor who have repetitive invuln phases.

If your group needs a burst of healing, but you are in the Staff part of your rotation, you have a few choices.

  • Staff5->Staff3 both triggers the Staff3 Area heal for 4,770 and Blasts the Water Field laid down by Staff5 for 2,653. Total: 7,423

  • The Glyph of Rejuvenation instantly heals allies for 4,500, with a slightly delayed 2,125 (Cultivated Synergy), and a slightly further delayed 2,283 (Verdant Etching). In total, that is nearly 9,000 health from 1 skill cast.


With the proper gear and traits equipped, your Outgoing Healing value is increased by a number of effects:

  • Transference Sigil (10%)
  • Natural Mender (20%)
  • Monk Runes (10%)
  • Rice Balls (10%)
  • Bountiful Maintenance Oil (14.894%)
        .6% for every 100 Healing Power, .8% for every 100 Concentration. 1441 Healing Power, 781 Concentration = (.61441100)+(.8781100)=14.894

Combined, these add up to be a 65% increase in outgoing healing.


Wing 1

  • Glyph of Tides for pushing away Seekers, and Entangle for rooting them. Make sure you Tides before Entangling, as if a mob is CC'd out of a Root, they will not continue to be Immobilized
  • Typically it is a Druid's job to pull Green Guardian to the group at Blue. Discuss this with your team


  • Entangle for rooting the adds during the 66/33 phases. In a pinch, CA 5 is similar, but you'd rather have CA ready to give Might when Gorseval is vulnerable.
  • Try to have CA ready during the large-black phases, healing through it is a necessity. This does NOT mean save CA for it, and only it. Just be aware of when he is about to start the phase, and be prepared to enter CA.

Solo druid is very doable here, as long as someone is Flak kiting. Just stay in the center and keep up Might, Fury, and Regen (and rule #1: don't die)

Wing 2

  • "Protect Me!" can be brought here as a Fear break for after his CC phases. Depends on comp, and if someone else can cover it more easily.
  • Healing Spring is good to have as an extra condi cleanse.
  • Double CC pets can help fill in a lack of CC from your comp.
  • Make sure to only cast Spirit of Nature if you are going to pop it immediately. Stability corrupts into Fear, so the Slublings become extra dangerous when the spirit is up.
  • "Search and Rescue!" can be useful for newer groups, to rescue someone from a bad Volatile drop.


  • CC is necessary, so bring at least a Lightning Wyvern. Remember to use Staff 4 to cleanse Chill.
  • If you need more condi cleanse, and have enough CC, a Brown Bear is worthwhile.

Wing 3
Keep Construct
Save Glyph of Empowerment for the burn phase, and be sure to have CA ready to give Might. If you have Weavers, use Winter's Bite (Axe 3) on KC during the burn in order to give him Weakness.

Some groups run the "Nature Spirit" strat for the buttons, but this can lead to an unprepared group during the 2nd button phase. If both Druids/healers get pulled to the platform in either later phase, make sure to communicate which is taking the portal back up top to the group.

Wing 4
Use Staff 5 to block his first shard throw at the group. Also you should be one of the people to take one of the first "Disease" debuffs. When it's time for CA or other casts, move back into the group, but clear back out after.

Mursaat Overseer
Solo Druid as the only healer here is doable, and good practice for rotations. Spirit of Nature is good to pre-cast if multiple soldiers spawn at once, for the healing and the ress if needed.

Entangle to lock down Rigom inside, and as an AoE to clear the Spears. Dual CC pets. If your group's CC is slow, make sure to heal whoever is being eaten.


  • There will definitely be a Druid staying with the group (either running to the bubble during Mind Crush, or always staying in the bubble), and another support of some kind Oil kiting. If you are the lone group Druid, just make sure to hit as many people with your CA abilities as possible.
  • If the Oil Kiter gets the Green portal, it is usually the Group Druid's job to stay with the tank and place the oils.

Wing 5
Soulless Horror

  • Bring Healing Spring if you need more condi clear.
  • CC pets to fill if needed.
  • Pusher Druid is good to deal with Tormenteds. Trait into Marksmanship to ensure your Longbow 4 skill pierces and hits the right target. Bring Glyph of Tides. Note that you will not be able to heal as much in this role due to lack of CA.

Brown Bear pet is useful for the soul split phases. Dhuum needs changes a lot depending on the group, so figure it out with your team. (also, I haven't cleared him yet, 1%!)

submitted by /u/frvwfr2
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It's the Year of the Dog. Can we get some dogs for our home instance?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:44 AM PST

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE cats and I love collecting cats (I'm only missing Lady Wisteria, Simon, the Blue Catmander, and the Bee "Dog"). But I also love dogs, and people have been asking for dog buddies for a while now, and it's the Year of the Dog! Please can we have some nice pooches for our home instance?

submitted by /u/LucidSeraph
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My thief painted by /u/Lishtenbird

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:18 AM PST

Golden Lost Badge Anet - Dulfy Mapping

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:51 PM PST

I was trying to follow the dulfy guide which unfortunately doesn't follow the anet numbering and was getting confused. I found this old thread linking to a post on anet forums which no longer exists.

After some cache tricks with google I found the link to the image that has the mapping:

Reposting for posterity and so that this shows up if others search.

submitted by /u/Spasticon
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[App] [Raid] discord bot for raid mechanics

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:06 PM PST

Hey all,

After looking at the video posted last week link, I really wondered why a bot for announcing mechanics hadn't been done (or maybe my Google-fu is not up to par). As someone who is also trying to beat Dhuum, I've tried using the taco marker previously posted, but the spot to start it always seems iffy to me, and I generally respond more quickly to audio queues.

So, I wrote a configurable bot you can run in your own discord that would announce boss mechanics. Dhuum and sab mechanics are included, but you can create any other ones you might find useful, or modify the existing settings.

I ran some initial test with a Dhuum training group last night and things went pretty well (for the bot, that is, we got our faces smashed into the floor by Dhuum).

The repo for this can be found at ; it is highly recommended that you read through the README. The bot can be downloaded at .

Please note that this is an early release, and things may be a little buggy. Please do post feedback to me so it can be improved.

You can contact me here on reddit or in game at phoenix.2518

Also, if you find this useful, please carry me through Dhuum; my static hasn't really been playing much, and I'mnotheavytocarryIpromise

submitted by /u/stellarashes
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[SC] Gorseval 5:00 left

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:03 AM PST



  • To allow Warrior to use Shattering blow, Weavers in 2nd subgrp have to precast Dragon's Tooth for extra DPS and Fury.

  • Renegades precasted Orders From Above for instant Alacrity.

  • We tried to share all conjures between each other. 2 Weavers played with Icebows to share with Rens and other 2 Weavers took Lightning Hammer to share with other 2 Weavers. FGS was shared between each Weavers for faster splits.

  • Thanks to mirror comp removal the DPS in different subgrp during splits was different. This allowed 2nd subgrp with Warrior to precast more.

  • Renegades had to precast Icerazor's Ire on each new split ghost to provide instant vulnerability and using Orders From Above to keep constant Alacrity.

  • With this setup CC abilities were more limited. Weavers and Renegades had to adjust their rota to help with CC (IB5 + LH3).


Mesmer Pistol/Steffen |Link

Mesmer Tank/Yui|Link


Ranger/Muju |soonTM

Rev/Noel |Link


Ele/Breke |Link

Ele/Hint |Link

Ele/Derpy |Link

Ele/Roul |Link


Check out our discord

if you have any questions.


submitted by /u/Yujisa
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I'm all for clarity, but this trait name just feels a little too blunt.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:11 AM PST

Silverwastes Chestfarm Route + Custom TacO Markers

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:02 AM PST

The Commander And Necromancy

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:37 PM PST

Suggestion: Equip Skimmer mount while swimming

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:52 PM PST

I think it would be really handy to have your currently "activated" mount switched to the skimmer when you were swimming, as it is, I have to switch it from whichever other mount I was using. Seeing as none of the others can swim, it would be convenient if it swapped to skimmer automatically.

What do all of you think?

submitted by /u/noobattheU
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[Prediction] What do you think the upcoming "special release" Griffon skin will be?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:19 PM PST

For each of the previous mounts Anet has released one individual special design skin for each through the Black Lion Trading Company:

The Resplendant Avian Raptor, The Forged Warhound Jackal, The Umbral Demon Skimmer, and The Summit Chevon Springer

What form do you think the Griffon will take? When do you think they will release it?

On a further note, do you think they will release a set of Celestial Skins for Chinese New Year?

submitted by /u/Sage_one
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In the Lion's Arch cutscene, Fort Marriner has laser cannons.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:41 PM PST

What settings should I use to reduce visual clutter in raids?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:00 PM PST

Bosses like Vale Guardian, Cairn and Dhuum have AOE effects that you should not stand in or you get teleported/feared/damage over time. But some of them are quite hard to see when there's a full squad using their legendary weapons and shiny elite specialization skills. Then again, I have heard people say that if you put the settings too low some mechanics become harder to see. For example, the walls at Soulless Horror and River of Souls or the flame wall at Sabetha. So are there any raiders out there who changed their settings which significantly improved the visibility of mechanics by decreasing visual clutter from other players in their squad?

I know there is an option for Effect LOD (Limit detail of particle effect). Some people say it doesn't limit enough particles to make it viable though and call for more options to limit effects.

Character Model Limit to lowest. Does anyone do this in raids and does it help?

I also have Yolomouse installed for years. It's a great program but the necessity for it shows a lack of attention for something that has been a problem since the release of the game.

At least with some bosses they also added text messages for certain individual mechanics such as shackles and afflicted. Other than that, the audio cues also help sometimes. Unfortunately, graphically speaking the options seem pretty limited to me.

submitted by /u/Bonoboo
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Guild Wars 2 portrayed by Spongebob #1

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:28 AM PST

Jackal Pup and Raptor Hatchling sound effects

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:31 AM PST

I finally unlocked the Stardust and Aqua Jackal Pup minis today, to find that they produce unique sound effects. Apparently the Fire and Ice Raptor Hatchlings have also had unique sound effects too, albeit more muted than the Jackals (which is probably why I did not notice them before).

I have never actually seen a thread or even a comment about them, so I figure I'd make one. As someone who seeks out pleasant audio auras, this is nice.

For reference and ear murder: Ho-Ho Tron

Fire Raptor

Ice Raptor

Aqua Jackal

Stardust Jackal

And because I'm paranoid, all of these audio clips are property of ArenaNet.

Also, please let us eventually buy PoF music boxes for trade contracts... 20,000 each would be reasonable.

submitted by /u/FunFlavor
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Met my girlfriend in Guild Wars 2, this was my anniversary gift she gave to me today!

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 09:45 PM PST

It's such a cheesy yet cool gift! This was the cover picture of about 12 others with a mix of real pictures and Guild Wars pictures.

submitted by /u/EanIsWhite
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A cheezburger classic: Invisible Bicycle

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:42 AM PST

What makes GW2 better than other mmorpg?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:23 PM PST

Hi there, I'm currently really bored and deciding between what game to play. What makes GW2 better for you then any other mmorpg like WoW ?

submitted by /u/Darwish88
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[MGT] What's Up by 4 Non Blondes sloppy cover!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:37 PM PST

Working on What's Up by 4 Non Blondes! This is my progress so far! I hope you all like it!

submitted by /u/Aguacado
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