Legion TD 2 v1.69 Patch Notes

v1.69 Patch Notes

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:25 PM PST

Game Updates

- Fixed a bug that caused Fenix to cause significant lag

Pathing & Targeting
- Ranged units should be less likely to run ahead accidentally. (Made a variety of targeting improvements, mainly: (1) Implemented allied target sharing (2) Target sorting now has an extra scoring function which deprioritizes out-of-range targets)
- Units are slightly less bouncy (but may overlap a bit more)

- Improved targeting AI. (Now revaluates threat prioritization every second, so when new targets come into range or targets become damaged, he may switch targets before the current target is killed)
- Improved Judgment AI (If close to full mana, he will switch off low HP targets that would be killed by the upcoming AOE spell damage)

- Fixed a bug where some players might have 1 extra mythium compared to a player with the same workers pre-wave 1

Hiring Mercenaries
- You now have slightly more time to send mercenaries before the wave spawns, after the timer hits 0. (This should help you squeeze off a mercenary just before the wave spawns)

Game Balance

Delaying is no longer the standard strategy for cross
- Building mid causes you to be unable to build in your solo lane
- Building in your solo lane causes you to be unable to build in your mid lane

We'll be evaluating cross balance this patch to see if the Haste buff needs to be decreased.


Fire Archer
- Projectile speed: 1300 -> 1800

Lord of Death
- Damage: 55 -> 58

- Damage: 137 -> 142


- Projectile speed: 1500 -> 2000

- Projectile speed: 1600 -> 2000


- Damage: 125 -> 127

- Damage: 125 -> 128

- Reduced collision size to improve pathing

- Reduced collision size to improve pathing

Now much easier to hire multiple of the same expensive mercenary. Prepare for 2x Kraken late game.
- Stock refresh timers: 20-75 -> 30 seconds for all
- Total stock: 1-2 -> 2 for all

Reverting the v1.67 Snail change because it was reducing risk-taking early game and overall worker counts and income. We're not afraid to experiment or to admit we were wrong and revert. Also nerfing Snail's base stats further to encourage more risk-taking.
- Health: 320 -> 300
- Damage: 15 -> 13
- Income/Bounty: 5 -> 6

- Health: 850 -> 870
- Damage: 44 -> 45

Safety Mole
Shaving off some base power off to solidify Safety Mole as a counter to low damage units, rather than just being the best choice most of the time.
- Health: 810 -> 790
- Damage: 42 -> 40

- Health: 2100 -> 2150

- Health: 3000 -> 3200


(19) Wale Chiefs
- Health: 4500 -> 4400

(20) Maccabeus
Now easier to clear but stronger against the king
- Attack speed (attacks per second): 2 -> 2.22
- Immolate: Number of bounces: 3 -> 2

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