Smite - Developer Update: 5.1 Showcase Delayed until Tomorrow

Developer Update: 5.1 Showcase Delayed until Tomorrow

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 10:19 AM PST

Hey Friends,

Quick update regarding the 5.1 Showcase (formerly called Patch Notes Show).

We are postponing the 5.1 Showcase on Twitch until tomorrow at 1 PM EST. Public Test Server will be updated around 3 PM EST.

Our number one priority is keeping our team safe, and today the weather just wasn't cooperating. Businesses and Schools across Atlanta are closed. It looks like Scylla decided we needed another snow day.

We're all excited about tomorrow! We've got an awesome show coming up, and we're excited to kick off Season 5 with some great reveals.

You can look forward to learning even more about the new Conquest Map, new Items, new Ragnarok Skins (Jing Wei!), and 5.1 Balance changes. If you have any questions about these changes and additions, our team will be answering your questions with a live Reddit AMA during and after the reveal!

Also, as a special treat after the patch notes, we will be broadcasting a live playtest on the Season 5 Conquest Map featuring your favorite Hi-Rez Personalities. Watch me get top damage as Ganesha mid.

Thanks so much for your patience. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback and helping us make this our best and most exciting year!!!

Make sure to catch us tomorrow at 1 PM EST on :D

<3 MLC St3alth

Edit: Our 5.1 Update includes a lot of large changes that we would like to reveal live and explain in more detail. We will be holding onto the patch notes until after we do the live show tomorrow.

submitted by /u/HiRezSt3alth
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Coming from PARAGON? Here's a list of what heroes compare to which Gods!

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 01:24 PM PST

With EPIC Games' recent blogpost about Paragon's future, r/SMITE might be seeing a few new members and players looking for help, and that's what I aim to do. Every time someone comes from Paragon, they want to know which heroes compare to which Gods, so I figured I might as well help them out.

I've compiled a list of PARAGON heroes and their counterparts in SMITE. Keep in mind, no PARAGON heroes have a clone in SMITE. I've played both games, so while some of these heroes/gods might not compare in terms of abilities, I feel like their playstyles might.

Aurora: Bellona?, Amaterasu? There really isn't anyone in SMITE that functions quite like Aurora, but Bellona and Amaterasu are both bruiser ladies who function fantastically in teamfights. Bellona is a great initiator because of her Ult, and Amaterasu can stun a whole team with hers. In all honesty though, this one is a little bit of a stretch.

Countess: Daji, Loki, Bastet, Thanatos Countess is a textbook assassin in SMITE. The most comparable assassins that are currently in SMITE are Daji, Loki, Bastet, and Thanatos. Thanatos is able to heal of his kills, much like Countess, but their playstyles are not all that similar. Daji, Loki, and Bastet on the other hand, are much more similar to Countess. They are all able to jump on squishies and destroy them easily, Daji and Bastet through DoT damage, and Loki through burst. Daji literally has the same movement ability as Countess, but cannot return to her previous destination. Bastet has a leap which allows her to return to original jump spot. Loki's ult is similar to Countess' in that it stuns and does massive damage, but Loki does not need to be right beside the enemy when he activates the ULT. Loki is also able to go invisible (Countesses building Shadow Dancer was common the last time I played).

Crunch: Tyr, Ravana Tyr has the ability to control enemies in a similar way to Crunch. In his Red Stance he is able to push enemies along his dash, pushing them into towers, walls, or better yet, his team. He also has an easier time getting to the squishies in the back in comparison to Crunch because of his Ultimate, and the fact that Blink is a very common pick-up on him. Ravana has a focus on distracting the squishies and combo-ing abilities and basic attacks in fluid chains. While not a 1 to 1 comparison, I feel like Crunch players would enjoy Ravana's playstyle.

Dekker: Odin Dekker has a cage, Odin has a cage. That's it.

Drongo: Izanami This one was tough. There are currently no Hunters in SMITE with with Drongo's unique steroid. In fact there is no Damage After Time mechanics in SMITE at all. Nonetheless, I felt that Izanami would be the closest God in terms of abilities. She has a ranged slow ability, much like Drongo's boomerang, and her basic attacks actually are boomerangs. Her ult is also a huge burst of damage that silences, so that's like 2 Drongo abilities in 1.

Feng Mao: Thanatos, Ao Kuang Executes. Thanatos and Ao Kuang both have executes, but unlike Feng Mao, they are based on percentage HP and not a flat number threshold. Au Kuang is also able to make use of a short range teleport.

Gadget: Kukulkan, Zeus Gadget is able to clear waves and poke easily. Both Kuku and Zeus are also able to do this. Zeus is also known for his large AoE ultimate that does damage every second, similar to Gadget's. Much like how Gadget comboes well with Dekker's cage, the Zeus/Odin combo is as old as SMITE.

Gideon: Hades, Janus Before Gideon's ult became a giant 3.5 second stun. It was pretty much Hades ult. Hades is able to teleport into the middle of a teamfight and start channeling an AoE slow/pull that does tons of damage. He also can't get CC'd out of it, but it is much easier to get out of than Gideon's. I've also put Janus on this list because he is able to save teammates with his portals in a similar way to Gideon.

Greystone: Hercules, Kumbhakarna Greystone is the undying tank of PARAGON. His ult allows him to revive after a few seconds. Hercules is also an undying tank, but not because of a revive. Herc has an ability that heals him based on how much damage he receives in the next few seconds. That means you can activate the ability, eat a burst ult, and heal right back up. So instead of dying and returning, he just almost dies and heals up to max. Kumbhakarna's passive lets him revive after he dies, but if he is hit by a certain number of basic attacks before reviving he won't come back. The cooldown is also significantly longer than Greystone's Ult.

GRIM.exe: Cernunnos, Rama, Neith, Chang'e, Ravana GRIM.exe is known for a few things, his shield which negates the last ability used, his slowing basic attacks, and GTFO (his auto-aim Ultimate that can't be dodged but can be blocked). Sadly, there aren't any carry's that have GRIM's shield, the only characters that have that are Chang'e (a Mage) and Ravana (a Warrior). For his slowing basics, we have 2 Hunters that feature this ability. Cernunnos is able to toggle between 4 different "seasons" all changing what his basic attacks do. He can heal(SPRING), deal additional damage(SUMMER), lower potections(AUTUMN), and of course slow(WINTER). It doesn't even cost mana to slow with his basics. Rama, the other Hunter who slows with basics, is perhaps a little more similar. By toggling his "Astral Arrows" his shots slow enemies and can go through minions, Gods, and even walls. Neith's Ultimate, "World Weaver" is very similar to GRIM's. She roots herself, charges up, and fires a giant arrow which travels towards her target, stunning them. The shot cannot be stopped unless blocked by another enemy God. One things this has over "GTFO" is that its global and Neith doesn't need direct vision of the enemy God she is aiming at. As long as you have vision, they cannot GTFO.

Grux: Susano, Hercules Susano and Hercules have pulls that function much like Grux's. Grux has fluctuated quite a bit in terms of playstyle throughout PARAGON's history, sometimes being built tanky and sometimes like an assassin. If you'd like to play a tankier character, try Hercules. If you prefer the assassin playstyle, Susano is your guy.

Howitzer: Poseidon?, Vulcan?, Sol? Howitzer has no direct doppelganger in SMITE, but I figured I'd provide you Howitzer players with a God that shares certain aspects of his playstyle. For his control and burst I'd recommend Poseidon. He has a very powerful Whirlpool ability that slows enemies and disallows movement spells. His ult is also tons of fun. Vulcan is also an option if your favourite ability was his knockup. For his relative safety, I'd recommend Sol. She is able to dodge CC and damage wth her Disaperate ability and can almost entirely eliminate her chances of dying from a gank. Sorry Howitzer players, I miss Howie too.

Iggy and Scorch: Vulcan Although Vulcan has a turret, his gameplay is not directly tied to it. He is more of a burst mage. You can however direct your turret with his Backfire ability.

Kallari: Loki Much like Kallari, Loki is an invisible assassin who isn't the most viable jungler. If you like killing squishies and then dying, Loki is your guy.

Khaimera: Arachne Khaimera is known as a 1v1 champ, an excellent boxer, and generally a good pubstomper. If you aren't looking for an exact copy of his abilities, but more of his playstyle, you should love Arachne. She is able to slow enemies and catch them easily with her webs. She can heal up fast with her built in lifesteal, and she can stun with her Cuccoon spell. She's also a lot safer than Khaimera, so you are actually able to peace out when you're caught over-extended.

Kwang: Erlang Shen, Chaac Kwang's ability to throw his weapon and teleport to it afterwards lives on in Chaac, and luckily Chaac doesn't need to use his ult to go to his Axe. Chaac can also choose to summon a rainstorm over his axe as opposed to teleporting to it, causing a movement and attack speed slow in the AoE. When the rainstorm is active, the same effects apply around Chaac himself, and he begins to heal. His ultimate is a huge AoE silence, so he is great in teamfights. There isn't really a tether in SMITE, but Erlang Shen can throw his spear and root enemies closest to the center. So if you want a bruiser who can root from afar, Erlang Shen is the closest thing to that.

Lt. Belica: Nox There are currently no Mana drain mechanics in SMITE, and all executes in the game are based on Health percentage and not missing Mana, but besides being a mana manipulation hero, Lt Belica is famous for being an Anti-Mage. In SMITE, we have Nox, who is also quite good at being an Anti-Mage. She has a silence that does huge burst if enemies are still in it's AoE by the time it fires, and she has a line based Root/Cripple which helps her land her damage. Her combo, while being hard to hit is by far one of the most satsfying in the game. Her Ult is also a long range ball that can be used to snipe away low health enemies, but is most often used at a high level to initiate a fight because it lowers the damage output of all the enemies it hits.

Morigesh: Nu Wa To all you Morigesh mains. Get used to skillshots, because there aren't any auto-aim burst spells in SMITE. The only easy to hit burst spell is Nu Wa's Ult. Nu Wa is able to hit all the enemy gods, no mattter where they are with a burst of damage. They also appear on the map similarly to Kallari ult.

Murdock: Neith, Ra, Thanatos, Chiron Murdock is a hard carry in Paragon who focuses on chasing down his opponents. There aren't many Hunters in SMITE that play like him, but there are a few characters that have similar ideas. Neith is also a global carry, although her Ultimate isn't a skillshot and it stuns based on charge time. Its used more to help a gank than to secure a kill. Ra has a beam Ultimate much like Murdock, but he is a mage and his ult is not global. Thanatos is an assassin that shares Murdock's passive which helps him chase down low targets. I've also added Chiron to this list because he is a ranged carry that is easily able to chase down enemies with his dash, and his ult allows him to "SNIPE" a few times as well (although they are not global). He can also use his Masterful Shot to shoot a magical arrow at any enemy he has hit in the last few seconds, at any range. So you can basically kill someone semi-globally with him as well.

Muriel: Geb, Athena Geb is all about his shield. He doesn't have an AoE shield, but his single target shield, called "Stone Shield" is one of the best abilities in the game. Not only can it negate damage, but CC as well. That's right... it cleanses. Athena pretty much has the same ult, but it takes her longer to get to her ally, and instead of putting a shield on them she increases their damage resistance.

Narbash: Sylvanus, Fafnir, Cerberus Sylvanus shares Narbash's affinity for AoE heals and knockups. Fafnir has his thunk. Cerberus also has a ranged stun and an AoE "Knockup". All these tank supports share his abilities, but none share his amazing personality.

Phase: Aphrodite, Artio Unlike Phase, Aphrodite's link does not provide passive Health Regen (HP5 in SMITE), instead it provides movement speed and mana regen (MP5). She will heal herself and her Soulmate if she uses her primary attack, Lovebirds. Much like Phase's blind, Aphro's knockback will activate on both her and her soulmate. Her ult is invincibility for a few seconds to both her and her soulmate. Artio isn't really all that similar, but she shares her slow into root beam attack. Fun fact, Paragon's version came first, unlike most of these other spells.

Rampage: Vamana Much like Rampage, Vamana has an Ultimate that makes him grow in size and gives him increased health regen. Unlike rampage though, he is unable to use his abilities in this form. His other abilities aren't really all that similar to Rampage's though.

Revenant: Xbalanque Something I've noticed while making this list is that Ranged Carries in PARAGON are all very unique. SMITE kind of struggles with this. There isn't a God with his reload. There isn't a God with Obliterate. There isn't really a God with his ult. The only thing I could think of that was similar in SMITE, is the Snowball effect he gets from killing people. Revenant gets bonus Gold for killing people with his ult and allows him to get ahead. Xbalanque gets bonus power for killing anyone... period. They don't need to be affected by his ult, but you only get the bonus for the first six kills.

Riktor: Sylvanus, Kumbha, Ghanesh Riktor is known for his hook. That and his perpencity to spam CC and damage to kill his opponents. The only hook/pull like it in SMITE is Sylvanus' "Nature's Grasp" ability, although it is much harder to hit and is not the focus of his kit. Kumbha has a similar playstyle to Riktor. He is a high damage support tank who can spam CC like no other and has fantastic setup with his ult. He doesn't share any of the same types of CC, but he is able to Root, Mezmerize, and Knock-up SUPER high to set up for easy mage ults. If you want a support with a silence, Ghanesh is your guy.

Serath: Kali, Mercury Melee carries are not really a thing in SMITE (not that they were ever a real thing in PARAGON either), but there are a few late game assassins who you could call hypercarries. Kali is one of them. Much like Serath she can jump on characters with ease, and absolutely decimates them in seconds in the lategame. Mercury is also quite strong in the lategame, but the reason I chose to include him on the list is his "Made You Look" spell. Much like Serath he applies a single hit (which can crit) to all enemies in the ability's AoE (the AoE grows as you level it). He cannot dodge spells with it sadly.

Sevarog: Erlang Shen Severof is a very unique hero, and sadly there aren't really any gods in SMITE that can compare. His Syphon and growth mechanics are nowhere to be found. Even his ult is absent. The only thing in SMITE that resembles his kit in any form is Erlang Shen's ranged root. R.I.P. the Reaper

Shinbi: Nemesis, Serqet Shinbi is a great tank shredder with a double dash. Nemesis is a great tank shredder with a double dash. If you're favourite thing about Shinbi is her ability to apply stacks to an enemy and watching them "pop" from afar, then I'd recommend Serqet. She is also very mobile, but her ult places a poison on an enemy which stops them from healing, and does true damage. If they die, it spreads to nearby enemies. Its fun to see them panick and die as you recall safely from your own jungle.

Sparrow: Artemis Really their abilities aren't that similar besides dropping arrows from the sky, but for some reason they just remind everyone of each other. They both receive damage buffs by continuously hitting basic attacks. Sparrow gains a flat bonus damage rate, and Artemis increases her Crit chance. Artemis is also an immobile carry who shines in the lategame and has a fantastic teamfighting Ultimate. Instead of getting AoE basic attacks, Artemis releases her boar and it bounces between the enemy team, stunning each of them unless it's killed. Artemis also has the old Murdock traps, so if you miss those, we still have them.

Steel: Bacchus Do you want to jump on people, knock them up and stun them, all while doing more damage than a tank ought to? Play Bacchus. His Bellyflop is a fantastic leap/knockup, and if his "Drunk-o-meter" says he's smashed, he can stun people with his burp right after the knockup. He is also able to take less damage for a short period after he chugs a little bit of his wine. His Ultimate is an AoE burst damage attack that causes his enemies to become intoxicated, hindering their movement, aim, and vision. Bottoms up!

Terra: Ravana, Terra A tank that can deny CC and tank for teamfights? That sounds like Ravana. He doesn't have a stun or 8 seconds of CC immunity, but he can deal high damage, dive backlines and eat huge burst abilities with his "Overhead Kick" ability which functions kind of like GRIM.exe's Shield (and similar enough to Terra's Shield). His ult, while not being CC immune, gives him severe damage reduction and allows him to tank lots of abilities in teamfights. If your favourite part of Terra was playing as a "thicc" girl name Terra, we also have "thicc" girl named Terra, but she functions nothing like PARAGON's hero.

The Fey: Ares The only thing Ares and The Fey have in common are their ultimates. Both pull in enemy players and do massive damage. Other than that, they don't share many similarities. Ares is a Damage Support Tank who steals enemy movement speed, cripples them and deals massive amounts of DoT damage. His ult, unlike The Fey's happens around himself. He throws out chains to each of the enemy Gods around him after a few seconds pulls them all to him, stunning them. It is a fantastic initiation and he is one of the most fun "supports" in the game.

Twinblast: Apollo, Anhur Apollo is a 2 handed "cool" guy ranged DPS carry. Much like Twinblast, he is granted a buff as he hits basic attacks. Twinblast gains guaranteed "Crits", and Apollo doubles his attack speed for a few attacks. I've also included Anhur because he has a very similar Ultimate to Twinblast, but it can go through both enemies and walls.

Wraith: Chiron? There are literally no Gods in SMITE that have similar spells as Wraith, esspecially a carry, so for this comparison I decided to go off intended playstyle. Wraith is kind of a "supporty" carry, wih his AoE invis and guaranteed CC. Chiron is also a "supporty" carry with his AoE cleanse. I'm sorry, this one is by far the weakest comparison.

Wukong: Ullr, Tyr, Loki, Sun Wukong If the thing you like about Wukong is his stance switching, then you're in luck, SMITE has quite a few Gods that play around with that mechanic. The two I think are closest to Wukong are Tyr and Ullr. Tyr is a brawler tank and is more CC oriented, and Ullr is a carry who can swap between Melee and Ranged combat. Ullr is also really safe in his melee stance because of his movement speed buff and jump. If the thing you like about Wukong is his split push mechanics, I'd recommend Loki. He is able to push waves relatively easily in the lategame, and if left alone in a lane her can delete a tower easily. I've also included Sun Wukong for the lols. They really don't play similarly at all.

Yin: Rama? Much like Yin is capable of activating a buff to her basic attacks to allow them to go through all enemies, Rama can do the same. By toggling his Astral Arrows he can clear waves with ease and can even shoot through walls. He can't manipulate projectiles, but he is still fun to play.

Zynx: Bastet? Besides both of them being cat ladies, do they have anything else in common? Not really. They both do DoT Damage I guess. Zynx really has no parallel in SMITE.

I hope this list helps the new PARAGON to SMITE migrants with their transition. SMITE is a really fun game, and although it isn't exactly the same as PARAGON, I hope you can fall in love with it as well.

If anyone else has any hero/God counterparts please feel free to add them in the replies.

submitted by /u/grandpa_tito
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Someone suggested Khepri get an evil skin. So I sketched up "Star Beast" a Lovecraft skin for Khepri

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 01:08 PM PST

Make this Cerberus’s dance emote

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 08:42 AM PST

Is there a reason why Rama's 3 has so many voicelines?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 08:04 PM PST

In Season 5, the Speed buff will spawn before other jungle buffs

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 12:52 PM PST

Is this something people already knew? Ajax just posted it in his most recent Tumblr update:

Season 5 will bring some slight adaptations to jungle spawns, where speed buff is the only camp that will spawn before lanes meet. Allowing the jungler to get a head start from the rest of the team and allowing more flexibility in how they plan their jungle route after obtaining the speed buff.

That's a fascinating change. The speed buff is already safer for junglers to secure. Now it'll be on a completely different timer. It will allow the junglers to start jungling faster than even the laners can farm.

submitted by /u/Mind_Killer
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Even the tier 1 towers are tired of the Season 4 Conquest map...

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:45 AM PST

I am going to coach displaced Paragon players for free, to help them adjust to Smite

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 10:33 AM PST

Hello /r/Smite. You may or may not know me around these parts; I am Will the Thrill, professional troll, and a prior SEA Pro League coach. In the past few days, the word has been floating around the Paragon community that the game is on the brink of ceasing development. To those of you who are coming from Paragon to Smite, I would first like to say: Welcome to our game! Enjoy your stay.

Next off, I would like to provide Paragon players who are unfamiliar with Smite an offer: I will provide you with a FREE hour long coaching session, where we can go over game mechanics, meta, build strategies, and even a replay review, if you so choose. You might ask yourself, if I could charge money, why would I do this for free? Candidly speaking, I believe it is more beneficial to everyone in the community, myself included, if I make the extra effort to give an influx of battle hardened MOBA vets coming into Smite feel welcome.

Finally, all Paragon players coming over (and other Smite players, for that matter) are welcome to message me on Discord with any miscellaneous questions they have about the game whenever you want. Please understand that I am a college student, so if I take some time to respond, it is not because I'm ignoring you.

My Discord handle is Will the Thrill#1613 if you would like to get in contact. I may not be able to coach literally every Paragon player coming over by myself, so coaching is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Once again, welcome to the battleground of the Gods, and have a good time!

As an addendum, I would also like to note that as Season 5 is coming out, you're in good hands with me.

submitted by /u/TheRealWillTheThrill
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Season 5 Patch Notes Bingo Board

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:02 PM PST

The Ascent - Takeoff. eUnited's World Championship Documentary.

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 10:15 AM PST

Paragon Refugee Seeking Assistance

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:50 AM PST

I know there's been a few of these posts, but I was wondering where the best places to learn the game are. I.e. who're the best youtube and twitch channels to follow to get good guides on heroes/roles. Any good websites for builds?

Really enjoying the game and I'd like to get better :)

Edit: thanks for much for an amazing response and a great welcome to the community - I'll take time in the next few days to go through and follow/subscribe to everyone. I'm a big twitch viewer so expect to see me around ;)

submitted by /u/TheStig136
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Medusa concept in Pixel Art, anyone?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 06:20 AM PST

The 100th god of smite

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 03:21 PM PST

As we are rapidly approaching the release of that juicy god one hundred, I wanted to suggest something special.

Now, I am aware that Ajax made a post about this, which can be found here (gotta scroll a bit).

In his post, most of his points regarded design elements and that the god design process is an extremely iterative, which obviously makes sense, as gods lore and design must be researched in depth, and then there is a whole process of animating and so on and so forth.

Instead of having the community submit concepts, like for the T5 skin, I don't see the harm in having the community vote on who the 100th god is. No designs involved. The voting would go something like this:

Phase 1: Pantheon The community would be polled on which pantheon the god should be from.

Phase 2: 1st Round of God Selections A list of potential gods from the chosen pantheon is given to the community to vote on.

Phase 3: 2nd Round of God Selections The top 3 choices for from phase two are voted on once more.

Phase 4: Class (not sure about this one, because it does involve design) Community votes on the class of the chosen god.

And voila, we have a community chosen god, that Hi-rez can design at their own will and release.

I just hope the community has some say in the 100th god to join Smite, since it's such a big milestone.

What do you guys think? Any better ways to go about a community god vote?

Also Stealth, think you could run this by the design team?

submitted by /u/bradicalz23
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With the start of season 5 and the influx of Paragon players coming over, I would like to say welcome!

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:39 AM PST

If anyone needs someone to teach them the basics or just play the game with, PM me and I'd be happy to play.

submitted by /u/Irrelevant-Quotes
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I'm New To Smite. Is this cool or just a normal play?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 02:08 PM PST

Two players coming over from Paragon need a bit of help!

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 03:42 AM PST

Hi everyone! A friend and I are having a break from Paragon (a MOBA created by Epic Games) and we are interested in SMITE. We understand the fundamentals of a MOBA such as lanes, roles, objectives and economy and we are wandering how these fundamentals differ in SMITE. These are the questions my friend and I would like answered!

  1. How important are the jungle buffs? Is one buff better then any of the others, when would I want to use each buff and would certain buffs be much more useful to certain roles? Such as the mana buff on casters etc?

  2. How would a support be played in SMITE and how would we want to build a support? In Paragon the support is there to pressure the enemy duo, offer CC for ganks and to set up kills and most importantly to keep the carry alive. In Paragon it is wise to build cards which buff the team, such cards would include: Shielding an allied player, granting an aura which improves armour and attack speed for team mates and also wards, is there any way this play style and way of building a support would differ in SMITE?

  3. Is there any God which can solo objectives? In Paragon there are a few heroes which excel at taking objectives by themselves.

  4. Are there any overtuned God's that we would have to look out for? Paragon is in a extremely unbalanced state at the moment and it has been for a long time, I am sad to say that I have encountered a hero that could do upwards of 6000 damage in one attack and wipe out the entire team if they were close enough to each other. Do we have to worry about being destroyed by any overtuned Gods?

  5. Is there a wide variety of buffs, debuffs and CC in SMITE and how wary do I have to be of them as Paragon has a STUPIDLY large amount of CC which is available to all but three heroes and the length of stuns can last up to 3.5 seconds (which is available to a caster in an AOE effect which deals constant damage and yes you can trap an entire team in the stun and win every single team fight by using it). In Paragon the only buffs, debuffs and CC are:

Debuffs: Blight Armour penetration/armour shredding

CC: Slows (available to essentially everyone) Stuns (available to essentially everyone) Roots Knockups Knockbacks Silence (available to two heroes) Blind (available to one hero)

Buffs: Health regen Life steal Invisibility Movement speed Attack speed Increases to armour Purify (which shouldn't be on this list because it is completely useless in Paragon as you cannot use purification cards while under hard CC like stuns and because the cooldowns on abilities are so low and all but three heroes have some form of CC you will purify one form of CC just to get CC'd again right after. Also CC only cleanses one debuff or CC effect.)

Are there any more buffs, debuffs or forms of CC in SMITE and if so what do they do?

  1. How important are wards and vision? In Paragon it is a complete necessity for supports to run wards because if a jungler with a form of hard CC ganks your duo and you both get CC'd your essentially dead because the time to kill is so low. Do wards differ from each other and offer different stats? In Paragon there are only two wards you can get, one which you can place twice before having to spend gold to buy them again and the second which lets you keep the wards but have to recharge between uses but they offer pitiful stats and take up a card slot which inhibits your end game build.

  2. Is Loki really that cancer? we don't want that damn trickster making fools of us!

That's all for now, it would be greatly appreciated if some or even all of my questions could be answered because we are very eager to learn and get into the game as soon as we can. Thanks again everyone!

submitted by /u/TLV-Pyralis
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A message for all the players coming to Smite from Paragon, as well as anyone looking to get into Conquest, or has any questions about/issues with playing the mode in general:

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 10:16 AM PST

First of all, I'd like to say welcome, to both the game, and its premier (and most fun, IMO) mode.

For most people, Conquest is the hardest mode to get into in Smite, due to the amount of game and role knowledge needed. Unfortunately, due to an ever-changing meta, HiRez cannot give all this knowledge out in a tutorial (Although the tutorials can improve). So, I've put together a Discord server, called Conquering Conquest, which will serve as a learning base for people to learn, and improve, their Smite skills, particularly for conquest, open to new and experienced players alike.

It'll mostly involve peer tutoring, where experienced players share their knowledge of certain roles, gods, the current meta, builds, or just the mode in general.

There's be a LFG, where players can party up to put their knowledge to use by queueing together with others of their skill level, or a "tutoring" experienced player who can show them the ropes either by queuing up with them for a casual match, or a consequence free custom.

We sometimes in-house matches, for lower level and high level players alike. Afterwards, you can get another, more experienced, player to view the replay, and review your performances, discuss habits, and how to improve.

If you'd like to join the server, message me and ask for the invite link. I'm not sure if the subreddit rules allow public posting of Discord links, so you're gonna have to get it from me directly. Once you have it though, you can share it with your friends who you think would benefit/benefit from the server

Also note, this is a salt/flame/bm free environment to help introduce new players to the premier gamemode of Smite. If you are toxic you will be banned from this server.

submitted by /u/smbadat
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Just me or HiRez Employees actually are starting to care a lot more what we are saying about the game?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 02:24 PM PST

I'm new to smite but I've noticed recently that stealth and the other HiRez guy have been commenting on players concerns and advice on how to make the game better, and it's just nice to see The HiRez employees are actually taking in what we say about there game seems recently no other company does that. Props to you HiRez

submitted by /u/VeryHazey
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so this can happen

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 08:01 PM PST

Yes (another) Paragon pc player with a few questions about Gods

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 08:48 AM PST

I would like to play some Gods similar to the ones I used to master in paragon. If anyone from paragon is here of course! I would really appreciate it

Belica Fey Kwang Sevarog Shinbi Phase Gideon Revenant Twimblast Murdock Sparrow Yin Wraith Drongo

submitted by /u/eymergarcia
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Office of Smite Ep. 1

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:36 AM PST

Daji Wanted to fly!

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 07:07 PM PST

Dance loki plz

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 08:49 PM PST

When you do your first stream on hireztv and want to make a good impression

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 06:21 PM PST

Just won my first PvP match

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:35 AM PST

Nothing too special here. I started playing 3 days ago. I practiced with the bots (that are pretty hard? Or maybe I was too noonish lol). I saved enough favor buy Susano and hopped into my first PvP. It was about 30 minutes and I was surprisingly doing well. I finished with 9/6/15. I do have some troubles with the controls, so perhaps I bind the abilities to different keys, but overall gameplay was very fluid. Also, my team was actually quite nice after I told them that I'm a newbie, giving me many useful tips. I liked Yasuo from LOL a lot, so I figured Susaso would be a good transition. His kit is very different of course but it's quite fun.

submitted by /u/LAKsh011
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5.1 Patch Notes - Season 5 Spoils!

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 05:31 AM PST

Showcase will be broadcast at 1PM EST (7PM CET) TOMORROW (Jan 18th). Watch on Twitch and YouTube

As always: Please refrain from sharing any leaked content which doesn't come from the official Smite social media, HiRez employees or related officials. It goes against the purpose of this thread and it can cause problems. Thank you.

Fenrir's Law: Datamining is always in flux, never final and often doesn't tell the truth. For the sake of avoiding misinformation, especially since it can't predict release dates: Datamining will not be included, except when said content is spoiled.

Complete Patch Notes for 5.1 "Season 5" are [here when available]()!

Release info and other important stuff to know

  • An extended PTS period for Patch 5.1 will start today on Jan 17th - Twitter - Tumblr

    • Other sources from HiRez state that PTS release is still up for debate, but they are trying to get it to us ASAP - Twitter
    • OP Note: Hirez keeps saying that the release will be "later this month" for PC. Assuming the extended PTS runs for ~2 weeks, Jan 30th for PC and Feb 6th for consoles seem like the release dates to expect. These dates would also be similar to those from S4 launch.
  • As with every patch notes stream that introduces a new season, this will be a long show and it can easily take up to and beyond 1:30 hours - Twitter

    • Be prepared! Get some grub and drinks, take a whizz before the show!
  • Since HiRez do not have their usual production studio right now (they are renovating), they will be broadcasting from their break room. This also means that the usual 4PM (10PM) time is only an estimate today and it may change. Twitter

    • UPDATE: Patch notes have been moved to tomorrow at 1PM EST (7PM CET) due to bad weather - Reddit

The Good Stuff - Newest first!

  • According to Clumzy on Venenu's stream, The Morrigan is not seeing any balance changes this patch.

  • Loki is seeing some buffs to his 2nd ability (Decoy) - Twitter

    • Cooldown decreased from 14s to 12s
    • Base Damage increased from 75/125/175/225/275 to 90/140/190/240/290
    • A reason as to why this change is happening is because Bluestone Pendant will not proc on Decoy still, the latter will remain a Pet ability - Twitter
  • Spoil debunk: Apollo and Jing Wei don't get any buffs this patch - Reddit

  • Season 4 Ranked Rewards

Season 5 Conquest Map Spoils

Anything listed in this section may not be final.

For this section, bear in mind that I probably didn't manage to compile all of the details about season 5 known so far, especially those from some of the segments that were shown inbetween HRX matches 2 weeks ago. If you have anything that is not mentioned here, I'd be grateful if you post it in the comments.

  • Webpage compiling some map info and images - Smitegame

  • Map Reveal - YouTube - Twitter

  • Behind the scenes - YouTube - Twitter

  • Map symmetry & addressing snowball - Reddit - Tumblr

    • The Season 5 map is 20% wider than the current one
    • Jungle Camps respawn faster, but are worth less XP and gold
    • The values for XP splitting have been decreased
    • Jungle Camps and Lane Minions are worth more over time
    • Lane minions will have a little more health and do a little less damage, which allows more fighting inside minions and makes players stay longer in lane - [As said on the HRX stream]
    • Fire elementals are gone and replaced by something new (see the Jungle Bosses section below for more info on that) - Reddit
    • Buff durations are probably not going to be reduced - Reddit
  • New Art & Gameplay Clarity - Reddit - Tumblr

    • Artistic Goals for the map: Capture the fun look, consistent tone, and easy-on-the-eyes style that have been established in new environments; have very distinct visual themes, coloration, and context for all of the jungle camps; have vertical landmarks that make it easier to navigate to the map; bring back fog to make the Jungle more scary to be in, and to also give some visual basis to support the shorter character clip out distance
  • Jungle Camps & Bosses - Reddit - Tumblr

    • The drop animation [for buff camps] is much more defined, and buffs can now be picked up as soon as they touch the ground.
    • Video depicting the new damage (red) buff aka Manticore, and the way the buff drops work - YouTube
    • Gold Fury will see some slight design changes to stats/rewards in Season 5. The goal is to make an early Gold Fury feel less snowbally, while making a late game Gold Fury more impactful.
    • Portal Demon has been replaced by the Pyromancer. Killing him provides a blessing to the killer's fountain that gives the entire team a speed boost when leaving it.
    • With the changes to Portal Demon (Pyromancer), Swift Wing might see a rework. Pyro is confirmed to work similarly to it. - Reddit - Twitter
    • Fire Giant will get the "evolved" status as the game goes on, similar to the buff camps and Apophis in Clash.
  • Technical Improvements - Tumblr

    • Jungle Fog is back! HiRez put a lot of effort into making this work.
    • Performance is still a major concern. Older PC builds will still be able to play the map.
  • Further notes from the HRX stream

    • Fill me in plz kthxbai
  • The rift in the middle of the map will only be a key thematic and visual element, no one will be able to fall into it. Art for this will not be shown as finished today - Twitter

  • The 30 second spawn for jungle will stay, with the exception of Speed Buff now spawning before the lane minions meet - Tumblr

    • "Allowing the jungler to get a head start from the rest of the team and allowing more flexibility in how they plan their jungle route after obtaining the speed buff."
  • Pictures and GIFs that were relased alongside each blogpost (and beyond): WIP Minimap

Early Teasers - Content which hasn't been fully revealed yet or is up for speculation.

  • Fiendish Rage Cu Chulainn - Early Teasers

    • This skin will be included in the Chaos bundle from the Ragnarok Event, available for 750 gems.
  • Fiendish Flight Jing Wei - Early Teasers

    • This skin will be included in the Chaos bundle from the Ragnarok Event, available for 750 gems.
  • The Chaos bundle mentioned above also includes a music theme and a loading skin, aswell as another molten key to unlock an awesome chest.

  • Blogpost about damage numbers and progression goals going in to Season 5 - Tumblr

    • Relevant for this patch: Season 5 launch is intended to come with some level of familiarity. Because of that, god balance changes will be less extreme than in previous season launch patches.
    • "In Season 5 we are introducing some new Items to help DPS gods specifically deal more damage to tanky targets at the cost of raw DPS to other squishies. We would rather all of the gods die on the battlefield than none of them die. This level of choice and counter-play should be much more fun and flexible than reducing Warrior and Guardian base damage values."
    • OP Note: This is quite a long post, and it would be too long and cluttered to include a shortened transcript of everything here. Sorry. If you want to see further discussion on specific points mentioned in this blogpost, look into this Reddit thread.
  • There will be a lot of mage item changes (correlating with the damage number blogpost just above) - Twitter

Miscellaneous Info and other (unconfirmed) spoils for future patches
  • Skin Plan Updates - Powered by ChukTM

    • A dark-skinned version of Afro-Dite is in the pipeline, after the original skin was updated in 4.25 - Twitter
    • A crab-like skin for Khepri is coming, more or less similar to a Cancer (the zodiac) skin concept for him - Twitter - Original Concept
    • A skin for Thoth is in the works - Twitter
  • Two new pantheons will be introduced some time later this year: Slavic and Voodoo - Twitter

    • With this, HiRez wants less restrictions on what gods they make. Older pantheons will still get gods this year, but they are not in a hurry to "fill them out" - Twitter
    • Voodoo will be focusing on Haitian Vodou Loa first - Twitter - Let me google that for you!

This is a WIP, please post anything that I left out. Don't forget your source links!

submitted by /u/Floofington
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