Pokémon GO - Pokémon GO updated to version 0.89.1

Pokémon GO updated to version 0.89.1

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 05:47 PM PST

My mind is officially blown!!

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:43 PM PST

The next loading screen

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 07:37 PM PST

How can you deal with a dozen organized spoofers with 10 accounts each ruining the game for a whole town?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 03:09 PM PST

A little bit of backstory. Here in a big town in South of France we have a group of well known spoofers that decided to ruin the game for the legit players. It began to escalate when we decided that we, as legit players didn't want to play with spoofers and multiaccounters anymore, so we did an Ex Raid in a private lobby and a few spoofers couldn't get Mewtwo because of that. That was a really little victory, because then, with their ego hurt, the spoofers decided to camp every gym in town where our group is. It is to the point of cyberbullying, they make new accounts with names similar to ours, and put them in gym to steal spots. The very second we take a gym they spoof to it and we can't hardly get our coins each day because of that.

Anyway to sum it up, a bunch of stupid spoofers decided that because we had enough of them and stopped playing with them, they should harass us in game AND on our local discord/facebook/etc...

Pokémon GO is not fun anymore because each time we log in, no matter how hard we try to ignore them, each gym you pass by in game there is an account with an insulting/trolling nickname and we have to forget about gym completely... And when EX raid passes are handed out, of course they get most of them and boast about it.

Of course we sent reports...but hey, it's Niantic we except nothing to be done at this point. I'm helpless, i just wanted to vent and maybe get advice from similar situations that happened elsewhere.

submitted by /u/Shinigami-Oniyama
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Ah yes, reliable radar, we meet again.

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 04:51 PM PST

This saturday, i guess

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 03:15 PM PST

Sitting. Waiting. Wishing.

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:16 PM PST

[Discussion] If you have a standard office job, do you do any RAIDS during the week? when?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 12:43 PM PST

Several players, like myself, have been ranting about been unable to raid during the week since we are at work, specially since the winter time "bug". But i never really understood how others manage to raid and have a job.

Naturally i'm not asking those who have shifts, are students, retirees etc. for those who have a "standard" "typical" job, who do you manage to raid? Can you find a raiding group? and also...are your spending more gas?

submitted by /u/ZaGaGa
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Found this pogo practice app for android since kyogre its so hard to hit

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 11:36 AM PST

For me it seems like a pretty good customizable simulator but not sure how to tune it for kyogre or if other settings are right would you suggest anything to make it more accurate ?


edit: typo

submitted by /u/ese_wey_enfermo
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Solo Alakazam confusion / focus blast, 5 tyr 1 gengar/ 37 lvl

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:07 AM PST

[Question] My birthday present question

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 10:38 AM PST

Today I turn 46 (again) ;). All I really want is to be able to ask a question...How many perfect 100% mons have you all got? Which was your first and who is your favorite?

I'm level 38 and 1/2 and have a on almost full dex minus Unknown, Wynaut, and the regionals. I have 17 100% 12 2% 2 0%

My first 100% was my Butterfree (w/legacy bug bite bug buzz). She's also my favorite. 😄

submitted by /u/Gerankel
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Anyone else think the way snowy weather is implemented should be changed?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 08:48 AM PST

We just got a few inches of snow in Atlanta, and for a bit last night when it was actually snowing the weather in the game changed accordingly. But today it's just alternating between sunny and windy, even though it's super cold and there's snow literally everywhere. I feel like in-game weather should be snowy for at least a little while when this happens so players can reap the benefits of the weather without having to actually be out in a snowstorm.

submitted by /u/misterscientistman
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[HUMOR] You can’t handle the floof!

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:09 PM PST

[Complaint] why does Niantic decides to reset the raid and put the trainer in the new lobby if we don't catch the pokemon within 10 minutes of finishing the battle?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 07:50 AM PST

Even worse, if you think 'fine, let's do it again' and try to beat the raid boss again after waiting 2min in the new lobby, the game will just error you out at the very beginning of the battle and tell you that you have completed the raid while you still can't get back to the catch screen again. The game is just like a two-headed ogre, with one head thinking you've done it while the other thinking no you haven't. What's the point of this? I just lost a 98% Kyogre because of this bug when I still should've had 8 balls left.

Edit: ok, I think this design was initially built to stop player from re-rolling the stats of the raid boss by raiding again after 10 or 15min, but now it seems that the design is only finished halfway as on the server side it knows you have did the raid and therefore error you out when you try to start the battle while on the local client side it will still think you haven't finished the raid which put you in a new lobby after 10min. Hence Niantic just created a new bug from an unfinished work.

Edit: If the raid had ended before my phone could be turned on again, it would be my fault or I could blame Apple for the infamous iPhone 6S battery problem, but since the raid was still live while it just wouldn't let me go back to catch the pokemon, Niantic should take responsibility for that.

Update: got some replies from Niantic. They just gave me a free premium pass 'as a one-time courtesy' and told me to keep trying. lol. it's just like in the other games when you get a quite rare and extremely good weapon after crafting, mining or fighting hard bosses for a long time but you lost it because of a bug in the game, then you reported the issue to the customer service and then they just said 'sorry, just say goodbye to the precious and try again, we will give you another free chance as we are a responsible firm', so ridiculous....

Suggestion: Niantic should just remove the part of the codes which reset the raid 10min after the raid battle begins on the client side with the next update. By doing so, it can still prevent people from re-rolling the raid boss and remove the annoying 10min post-raid bug. I also heard the other people got ripped off by this bug and lost their good pokemon because they took too much time playing the new AR+ feature and then had to restart the app because the another bug happened during the raid 'bonus challenge' or the game crashed.

submitted by /u/magictao
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All Kyogre Movesets Trio'd - No Weather Boost

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:31 PM PST

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM4rTYMbHBQ

The three of us from Toronto (Scottie https://twitter.com/ScotttieePoGo and David Chang https://twitter.com/Broozes_PoGo) used all Raikou (mostly level 40 with a few level 38.5 at 15A and one at level 35 due to running out of rare candy) with Thunder Shock/Wild Charge to trio all 3 available Kyogre movesets.

Hydro Pump was the hardest one (and frankly the only one we had trouble on). This was due to the number of faints and the fact that if we didn't dodge, we would need to re-join twice and it would cost us too much time. Also dodge glitch made it tricky and as you can see the video, I did a horrible job re-joining!

We are going to try this challenge in the rain and see what kind of times we can put up. Thank you SilphRoad for all your great insights for making this happen.

submitted by /u/kieng
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[Discussion] I found a simple way to get KYOGRE, using AR+ and curveball excellent throw to GOTCHA KYOGRE.

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 01:44 AM PST

I found a simple way to get KYOGRE, using AR+ and curveball excellent throw to GOTCHA KYOGRE. Turn the phone down for 45 angle so that the camera can take on the floor then KYOGRE will show up on the top of screen, and you can curveball excellent throw to GOTCHA KYOGRE. If you are interested in getting KYOGRE, please click this link to watch video.

( https://youtu.be/V2pe-dCLPb8 )

submitted by /u/neotheone168
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[Bug] Is This a New Glitch?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 08:22 PM PST

Out of all the glitches I've seen, this is a first. Has anyone else experienced this glitch?


submitted by /u/kouji_ibuki
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[question] How many special upgrade items do you keep?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 07:10 PM PST

I'm constantly running out of item storage space, and realized I have 15 Kings Rock's. I was thinking of keeping no more than 10 of each of those upgrade items.

I never know whats good to junk other than those nanab berries that go straight in the trash. It's hard to throw away anything even if you're sitting on 100+ revives and max health sprays.

submitted by /u/WaxCrush
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Smeargle should be added for easter.

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 02:44 AM PST

And should be able to paint your eggs.

I imagine it this way:

-Smeargle should only be available to catch during the Easter event.

-When caught you will be given the opportunity to let it paint an egg, or it will paint one at random (So only one painted egg per caught Smeargle).

-Painted eggs should have a great chance of hatching shiny pokemon (maybe a 20% chance, and all hatchable pokemon should be able to be shiny).

-Smeargle will learn the moveset from the pokemon in the unhatched egg (aka. sketch)(and giving you a clue to what's inside the egg).

-Smeargle will only be able to be caught if you have an unpainted egg.

This would make for an great event, a really cool way to add shinies to the game, it deals with the "sketch-problem", it limits how many Smeargle you can catch during the event and it would make Niantic stupid rich on incubators without it feeling unfair.

submitted by /u/rawmarius
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Posted: 17 Jan 2018 04:31 PM PST

When I try an evolve a Pokémon. It doesn't have the evolution simulation, doesn't give me xp, and takes away the candy for the evolution. I'm on the current Apple operating system. Anyone experience this? Any solutions?

submitted by /u/Ellman1112
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