Diablo - PTR Secret "Muddied Parchment" Further Hints At Druid Class

PTR Secret "Muddied Parchment" Further Hints At Druid Class

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 03:31 PM PST

[Diablo 3] HC EU GR 130 RANK 1

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 06:45 AM PST

Legendary gems and jewelry

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 02:08 PM PST

So im running an incomplete but effective version of the firebats WD. And I'm trying to figure out what to do with my 'ring of emptyness'. Looking at icy veins i should focus on: 1. Critical Hit Chance 2. Critical Hit Damage 3. Socket 4. Area Damage

Should you always make sure atleast one part of the jewelry has a socket because of legendary gems? they look really powerfull and more important than just one stat right?

Im new to diablo btw ;)

submitted by /u/BuyGf
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Need help with explosive blast wizard

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 12:32 PM PST

Hey guys, I tried wizard today and wanted to go for the explosive blast speedbuild first. But now I am struggeling at t13, both in damage and survivebility. Could you have a look on my profile and suggest what I am doing wrong? I know my gear is not optimal, but shoudnt I still breeze through t13? https://eu.battle.net/d3/de/profile/Luscarora-2858/hero/94490127

submitted by /u/Luscarora
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Can you complete Protector of Tristram Anniversary achi on not a new character?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 11:19 AM PST

Can you?

submitted by /u/azurevin
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Tons of goblins.

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 08:40 AM PST

During a normal torment 7 neph rift. I encountered an entire screen full of random goblins. Most of them escaped but I managed to kill about 10, is this a thing?

It was not a bandit shrine. I looked around to see if I accidentally clicked on a shrine ect.

submitted by /u/drake_chance
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Hopefully a different idea on streamlining salvaging

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 04:10 PM PST

Was just thinking that it'd be cool if the blacksmith had a screen that you could input items to for salv'ing, like your stash. That way we could have a salv all button, and you could make sure you don't accidentally salv something valuable. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Catkatcatkatcatkat
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Leap-Quake Barb stuck at GR95

Posted: 16 Jan 2018 10:55 PM PST

Hey guys looking for some tips here.

Im following the icy veins leap quake build basically exactly with almost perfect rolls save for CHD on my rings.

Im currently P750 with about 5 augumented ancient pieces with +350 STR

Im havinh trouble pushing past GR95

I was struggling post GR90 with damage.

Im looking on the leaderboard and seeing barbs with gear not as good as mine that are pushing past GR95

So I cant figure out what to do besides augumenting the rest of my gear but even then I dont know how much more that will help my damage.

My survivability is ok but trash packs are taking a long time to kill and wearing me down.

I dont think its an issue with the build either as theres quite a few leap barbs Im seeing in the 100-115GR spots.

What can I d to get more damage going?

submitted by /u/KeluFFXIV
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Weekly Loot Wednesday - 01/17/18

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 281 of the Weekly Loot Wednesday thread!

Have you found something an item so amazing that you can't help but share it? Maybe you found a perfect trifecta Ring of Royal Grandeur, or a Wand of Woh with a socket, but there was no one to see it? Post your awesome loot here, so you can enjoy the fame (and upvotes)! Be sure to check back regularly to see what amazing items others may have found. Show support for this and point people here as this will help keep "look what I found" post from clogging up the front page. Also please consider sorting by new to see what new things people have posted!


  • When posting an image, make sure you crop it and use imgur for the best quality and upvotes.

  • Show the item's stat ranges by holding Ctrl when taking a screenshot.

If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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attack speed breakpoint twister wizard ps4

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 05:50 AM PST

I read about the best is to have 1.81 breakpoint speed which is achiavable with 1.75 AS, I rolled gloves and ring with 7% AS each and it says 1.74, whebn i have ring rolled and weapon it says 1.75 (without gloves)

My question is from where comes that difference? and without weapon AS is it achiavable breakpoint?

submitted by /u/Cktmm
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How does paragon level work?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 09:55 AM PST

So after I finish the season hero becomes unseasoned and how paragon level keeps up? I know that after season lvl is converted to xp. Does that xp split between unseasoned characters? For exp: (Im 300 paragon on seasoned) if I have 3 unseasoned characters with 0 paragon and 8 characters non seasoned 0 paragon. In both cases characters will gain 300 paragon? What will happen if I create a new character in new season?

submitted by /u/therealBaner
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The Dream Rift

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 05:57 AM PST

[eu sc pc] lfg 4man meta

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 08:42 AM PST

heya, this is a repost from /r/diablo3 to maybe reach more People out there :)

me and my Buddy (around p1600 both) lf Support Players or at least a Monk and rgk for 4man pushes (125+) we are good geared and relatively known Players, who lack Company of other Players to push in 4man.

we are in the top 50 2man (now just top100), pushed top 100 3man recently (all with rath meta) and our highest 4man is a 120 (as well with rath Setup) this season, could potentially push higher if we fish, but it is harder for rath to push that high..

he owns a wd with good gear and i could Switch between a rath rgk (disabled boneringer atm :( ) and a zbarb or znec (not meta atm) if necessary, we both got well geared condemns as well..

we watched guides and he is experienced from the last 2-3 seasons pushing with former mates of him and i at least know, what to do as a barb or rgk nec

anyone in for pushing the rest of the season? we want gemups and leaderboard entrys!! :)

be at least p1500+ and have a bit of knowledge and have meta chars ready we need

submitted by /u/Ragnakh
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How to keep max fury on WW barb (BK swords)

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 01:21 AM PST

As title states.. pushing gr90 atm. All the guides say you should use berserker rage passive, whch gives 25% damage wheb near maximum fury. But there is no way i can keep maximum fury while channeling ww all the time.

What am i doing wrong? Is there another source of fury im not using?

submitted by /u/wozzwoz
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Quest progress gone but character data is still intact?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 12:36 AM PST

So I was playing the free version of D3 and defeated the Skeleton King. That is where the free trial ended and I decided I wanted to buy the game. So I closed D3, bought it and logged back on. My quest progress has reset (I had to fight the undead from the front gate) but my character progress has saved (all items etc). Is this normal?

submitted by /u/Wefadeaway
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Starting a new class, only ever played sorcerer and would like another good range class. Recommendations?

Posted: 16 Jan 2018 11:14 PM PST

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