Saw this on the front page, but it belongs here. 7 Days To Die

Saw this on the front page, but it belongs here.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 04:58 PM PST

Every damn time!

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 06:50 PM PST

Idea: Scythe

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 12:40 PM PST

You could have it cut grass in an arc in front of you and use it as a melee weapon. Thoughts? It would allow you to make hay a lot quicker and make it a viable fuel source.

submitted by /u/AwkwardTickler
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TIL that you can use reinforced drawbridges to do the same elevator you could with ladder hatches, and you can fit a minibike into it and launch that up too

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:08 PM PST

Flooded cave?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 07:43 PM PST

I just came across a flooded cave and I'm wondering how I'm supposed to get the resources in it. If you could share your strategy I would greatly appreciate it. I'm playing Ravenhearst mod and I'm only on Day 6, so I don't have access to any of the advanced tools. Thanks!

submitted by /u/PinkMitsubishi
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Is it worth renting a vending machine on a LAN game of 2 people?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:42 AM PST

I heard that AIs automatically purchase your items in your vending machine that you set up but I have no clue how often it happens and what would be the most effective thing to sell to them to make profit quick. I do have bartering at around level 40 if it matters. Its just us 2 on the game so im pretty sure none of us will buy our own stuff.

submitted by /u/dajokaman759
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Treasure in the water?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:36 PM PST

When treasure is deep within water where can i dig it up?

submitted by /u/vaslig0
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Question about turrets

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 07:16 PM PST

Anyone know when we might be getting turrets for the PS4 version?

submitted by /u/DeathFromOnHigh
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Game freezes for about 5-10 seconds whenever i do an action like hitting blocks, how do i stop this?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:58 PM PST

my setup:

Geforce GTX 960 4gb


16gm ram

all of the settings are the lowest they can go yet im still having issues.

submitted by /u/SlimmJimm01
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War of the Walkers mod and Co-op

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 07:10 PM PST

Me and my fiancee have been trying to play the War of the Walkers mod together for awhile now. Nothing seems to work ever. No matter who hosts it, the host keeps getting "Null reference void" errors constantly and we have to quit out and join again to play without it flooding the screen. After a couple times of doing that, the guest can't open anything, drop anything, use anything, etc. So we can't do co-op with the mod.

Anyone else have that issue? Or know how to fix it?

It is our new favorite mod (Sorry Valmods, we still love you just as much) and we really want to play it together.

Thanks for the help!

submitted by /u/Clusterone666
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Healing bug

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:07 PM PST

I'm consistently experiencing a bug in which I constantly have the 'healing' status effect from eating, but am not actually healing. No matter how much food I eat, my character will never heal, and the only way to regain health is to use meds like painkillers, first aid bandages, etc.

The issue is the same as this one, and this one. However, when I attempt the "solution" provided in the first discussion thread, the next time I eat any food I will again permanently have the healing status, and this time I actually will be healing permanently, similar to the bug posted in this thread.

The only reliable fix has been to die or wipe my character save if playing on a multiplayer server, and manually giving myself my skill points back. Even then, my character typically lasts no longer than 3 days before the bug returns and I can no longer regenerate health from eating.

Anyone experienced this, or have some solutions? Things I've done already:

  • "debuff" and "buff" console commands to remove and add specific buffs - Works until next consumption of food
  • Verifying game cache
  • Fresh reinstall of the game
  • Restarting computer, resetting internet connection, etc.
  • Playing on a friend's computer and internet connection (appears to be linked to my steam/7d2d account, not my computer/internet connection)
submitted by /u/VoltLoL
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New to 7d2d, wondering about updates?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 06:13 PM PST

How close is PS4 to PC? Are the videos I see of you tubers just nodding some of their games? I'm loving this game, but I'm insatiable. I want more and everything.

Bottom line question; is PS4 lagging a bit or is this all we are getting and PC master race really is a thing?

submitted by /u/MisterDomino15
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I need a vanilla PVP server with, like, not shitty admins.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 09:31 PM PST

I just came from a server that launched into a delightful tirade about "whores" and "Ni**ers". I used to have such great experiences with 7days communities, but I'm honestly hit a bunch in a row that have either terrible admins, terrible users with no oversight, or in this case both, with the added headache of an admin supporting mediocre trolling with "lulz".

I just want a group of adults, or something resembling them, who want to kill each other in a bigotry reduced environment. That's all I want. (also maybe high pop but I know I'm being greedy already)

submitted by /u/Orenda_wave
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Mmm... taste like chicken?...

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 01:35 PM PST

How do Bloodmoons work in MP?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:52 AM PST

I am currently playing the game with a friend and we are having a blast. I started a multiplayer world with default settings and he joins the game. So far so good. We played the first 2 bloodmoons already, but they just end at around midnight with no more zombies spawning for the rest of the night.

When watching videos about this game, they seem to be constantly overrun. Are the first few night just easier or do I have to change some config options?

submitted by /u/Teridus
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Stretchy textures, Terrrain loading in "mountainous" with immediate drop offs, House floating?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:30 AM PST

We recently purchased a dedicated server for 7days but when loading on to the server everyone experiences these same issues and they are game breaking. Does anyone have any idea why this may be happening?

submitted by /u/lemonpecker
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Crucible in ps4

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:09 AM PST

Is the crucible unavailable on ps4 still?

submitted by /u/ddupwar18
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Cupholder Glitch! "7Days to Die: The Glitch and the Dead"

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:41 PM PST

War of the walkers mod Light issues

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:19 AM PST

So I've been playing the war of the walkers mod recently, and everything has been going smoothly more or less. I was just setting up an underground forge and crafting area, and I was trying to set up some lights for it, but I'm having some problems.

I have a generator bank up and running with engines full of gas connected to a relay that's connected to a silver dome light. For whatever reason the light won't turn on. I know there's power in the line since it's flashing yellow, but whenever I turn the light on or off it won't actually give off any light.

I was wondering if anyone had any similar issues, or if this is a known problem. I tried looking online, but I couldn't find anything about this.

Edit: It seems like it was just a glitch. When I restarted the game they were working fine.

submitted by /u/Speed_Monkey
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Weekly Multiplayer game

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 06:56 AM PST

How do we setup a large multiplayer game? I'd like to play against others instead of the zombies for a change.

submitted by /u/pierced7
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