Halo - I'm glad Halo still has fans...

I'm glad Halo still has fans...

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 04:12 PM PST

I won't get too into detail on this due to personal reasons, but, today someone made fun of me for still liking Halo saying shit like, "What is this, 2007?" And, "Yeah, your the only one, lmao!" So, while obviously the franchise is not as popular as it used to be, this sub does remind me that Halo still has passionate fans, and that guy was wrong :D

submitted by /u/annarborjack
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My first slayer extermination

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 04:03 PM PST

Steven Spielberg's Halo Series Is Still Very Much in Development at Showtime

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 09:18 PM PST

Project Cartographer v0.4.0.0 UI Update patch notes!

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:47 PM PST

New Update for Halo 2 Vista Project Cartographer!

Updated the Home page of the website to better suit this new update. Go get it there! https://cartographer.online/

YOU WILL NEED TO CREATE A NEW GAME ACCOUNT BY RUNNING HALO 2 AND VERIFYING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. The H2Launcher.exe is now officially redundant. We will phase out the now old update and launcher in a day or two.

Note: if you do not have a shortcut to your game on your desktop, you will need to go to your games install and make on from the halo2 shortcut Default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Halo 2

Project Cartographer v0.4.0.0 Build Time Jan 7th, 2018.

-No more Launcher! Everything is built into the UI now such as logging in. (Similar to original Halo 2 Xbox Live)

-Added a completely new game account system (requires you to create a new account via the in-game menus).

-Added custom menus and a new Guide button (contains options to change config settings in-game).

-Added custom languages and language switching.

-Added auto updater functionality to the game.

-Added Play Offline option.

-Now using new configuration files. xlive.ini and h2startup.ini are now trash. %LocalAppData%/Microsoft/Halo 2/ are where the new config files are located by default and is named halo2config#.ini or h2serverconfig#.ini.

-Default ports are now 2000 - 2009 UDP + TCP (we no longer use ports less than 1024 to fix issues with peoples connections so please refrain from setting this back to base_port = 1000)

  • Custom Guide Menu:
  • Advanced Settings:

Customise HUD/GUI:

Field of View

Crosshair Offset

Toggle Ingame Chat Visibility

Toggle HUD Visibility

Toggle First Person Model Visibility

Other Settings:

FPS Limit

Toggle Discord Rich Presence Integration

Toggle Non-Host lobby xDelay

Toggle Game Intro Video Visibility

Toggle Whether Keyboard Controls work in-game (for advanced usage of game in the background)

Toggle Raw Mouse Input

Toggle Auto Eject When Vehicles Flip Over (Host Activated)

Toggle All Game Skulls


Update Game


http://www.halo2vista.com/ https://twitter.com/H2vHub

submitted by /u/UncutFighter
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I miss Halo 2.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 07:11 PM PST

I miss everything about Halo 2. Don't get me wrong, Halo 3 was maybe my favorite Halo. But there was something striking about H2. CE is where I started as a young lad, but my friendships solidified over Xbox Live. I remember the first time I got on Xbox Live was the day after launch. I stayed home, and I remember logging on and getting REKT!! The long hours I spent, the countless custom games. I think back and get sad at not only how OLD i'm getting, but how much the game has changed. I will always love you, Halo.

submitted by /u/Triplesixreyes
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Underappreciated Halo 4 Music: Haven

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:04 PM PST

What are some of your LEAST favorite lines/quotes in the Halo series.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 11:41 AM PST

To make it a bit more difficult try to avoid anything from Halo 5.

My least favorite is in Halo 3 at the beginning of "Crows Nest."

Marine Technician: "Ma'm, squad leaders are requesting a rally point...where should they go?"

Commander Keys: "To War"

It's just cheesy imo.

submitted by /u/Asentum
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I've always wondered, whats this thing?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:28 PM PST

So happy with the contents of this newest crate! Thanks 343 :)

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 06:37 PM PST

Dropped a Halo:CE quote and it went totally unnoticed. I’m sad.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 01:00 PM PST

When they update the MCC, can they rename every playlist Halo 3?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 04:43 PM PST

Because that's literally every game that gets picked

submitted by /u/Halo3Circlejerk
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I'm sorry WhAT

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 11:58 AM PST

Does no one play Warzone Assault anymore or is it just broken?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:31 PM PST

I can't ever find Warzone Assault games anymore. I get the Unable to Match message every time without fail after about 2 mins of searching. It literally used to be my most played game type. I can connect to and play literally any other gametype no problem. Has anyone else experienced this? I would guess it started happening ~5 months ago?

submitted by /u/zuuku
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Is it weird that I kinda prefer hand-made animation in cutscenes over modern mocap?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 01:01 PM PST

Something about the movements of people and creatures, especially in Halo 3, felt so much more dynamic and, I dunno, just cooler to me I guess. Mocap is realistic, but... Its just less interesting to look at that for that reason, to me at least. I understand with more realistic visual graphics, having the older style of animation movement may not seem to fit as well, but who knows.

submitted by /u/_phantastik_
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Why is Halo 3: ODST so Unique?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 05:04 PM PST

Heavy Aim?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:09 PM PST

Hey guys, so a pretty simple question but has anyone else noticed "heavy aim" seems to happen a lot more often now. It happens to me at least once or twice a game where my sens just slows to a crawl out of the blue. I'd love to know if you guys have experienced this as well

submitted by /u/mbarbul
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Apparently, Peter Griffin is in the Special Thanks section on the credits

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 11:51 PM PST

UNPOPULAR OPINION: Reach was closer to classic Halo than Halo 4 or 5.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:08 PM PST

This sounds crazy, but hear me out:

Reach's maps weren't really designed around sprint or other armor abilities. Scaling wasn't completely ridiculous. As a result, the game could be modified to play very similar to the classic games. Zero bloom gametypes with bleedthrough enabled felt very much like the classic games. The maps in Reach were definitely not up to the standard of Halo 2/3 (they were largely quite bad), but they weren't absurdly huge either.

Maybe I'm remembering it somewhat positively because it was the last Halo I could bring myself to have a lot of fun with, but despite being a turning point for the series, I do see it positively in retrospect.

submitted by /u/pntsrgd
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I miss playing custom games during the reach days

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 09:37 AM PST

Does Halo Reach have a good population right now?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 02:37 AM PST

Why don't we see Campaing Theater anymore in Halo games?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:10 PM PST

Halo 4 and Halo 5 didn't have it. I theorize it's because the scripted events and QuickTime events would mess up theater mode. Like if a level has a player falling 60 feet in a scripted event, the camera in theater would show more than what's meant to be seen.

It would be nice if future Halo games stopped having scripted events and QuickTime events, Halo is all about real time battles. Scripted events take away from that and make things anticlimactic.

submitted by /u/editorguy117
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Questions on Halo: Combat Evolved

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 06:13 PM PST

So I recently purchased the master chief collection and have already completed combat evolved. I loved it, the game was amazing but still have a few things I'm having trouble understanding before moving on to halo 2. If any of these questions will be answered in future halo games, just simply ignore them.

  1. What is the flood? Where did it come from? All I know is that the flood is on halo because they were being researched in the research facility by what I assume to be the forerunners.

  2. So the covenant see halo as this sacred object, but only stumbled across it after chasing the pillar of autumn. What makes them hold it as a sacred object/place?

  3. What were the covenants intentions with halo? They knew it would destroy all life in the galaxy, so wouldn't activating it destroy them to?

submitted by /u/NemensorZ
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Need a voice actor for 'Comet of Shattered Stars' a tragic character from Halo: Far Moon

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 11:40 AM PST

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