Pokémon GO - Unown Stop

Unown Stop

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 11:28 AM PST

[AR shot] Torchic, this is not a place you want to be at...

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 02:40 PM PST

Do you think that Niantic misled customers about EX raid selection criteria, intentionally or otherwise? Make a formal complaint.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 11:59 AM PST

Data seem to indicate that the selection criteria provided by Niantic do not, in fact, seem to be followed with respect to EX raid pass distribution.

Their words[1]:

*Trainers with a high-level Gym Badge are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles taking place at that Gym. *Trainers who have completed a larger number of Raid Battles are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles.

Some data that contradict the above:


Don't like it? Make a complaint


[1] https://pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/en/post/novdevupdate-raids

submitted by /u/BoHackJorseman
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[Humor] Developer Insights: An Update on Raid Battles (Parody)

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 01:59 PM PST

[Question] Anyone else feel the old coins and new gyms would’ve worked hand in hand?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:59 AM PST

I'm taking about the old defender bonus feature, where you could claim a bonus for HAVING gyms rather than losing them. Does anyone else think that claiming a defender bonus would've heavily encouraged berry feeding and team work? The whole berry thing was introduced to encourage DEFENDING, while coins encouraged LOSING gyms. Defender bonuses encouraged DEFENDING. I feel it would've worked very well with being able to berry feed at gyms then being rewarded for doing so by gaining coins for defending rather than losing gyms.

Maybe that part of the old gym system wasn't too bad. There's a limit to berry feeding, so bots can't defend forever. Much better than prestige, but losing gyms to gain coins should just be scrapped.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/PokeMasterSeif
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[Idea] Gyms tier counter

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 01:51 AM PST

I recorded a scroll through my storage (1,162 Pokemon) I thought it would be interesting if others did the same. I like seeing how other people approach the game.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:45 PM PST

Here is the video:


I was trying out my phone's screen capture feature (new to me) and thought it would interesting to share how I play. I have maxed out my storage, and like to keep as many Pokemon as I can for both future evolutions when it's 2XP, and transfer when it's double candy.

I've seen other people's storage at raids, and thought it was interesting. One guy had 41 Legendary Birds, and a perfect IV Dragonite, and that was it. Another guy had exactly 3 of every guy. When he would get a better IV, he would delete the worst one. Share some of yours, it may lead to some interesting discussion.

submitted by /u/Matt_Fitzgerald_AUTH
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Awesome Trifecta

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:05 PM PST

When you push your fav.PKM (Milotic) and somebody says your stupid because its not „HighTier“

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 12:25 PM PST

Regional pokemon for gen 3

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:15 PM PST

i can't find any info and i usually use serebii but now I'm not sure if its right cause i live in california and kept catching zangooses and then went to seattle and just cause a seviper

submitted by /u/PotatoKeeper
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I made some Team watchfaces for Android Wear! Here's Instinct, Valor and Mystic in comments

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 05:11 AM PST

Introduce trading with my idea

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 09:46 PM PST

Spawn ID: Each spawn has its own identification number so you can't multi account

submitted by /u/Bartsworld910
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Hypothesis for how gym badges and raids completed affect your chances of receiving an EX Raid invite.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 09:09 PM PST

I commented on a post in this subreddit earlier and thought I would share my idea as a full post of my own.

That post mentioned two things Niantic has stated regarding increasing your odds of receiving an EX Raid invite:

"Trainers with a high-level Gym Badge are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles taking place at that Gym."

"Trainers who have completed a larger number of Raid Battles are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles."

Let's begin by looking at Niantic's first statement of "Trainers with a high-level Gym Badge are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles taking place at that Gym."

First, where's another system in Pokemon go where we can see different levels of medals giving a bonus to something? In catching Pokemon. Let's look at how the different medals affect catch rates. I'll be using this page: https://pokeassistant.com/catchchance?locale=en

Originally, I used a level 20 Bulbasaur as a stand-in, but this time I'll use a level 20 Ivysaur. So let's take that base catch rate and compare how the different medals help.

Base Rate: 8.4%

Bronze Medal Rate: 8.8%

Silver Medal Rate: 9.2%

Gold Medal Rate: 9.6%

I think Niantic probably takes a similar stance for gym badge levels increasing your chances of an EX Raid invite. Does it improve them? Yes, but not by very much. You're only 14.3% more likely to catch this Ivysaur with a single gold medal compared to someone with no medals.

So let's look at their second statement "Trainers who have completed a larger number of Raid Battles are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles."

So in the previous point, I compared Gym Badges to leveled Medals we receive in game that give us catch rate bonuses. And here is another instance where Niantic provides a medal for completing certain numbers of raids. Just like nearly everything else related to EX Raids, we don't know anything for certain, but we can speculate and compare to known quantities found within the game. Again, we can compare this to Pokemon type medal catch rate bonuses. The following is pure speculation, but I would not be surprised if Niantic just looked at just one of our raid medals to determine the rate increase. Originally, there was no count for Legendary Raids, so if I had to guess, I would think it's the regular raid counter they keep track of.

Once again, I can use Ivysaur as a stand-in for the chance to be invited to an EX Raid. I'll be assuming a Gym Badge of gold for all the following too.

Base rate: 9.6%

Bronze Medal Rate: 10.0%

Silver Medal Rate: 10.4%

Gold Medal Rate: 10.7%

Again, just small improvements are seen here and the vast majority of people would not have a Gold Medal for raid victories at this point. The only way to have achieved that would be to have spent hundreds of dollars in the game. So realistically speaking, someone with a Gold Gym Badge and a Silver Raids Completed Medal might only be 23.8% more likely to be invited to a raid than someone with no medals and lacking even a bronze level gym. But even the typical casual player is probably going to at least have a Bronze Gym Badge and Bronze Raids Completed Medal. Which, going with my hypothesis, would leave them at a 9.2% chance. So when comparing the Gold Badge, Silver Medal player to this casual, the more serious player would only see a 13% increased chance of being invited.

I believe it's certainly possible that this is what Niantic is doing. I have no way of proving it, but I think this could be a reasonable hypothesis given that we know how medals affect catch rates. The bonus rates could certainly be different than the catch rate bonuses and they could use one or both of the raids completed medals.

For now, here's some realistic advice for people wanting an EX Raid Pass:

"For now, we recommend prioritizing the following:

Raid at least weekly at parks, sponsored locations, monuments, and church Gym locations

Try to achieve at least silver gym badge level at these gyms

If possible, perhaps observe these gyms' most busy Raid times and try Raiding during these hours

We do not recommend:

Spending tons of money trying to Raid 10x/day or rack up a soaring total Raid count

Raiding at every potential EX Gym every day"

This advice comes from this article The Silph Road put out over a month ago following a round of invites. I believe this is the only reasonable advice. I would make one adjustment to their first point though. I recommend to raid at sponsored locations and nests. Parks and monuments can both be nests and I believe being a nest is the key factor.

As a last side note, the article I just referenced has this chart within it. I would be curious to see how the data looked for using the individual Raids Completed medals instead of combining the total raids and grouping it as it was listed.

tl;dr: I believe it's most likely that Gym Badge levels and a Raids Completed Medal are what increase your odds of receiving an EX Raid invite and function similarly to Pokemon Type Medals that slightly increase your catch rate chances.

submitted by /u/killerofheroes
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[idea] My suggestion for PVP in Pokemongo

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:55 PM PST

Since Pokemongo is a mobile game I feel that the PVP system should be simple. My suggestion is to limit and link both dodging and attacking. So let's just say that the limit is 20. That means you can either swipe your phone or tap your phone a total of 20 times. Now if you are successful in attacking or dodging that input is refunded. So if you tap your phone for an attack and they dodged it, you now have 19 inputs and your opponent has 20 and let's say you know a solar beam is coming up and you swipe 3 times, you were able to dodge it but it costs you 2 inputs. If both just keep tapping then both would have 20 inputs. Whoever has the type advantage would win that match. Now if your opponent keeps tapping and you keep on dodging, when the input hits zero, that pokemon can't do anything and there will be at least 5 seconds before it can be switched out. During that time your attacks would be successful so your input would be 20. Once your opponent switches to a new pokemon and if that pokemon is defeated or is able to defeat your pokemon then the zero input pokemon is reset to 20. The battle should last 1min per pokemon. So like if its a 3v3 battle, it should last 3min, if it's a 4v4 battle then it should last 4min etc. If time runs out, whoever has the most alive pokemon wins or if both are down to the last pokemon, whichever has the most health wins. The max limit in switching is 3 unless the input value is zero. At the switch out screen, you have 10sec to select a pokemon, if you go over 10sec your opponent will have access to their items menu and once you select a pokemon the items menu goes away and you can continue the battle. Keep in mind that this is a running clock so you have to be be quick with your decisions and you can't run out the clock on that screen. To be successful you have to know when to attack and when to dodge, you don't want to have an empty attack or do an empty dodge.

submitted by /u/majorpiss
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Pokemon Cries [Humour]

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 09:37 AM PST


I know not a lot of people play with the sound on in the game, so I thought I'd mention some of my favourite Pokémon cries so people aren't missing out on this crucial aspect

Charizard - Weird deep guitar riff noise

Jynx - (Fun game: keep repeatedly pressing on this and annoy anyone you're with to death)

Snorlax - "Bloop"

Mightyena - Cool realistic snarling

Makuhita - Strange barking

Duskull - Old man saying "rah"

Any other favourites of yours I should be hearing?

submitted by /u/Jomifo
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[Discussion] I hate the trackers, but not why you think I do.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:48 PM PST

I liked it when the trackers were vague and told you what Pokemon were in the vicinity and you actually had to interact with humans to find them. I think the game started dying when you put them all at Pokestops. Raids kind of bring the social aspect back to the game, but usually groups of people only want to do 1 raid for monetary reasons. In my city, we have a facebook RAID page and we meet once daily, fight the raid, then complain about how the gym system only gives us 50 coins or that raid passes are so expensive and go home.

submitted by /u/Vamporean
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Do EX raid groups sometimes not have enough people?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 01:46 PM PST

I know of 4 confirmed ex passes for the gym I got it for but that's it. There may be some who got it that's not on my discord but how often do people go to an ex raid and find out there's not enough people? And also how many would be enough to take out M2?

submitted by /u/evango17
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Any Shiny Sableye left ?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 07:41 PM PST

I still have not caught any of the Shiny ghost Pokémon and I was just wondering if any but most specifically if Shiny Sableye are still appearing. I like the fact that they are gold.

submitted by /u/bbacon1122
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