PUBG Testing Blue Zone Balance Adjustment & More

Testing Blue Zone Balance Adjustment & More

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:28 PM PST

PC players,

After PC 1.0 launch, our highest priority has been ensuring a fair and competitive environment by combating cheats and decreasing the amount of their users as well as address any optimization and stability issues to create a more enjoyable environment.

We recently discovered a new pattern of cheats in action. This week, we performed a thorough gameplay data review of 10 million players and completed analysis of tens of millions of data logs. Through this exercise, we were able to identify over 100,000 instances of the new pattern related to use of cheat and now we have confirmed that it was clearly an attempt of compromising our game. These players will be permanently banned in a single wave. This is an example of additional measures we will be taking on top of the basic detection systems in place. We will continue to check the data logs like this even if it means the anti-cheat team has to filter through hundreds of billions of data logs manually. In addition, we are looking into adopting a new solution to detect and ban more cheaters and we have been continuously strengthening our security systems. We have also liaised with investigative authorities in some countries to take legal actions against developers and distributors of cheats. We are determined to take strong measures against them going forward.

We have identified an issue in our deathcam, replay and observing systems which is related to showing other players as if they are using cheats. When you watch the gameplay video of another player in the systems, it looks like there is no recoil even for a player who is not using a cheat. Please note that it is caused by a bug in the systems. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused in reporting cheaters and the confusion the bug has created for many of you. We are going to fix this bug as soon as possible.

In addition to the high-priority issues, our development team has plans to enhance the combat experience in a match. The first plan is about rebalancing the blue zone. Over the course of the Early Access period, we received a lot of feedback from you that the pacing and distribution of combat encounters in a match could be more even and less chaotic. We performed a series of internal tests to find ways to address this issue. However, we were not able to take any action until now as other fundamental systems had to be developed and fixed first. Please note that we are still experimenting with the mechanics and we would like to hear your feedback. The changes you will see on the test servers are as follows:

Blue zone balance adjustment
  • Slightly decreased the waiting time of the blue zones in mid-to-late phase of a match
  • Slightly decreased the shrinking speed of the blue zones in mid-to-late phase (In this phase, blue zones will now move at a slower speed and the travel time of blue zones has slightly increased due to this change)
  • Slightly increased the damage per second of the last blue zone

These changes will be tested for several days. We will be testing this further after making changes to the above based on your feedback and play data. Please let us know your feedback on the adjusted blue zone mechanic compared with the current one on the live servers.

We are planning to provide an update on other areas we have been working on. We will share the update as soon as possible.

Thank you.
The PUBG Development and Community Team

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