Learn Dota 2 - In my opinion, Alchemist is the best hero to use to learn to play better on low MMR. Here is why.

In my opinion, Alchemist is the best hero to use to learn to play better on low MMR. Here is why.

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 12:41 PM PST

In my opinion, the best hero to learn to play, if u want to impprove in dota, is Alchemist.

Why? you may ask, well there is a very good reason for that, actually, a couple of good reasons for that. Since playing alchemist,takse almost every basic mechanic to the extreme, and forces you to learn them well for you to win.

Before I start, I would like to say a little about me. I started playing dota 2 a couple weeks prior to TI5. When I calibrated at the end of 2015, I was placed at 900 mmr, lower than what most people start at, and for a very good reason. I was bad at litterly every single mechanic in the game. I stayed there for about half a year, untill I decided I will get better, and decided to try out Alchemist. My success was amazing with him, rising in a very rapid place to around 2.5k using him, and then rising to 3.5k using other heroes. There were times where I was 90% winrate in ranked, in over 20 games. Now why did I rise so fast? He was a little strong during that patch(6.86), but the main thing was, that I needed to learn a lot of things playing him, since if not, i would lose. Here is why alchemist is good for learning to improve in my opinion:

  • Farming. Lets face it, Alchemist is one of the fastest farmers in the game, being contested by only meepo and antimage. He amplifies his farm, but he also relies on that farm, since his stats are so weak, and he almost needs to be ahead to win. Basically, he teaches about the importance of farming, even when his team is fighting, since he cannot fight without farm(kinda, he can, but is very weak).

  • Melle vs ranged matchups. Alchemist will almost always go mid, and will almost always be against a ranged hero. Playing him forces u to learn how to deal with a hero that has a good advantage against you in lane, and also farming in that situation.

  • Stacking. This goes with farming, but a little differnt. Alchemist is all about efficency. A big reason why I climbed so much mmr, is that I was very efficent, I would go to camp and stack it every Minute, even though i lost some last hits for it, but by the 7th minute i would ussually get like 5 stacks and make a lot of gold.

  • Power spikes. Alchemist has a lot of power spikes, but also a lot of "fake" power spikes. What do I mean is that for example around 12-14 minutes you should get radiance(if going for radiance build). And some would say ok, im strong now since I have 14 min radiance, if I go kill people it will be easy. Problem is, ur alchemist, and ur still pretty weak, and die easily. Meaning while it may be a power spike, its only one if u use it right. On the other hand(if going same build), once u get ur octarine, ur unkillable if u get it in a good timing (25-30 mins) and can just go roshan and win the game. It teaches u about how some items make huge differences in what u can do, and u should sometimes let the enemy take towers, and win some fights, so u can win. Lose the battle to win the war.

  • Itemisation. Alchemist has 2 main "paths" he can go as. Battle alchemist, and radiance alch. One relies on u basically farming super fast and becoming super fat early and winning, basically relying on ur passive, while the other relies on your ultimate bat change to be super strong, and less on ur passive. Learn to itemise on your skills, learn how to abuse parts of ur skills, think about them. It also makes u think about what kind of paths do you want to build around(E.G when building a pangolier, do u want to go more for damage? or maybe go for controll? etc)

  • Rubber band mechanic. This is one of the most important things that alchemist teaches u. Alchemist gets 10k networth above everyone else easily, If u die, not only do u miss like 60+ seconds, meaning around 1k gold if u playing well(1k gpm), but also you will give the enemy a ton of xp, and a ton of gold. Playing against an alchemist is ussually playing against a timer, but also playing as alchemist is also playing against a timer, You reach ur strongest point like 30-35 mins in, then u make ur team stronger with aghs, after that if u didnt win yet it starts becoming very hard to win.

  • Being efficent. Alchemist is all about time. Time is money. The more efficent u play him u notice ur gpm going highter, and ur becoming stronger earlier.

This is why I think that alchemist is the best hero to use to improve mechanics with.

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Is Visage viable as support?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 03:53 PM PST

I love this hero and I want to start spamming him a bit in ranked. Most of the times mid is already marked and I don't want to fight a position, so I'd like to know if I can play the hero as support. Is Visage a decent safelane or roamer?

submitted by /u/raff100
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Is there any occasion where one would NOT take 100 agi at lvl 25 as Nyx?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 05:41 AM PST

I mean, 16 armor, 100 atk speed, 6% mov speed, 100 atk dmg.
Seems too good to not take, when your ult has a 50s cd and is countered by true sight.

Is there any occasion where you wouldn't take 100 agi, or is it just my 3k mindset blinding me?

submitted by /u/C_Sha
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Take bounty rune or block creep wave as a mid laner?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 04:00 PM PST

At the beginning of the game, before the first creepwave, what is the better choice for a mid laner: to take the bounty rune or block the creeps, so they end up closer to your hg giving you an advantage in lasthitting and denying? Is that advantage worth the missed gold from the bounty rune? Or, maybe it depends on the hero. Whether you need exp or gold.

submitted by /u/WrongCalculator
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Learning in bot matches, friendly bots sit in fountain

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 04:32 PM PST

Hey all,

I'm just starting to learn to play DotA, so I'm doing some solo bot matches to start out.

My problem is that around the 15 minute mark, all 4 of the bots on my team decide to go sit in the fountain and do not move until I die. When I die, they will go do stuff until I respawn, and then they will return to the fountain.

Am a pressing something accidentally? Or am I just that unbearable?

submitted by /u/CivilMannequin
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General hotkeys/commands available for a noob to learn

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 11:02 AM PST

Inspired by the phrase "there are no stupid questions":

I'm a noob (started a month ago or so, can't even play ranked yet). I've posted here a few days ago about carries that aren't a lot vulnerable on the laning phase and people have recommended me (amongst other heroes) Lycan, which isn't quite micro-heavy as other heroes with summons/illusions even though a good micro'ed Lycan is stil much better than a "select all units, buff, then right click something" Lycan, of course. But that left me with an itch to at least try microing to some extent (using the invis wolves as wards and stuff) and learning other micro-heavy heroes as I improve (don't even want to try Brew, for example, cause I'd suck with his ult).

The problem is that I have literally no idea how to use the hotkeys/commands available and I wanted to learn those so my shot at microing isn't hindered by not knowing I could assign a key to something I wanted to do and have seen other people doing. Examples would be going through units, while the camera centers them or click somewhere in the fog of war and the unit will attack something that's there if there's something there (like neutral creeps).

I've searched for microing guides, but they always seem to assume you already know what to press and I get overwhelmed by the options on the advanced options menu, so I couldn't figure everything out by myself. I'm really asking for basic knowledge here, the likes of "press A, then click your creep to deny it". So far I've been able to select all units, select hero and select all other units. I know there are things like control groups, but I couldn't really figure out how they work.

Also there's something I see a lot of pros do that is repeat the attack animation a lot of times until it's the perfect timing for the last hit and I also have no idea how they do that, seems like it helps a lot with the timing if you (like me with most heroes) aren't used to the attack animation yet.

Last, but not least: how the hell do I get he chat wheel up? I accidentally discovered you can ping/do other visual things with alt, but I still can't figure out how to send those pre-generated messages to my team.

Sorry if this is easily accessible somewhere, I just really couldn't find it

submitted by /u/Barbows
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Some questions about supporting, itemization and the concept of farm priority/position.

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 07:03 PM PST

I've been playing dota since last month and have played about 50 unranked games so far. I'm still at the stage of learning basic things and struggling to execute it, so I want to get help.

  1. How do I play support, particularly in the early game? I can't find a space to stay away from my lane for doing stack, pull, or not leeching etc. Since 2-1-2 is being the go-to opening in my MMR, whenever I play support it always becomes 2v2. In this situation, leaving my carry in 1v2 to do other stuffs is a bit too dangerous. Perhaps should I rather stick to my carry in this case?

  2. I'm often ended up with just buying "core" items from the torte de lini's guide. Once completed those cores then I become clueless what to build. How can I learn building items depends on situation?

  3. As I said above, games are always played as 2-1-2 in my MMR, and it seems like everyone picks just whatever they want, position or sorta things aren't taken into account at all. That said, I'm trying to learn what position is considered to suit for each hero and its reason, but it feels like theoretical and not the thing that I can apply to my games immediately. So I'm only caring about the team balance of carry/support at the moment. Is it ok? or should I pay more attention to those concepts?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/noneofmere
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Can we have a thorough rundown of the roles (1-5) and their job in game?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 03:14 PM PST

I feel like this is one of those things that are supposed to be common sense but still people in lower brackets like me mistake for. What am I supposed to do when I get a certain role? For now this is my understanding of the roles, 2.5K style.

  • 1 - The carry - You'll definitely see about 4-5 of these in a game sub-3K bracket. Your job is to farm and essentially carry the team. You should focus more on last hitting but if an opportunity to kill is there you should go for it. This is more on hitting your timings correctly and taking advantage of it as soon as possible. If you can push the side lanes you should definitely push it as this will elicit a response to the enemy team which delays their pushing in an event you're behind. (Heroes include AM, CK, Drow)

  • 2 - The mid - Mid has changed throughout the years, I remember starting when Dendi and Ferrari were the most sought out mids, even iceiceice to an extent. Despite the changes, the core gameplay still stays the same. As you are the hero who will get more gold and levels due to being solo, it's your job to make use of your advantage to make space around the map for your carry. I think due to the rise of position 4, ganking is no longer that much of a priority. (SF, QoP, Puck)

  • 3 - The offlane - preferably solo suicide lane but in lower brackets this never happen. Usually heroes with innate high HP, creep equilibrium messing skills, or some form of escape mechanism, their job in the early game is to contest the enemy carry as much as possible or just get the most of what you can without giving away too much in return. If not zoned out, the offlane can have a significant level advantage and get their ultimates in line quicker than the enemy carry and supports, which in return can be used to make space in both mid and carry are not having a good time. Usually heroes with key ultimates like AOEs, forcing advantageous fights or just making space are in the core of the offlane role. (Tide, Brew, Enigma)

  • 4 - The roamer (my preferred role atm) - you can pick this and you should start acting like a 5 or flames might come your way. The pos 4 basically is the tempo controller of the early game. You should make the most out of lanes that should be gaining an advantage, usually the carry lane and mid. From courier snipes to rune control, I believe that this role requires the most game sense. Usually involves tower diving or just putting yourself in risky situations, a successful roamer might enter mid game with a sufficient lead for a non-farming core or be more poor than a pos 5. (Earth Spirit, Night Stalker, Pudge)

  • 5 - The hard support - core gets killed "omg report support no ward" you put ward and they still die despite you pinging them bec you saw the enemy team "omg report support. - This role, similar to the 4, requires a high tier of game sense to be able to pull off properly. Not just pulling and stacking or building force staffs at 30 mins since you're buying wards nonstop, you're definitely the hero with the least farm so you're food for cores and roamers. Heroes who are usually pos 5 are skill-dependent heroes who depend on positioning and zone control to be effective and relevant. Playing pos 5 includes controlling safe lane creep equilibrium, babysitting cores, and providing vision and detection. (Witch Doctor, AA, Shadow Demon)

Please put in a much more thorough explanation of the roles or any other things I missed. Thanks.

submitted by /u/jopaymc_
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About tinker

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 05:07 PM PST

How can you stop a lategame 6 slotted permahex ministun rocket tinker? I had two games today against that, each went on for over 70 minutes and those were probably the most boring and most frustrating games I ever had. Even standing in like 10 marches at once for a second does so much damage, I feel like there is nothing we could have done at this point to win this. So what can be done against tinker lategame? What picks are good? What to do if he last picked tinker and we have no catch? I feel so done with the game right now after these ultra-long games where you just see how he permahex-laser-rockets your 5k hp ck to death.

2k mmr here btw, so someone who knows his tinker and is insanely fast with the skills feels unkillable at any stage of the game to me.

Edit: sorry for the rant, I think I just needed to express my anger about these games. I know where we went wrong and all. Its just frustrating.

submitted by /u/Maxoh24
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Learning to play from behind, as a mid/carry?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 04:25 PM PST

I'm an Archon 5, so I'm probably not exactly the best nor brightest player in the world, but I'm trying to learn!

One thing I'm struggling with is, whenever I'm playing carry or mid, and the game is really hard to the point where we've lost all lanes and map control to the opponents by ~15 mins, what exactly should I be doing?

To the point where all lanes are lost, our supports can't even ward our own jungle in fear of being killed, and the team morale is just abysmal overall.

What strategies or techniques should I be doing in this case? At Archon 5, throws are always possible, so I always try to play till the end, but I'd like to learn strategies where I can be having a positive impact even if our team has seemingly given up.

submitted by /u/thrower322
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How do I figure out which lane to start in as CM?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST

As with most roamers, I believe figuring out which lane to start in is crucial to a good early game. Now, some of the roamers that I know either have really good lv1 spells (Earth Shaker/Spirit, Skywrath) or decent spells and really good base stats (Venge, Ogre, Jakiro) that help them take on most lv1 opponents.

Thing is, CM doesn't seem to fit in either category - (a) she has garbage stats meaning I really can't trade with most heroes, (b) her lv1 Frostbite isn't particluarly strong like Fissure or Ignite and she runs out of mana after casting it twice anyway, (c) generally I feel like I have to get my lv2 asap to get the aura up and running, but with jungle spawning at 1:00 and me being unable to lane due to the aforementioned problems (or maybe just not wanting to lane so that my cores get full xp), I find levels 1-4 being the hardest on CM even though early game is supposed to be her strongest timing window.

How do I decide where to start the game? Or do I just not pick CM if the lanes look too hard?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Winning its a must factor to increment your MMR in this patch?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 03:45 PM PST

Hi, I really dont understand this patch to much in terms of MMR and Medals...

At first sight it seems that it was better for supports since it now considers your role and how you do it(just a bit improvement), but after few weeks Im unable to rise my mmr at all. I mean, I know many many mechanincs in the game(maybe all of them), I accept that Im not a 10/10 on each mechanic, but able realize what to do on many many situations and give calls to my team, even if we lose, Im able to do >= Average on the hero.

But there is a thing, I win and loose, most wins than lose and Im wondering if winning its still a factor like before? maybe I just made a wrong assuption about this new patch.

Thanks for your time.

submitted by /u/vitaminar
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A PL game, help with my item choice :)

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 03:00 PM PST

So I've played PL with a couple of counters in the enemy team. The thing is Im not sure if my items and my play style this game helped me to actually win it, or did my enemies just suck :D Anyway, if someone could look at the game, or even better a replay of that game I would appreciate it! :) https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3672059223

submitted by /u/Suki1994
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Dotabuff trends shows MMR graph, is that accurate?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 08:26 AM PST

You can actually see MMR go up or down each game, lots of games where I win game but lose mmr, or win and get 72 mmr, etc... It makes sense with new calibration just wondering how accurate it is?

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Midas on all supports?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 03:02 AM PST

Title says it all. Is Midas viable or should it be built if the team as a good start

submitted by /u/yashv
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Why do pro supports sometimes go extremely greedy builds?

Posted: 09 Jan 2018 08:42 PM PST

I know things like this don't always work, but every now and then I've seen pro-players just make extremely greedy items like straight brown boots>Midas>Aghs on pos 5 heroes like AA, Disruptor and Warlock. When/why would you do this instead of going "standard" support items like Force/Glimmer? Can something like this ever work in pubs, or is it something that needs more coordination/communication to pull off?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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General question about improvement: active learning, or just grinding experience?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 09:57 AM PST

I've lost a bunch of games lately, with around 33% WR in the past week, and I went down close to 300 MMR. Obviously it's frustrating and really disheartening, especially when I put a lot of effort into the game, because my game impact seems like shit and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

I've been a rather diligent dota novice since I began. Replays, guides, pros, the regular tryhard stuff. I try to play just a few games a day so I can reset every time (a rule I didn't abide by this past week), and in the past I also looked over my own matches.

What I'm wondering is, for a player whose intention is to improve at the game, how helpful or detrimental is it to stop analyzing stuff, and just play a lot? Grind, so to speak? Can you improve significantly just by gaining the experience of many games, or is the more active learning part crucial to improving in dota? I still enjoy watching high level players (rawdota\Herny has been fun lately), but I don't bother going over my own replays anymore, and I don't know how much that's holding me back.

Analysis, examining games, coaching; all that stuff is very popular advice on reddit for improvement. So at this point I'm not sure how much will it slow me down if I drop those activities and just play a bunch of games, learning as I go. Maybe it's also important to say that I've been stuck around 3100 since July or so (when I recalibrated with the battlepass), and now I'm back to 3180 from 3450, so in close to half a year I apparently haven't improved much at all.


submitted by /u/CheekyBard
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What did I do wrong? [Learning Doom Help]

Posted: 09 Jan 2018 10:49 PM PST

I'm practicing doom and have played a few games with him, getting a little better everytime. Can anyone look at my game and see where I went wrong?

Doom Offlane

UPDATE: I won a game with Doom playing as a core but didn't really get a lot of kills. That's fine by me as long as the team is cooperating, but what could I have done to improve my play style here?

Doom Wins!

submitted by /u/switjive17
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Is there a leauge for people above archon 5 to play in?

Posted: 09 Jan 2018 09:44 PM PST

I'm to shit to be on a real team, and too high ranked for learning leauges. I just wanna play some team dota man.

submitted by /u/edm_ostrich
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Witch Doctor support in Divine Bracket

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 12:10 AM PST


WD is one of the best lane support that can babysit. In this game, we had Void as our #1 safelane carry. The game was fun. I brought you replay commentary last time, but this is a live game. I presume some people may find this even more helpful to learn how the game interacts and flows in high level pubs. I will describe below what was going through my mind at each stage of the game.

0:00 - 10:00

-> I was fully dedicated in supporting Void. I tried to zone out the enemy offlane, control the jungle camp and bounty runes. Once Void became strong enough to handle the lane, we tried to smoke+dust gank the enemy mid Invoker. Did not work, but I had decided that it could have been a big kill that decides the early game. I had to risk it.

10:00 - 20:00

-> We lost tier 1 middle tower. This puts us in a predicament. Above all, I was harshly under leveled. I desperately needed to stay in an empty lane to get level 6. At this point, I anticipated that the enemy team will dive in to our safelane tower, because they were strong enough to do so. The only way I can contribute to the game now, is by TPing at the right moment and turn the fight around when the gank happens.

20:00 - 30:00

-> The enemy Luna is fat. Overall, we knew that they were stronger than us. They were pressuring our tier 2 towers. This is where as a support, you gotta realize you can't possibly win the big team fight without bleeding. I had to position myself very well, and cast every single spell wisely before I get bursted down. I bought a lot of sentries because they had Mirana. I chose Glimmer Cape over Forcestaff.

30:00 - 40:00

-> The enemy got Aegis. I asked forhigh ground defense, but my Void ran straight into the enemy and Chronosphere. I will leave it to you guys to watch the afterwards. We communicated a lot as a team.

submitted by /u/profHam
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Gaming mouse recommendations?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 08:12 AM PST

I don't know if this is the right sub to post such question.

I juggle between Dota2 and CSGO, I'm leaning towards the Zowie EC2-A since as they say is the best FPS mouse. But there are also some that say that do not buy Zowie mice for MOBAs because the clicks are heavy especially when you click them in succession.

Dunno if it also helps, I main pos 4/5 and sometimes pick heroes that involves microing (chen, ench, visage, etc.) I'm not a serious gamer, just casually play these games within my day.

What do you think? What would you recommend that is versatile enough to swap between MOBA and FPS?

submitted by /u/voodoored123
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when to max brew's drunken haze?

Posted: 09 Jan 2018 08:00 PM PST

Hello, I play in the 2-3k bracket, and recently picked up Brew offlane and it is pretty sick. I usually go WQWEWR because the slow is super annoying and I like that. But i went to dotabuff and saw alot of VHS brews maxing out their Q. I understand that maxing out W first slows down your farm alot, but it also slows down the opponent carry's farm too. Is there any situation that I should NOT max out drunken haze? I know it is very situational, but I'm just looking for your opinions on this. Thank you!

submitted by /u/undergoingsufferings
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is this hacking?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 06:58 AM PST

now i dont want to accuse anyone of hacking, but i played a game of dota where i was bristleback and there was a monkey king on the enemy team. he was having a really bad early game. ~18 minutes into the game he was level 14 and me and my team were 16+. i checked 2 minutes after and now he is 25 with really expensive items. is that hacking or not?

Edit: just checked, he wasnt hacking.he was just getting a shit ton of kills

submitted by /u/the_doggo_27
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What could/should I have done to turn things around ? What are my biggest mistakes ? [Brew]

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 02:43 AM PST

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