League of Legends - Champion Update: Swain, the Noxian Grand General

Champion Update: Swain, the Noxian Grand General

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:06 AM PST

Swain ability reveal

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:02 AM PST

RIP Beatrice 2010 - 2018

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:22 AM PST

Patch 8.2 notes | League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:07 AM PST

Imagine if you had a robot that could automatically “watch” a League VOD for you and analyze it. Well thats what I made! Introducing DeepLeague: an artificial intelligence based tool that magically extracts important data from the mini map from just a video to improve esports analytics.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:31 AM PST

EDIT: People are asking for the code. Here it is!

Check out this GIF of DeepLeague automatically "watching" the LoL minimap.

Note: If you are lazy thats fine, I accept you for who you are. In this Reddit post I cover the bare minimum. Please check out my full blog post where I have lots of pretty GIFs a1nd pictures explaining what this project is all about. Also, the blog post gives away all the code behind this project.

Hi all! My name is Farza and I'm a computer science undergrad + the founder of EsportsAI which is an open-source project that focuses on trying to combine the big scary world of artificial intelligence with esports. If you're an LCS Team and would like to work toegther, hit me up! (shameless plug I know I know)

What is DeepLeague?

Check out this GIF if you haven't already.

So, wtf is happening here? On the left is the input which is the minimap cropped out from an LCS VOD (C9 vs TSM). Really simple! On the right is where the magic happens.

DeepLeague is able to automatically "watch" the minimap from any League of Legends VOD and is able to tell you not only where the champions are, but is also able to recognize which champion it is looking at. The best part about DeepLeague is you can give it any VOD. A VOD of a game you recorded at home, or a VOD of an LCS Stream, or even VODs of Faker's spectated games!

Okay cool, it can draw boxes around champions, who cares?

League of Legends analysts for pro-teams spend most of their time watching VODs which can be an extremely draining task because of how many new VODs come out everyday. No good tools exist to help analysts, until now!

Here are some things you can automatically do given the output of DeepLeague:

  • analyze how the jungler paths, where he starts his route, when/where he ganks, when he backs, which lane he exerts the most pressure on, when/where mid roams

  • analyze when teams set up dives, when they decide to do dragon, how they rotate around the map as a team, how they set up baron

  • analyze warding patterns, when laners are pushing, when laners get solo killed, when laners leave laning phase

And thats just the beginning!

Remember, DeepLeague can be used on any VOD which means you can use it on your own games!

Technical details

For all the gritty details, please read my blog post :).

submitted by /u/Farzaa
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Aphromoo says Nadeshot will buy everyone Teslas if they win Worlds, but he's hoping for a house

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:00 AM PST

Doublelifts thoughts on stopwatch

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:56 AM PST


Yiliang Peng @TLDoublelift

I think Stopwatch is fun to play with and against, dunno why it's being seen as a huge problem. Every AD goes Relic 3pot Overheal+Fleet and plays the same 5 champs, and the focus is on a rune that is actually skillful to use 🤔

He has a point, there are many other things to focus on rather than just 1 mastery

edit: formatting

submitted by /u/Neldonar
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Patch 8.2 is significantly changing minion aggro dynamics

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:57 PM PST

Patch 8.2 is making it so that point and click (targeted) spells draw minion aggro. This change is going to significantly change early game trades and everyone needs to be aware of it.

Change in question:

Champions with spammable targeted spells, like Pantheon and Cassiopeia, put opposing laners in an awkward position: fight back and draw minion aggro, or just take the punishment they hand out. Changing this mechanic will make those champions a lot more intuitive to play against, as well as easier to balance

Affected champions and spells - Read: ALL OF THESE ABILITIES NOW DRAW MINION AGGRO

AKALI Q - Mark of the Assassin & R - Shadow Dance

ALISTAR W - Headbutt

ANIVIA E - Frostbite

ANNIE Q - Disintegrate

BRAND E - Conflagration & R - Pyroclasm

CAITLYN R - Ace in the Hole


CHO'GATH R - Feast

DARIUS R - Noxian Guillotine

DIANA R - Lunar Rush

ELISE (HUMAN & SPIDER FORM) Q - Neurotoxin/Venomous Bite

EVELYNN E - Whiplash

FIDDLESTICKS W - Drain & E - Dark Wind

GAREN R - Demacian Justice

IRELIA E - Equilibrium Strike

JANNA W - Zephyr

JARVAN IV R - Cataclysm

JAX Q - Leap Strike

JAYCE (HAMMER FORM) Q - To The Skies & E - Thundering Blow

JHIN Q - Dancing Grenade

KARMA W - Focused Resolve

KASSADIN Q - Null Sphere

KATARINA Q - Bouncing Blade & E - Shunpo

KAYLE Q - Reckoning

KHA'ZIX Q - Taste Their Fear

LEBLANC Q - Shatter Orb

LEE SIN R - Dragon's Rage

LISSANDRA R - Frozen Tomb

LULU ENEMY E - Help, Pix!

MALPHITE Q - Seismic Shard

MALZAHAR E - Malefic Visions & R - Nether Grasp

MAOKAI W - Twisted Advance

MORDEKAISER R - Children of the Grave

NAMI W - Ebb and Flow

NOCTURNE E - Unspeakable Horror & R - Paranoia (second cast)

NUNU E - Ice Blast

OLAF E - Reckless Swing

PANTHEON Q - Spear Shot & W - Aegis of Zeonia

POPPY E - Heroic Charge

QUINN E - Vault

REK'SAI E - Tunnel

RYZE W - Rune Prison & E - Spell Flux

SEJUANI E - Permafrost

SHACO E - Two-Shiv Poison

SINGED E - Fling

SKARNER R - Impale

SWAIN E - Torment

SYNDRA R - Unleashed Power

TALON Q - Noxian Diplomacy

TEEMO Q - Blinding Dart

TRISTANA R - Buster Shot

TRUNDLE R - Subjugate

VAYNE E - Condemn

VEIGAR R - Primordial Burst

VI R - Assault And Battery

VIKTOR Q - Siphon Power

VLADIMIR Q - Transfusion


WUKONG E - Nimbus Strike

XIN ZHAO E - Audacious Charge

YASUO E - Sweeping Blade & R - Last Breath

ITEM ACTIVES Bilgewater Cutlass, Blade of the Ruined King, and Hextech Gunblade Active


submitted by /u/Dr_Not_A_Doctor
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Echo Fox Huni: "Coach Kkoma is the best coach in the world, and I will never find anyone else equivalent to him. "

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:45 AM PST

1/23 PBE Update

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:19 PM PST

I drew my girlfriend and her main champs

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:43 AM PST

Here it is She's really proud of this pic so I hope you guys like it :D

submitted by /u/keosusumem
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Sneaky on facing Meteos, Hai, and Lemon - 'I expected us to stay together for the longest of times'

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:00 AM PST

Swain Special Interactions

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:42 PM PST

Meteos: "My biggest worry with the new rune system is that it feels like you're just trying to find a champion that fits which runes are good, rather than finding runes that fit the champion you want to play."

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:21 AM PST

A little Swain Rework Bingo while we anticipate his arrival

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:25 AM PST

Since i was bored and i had some time on my hands, i've made a lil' old Bingo for our lil' old Swain, who will soon be getting his rework. I am rather excited, even though i don't even play Swain. But maybe his rework will change my mind.

Note that you shouldn't take this post serious. It's just some silly, stupid fun.


Edit: Changed "Swain is a bad guy" into "3 hit passive" and fixed Dragon Master Swain

submitted by /u/LickMyFishstick
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EU LCS Mic Check: Week 1 | Spring Split 2018

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:00 AM PST

KZ Khan: "The problem isn’t Jayce, it’s your fingers. Go and practice!"

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:48 AM PST

I Love my ADC.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:42 AM PST

I love my ADC. My ADC is the most important member of my team. Witnessing an ADC in their glory is divine, my peasant mind barely able to comprehend the incredible grace with which my ADC swiftly carries me to victory. I must protect my ADC, thankfully riot has blessed me with many shielding and healing items and abilities in order to ensure my ADC is protected from the enemy team. I dare not attempt to look upon the enemy ADC, for they are a god and I am a mortal, unworthy of their gaze. I exist only as a distraction to the enemy ADC, so that my ADC may rain devastation on the enemy team. I must not aggress in the early game, this is a grievous sin to the ADC which is punishable by buffing support items.

I love my ADC the way a subject loves his king. I will die for my ADC. Remember to thank your ADC after every game for all that they do for you.

submitted by /u/Eliah907
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Xayah and Rakan separated in new free champion rotation

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:41 AM PST

Just the image: link

Free champion rotation: link

Is there something that Rakan isn't telling us about? I always knew that Ahri might get inbetween him and Xayah, but Vi? What?

submitted by /u/ArcanaPrince
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Battlecast Illaoi: Visuals and Sound Effects - Jetpacks, flames, and a rather angry voice.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:43 AM PST

Gilius: "I took a huge gamble: My first salary was 300€/month. My family was really against it."

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:58 AM PST

TSM MikeYeung - 'We'll do better for sure in the next weeks' // blames poor team read on the meta

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:00 AM PST

Not being able to change your ward skin until you lock in seems unnecessary

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:57 AM PST

It's a small QoL thing I wish would be fixed- it doesn't make much sense, considering I can change my runes before I even know what champ I'm playing but I can't change my ward skin.

It's obviously just a small thing, but it feels like an unnecessary restriction. Especially if I'm last pick, that 30 seconds I have to change it is normally used to change my runes.

submitted by /u/shenyougankplz
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Swain Reveal - The Noxian Grand General | REWORK

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:11 AM PST

Rengar Changes Feedback Thread

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:05 AM PST

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