World of Warcraft - Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:08 AM PST

Welcome to Tanking Tuesday, your weekly thread for everything related to standing in front of mobs and saying "HIT ME" and taking it like a champ. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to tanking of any kind.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Sucks that this was such a short zone. Its beautiful. Also rain

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:05 AM PST

Finally got to meet the man himself. Thanks Blizzard!

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:09 AM PST

"What am I doing wrong?" My friend sent me this a couple nights ago - I'm stealing his Karma since he doesn't post here.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:47 AM PST

When you're an edgy warlock but your hips don't lie.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:56 AM PST

I painted a lvl 1 Dwarf Paladin. Hope you like it!

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:26 AM PST

That's what happens when a small indie company replaces every place in the code that says "Varian" with "Anduin".

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:55 AM PST

All of these MMOs always talk about how they want us to take our time and enjoy the journey leveling up... But then 99% of all the new content is only End game. Make Leveling apart of the experience, not a roadblock to new content.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:18 AM PST

I bring this up because of the current state of the leveling game in WoW.. Has not really changed much since 2004. Yes they streamline things over and over again. Which is absolutely Awesome. And if you are a lore nut and/or Roleplay and really take your time, the world is packed to the brim with content.

But if you just go with the natural flow of the game all you end up doing is reading 5 Walls of text, do 5 of the same quests you have been doing since level 2, rinse and repeat for 110 levels.. Well looking at it that way... Wow has not changed much at all since 2004. The Core leveling experience today is exactly the same one we all had on Launch day. It is polished to a degree. But nothing has really changed.

I am oversimplifying. I know. But my point is. We spend all of this time leveling our characters, and the game gives us no reason to believe that we should not be anything except MAX level. It provides no reason to stop and smell the flowers. Worse is if you do want to experience something special you need to actively google what is available and make a point to go experience Content A or B.

Nothing occurs naturally while leveling, other than the next quest.

All of the new gear, balancing, and content is only at max level. Why do I need to spend 1 month leveling my character to get to the content? Why can't I experience WoW and enjoy it while I am leveling up?

If it is supposed to take so long to level then why are they not adding more features and filling out existing systems for me to use while I am leveling up? This has been my gripe with nearly ALL MMOs since 1999. If your leveling experience is apart of the game, then stop making it one of the worst parts of your game.

Here are some specific examples of systems only offered to max level or in 1 expansion that would work great to give us more to do as we level.

  • Leveling up weapons From 1-110
  • Order Halls From 1 -110
  • ALL Crafting MUCH more meaningful while leveling
  • Player Farms
  • Garrisons
  • Better Focus to re-live EACH Expansion storyline as we level (Possibly already implemented with the new leveling system.)
  • Gear sets to earn or craft every 10 levels. (Let me work towards crafting or earning a full set of gear every 10 levels or so, and then make that gear stay relevant for a while before I work on another set.)

Make it so we naturally try out a variety of content and we live in the World of Warcraft right away. Make it so each piece of the world it enjoyable. Make Leveling an afterthought. Make Leveling almost pointless thanks to all of the content that can be enjoyed while leveling up.

Create points in the game where there are natural plateaus where I can spend some time crafting, farming, gathering, and overall just living in the world as I prepare to set out on my next Adventure.

Maybe many players would not be so concerned with the time it takes to reach max level if MMO designers would stop treating Levels 1-100 has the red headed step child of the game. Blizzard you put all the fun at the end of your games. And ignore everything before that with each and every expansion. you throw away amazing amounts of content and hide new toys only in the newest expansion.

Spread the love. You put all this work into these systems and then leave them to die. Take a bit more time focusing on the leveling experience so Every single Level From 1 to Max IS what each player wants to be playing. instead of it all just being corpses I need to climb over to reach the new max level.

submitted by /u/oridjinn
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Blizzards response to recruit a friend changes

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:54 AM PST

If the purpose of 7.3.5 is to enjoy questlines in their entirety, we should get the intro to vashj'ir back

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:49 AM PST

as well as the the intro to the twilight highlands and the wrathgate and the battle of the undercity

I've been leveling an alt recently and the changes and the scaling revamp is amazing. I've been able to do finish Icecrown for the first time in a long time, and it felt compelling not one shotting everything.
Then I wanted to head into my favourite zone in the game, vashj'ir, only to be disappointed that the intro quest was just a loading screen that lead us directly in front of Erunak. What happened ?? The initial goal of the story is to seize a landmass off the coast, just to get bamboozled when Ozumat appears and throws us into the sea and some grabbing naga. Then we're saved by Erunak and lead to safety.
Now the goal is to survive.
That part of the story is essential, you can't just skip it and pretend it all happened in a loading screen. Why remove it entirely ?
As I understand it, blizzard also removed the final quest of vashj'ir where we get into the submarine, as well as the intro to the Twilight Highlands, also essential to the story of the zone, back in 2016.

I think blizzard did a great job with the scaling. The fights are still relatively easy but it's no longer a faceroll, and it certainly isn't tedious.
Being able to finish the questlines of the zones is great for all players, so please restore some crucial storyline quests like the intro to vashj'ir. The story cannot be complete without it. What do you guys think ?
edit : Apparently some people have been able to do the intro just fine, and recently. For reference, this forum post indicates they were purposefully removed in 2016 what gives ?

submitted by /u/Hogrim
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How I feel playing a Mage for the first time

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:51 PM PST

Maybe Blizzard made changes to leveling system so people would level in the open world.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:57 AM PST

I love WoW and so does everyone in this subreddit (maybe not). I love my guild, friends, raids, mythic+ and leveling.

I have a char for each class maxed out so you understand how much I have leveled. Only two of them were boosted, the rest all through quests. I've been playing since Wrath so I have seen the leveling change through the years. Specially with Cata, it became much easier to level. So I was excited for these new changes as it makes leveling a bit more challenging (because using 3 abilities to kill a mob instead of a one shot is more challenging, you can't really disagree to that) as I'm currently leveling on the horde side for the new expansion. But this subreddit is filled with posts complaining about it and how blizzard only wants to money grab players.

Blizzard didn't make changes to leveling system just to sell more boosts

Why would Blizzard invest a lot of it's developers time to make an overhaul to leveling if they just wanted to sell boosts?

There were a lot of complaints before that leveling was useless, it was spam dungeons, one shot every mob and carry like that until max. It was a chore.

Now you get to explore (you still could before) the whole world which likely most of you haven't seen, follow the questlines, FINISH them without any issue. This was our own feedback, the community. Everyone agreed leveling wasn't very good. They make changes, for the better, and now you are asking for Boost price reduction (even though that would be even worse for Blizzard as people would see it as they want to sell more).

Boosts are expensive because Blizzard doesn't want everyone to use them

The team put a lot of time and effort into building this massive world but everyone wants to be in Dalaran together. I get that, end game is where it's at but have you taken a chance to enjoy the older content?

Blizzard introduced the boosts to combat people paying others to level their chars for them, which isn't secure and steals business from Blizzard.

You also need to remember that you've been given a character boost the last few expansions.

Are the services too expensive?

Yes, absolutely. The reason is that Blizzard doesn't want players to abuse them, change realm every week or faction.

Appearance change is completely irrelevant now and shouldn't even exist.

There should be another way to deal with this however. Giving a player the option to change all his characters to one realm. Having a yearly week where you can transfer your characters for free once. Or just give a token that could be used for services as a lot of players are dissatisfied with their low pop realm.

Mindless circle jerk posts won't do anything to the game

If you don't try to give constructive feedback towards something, it'll be ignored.

Stop pleading for cheaper character boosts. You know how ridiculous you sound like when you are blaming Blizzard for trying to cash grab with boosts yet you want them even cheaper?

Low effort posts regarding changes shouldn't even be allowed by the mods. Such as "Blizz only wants cash grab" then follows with nothing but pure speculation.

Unfortunately I think this sub is being ran into the ground with these posts.

submitted by /u/Zunthe
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The blacksmith in Greywatch had his face replaced with a Highmountain Tauren

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:35 AM PST

Gallywix on the recent RAF hotfix

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:48 AM PST

Absolution Regalia Priest T6 Cosplay Commission

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:14 AM PST

Warswords of the Valarjar

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:40 AM PST

1.5 hours well spent

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:03 PM PST

Idea: Add Timewalking Vendors outside of each legacy raid that accept Timewalking badges in return for caches of that particular raids loot.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:37 AM PST

This would add value to obtaining Timewalking currency and would also add a QoL improvement to people who are farming old raids for mogs/mounts by making the process quicker, but not free.

The vendors would only be able to sell you 1 cache per week, and the cache would include loot drops from each boss. Purchasing the cache would replace your current week's lockout.

submitted by /u/Ashtar17
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Can we have an option to crop/not crop tabards? Some belts used to look really great before the change

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:33 PM PST

I want it to happen, is it really happening ?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:30 AM PST

just realized that the vanilla human intro, now a days, is actually more accurate then the cataclysm one

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:59 AM PST

Blizzard's all like, "Slow Down"

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:58 AM PST

Scaling fixes the problem of outleveling a zone, we don't also need xp nerfs.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:06 PM PST

I'm glad that 7.3.5 brought the scaling changes to leveling so that you can actually experience all the quests in a zone without outleveling them.

All of these xp nerfs are completely unnecessary though. When we have to level all the way to 110 every level shouldn't have to be a grind. Scaling fixes the problem of incoherent story telling but the rate we get xp now is over-correcting.

submitted by /u/Hot_Local_Single
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As a new tank this is the best!

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:58 PM PST

Teacher did not understand.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:01 AM PST

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