Heroes of the Storm - HGC China :: SPT vs Sunny Lion :: TheOne.SGTY vs RPG :: CE vs TimeFlow :: SoA vs BTG :: Discussion thread

HGC China :: SPT vs Sunny Lion :: TheOne.SGTY vs RPG :: CE vs TimeFlow :: SoA vs BTG :: Discussion thread

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:00 AM PST

Remember to upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


Today's matches in HGC China should start at about 1:00 PST / 4:00 EST / 10:00 CET / 17:00 CST / 60 minutes from this post.

  • 1:00 PST / 4:00 EST / 10:00 CET / 17:00 CST - SPT vs Sunny Lion
  • 2:15 PST / 5:15 EST / 11:15 CET / 18:15 CST - TheOne.SGTY vs RPG
  • 3:30 PST / 6:30 EST / 12:30 CET / 19:30 CST - CE vs TimeFlow
  • 4:45 PST / 7:45 EST / 13:45 CET / 20:45 CST - SoA vs BTG

Note that there were four matches played earlier today which were not streamed on the English stream (and I don't know if they were streamed in China): Sunny Lion vs CE, TimeFlow vs TheOne, SPT vs SoA, RPG vs BTG. You should be able to find their results on the official Chinese website, linked below.


HGC China - useful links

Game version

HGC China is played on the current live patch, with Tyrael's rework. I don't know if Blaze is allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Blizzard Tease Next Heroes

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST

Finally i got what ‚HGC‘ stands for.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:43 AM PST

Hanzo Genji Championship.

submitted by /u/juuun90
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There will always be ~3-5 heroes with 90% pick rate in professional play

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:03 AM PST

The new sexy spam on reddit is to argue that [insert hero here] is over represented in the professional meta, making it boring to watch. This ultimately results in suggestions to nerf the hero.

Here's the problem: it's always been this way.

Just from masterleague.net here are the popularity ranks from

Fall Eastern Clash: Auriel - 100%
Genji - 91%
Tassadar - 86%
Uther - 84%

Fall Western Clash: (notice no Genji) Dehaka - 93%
Uther - 93%
Auriel - 90%
Anub'arak - 86%

Uther - 98%
Anub'arak - 97%
Genji - 97%
Dehaka - 88%

Spring Eastern Clash
Tassadar - 100%
Tyrael - 90%
Valla - 87%
Zarya - 87% <--- yes, really
Ragnaros - 85%
ETC - 82%

Spring Western Clash
Malfurion - 100%
Tassadar - 84%
(Beyond that, no one above 80%)

2016 GCWC:
Malf - 95%
ETC - 93%
Tass - 80%

2016 Blizzcon:
ETC - 96%
Malf - 94%
Muradin - 94%
Tychus - 89%

2016 Summer Global
Rehgar - 100%
Falstad - 98%
Muradin - 96%
Illidan - 92%
Greymane - 87%
Kael'thas - 85%
Sonya - 80%

You will never have a meta where at professional level there isn't a favorite tank or 2, there isn't a favorite support or 2, and there isn't a favorite assassin or 2 or 3. If you strike down Genji, Hanzo, Greymane, ETC, and Lucio, then a new set of assassins will take their place. An overtime, meta shifts and new heroes will make those heroes appear niche and large not good (see Illidan and Kael'thas, who have really only had a couple marginal changes, but have fallen off largely due to meta changes).

If you nerf Greymane and Genji to oblivion, Valla/Lunara comps because very powerful again. But we aren't suddenly going to see Gazlowe and Probius see reasonable play. There will always be a meta.

submitted by /u/DBSmiley
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Opening Moves: How to Know If You'll Win the Level 1 Fight

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:12 AM PST

Hi, I'm KzN from Team Freedom and I need you guys opinions.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:13 AM PST

Hey guys, here is my situation.

I live in a far region where Internet sucks so streaming is not something I can do but I still want to try to produce content for the community.

What are you guys are looking for ?? Guides, HL games, etc ...

Quality might be low at the beginning until I learn how to edit and stuff but I still want to give this a shot.

Thanks :)

Edit : Good and Bad news.

Bad : I might be the dumbest people on earth.

Good : I called the Internet compagny and asked for a better upload speed (not available on their website) and they gave it to me, I actually pay 20$ less than before. KzN stream incoming ! Pogchamp

Edit #2 : Currently testing new internet ! Check it out : https://www.twitch.tv/killuziion/

submitted by /u/KilluZiioN
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Reducing Genji's Swift Strike range by 25% should be reasonable to make him less frustrating to play against.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:20 AM PST

I think his numbers are fine but the fact that his E has half a screen reach it makes it so frustrating to play against him. For the longest time I thought the range is just too much.

EDIT: Seems like most people who defend Genji's disgusting mobility just want me to l2p. I in fact am a high master player (SilverFox EU) and play as and against Genji all the time. I don't personally have any problems winning against him. I just feel like Swift Strike as an ability does not fit in moba style game. Just wanted to share this idea since it's rarely brought up. Enjoy the conversation.

submitted by /u/HotsSilverFox
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The reason for Greymane's high participation in HGC is obvious

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:00 AM PST

Blizzard's design choices over the past 12 months have lead the game to be more heavily weighted towards draft. This is something I observed when the big set reworks started, making heroes more specialist in certain areas. Bakery and Dunktrain acknowledged this on Townhall Heroes a few times too. The introduction of the armour mechanic was part of this change.

Warriors saw significant changes, with the likes of Johanna and Arthas being very different to Tyrael and Anubarak in their armour 'traits' leaving far fewer generalists (that's basically ETC and Mura, who you'll note are the most highly contested warriors).

The game has also introduced a number of dive heroes and high mobility (mainly overwatch) heroes.

As a result, traditional more general heroes who lack mobility are incredibly easy to counter (3 mainstays from 2015/16, in Zag, Raynor and Kael are basically obsolete) whilst other assassins like Cassia, Kerrigan, Thrall and Alarak are not picks you can safely make at the beginning of a draft.

Greymane is basically the only assassin hero who is right now not countered by being picked early in a draft. He has enough HP to not be instantly deleted by dive, he has two viable heroics that work in almost every scenario (and honestly how many heroes have two viable heroics?) and he can poke as well as finish. He has enough mobility to keep up with most of the newer heroes in the game or handle them 1v1.

Essentially, Greymane's design predates the design changes Blizzard have made, where the game can be far more easily determined in the draft. His high pick rate is a symptom of that problem, or a consequence of that change, depending on your perspective.

TL;DR If you pick any other assassin early in draft you can be completely shut down by the enemy team. Greymane is practically the only safe pick since the design changes to make the draft more impactful.

submitted by /u/lukekarts
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I'm in China and a audience of HGC China and I have some information to share with you

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:56 AM PST

Hello everyone! I noticed that because of some reasons, there is little information of HGC China on reddit and the overall interest of people on reddit in HGC China is pretty low actually. But still, there are some people interested in this area. So if you are, I'd like to share what I know to you.

I am sorry that my English is not very good, especially for terminology of Hots. But I will try my best if you have some questions. I'll go on reddit on every macth day of HGC China.

Someone on this site posted " There are infact 8 Matchups played per day and all matches will be done in the first 2 weeks, but only the last 4 games will get Broadcasted on the Blizzheroes Channel and on the Chinese Streaming Websites. The other Matches apparently aren't Broadcasted at all. Hope they can find a way to imrpove that for Phase 1 Part 2. " and this is true. There are 8 matches every day but only the later four will be streamed, both on twitch and on Chinese website.For the schedule,you can refer to https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/7scxf8/hgc_china_spt_vs_sunny_lion_theonesgty_vs_rpg_ce/?st=jcrwytma&sh=0d8e14a9.

Now I'll explain why. There will be Chinese Spring Festival in Feb. As you know, it's like Chrisitmas in Western. People will stay with family so no one would like to play matches during Spring Festival. That's why the first part of first phase HGC is played in such a short time, just half month.

I want to tell you something more. In fact, porfessional Hots in China is very poor.Besides SPT, there is no pro Hots clubs in China and you can see CN teams are less competitive in the world. All other teams in China are online teams, they pratice in their own homes with Battlenet voice. No sonsorships besides SPT and CE. Other pro esports clubs like eStar, EDG quitted Hots long time ago. If you are really in China, you will know how bad the situation is.

Some of you mentioned that HGC China's matches are exciting to watch. But as a viewer of almost every game in HGC China, I would say CN teams are far behind of teams in EU,NA and KR. CN team's drafts and understanding of the maps are outdated. It's sad but the truth is, CN is the weakest major region.

But I am happy I have reddit to share information with you. So if you have questions about CN Hots, free to ask!

submitted by /u/Hardtothinkaname
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Suggestion: Passive Upgrades for Tyrael Trait with the Ults

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:24 AM PST

Hey, the consensus for the Tyrael rework seems to be, that it gave some nice and new interactions, solved mana problems and keept his unique tankplaystyle around "non-hard-cc", supporting the (dive-)team and mobility. But despite these good features, there have been raised some concerns regarding his trait and the elimination of talents for it. I do understand why talents for his trait aren't an attractive design-choice per se, bc you have to die before getting any value and thats most of the time only worth if you can kill a key target of the enemy.

My suggestion is to give Tyrael his two ex-lvl1-talents into his ults as a passive upgrade: 1. more dmg and using the abilites before exploding and 2. giving massive shield to allies, when exploding. Which one for which ult depends if you want to "balance" ult+passive (sanc+blow up and judg+shield) or deepen the road taken (sanc+shield + judg+blow up).

Either way, this could give the trait some (more) influence post lvl10 without opportunity costs in regard of talent choices or dying on purpose. And in the early game it's okay/best to explode in a minionwave anyway.

How do you think about it?

submitted by /u/masherot
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So Jaina is pretty broken right now

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:22 AM PST

Image Analysis Of Teaser: Maiev Shadowsong Most Likely Next Hero Coming To HOTS

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:50 AM PST


Maiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev ShadowsongMaiev Shadowsong

submitted by /u/SullySauce
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Please Blizzard make 2 warcraft maps for 2018

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:23 AM PST

hi ' we get almost all blizzard worlds themet maps

2015 we get 2 diablo maps

2016 we get 2 starcraft maps

2017 we get 2 overwatch maps

so we must get warcraft and classic themet maps for 2018 and 2019

what map style you wanna see and if that happen we gonna get more ?

submitted by /u/Raziel103
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January 16th Patch - 7 Days Later

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:33 PM PST

[Theory] New hero teasers generate a shift on players hype.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:15 PM PST

This is proven to me, but I've never seen it mentioned anywhere, so I decided to make a post about it. Whenever a new "teaser" appears, be it a misleading teaser or a real/fake leak, the playerbase seems to favor that hero for releases.

It is not news that this sub often overgoes polls to inquire the popularity of unreleased heroes. This was my personal experience, hear me out:

I've been expecting Belial and he's my #1 most hyped since Johanna's launch (2.5 years ago?), and sadly to this day I still don't have him. Also, sadly for me, on every poll until last month he was always on 80th-100th most hyped, a very sad result for me everytime, despite knowing he was on the "being worked on" heroes list.

Last month or so, we got a "leak" which revealed Firebat, which was a fairly safe bet then, Mal'Ganis and Belial. After that "leak" we had 2 polls for popularity of next releases, and guess what? Belial went up to 10th place and 5th place respectively. Same for Mal'Ganis/Dreadlord, which was usually 20th-30th and now is also on top10.

In case you didn't participate in the last 2 polls, here's how they worked:

  • The heroes were predefined, each one presented with a picture and a rate for the hypeness, from 0 to 4;

  • Around 100 not released heroes were covered on the first poll and more than 200 on the second;

  • Both polls had 5 options for each hero, which I accounted for 0,1,2,3,5 points. I also did the table for 0,1,2,3,4 points and other scores, but the final rankings were pretty much the same everytime.

This is the top20 list from the last poll. I made it from the point it had a sizeable amount of answers (~700). The final score would be 10 if all the 700 answers were maximum hype:

Hero Franchise Score
Imperius D 8,72
Mephisto D 8,67
Deathwing WC 8,31
Baal D 7,97
Belial D 7,62
Fenix SC 7,57
Cairne Bloodhoof WC 7,5
Mal'Ganis WC 7,22
Maiev WC 7,17
Mannoroth WC 7,14
Reinhardt OW 7,13
Vashj WC 6,99
Vol'jin WC 6,95
Archimonde WC 6,86
Deckard Cain D 6,84
Old God(s) WC 6,84
Ysera WC 6,79
Kil'jaeden WC 6,76
Anduin Wrynn WC 6,72
The Overmind SC 6,72

Brief analisys:

  • Mephisto and Fenix were always on the top expected heroes, much like Kel'Thuzad and Malthael;

  • Imperius however had a sudden rise after the launch of Malthael, when one of his teasers hinted at Imperius. Since then he's consistently at the top 3;

  • Deathwing was usually on the top 20 or so heroes, but after the D.Va teaser he skyrocketed to the top 5 and remained there;

  • Mal'Ganis (not another dreadlord, but specifically Mal'Ganis) is on 8th. The generic dreadlord might have appeared once in the top10;

  • Belial was never mentioned on any list with less than 50 heroes. He was always an underdog, like the other 170 heroes or so. And now he's on 5th? Seriously?

  • Same thing happened for Alextrasza, Ana, Garrosh and Stukov;

  • Garrosh was never on the top 30, but after his leak, BAM he's instantly top 5;

  • Stukov was also very low on the list. After the image that revealed eggs on the corner that would be supposedly from the summoner/specialist Stukov, he rose to the 1st place within a day and remained there for months;

  • Alextrasza was never on top50. After the leak about "something big at blizzcon about her" she also rose to top10;

Hence, my conclusion is: The majority of the player base actually don't know what they want, they just vote based on their induced hype, so the results of "next hero" polls end up being irrelevant.

If you:

  • Release a fake teaser/leak saying that Deckard Cain and Vorazun are the next heroes to be released;

  • Make a post about it on reddit and get a little bit of traction;

On the next poll you can be sure they will be on the most hyped characters, not because people actually want them, but just because people don't know what they want.

EDIT: Table formatting.

submitted by /u/Arcontes
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When you search "Starcraft" in champion select, "Blaze" is the only champion from that universe that doesn't show up.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:41 AM PST

Title says it all. Figured this out today, not game changing or anything but maybe a small QOL change that might get noticed

submitted by /u/mjorlazer
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Highest level account I've ever seen (Level 2763, 17,285 games played)

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:59 AM PST

Went up against a Tychus just now whose account level is 2763. He had 17,285 games played and only 326 of them are AI so no AI farm shenanigans either. Over 229,000 takedowns!


submitted by /u/stuyjcp
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Garrosh gameplay fits his character fantasy perfectly

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:51 AM PST

I get just as angry as Garrosh is when i play him, especially vs heroes like muradin or varian. Perfect self-insert hero.

submitted by /u/xaoras
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Prediction: Maiev will be an anti-carry warrior

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:49 PM PST

I'm really excited about the possibility of Maiev being the next hero so I want to talk about what she might be like.
Up until WoW: Legion, Maiev's known abilities in Warcraft 3 were mostly identical to Zeratul's in Heroes. She had stealth while stationary, a blink, a delayed damage attack, and a large AoE fan of knives.
In Legion, we were given this cinematic which shows some new abilities, namely paralysis (possibly from a trap), magical disarm, and imprisonment in stasis.

I predict that she will have tools to shut down heroes that rely heavily on mobility (like demon hunters, lorewise). She could inflict a new type of condition called Crippled which silences movement abilities only but still allows the target to walk and use other abilities. Another idea is Disarm, a condition that prevents basic attacks. This could make her into THE hard counter hero provided that these abilities are more difficult to use than just point and click.
And in this case, I think it would be cool if her trait prevented her from being banned in draft even before the game started. It would be very thematically fitting as nothing can stop her when she is on the hunt. Something like this could only fit in Heroes of the Storm.

Hope everyone is as excited as I am!

submitted by /u/Yasherets
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Not exactly relevant to Heroes, but KR Food delivering service commercial featuring your favorite KR HGC caster on Mars

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:54 AM PST

Personal goal reached, Portrait Border Gem #5 (Lvl 2600) AMA

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:56 AM PST

Just wanted to share a milestone I hit last night. I've had it in my sights for a while now and finally hit account level 2600 last night and got my fifth gem on my portrait border.

Here's a link to an album of screen shots.

Profile Album

A few random stats:

  • 13,832 Games Played

  • Breakdown: 34.9% QM, 53.4% HL, 10% UR, 0.3% Brawl, 0.6% TL, 0.3% AI

  • Playing since 4/3/2015 or for 1026 Days. Averaged 13.48 games per day, 5.3 hours in game (not menus /draft) per day.

  • 293 games played on level 20 heroes pre 2.0 launch.

  • Highest level character Alarak (77), Lowest level character Blaze (15).

  • 214 days spent silenced, 41 days on current silence.

I've obviously have tons of experience at the game and would love to answer any questions people may have.

submitted by /u/Patcash24
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[LiquidHeroes] Never Outmatched: Hanzo's Hold on HGC - A look into the Hanzo Meta

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:30 AM PST

Grubbian Slip

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:29 PM PST

Redesign Blackheart's bay, please.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:49 AM PST

If you turn in first, it's gg(assuming that everyone on the team knows how to play the map of course). Enemy Team will spend ~20mins trying to catch up, which they can't except your team makes a terrible mistake or vice versa.

i, for myself, don't enjoy winning or losing on this map, it feels kinda like a mini-game.

This is of course just my personal experience, but a lot of people i play with feel the same.

What do you guys think ?

submitted by /u/juntao92
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