Diablo - Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 01/23/18

Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 01/23/18

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 31 of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Is the end game of Diablo III mostly just rounding up big packs and killing them?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:05 PM PST

Help! Talisman of Akkhan reroll?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:23 AM PST

Got a primal on 3rd reroll of a duplicate amulet with:

  • +1000 Strength
  • Critical Hit Chance Increased by 10.0%
  • Reduces cooldown of all skills by 8.0%.

  • +210 Poison Resistance

  • +5.1% Chance to Blind on Hit

  • Socket

Should I reroll the CDR to +Critical Hit Damage or +Holy Damage?

Edit: Ty for your comments! So it looks like if i change CDR to CHD my Condemn damage go from 140billionss to 170. And if I change it to Holy its 164. So CHD its Better than Holy Damage if i Use Condemn, but if i switch to Blessed Shield i get more

More Edit: i have only 695 paragon points (i only play solo coz im cazul)

Last Edit: I just swaped CDR for CHD as i already have 100% uptime on Akarat's Champion. Thanks for all the comments! <3

submitted by /u/PlebHorseRaynor
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[D3] Friend just started playing, he's struggling with his Wiz build.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:15 PM PST


He's playing DMO Frozen Orb, he's not doing much damage and he's getting one-hit by enemies. He's stuck and can't solo GR60.

Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/AiRiiD
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I am not paying 60 dollars for diablo 3 [xbox one]

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:16 PM PST

I can only buy it digital because of game sharing (im trying to play with my brother) but i cannot find a cheap digital key for it. Can anybody help me out?

submitted by /u/respectwahmen666
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[Crusader] Help! Traveler's Pledge Reroll

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:58 PM PST

I got this Traveler's Pledge today


984 Strength

7% Attack Speed

97% Critical Hit Damage

10% Critical Hit Chance

I am using Blessed Shield Build. This amulet is 100% better than my current Amulet so I am going to swap to it. My real questions is if I should roll away the Strength or the attack speed.

My current character https://www.d3planner.com/540862162

submitted by /u/natuutan
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What if we could take several followers with us?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:21 AM PST

I recently came across the Mass Effect series again and I thought how cool it would be if we also could take two or three followers with us instead of just one when we are playing solo, to sort of form a party.

Yeah, I know, there are currently only three followers, but what if there would be more followers that all fill a certain roll? I have here a few ideas – however, I am not suggesting that these ideas shall be implemented, instead, they just shall help to illustrate my point.


a tank who deals low/medium damage and has the ability to taunt enemies. (he no longer heals)

Priestess / Cleric

Utility follower with low damage, who has the ability to heal and to convert enemies for a short time.


Has powerful ranged AoE ablities that deal lots of damage compared to the other followers.


Deals heavy single target damage in melee range and has the ability to give the party stealth.


Deals heavy single target ranged damage.


Focuses on dealing AoE melee damage.


Summons additional units that figth for him. Also has an AoE warcry that buffs the party.

Death Knight (not sure if this one fits lorewise, but it include it anyway)

Deals medium melee damage and has a frost aura that slows enemies.


Can be equiped with bows, spears and javelins to either fight in melee or from a distance.

Let's say that followers were actually powerful and useful and about ~30% of your overall power would come from your followers and that you can take two followers with you in a single player game and one follower in a 2 player game, but non in in 3 or 4 player games. You then could decide what kind of party you wanna have if you play alone:

  • Do you wanna have the classic defensive set up with a tank and a healer?

  • Do you wanna go full DPS with one follower that helps to clear out large groups of enemies and one follwer that helps against stronger targets?

  • Or do you wanna go full single target damage support with the Assassin and the Scoundrel, so you can take out bosses much more quickly?

  • Or maybe you are a ranged class and you wanna have the Death Knight to help you to keep enemies away from you? Etc, etc...

I know that this probably would require drastic changes not only to the follower system, but also to itemization itself and a change to these damage multipliers on certain items to make followers more useful, but I still think it is fun to speculate and theorycraft about such an idea.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think it would be cool if we could form a party with two or three followers in a single player game? Any other ideas?

submitted by /u/clueso87
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Can you have more than one of each legendary gem across characters?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:31 AM PST

I just started my second character and the build I want also uses bane of the trapped which my first character already uses but I read if you have one already then it won't drop. Is there a way around this?

submitted by /u/Maverickdale
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Diablo 2 solo player help pls

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:49 AM PST


My name is charlie i played diablo 2 like 14 years ago gettin the second best druid of europe.

Now i want to play solo player and after so mnay years i need some help and have some doubts:

1) The item drop in single player is the same that in online. I mean you can get the same items (i know is almost imposible) but there are the same drop items online than in single playeR?.

2) Best runs for solo player to get items?

3) Where to farm to level up faster in normal, nighmare or hell?

Ty all

submitted by /u/lopecinidiablo
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The Group Chat Discord

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:07 AM PST

So I was driving to work this morning and thought "Y'know what, I'd love to build a community of people that can just sit around and talk to each other, and play games as they see fit. Maybe you had a rough day and you want to rant to someone Maybe something happened in your daily life that you just have to tell people about. Maybe you're looking to get into a game with some new people or futz about with your friends. Whatever your needs are, we should have what it takes to scratch that itch. Feel free to join, let your friends know, and join in on the conversation!


submitted by /u/JakeALakeALake
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Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:01 PM PST





This is serious! We can figure this out!1 What is MH or HM map??

submitted by /u/ToBeRuined
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Question about primals

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:04 AM PST

I've heard that, as an anti-cheating measure, items have their reforges preset when they drop. Does that mean that any legendary that drops before you clear GR70 can't be reforged into a primal?

submitted by /u/Squeeble02
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Question concerning lv21 legendary drops

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:23 AM PST

So, looking for a specific item i've read this:

"Let your level 21 use the Blood on Weapons and use your DB's to upgrade weapons in the cube, sense you are SO low a level (level 21) there are VERY few Monk Fist weapons that can be gotten at level 21, so you have a MUCH higher chance to get the weapon" -Faux /battlenet forums

Now after doing some google research i could not find a way to tell if the item i need can be obtained through that method or not...

Is there a list?

If not feel free to tell me if you know for my specific case: Im looking for the vengeful wind monk fist.

submitted by /u/phobyyy
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