Guild Wars 2 - Gem store availability and the disappointment behind finding the thing you want is gone

Gem store availability and the disappointment behind finding the thing you want is gone

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:26 PM PST

I am usually not the one to post anything more that shitposts but this is something that personally dissapoints me and that I feel has and is getting worse than before.

Right now when you do fashion wars - you look at the wandrobe - pick what you like - some dungeonskin? Np. something here and there - sure, will take some farming but also fine... and then: Whoops, a gem store skin. Then you go klick through the tabs, hoping for the best and expecting the worst and the thing you need to complete your look is gone. "Well alright, let me google when it was last there" Result: Left the store ~4 weeks ago. weeks ago.

Well shit.

Now, I wouldn't personally have a problem if I knew when it came back - but I have no idea. Sometimes skins come back for 2 days - will I be even online during that time? Sometimes you wait half a year or more for a skin to come back and kinda don't feel like buying it at that point either cause you found a different look to roll with in the meantime. Is is not possible to have all skins available? or if we have to rotate them, maybe rotate them in a set period? or maybe a bit quicker like weekly with the Tuesday update? That would make it easier to track when a skin comes back that you want to buy.

But RN I am waiting - maybe a day? or maybe half a year? Nobody knows and I think that's the problem. - rant over: V

submitted by /u/soudius
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ArenaNet hiring writer and narrative Designer

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:20 PM PST

Got my Thief Commissioned! Introducing Elanria D'Allanon

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:22 PM PST

Today I got 100% map completion in Caledon Forest

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 11:43 PM PST

I got a code for the core version of the game through a Humble Bundle last month. I expected to play this game for a bit, realize it was yet another WoW clone or Asian P2W and leave it after maybe a couple hours of playing...

In my ~14 hrs of playing as my first character ever (a Sylvari Mesmer), i did everything within my starting area, and so far most things about the game feel absolutely amazing. GW2 is my first real modern-style MMO, and because the only other one i've played consistently is RuneScape, this game feels infinitely less grindy and infinitely more freeing.

My favorite moment so far has been discovering the Dark Reverie jumping puzzle completely on accident, then having other players follow me up. Finishing it made me feel a sense of completion that i haven't gotten out of an MMO (or even a lot of video games) recently. An MMO with platforming elements is so novel to me, but i thoroughly enjoy the execution and how they've all been quite different to each other so far.

Even though crafting (and especially salvaging) still seems a bit intimidating to me, i'm excited to see/try everything else that the game has to offer, especially after i get the expansions when i hit 80 on a character or two. Here's hoping that seeing yet another post about yet another new player's experiences doesn't annoy any of you; i'm just glad to be here after discovering how good this game is. :)

submitted by /u/Jacio9
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Kit The Traveler Legendary Weapons Contest

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:24 PM PST

Kit The Traveler is hosting a legendary give-away for NA & EU!

This contest will last the entire year! On December 24th she will give away 20 legendary weapons to lucky contestents. 5 will be given away on Twitch through my channel, 5 on Reddit, 5 on Twitter, and 5 on the official Guild Wars 2 forums.

Upon entering, be sure to use a valid e-mail address and, in the "Full Name" field, be sure to type in your ACCOUNT NAME + GAME ID as well as your in-game character name. Please ensure your account name and ID are correct, otherwise she will not be able to send you your prize!

You may enter through each method, but you can only win once!

If you would like to watch her journey of making them be sure to follow at

Kit will be streaming throughout the year. If not, just follow on twitter @KitTheTraveler for up-to-date screenies monthly!

If you would like to help the creation of this contest, Kit would greatly appreciate any of the following: T6 mats, Ectos, or Mystic Coins. Please do not send gold because it will gold cap the mail and mess up any events planned in between. The account ID is Pixie.5940 or you can use "Kit The Traveler".

I understand this contest will last a very long time, so please be sure to check back at least once a month on Twitter @KitTheTraveler or on Entries to the contest end on December 1, 2018. The winners will be announced on 24 December, 2018!

You do not need to use the e-mail address attached to your account. Any valid e-mail address will do because it will be used as one method of contacting the winners.

To see the multiple methods of entering the contest, visit the website

submitted by /u/Bearing51
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How to look like a drunk norn

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:25 AM PST

A quickstart guide to WvW **(Zerg-Edition)**

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:24 AM PST

With a lot of people returning to the game and the WvW getting quite some attention lately, I thought there might be some people who just want to try out playing WvW but without investing too much and without getting facerolled all the time.

As my last guides on the guardian-specs got quite some positive feedback I thought about sharing some knowledge about WvW.

Edit: Trying to keep it updated. :) Here is the Wiki Site for you, if you want to go deeper. Another great site for gaining deeper knowledge about the wvw.

Disclaimer: Again, this is not a guide to make you really good at WvW and also not made to give you meta builds. ( is your friend for metabuilds) This guide is supposed to enable you to play WvW within an hour with every class and investing less than 20 Gold. And also this is not about roaming or Guildplay. This is about playing in a bigger Zerg with randoms.

20 Gold? That sounds quite much! Yeah, but sadly there are certain requirement that are to be met. Otherwise you are making everything harder for everyone.

Getting started

  • Teamspeak. Download it. Walking with the Zerg alone is quite relaxing from time to time but Teamspeak (or Discord) is really helping. Most of the Servers have their own Server on which you can join and speak with others. There is no requirement to talk if you do not like that but listening on its own is also very helpful.

  • Bags. Get bigger bags. You will need them. At least 15 spaces per bag. This is really not that expensive, can be purchased in the Trading Post. Make sure to have at least one secret bag to put some things you do not want to sell. This is actually quite good for all modes so should be done sooner or later anyways.

  • Choosing your map. Just ask in Teamspeak where your zerg is right now.

  • Orientation on the map. All maps are somewhat build up the same way. 3 Spawning places. A lot of small objects and 3 or 4 big ones. Every Server has a home map. The Eternal Battleground is a simple 3-Way-Map with a super big object in the middle.

  • The spawn has all vendors you need. Take your time to check them. BLT and Bank (Guild bank also) available. No crafting stations. One Mystic Forge per map. (Middle Garnison on the borders, Castle in the middle on the Eternal Battlegrounds). Several specific Vendors.

  • What to do? Ofc, find a Zerg. Run to it. Stay with it. Listen where to port to.

  • Where is my Zerg? Similar to PvE in WvW there is the commander Tag used. You can see that when checking your minimap. Rightclick it and join.


There are certain settings that I would recommend you since they are making life a lot easier.

  • Turn down your settings as low as you need them to play fluidly. Otherwise this will pretty fast turn into a big slideshow for you. Do not worry if it turns into a slideshow with 3 big Zergs around. This is quite common.

  • You really do not need the Minimap. Trust me on this one. I normally put it on smallest and zoom almost all way in so that when I lose track of the comm I find him back fast. But other from that I never found any good use for it. Therefore make it small.

  • Untick automatic aim. This one is really important in my eyes. Otherwise you will constantly charge in random directions while fighting. Which can kill you pretty fast. If you untick this most spells will just be casted in the direction you are looking. Get used to that. Otherwise chose your target. This will also help you as a backline. Very often the nearest target is not the target the game wants you to attack which will leave you pretty helpless for some seconds.

  • Try out some more settings so you find the best way fitting for you.

    • I use instant cast.
    • I use cast at max range.
    • I have special keybindings for all my abilities. Clicking skills is not an option on the long term. (I go with q,e,r,t for 6,7,8,9) (Maybe try using esdf instead of wasd for more keys available.)
  • Adjusting Camera. More vision is not always helpful especially when loosing track of you character but having the camera too close is worse. Maybe bind the lookbehind key. especially as a staff Ele.

  • Maybe use a program like Yolomouse to Keep track of your Cursor. (i did never Need that though)

  • Turning off the opponents names can make things a lot easier.

  • Toggling on the Standard models for opponents is also something i recommend. Makes your Performance better and things a bit easier to view.

  • Toggle on the effect LOD. otherweise everything is just a blur and important effects may not be seen.

Getting started: Builds

These builds are all pretty cheap and easy to acquire. They are nowhere near the optimum but will still enable people new to this mode to play quite safely.

Please keep in mind that there is no way to stay under Exotic Gear if you want to play for real. You are losing so many attributes. Please do invest some Gold in Exotic Gear.

Sadly there is no way to buy exotic Gear in WvW without WvW specific currency. Only Rare with karma but again that is not worth it.

Your best friend is the trading post. Certain exotic gears are super cheap right now. And probably will stay.

Other from that I can recommend the karma traders in Orr and crafting. But most of the times crafting is even more expensive than just buying it.

Not even gonna dive into ascendet. I think it does not belong in this guide.

All the builds shown here are guidelines. You do not need to copy them exactly but rather try to reach the stats shown. You can further adjust the builds suiting your needs.

Keep in mind that these builds are for people that are new to either the class or the mode.


This is a super basic vanilla build. You really do not need to build it exactly the way it is shown here. Just aim to reach the stats shown. 1800 Health, 3200 Armor are the most important ones you should really try to reach. But not more. Healing power after that.

As you can see the Firebrand build is a bit different. It has added some more healingpower and really few condition Damage. Again this is more a direction to go to.


This one is right now in quite a tricky position. It's a one trick pony with a build, that is nowhere near beginner friendly. I will still try to put in a way someone new can try it and acclimatize.

This is a very, very defensive build. The more you get used to it the more you can go offensive. Check out the dps spellbreaker at metabattle to see what this is going at. And of course again, If you feel like this is too defensive for you just adjust it according to what you need.


This is a cheap and very tanky version of the backline power rev. Your aim is to be full marodeur in the end.


This one might be the easiest one to start on, since you pretty much can use the same equip you use in Pve. Add more Trailblazer if needed. Just check the Metabattle build. (Scourge is mandatory.)

After you acclimatized and realized you actually like this, please do upgrade your build. Invest the money. It is really worth it since it will make you a lot stronger and a lot more valuable for the Zerg.


The WvW has its own "Traits". (Found at the bottom of the left side of the WvW-Menu (press b))

The most important Trait is the one enabling you to glide. (War Gliding Mastery) Needs 3 Points.

You receive 1 Point per WvW LvL. Do not worry about leveling up in WvW. It will happen just as you go with the zerg. You can fasten it up by using Exp-Boosts.

(I play WvW at least 3 times a week for at least 2 hours. It took me 4 years to reach lvl 2000. So do not expect to lvl up very fast.)

My go to Mastery traits are: (after unlocking gliding)

  • Build Master (Cheap, helps you spending materials faster)

  • Repair Master

  • Provision Master (This one is almost the most important one for QoL. But it is quite expensive so start with cheaper ones first, Though you can reset the points if you feel like you need this more)

  • Supply Master

  • Flame Ram Master

  • Gliding Master

  • Siege Bunker

  • Siege Might

  • Trebuchet Mastery

  • Whatever. Maybe Supply Capacity. But this is very expensive. Otherwise skill what you think you will use often.

Some QoL Tips, which will make life a lot easier:

Do as the commander tells you. Stay a bit back in the beginning till you see the system behind what he is doing.

Stay out of red circles. If you see them, do not go there.

When capping always try to hit the Lord and stay inside the circle till the capping is done. Both will reward you separately. Just doing either won't get you the other ones reward. Though you will receive the capping reward if you hit some of the guards while taking the objective. to make sure you get it stay inside the circle ;)

When standing on the wall, you can only cast downwards if you are standing at the edge of the wall. But again this is the place where the people at the bottom of the wall also can cast at. If they do so, you will die pretty fast.

Therefore: Cast fast and then back off.

Do not cast Conditionremove the second you receive Conditions. Let them stack up for a bit before removing. This one is quite hard to learn. But there are so many conditions in a zerg fight that casting it right away won't do anything for you.

If the dome is yellow go in. If the dome is black dodge out instantly. Or do not go in. (Dodging will prevent the debuff from being applied if done right.) If you stay for too long in the black dome you will inevitably die!

Always go where the commanders go but never eat the red circles.

If the commander throws siege, build it. If he does not, well then don't. Same goes for walls!!! Do not repair if not asked for it.

Don't rezz if you can't do it safely. If you do it where you can get bombed you will die pretty fast.

Do rezz if you can do it safely. Do not let people just lay around. Use the buffood provided. Ask which one to use. People will always post it to you or even send some.

These are the things I just came up with. This is probably far from complete. But it is good for getting you started. If you have addings please feel free to comment. If I got something completely wrong feel free to correct me. Please refrain from hating the builds since I made it clear several times that they are just to give a direction for starters.

submitted by /u/Bezoedelaar
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Current BLTC interface is kind of a mess...

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:21 PM PST

Am I the only one that thinks the BLTC is a bit of a mess? I can't even preview the 30 mounts in the window itself. Navigating all the different tabs is pretty confusing as well, as there are so many buttons and information all crammed into the window at once. I also don't get why we don't have a wishing list?

I don't know, I'd like to see the user interface upgraded, as I'm having a hard time navigating it properly (note: this is the first time I tried to buy something from the shop after playing for 3 years, and I'm sharing my first experience with it...)

Please don't downvote me for expressing my opinion. I just want a more user-friendly shop to navigate. That's all.

Edit: I'm currently using the GW2 wikia to see all the items in one neat list, if anyone wants to know. It's not as fancy, but it does the job a bit better IMO!

Edit 2: What I'm specifically wondering is, if the interface could use some simplification so that it is more easy to navigate.

submitted by /u/Draeghar
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[Fanart] Plush Griffon postcard for the Wintersday Zine (progress .gif in comments)

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:23 AM PST

Completely overwhelmed by the two expansions

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:48 PM PST

Heyo, loooong time GW and GW2 player that just...doesn't know what they're doing. Lemme explain:

I got into GW during its beta and played the full game for something like 2000 hours. I led an active guild and was all around adept at all content the game had to offer. It was great! And I still consider it the best MMO I've ever played.

GW2 comes along and same thing, I've played since beta. I was pretty good with the full game but just stopped playing. Unfortunately I was a teen when GW1 was around and could sit and play for hours on end. Now I'm lucky if I can play an hour a night. I also go really long stretches of NOT playing because there's so much to catch up on. As a result of my very light gaming schedule, I haven't completed a single full season of Living World content. I only JUST completed "Victory or Death" last year! And now with HoT and PoF, I am finding it impossible to get anywhere because they're so completely different from the core game, which is all I know.

This seems like a ramble, but I have a point: there is SO MUCH content, and SO MANY collectibles, I have no idea where to start to begin catching up. My main is an Elementalist, and I only JUST finished training Tempest. Now I have a completely new specialization to train! And while I have decent gear; all Berserker exotic, all Berserker Ascended accessories/rings/amulet, I find my build is too squishy for most solo play. But my old guild has long since moved on, so I find myself exploring maps solo and hoping I figure out where to go. So where are people playing regularly enough that I can casually jump into open world content and nuke like I want to?

Also; seriously, with the Living World map collectibles...which maps do I prioritize? Like, I remember jumping back in when Bloodstone Fen was opened, but I have no idea if there are any rewards worth grinding that map for.

EDIT: Formatting

submitted by /u/cjadthenord
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When you can't even enjoy some GW2 without being hit up by a creep. Please stop this, it's extremely unbecoming.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:45 PM PST

Stuck in this dramatic pose, and it's the best bug ever.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:25 AM PST

The Commander On The Hunt

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 11:14 PM PST

WvW - Why can we not report a player for abuse of wvw mechanics?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:01 AM PST

Our server lost our EBG keep because we had a player dropping golem sieges and using up ALL of the supply and we could not defend it or repair any of our walls/gates.

Why is there no report option against this behaviour? I reported for spamming as the next best thing because he was just telling people in map chat to build the golems he put in the keep and telling them he would give them his gold if they do.

Yes we have a bad matchup and are outnumbered a majority of the fights, but come on, this behaviour just ruins for the people actually trying.

submitted by /u/bambuuPANDA
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Does anyone run dungeons anymore?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:37 AM PST

I kind of miss AC runs...

submitted by /u/cale199
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WvW: Mysterious symbols near air keep in desert borderland

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:31 AM PST

Last night my friend noticed 3 weird looking symbols painted on the cliffs near the south outer gate of the air keep. So we went on a quest to find them all, in the end we managed to find 6 symbols all nearby or inside air keep. Then we had the idea that shooting those symbols in correct sequence can unlock something secret, so we tried to shoot them with cannon, catapult, regular attacks and mortar but nothing ever happened. I wonder if anyone noticed them before and had similar ideas. Or maybe someone knows what is the meaning of those symbols since I don't recall seeing anything similar in other places in game. Imgur album:

submitted by /u/Lhiash
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I was inspired by the Guardian Stencil earlier, so here's my firebrand Lightbox!

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 09:47 PM PST

Good to see I'm not the only new player, so pain is just tutorial leaving the newbie.

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 09:57 PM PST

Keep leveling my thief or stop now for lvl 80 boost?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:26 PM PST

I started this game as a thief. Now lvl 47 but since i bought path of fire i got this lvl 80 boost. I already know im gonna use it on mesmer but its kinda a waste to level my thief now since ill be using mesmer as my main... Al these account bound items etc everything im gonna miss on my main. There is no reason for me to work hard for lvl 80 anymore now but ill miss the game experience.. Also i have like 13 tomes of pvp which was for nothing now if im gonna continue pvp on max level mesmer anyway.. I have no idea what to do please give me some advice! Keep leveling the 47 thief or continue on mesmer and why?

submitted by /u/101danny101
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How do you make sure your autoattack chain finishes in your rotation?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:28 AM PST

A lot of rotations involving melee weapons ask you to finish your attack chain since the last attack of a melee chain usually does the most damage. But when you are in a raid situation with perma-quickness in the middle of your stack, how do you make sure that when you queue a skill that it is at the end of an attack chain?

submitted by /u/Stergeary
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Amazing guild made jumping puzzle and video

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:59 AM PST

Are 5+ stat infusions worth getting?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:57 PM PST

Considering whether its worth saving matrixes for that. Right now, I'm thinking about using them on my main ranger.

submitted by /u/Senth99
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Biggest problem with GW2

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:44 PM PST

Gw2 is great. However, there is one big problem. We do not have a site that introduces the basic of basic for the game and the difference between this game and other mmos.

Gw2 is really different from what we call a normal mmo. As a new player not too long ago, i experienced quite a bit of frustration trying to find out what stats should i use for my ele or what weapons should i use, what build should i have. Only to realise that conventional mmo survival skills is not applicable to this game. You cant google to find answers to your basic questions, youtube only has outdated vids and most of the stuff are hidden in the deep web. Sites such as qtfy, dulfy and metabattle are useless for a beginner. These are like intermediate stuff. Beginners go in and dont know where to look.

I think this is really a turn off for most new players. It really hurts the game's potential to pull in more new players.

Speaking from experience, I remember a few years back when i got to know gw2 through a friend who is semi retired from the game, i googled for skills animation and i found ele on D/D and i was like wtf is this? Mage using dagger? And i got turn offed and went straight to dragon nest. And only recently i almost got pushed away from this game when i cant find any basic info like builds and state allocation guide on google. To only realised later that this game do not have such thing! Lesser determined newcomer would have already left by now since it makes you wonder if there is even any community for this game. We need a site that is dedicated to explaining the difference between this game and other mmos to newcomers. I feel this is crucial to us getting more players. Just my 2 cent.

submitted by /u/WGkeon
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