True Dota 2 - I am in love with solo offlane Lycan (Guide)

I am in love with solo offlane Lycan (Guide)

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:37 PM PST

You too can dance with wolves.

A good offlaner has:

1/ A reliable strategy for winning the lane

2/ Occupies enemy supports

3/ Hits a power spike to shut down the enemy carry or influence the map

Lycan is not typically played as an offlaner but he is very well suited to do so. First, he is probably the best at safely pulling the enemy creepwave back between your own t1 and t2 to deny the enemy carry entire waves of exp and gold. Second, at level 3+ he can out last hit anyone and give/take harassment with his passive. Third, he can use the same wolves that pulled creeps to freely block the small camp and deny bounty runes. Fourth, as soon as he hits six he can kill anyone, including soft enemy mids, and with necrobook soon after you can knock down towers one after another and win the game.


Pulling Waves. In an ideal game, Lycan pulls the 1st wave, hits the 2nd near his own tower, and pulls the 3rd or 4th again to repeat the cycle.

Here is how it is done:

-1:00- Cut trees with qb to enable the pull. This is easier as radiant, where you only need to cut the trees in a line from the rune stairs to the spot between t1 and t2 towers. I have played a bunch with the dire side, and the most reliable pull does not go across the river, but diagonal to the medium camp stairs and left of your t1 tower. You have to cut allll the trees outside of the t1 aggro circle, the three by the river and two on the radiant side for it to work. But you do have enough time.

0:00- Rune spawns.

0:10-Spawn wolves, send them to aggro enemy creep wave

0:19- Wolves arrive at the same time as creeps (block or no block), pull the wave to the appropriate stairs. As radiant, this would be the stairs in front of the rune, as dire these are the stairs just north of the medium camp.

You have to hit the creeps once from high ground above the stairs to aggro them and make them follow you. From there you walk them between your t1 and t2 towers so they catch your second wave of creeps.

0:50- Send your wolves to the enemy small camp to block the spawn.

As Lycan, repeat pulling the wave every time it starts to push up to the enemy tower. If you pull the 1:45 wave, they get to your stairs right when your own bounty rune spawns. Or, you can block the small camp again at 2:00 and pull the 2:15 wave.

The main thing is you always have a way to disrupt their equilibrium. If their trilane supports get smart and contest the pull, send your wolves back even further and just aggro the creeps in a circle until the next wave so you get a double wave that will push to your tower. Stack your own medium camps if you have to do this so you can farm while you wait for the wave. You always have options.

You only need one point in wolves, the rest in maxing your passive and howl. If you are level 4/5 and the enemy carry is 3/4, you can usually kill them. Especially if their support is chasing your wolves somewhere else on the map. Get a few right clicks on them, summon more wolves, howl (especially at night), then bodyblock with your wolves. Most carries cant handle this, like Luna, Slark, etc.

If you cant get a kill before 6, no worries, you certainly can with your ult. If they have someone soft like sniper mid, go shut that down, or just kill their safelaner and snowball.

Lycan's snowball is so punishing. I skip treads completely and rush necrobook. Statwise, necrobook does the same thing as treads (Str+ and mana regen) but with so much more utility and DPS. Especially once you get necro 2 and 3, with your ultimate nothing survives. Either kill and take the tower, or chase them around while your jungle army melts the tower. I love necrobook because it makes you 'resilient' to stuns and lockdown as your adds will continue to dish out more damage than an underleveled support can handle.

So there you go. Your team has a strong mid, a strong safelaner, and now a motherfucking necrobook Lycan taking advantage of the map to delete towers. 12k building damage from an offlaner contributes more to a win than an offlaner core like Viper or DK, and the only games I've lost are where we get countered hard (PL/Tinker) or feed too much trying take high ground. More often we have all their outer towers by 20 minutes and end by 30 minutes.

Practice the pulls in bot matches, and enjoy your offlane Lycan wins.


submitted by /u/9ersaur
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What are the right circumstances for buying a Nullifier?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:17 PM PST

Lately, whenever I think that this item is a good buy at the time, I get discouraged and I end up buying something else. The item just feels foreign to me.

I just watched a miracle- jugg game and his team had 2 "mid-game" nulifiers. Miracle- even bought it as his 2nd big item after his BF. I felt that it might have been the game winning purchase and right now I feel that I could have changed the outcome of several of my own games if I have bought this item over other items.

What are your thoughts on this item?

What are the right moments to queue up this item?

Are there any conditions that need to be met?

submitted by /u/ace-s
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PA when to take 5% coup de grace and when to go for 25% blur? Is coup de grace percentage even worth it? and how to itemize in new patch

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:55 AM PST

How to get better at micro skill ?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:47 AM PST

Lately i have been trying to go dominator dark seer after watching some khezu vids but i just suck at using my creep properly is there any way to practice micro skills ?

submitted by /u/watahellaruwaitnfor
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Movespeed meta?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:29 PM PST

What are people's thoughts on the importance of movement speed right now? Is it possible there is some sort of "movespeed meta"? Those heroes with strong movespeed talents, coupled with the good value with purchasing drums early (heroes like Jugg and SF come to mind), seem to be quite strong right now.

submitted by /u/inzru
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Position 1 Enchantress?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:19 PM PST

I've seen Enchantress carry games more than once and I've even gotten a rampage and won a comeback as pos 4 Ench. Her impetus goes through bkb and also scales well into the late game with her talents. With +50 and +8% impetus damage she is incredibly hard to deal with even as a support. Her combo with pike and impetus is enough to instantly nuke down some supports and even some cores but she usually has to wait a decent amount to get enough farm for that and by then it could be too late for full effectiveness. Her supposed counters aren't too big of a deal as pos 1. Ursa or ls don't really do much early as you wont lane against them in the offlane and nukes wont be an issue as you will be tanky enough with an early pike and eventually bkb. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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DotA's position numbering system is widely used and entirely undefined

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:09 PM PST

I commonly see the position numbering system referred to as "farm priority", but this is entirely different from how professional teams denote the position of players on their team which is closer to lane position. Miracle- is the 2 position of Liquid, but commonly with how they play he would be considered the 1, however he is listed as a 2 because he commonly plays mid. Was RTZ no longer a 1 position when playing a sacrificial Venomancer, or was what he was doing fall under the broader definition of what a 1 position is? There is really no consistency to how these positions are defined, however I think most people would agree there is consistency to the game play goals that the 1-5 positions represent.

I bring this up mainly due to seeing discussions about the possibility of a role queue for DotA. Regardless of if it should be implemented, it is interesting to think how they would denote each role. Many people believe that it would be impossible due to flexibility, but clearly the numbering system is understood to apply to every line up.

Curious about what you think this system means and how it should be defined.

submitted by /u/fibittydoo
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Which combos can(should) be practiced?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:53 AM PST

I've been interested in the idea of practicing fast-paced combos that can be made easy via muscle-memory in Demo mode. I got the hang of Sven's Ult-Bkb-Warcry-Blink-Stun-Mom, but haven't revisited the idea since.

What king of combos do you guys reccomend? Any reasonable hero/item combination works, I'm looking for practice fodder here

submitted by /u/detrebio
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The five most annoying things for new players currently

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:42 PM PST

I actually just want to check to see if I'm not crazy.

1º - Hero Lock for New Players.

I don't really understand this decision, DotA as a product is best labelled as the only true and fair F2P game out there but you get locked from enjoying all of it's features for 25 games at the start. It may seem like a small thing but I dislike it because even though is a small barrier of entry it just doesn't feel as DotA have always been --> cruel but fair if you guys are scared of new players finding the game too hard or rather too complex maybe just lock a few heroes that are truly complicated(Chen, Invoker, Meepo) or even better make it so every game you play you get tokens/coins that you can use to unlock heroes.

2º - Commends don't mean shit.

It's really good when you play that really awesome game that you even end up commending players on the other side but it's kind shit this happens once every hundred matches.

Not only commending should be encouraged I also think the same way people complain about the lack of reports we should be complaining about the lack of coommends eventually.

3º - No sense of community.

Obviously there are a few thriving communities about DotA 2 but they are not integrated with the game so it's very difficult for somebody new to make friends and get help. It's funny because every other online F2P games seems to understand that making players interact with each other within your platform it's crucial to maintain a steady increase on your playerbase, it DotA just gives no fucks about it.

The same way with 3, not only the client should have more options on how to make people connect with each other events like the Battle Cup(which is already a pretty smart way to keep people playing while also making people having the necessity of building a team so they can compete at a good level.

4º - Lack of educational features.

The tutorial is shite is basically "press X to jump and Square to Punch, good luck u dumb poor naive motherfucker..."

We should have tutorials in-game explaining itens timings, classic combos, metagame and so on...

Ohh but it's so much work for the 3 people Gabe enslaved to work on the DotA 2 department

Yeah right! It's not like they have a giant community and an arcade platform already integrated into the game so they can sponsor content creators that are willing to make educational custom maps and tutorials... Poor Valve...

This isn't your typical OHH MY GOD THIS GAME WILL DIE. HELP!!!! post, this is more like you have all the tools to make this game easier for newcomers you're just not using them...

submitted by /u/EvilGambit
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Why is there 0 support for the supports?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:01 PM PST

One of the major issues I have when playing support (Love my CM) is when you are basically just stood around most of the time denying or harassing the enemy you are getting 1gps (60gpm). Thats 600 gold in 10 minutes which equals basically boots. Meanwhile your carry is coming back with treads, probably got an Aquila or similar 1st item after boots. Meanwhile you are actually only at 200 gold because you had to buy wards for your lane. I know there are talents that give you huge boosts in gold but those boosts come so late in the game that it's practically end game for a support.

submitted by /u/Yekaterinapetrovna
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s&y over echo sabre ?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:12 AM PST


Id like to know in which situation you would advise to go for s&y over echo sabre for force melee heroes who generally would benefit more from the mana pool/regen that echo sabre gives than the mvt/attack speed given by yasha ?

submitted by /u/Mafrax
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ench roam?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:48 AM PST

how is ench in this current patch and meta? I'm looking to play some pos 4's and I've picked out pudge, ench, and nightstalker.

Give me your thoughts or ideas about this

submitted by /u/XaeVius31
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Engaging a fight when enemy team is taking shrine

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:51 AM PST

Hey guys, Just wanted to ask about how to properly engage a fight when the enemy team just finished taking your t3 and backs to get your shrine. In dire top jungle it seems easy as there is highround surrounding the shrine, looks like an easy advantage. But for bottom and radiant shrines how do you take the fight? Isnt it always risky as if you lose it they will throne you/uncontested rosh because they are so close to objectives?

Plus they will know that you are smoking when you are not showing on map.

Do yo just give the extra map control?

submitted by /u/SpherE2202
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SF counter?

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 06:50 PM PST

As a mid, what can I pick to counter SF? As a support, what can I pick to counter SF?

I find him ridiculous right now. On 4k I can 1st pick him regardless of whether enemy goes QoP/Bara/Earth Spirit or not and even if they give in those resources to kill me it's like I'm taking at least one of them with me, not even counting the failed ganks.

Sometimes I take lvl 1 raze and you can get killed on lvl 1 with just one spell. It's absurd.

submitted by /u/DayGameChirality
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How is Dark Seer supposed to be played this patch?

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 04:55 PM PST

I don't see as much of this hero as I used too, most people are still building greaves/blink as a standard but I've seen some people go hotd into blink and use the creep with ion to split push or farm enemy camps? Is this a better way to play him now?

submitted by /u/willieb3
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Can we get a better way to note down the rosh/ulti timer?

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 07:25 PM PST

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