Learn Dota 2 - Would anyone be interested in a 1v1 video demonstrating how powerful abusing creep aggro is?

Would anyone be interested in a 1v1 video demonstrating how powerful abusing creep aggro is?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:21 AM PST

Taught (via abusing him) the concepts to a 4900 MMR student of mine, figured since I had the 1v1s recorded I could cut it up and make some kind of video on the concept.

submitted by /u/henry_rd
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KheZu explains Dire advantage and map rotations visualised in pro games

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:25 AM PST

Could someone tell me good youtube channels to learn advanced mechanics.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:03 PM PST

I watch dannygamingnc, d2bowie, bsj's lane equilibrium videos and some of purge's videos. I am a 3.3k legend 0 sea player. I can play pos 1-4 decently for my bracket and really want to get better. Thanks in advance for the help.

submitted by /u/neohail
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Venge support in Divine Bracket (Replay Commentary)

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:04 AM PST


I insta picked Venge after having Luna on our side in drafting. These two heroes synergize very well together.

We played against Doom offlane. I got Power Treads and Aghs. Throughout the video, I elaborate on my reasons of getting such items and making small & big decisions. Hopefully this will help those of you out there wanting to climb higher playing supports!

submitted by /u/profHam
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What should I consider when deciding whether or not to buy BKB on a Pos 1 Faceless Void?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:47 PM PST

I have recently been learning to play Faceless Void and tend to play him as a Pos 1. My usual itemization is Tread, MoM, Battlefury, then Manta Diff. Itemization becomes very game dependent at this point, and I really dread having to buy BKB on void. It feels like I end up trading the ability to oneshot their carry for BKB.

My opendota: https://www.opendota.com/players/58398399

My dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/58398399

submitted by /u/jakeandbak3
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Escaping the trench: a spectator's thoughts

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:16 AM PST

My motherboard fried in my last PC after an uncharacteristically hot spring day [I blame myself] and with a fair bit of time to spare before buying my next PC I thought I'd binge-watch Escaping the Trench from rawdota to get my DotA fix.

Let's be clear from the outset: I'm a bad player. However, I believe that binge-watching this series has allowed me to change the way I think about the game, which - at least in my humble understanding of DotA - is fundamental to becoming a better player. Consistently hearing a very high skill player share their thoughts on the matchups, the item choices, lane regen, who to initiate on in fights, when to push, why certain heroes counter others... all these things force me to think about the game in a different way. That's not to say that I make stirling in-game decisions every time I play, but it does say that I consider what I'm doing, analyse why it worked/why it didn't, and try to understand what I could have done differently in order to achieve a better outcome.

Watching over 90 episodes in maybe a month or less was pivotal to changing my perspective on improvement from being outwardly-focused [my teammates are holding me back] to being internally-focused [what could I have done personally to heighten the chances of my team winning?]

Being a better player isn't always going to be reflected in measured terms [MMR gains] but as long as you believe you're improving and you're not simply resting on your laurels because you learned one more thing about the game, then that belief and that feeling should - at the very least - make you enjoy the game a little more.

And that's a good start, right? Props to Henry for putting in such a Herculean effort to post that much content, with that broad a knowledge-base and do his level best to ensure that there's another solid, handy source of information for players that want to improve [and are committed to actually improving]. It might not be perfect, but it's definitely a great resource. Thanks again.

submitted by /u/AndyKlymacks
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help for improvement?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:23 PM PST

pretty typical post but i just need some input on what I can do to improve overall, I've capped at about 1.9k and I've just sat around this area for what feels like forever. Part of me feels like a lot of my struggles is being too reliant on my team for someone in 1k, but I know that's not the only thing. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

dotabuff profile: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/205471341

submitted by /u/Anceint
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Tips for learning melee heroes

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:09 PM PST

So I'm new to Dota (40 hours) and I have been playing a lot of ranged heroes like Lich, Viper, Zeus etc and I think I'm doing alright with them as a new player, but I was playing Sven, Bounty Hunter and Juggernaut and realized you can't exactly play melee heroes the same you do with ranged heroes (of course heroes like Bounty hunter have a different role in the match compared to Zeus). My goal is to become somewhat all-round with most play styles, but I'm kind of struggling to grasp melee heroes because you cant hide behind your tower and do damage. So what do I need to do to get better at melee heroes?

submitted by /u/LukimOfficial
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Opinions on a Learning Stream for specific roles/heroes?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:08 PM PST

I've spent a lot of time watching youtube videos of tournament games and educational content like RawDota, and I was curious if people would be interested streams or some sort of content of learning/practicing heroes or roles while interacting with anyone who had questions about what was going on in the game?

I'm not a really high mmr player by any means (currently 4600), so perhaps people aren't interested or it wouldn't be too useful, but I feel I'm good enough at the game to help lower skilled players if there was interest, or higher skilled players could use it as an outlet to point out flaws that are being made and how to remedy them?

Just an idea, but I was curious if anyone would be interested?

submitted by /u/Alpha_Stump
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What actually makes Tiny strong at the moment?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:54 PM PST

He's picked a lot in higher mmrs and pro games (I'm 2,5k solo btw), but not that much in my bracket. What makes him really strong? I mean, when I have to pick a carry or a mid, I just never think about picking Tiny, I'd think of AM, Spectre, Jug, Sven, Tinker, Storm, Invoker, etc., but just not Tiny.

Could anyone enlighten me please?

submitted by /u/GoodEvening-
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How to deal with AA mana problems early-mid game?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:25 PM PST

When I play AA, I almost always max ice vortex (w). I max this spell because I feel like it is the most valuable for ganks and kills. Also, secret.puppey uses the same skilbuild: 1-3-1-0 at level 5.

So, I checked out Torte's standard guide for AA, and to my surprise, he doesn't even level ice vortex until 8!

I couldn't really understand how he could miss out on a strong ganking spell early game until the game I just played. I did my standard build of maxing ice vortex, and realized that I only have mana for maybe one fight until I have to go back.

Ice Vortex costs 80/90/100/110 mana. Also, it's usually a spell that you want to use two or three times in a single engagement.

Also, people usually buy tranquil boots on AA. Torte doesn't even suggest getting an urn, which means no mana regen items.

So, my question is, is it necessary to skip a spell on AA to make it through the early-mid game without mana issues? If so, then why did puppey still max ice vortex. Would it be possible to, say, skip Q or E instead? Do I just need to play more carefully with my spell usage?

submitted by /u/Weastie37
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How do you make yourself go with the team more?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:59 AM PST

I really want to try more push strats but no matter what I play I always feel compelled to stay in the empty lane, get solo xp, pressure the tower mildly, force a rotation or 2. I often end with highest xpm regardless is position but I know we could be having much stompier games if I just went with team and we overwhelmed enemy with our push strat.

I love beastmaster but my aura feels so wasted when I solo.

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Can someone explain to me the popularity of drums?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:57 AM PST

So recently a lot of pros have started buying it in all positions, but mainly mid. What games do you go drums? I mainly play Death Prophet and OD mid, I've seen arteezy go drums basically every game on OD, and surely drums would be good on Death Prophet too (movement speed, extra stats, push buildings quicker)?

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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What to play in potato bracket?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:04 AM PST

I have this old account with 600 mmr, where everyone picks carries no matter what enemy drafts. I've played 2.4K account so far, but this old one has Immortal Gardens and Desert maps and I'm really tired of default one so I play this account and want to turn it into "normal" one.

Most players are just really new. And quite bad.

What to play to ensure more or less victory each time? I really want to get out. I've tried spamming supports but there's no point in 9 cores + 1 support games where cores have 10 last hits in 20 minutes. And wards are useless because nobody really knows where minimap is. Most games end by 26 mins due team being overrun.

So... Omniknight? Lycan? Enchantress?

I know that I can't hope for 40 minute game like Dusa or CK or AM. What could win the game in 26 mins? ...Bristleback?

submitted by /u/Bang_Bus
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Mid meta game questions

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:01 AM PST

Returning player here. I was a beast back in 6.40? 6.04? The patch that leshrac was OP. I had 17 winstreak in 2k mmr on leshrac because I figured out that every minute stacking a camp to clear all at once later was more worthwhile than checking rune or ganking. After this patch the junfle canps magic resist was buffed, farm was reduced and map was changed so this strategy was far weaker.

So my question is what do midlaners generally focus on these days? I would appreciate some info on the meta mid heroes but im more interested in whether or not early fighting is that impactful or if farming by yourself all game just makes your team feed more gold because of rubberbanding etc.

For example in 6.40 rubberbanding was huge, 1 kill on the enemy carry could get your team straight back into the game farm wise. And farming by yourself all game made your team feed more gold when they died so the meta revolved around getting your midlaner fat to control the midgame, then when you were winning losing any 1 fight could lose you the game so warding up the enemy jungle and farming the entire map before attempting highground was the safe strat.

Whats the meta? Thx.

submitted by /u/assassinbooyeah
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Quelling Blade on ranger heroes.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:26 AM PST

Is it worth the 200 gold to get 7 extra dmg?

submitted by /u/lolgreatjcc
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Saw BSJ get his tp off cooldown by dropping it and buying a new one, but I can't make it work, what's the exact way to do it?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:12 AM PST

He called people who don't know the trick idiots, so I know I didn't imagine it

submitted by /u/edm_ostrich
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Can someone help me make a clip from a recent match

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:11 AM PST

I don't know if this is even the right subreddit to post this, but its technically help with dota 2. ive never made a clip from a replay so I'm not really sure where to start


CK at around 18 minutes in the game.

this was the match id. but I just need more of direction of where to start, what can make an easy clip ( to either host on like giphy, or youtube or something of the sort)

submitted by /u/DaddyYankme
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Why is Alchemist played in the mid lane?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:22 AM PST

Why not the safe lane? Shouldn't that be where he can get easier farm? Why isn't he outmatched by ranged heroes? Even the offlane seems like a better fit. I understand that he's better as a mid hero (because that's how pros play him), but I want to know why.

submitted by /u/AppleOfDiscord23
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itemization on offlane abaddon

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:51 AM PST

I've noticed that there are typically two paths for offlane abaddon from an itemization perspective: (1) phase-midas-radiance or (2) arcane-mek-pipe-greaves. Two questions: (1) How does one choose between the two options and (2) how does your itemization decision change your talent choices?

submitted by /u/gugclo
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Need Help; Again and Again and Again and Again

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:03 AM PST

Hello Fellows,

I am a 2.5k scrub. I pick the wrong carrys (CK, Alchemist, Jug).

First Question

I need help again. Several times in a row i spammed carry with the mindset that fighting is unnecessary at my mmr except for Rosh & HG. And it works kinda.

But several times, I am the only one pushing out waves towards enemy towers and the enemy tries to gank me all the time, because I am more then often the only visible player to the enemy team (4 mates are farming in jungle).

I know it's kinda risky to stay visible but what should I do, when my team farms jungle with 4 people and i am trying to jump from tower to tower with TP's on CD. Only to find myself get ganked after my 2nd or 3rd TP.

If I don't go near lanes which are semi risky I find myself hugging the jungle with my fellow 5 mates.

Second Question

Also what can I do when I myself farm the jungle [mine or the enemy] while waiting for the wave to return to my tower. And before it arrives a support or midplayer pushes the waves towards the enemy T1/T2.

Is there a way to be more efficient without taking risks?

Third Question

I have another Problem.

I see my games are getting flooded by Lategame Carries. As an example: SF Mid, PA Offlane & CK/Alch/Jugg/Sven (Me) Safelane. I have as you can see above some problems finding farm, when I am not way ahead in Laning (which happens rarely). Not blaming players, but I would play support differently. I tested in unranked some "Roaming" Supports, but find myself to be too depended on my mates. It's 2.5k MMR we are all bad. Teamplay is no exception.

I for myself find roaming pretty much fun and as venge/chen it was kinda blast in unranked to win every lane and push 3 towers prior min 15, even though I find that as roaming support you are too depend on your mates. But I really love winning and when I loose several games; I kinda loosing my clam approach.

So can I as roamer (2.5k player) improve as roamer/support and have a high enough impact to win more than 80% of my games when I play good?

Fourth Question

I loose almost every early game against my enemy duo offlane/tripple offlane.

With a not so good support what are my possibilities to get farm early game against such lanes? Early I just abadoned and gone jungle with QB & PMS. But these Items are not available anymore. And Jungle is sooo slow. I picked wrong to win this; but how should I pick? If I pick accordingly i would be in my understanding #5/#6 every game and in my further understandment i would have 0 impact if we win or loose because i would be poor af and can't impact the game how i want.???

submitted by /u/Jean_the_Old
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Is double stout on ember spirit viable?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:44 AM PST

I was playing some ember spirit in the mid Lane recently and thought that double stout gives more block than poor man's shield used to give. Is it viable against ranged heroes?

submitted by /u/mkzmch
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Maxing W first on Skywrath?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:48 AM PST

So looking at his DotaBuff, max Q first is basically his most popular/common build and even I have done that myself everytime I play him. Upon closer inspection of his skills however, I'm kinda curious - why do you max Q exactly?

Thing is, the damage of the skill doesn't go up by a lot, so all you are getting is the lower CD, but that means your mana consumption will also go up since you can spam the spell more. It seems a bit more logical to max W first, which offers higher and more reliable damage as well as a scaling slow. What am I missing here?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Is there a tool for finding hero spammers?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:30 AM PST

I want to find active high mmr pubbers who pick one hero a lot and learn from them. I know about Dotabuff hero rankings but isn't there an easier way?

submitted by /u/trench_master
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