fix for low end graphics 7 Days To Die

fix for low end graphics

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:50 AM PST

hey all

so i dug into my alpha 14 windows pc copy and found the xml titled "biomes"

turns out if you go in there, a list of every prefab random generate biome resources are listed. meaning every rock and tree and shrub and the grass too.

i found a line repeating in each section, that is

<decoration type="block" blockname="treeSnowyGrassDiagonal" prob =".0" />

every time you see in the xml the line that says "GrassDiagonal" you can change the number to ".0" and it will turn off the random grass generation.

tldr: the grass gets removed and your framerate and performance go up.

i run a potato and doing this removed the grass and allowed me smooth play like i was playing alpha 10 again.

if you want grass fibers as a resource in game, you can still kill cactus and lil bushes because those still appear. the grass itself vanishes.


submitted by /u/theBigYugely
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Xbox question

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:44 PM PST

Is there any knowledge of when the xBox One should have all the features currently in the PC version? From what I understand the PC had an update that gave it some new animals and other things. Any knowledge appreciated.

submitted by /u/masonite616
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How do you design an early game escape route without just "cheesing" the game?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:44 PM PST

I like to play somewhat realistically and actually fight the hordes, so I don't want to just go deep underground somewhere or hang out up high and get rid up any route for them to get up while I pick them off.

So here's my current problem. I've built a little house and it's got spikes all around. I've left a tiny gap through the spikes for entering/exiting, but I have to be careful even during the day with no zombies around to avoid my own spikes. Trying to do it in the dark during a siege, I'll end up killing myself on my own spikes most likely, and ideally I'd like to get rid of the gap completely anyway.

So how do I design an escape route IF I end up needing one that is an exit for me but not an entrance for zombies?

EDIT: Looking for something semi-simple here for early game since I'm new and trying not to learn all the "meta" right off the bat, and something that doesn't take a ton of time to build like trying to dig out a big tunnel or something.

submitted by /u/midwestcreative
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Installed mod after joining server

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:36 PM PST

Hi all, I started playing on a server and shortly after found the smx ui mods. I've installed them and they work great on a new single player game, but when joining the server I previously played on the ui reverts to default. Is there a way to use my new ui on the existing server?

submitted by /u/JoshCoopster
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Creepy music?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:10 AM PST

I play on console and last night I had a headset on and I heard all sorts of things I'd never heard before. I was in the burnt forest area and I swear I heard creepy music. It sounded like a slow motion ice cream truck jingle. I also heard Blair witch style tree falling in the distance noises. Anyway, it was super cool. Have you heard this? What else can I look forward to? The weirdest part is that I was playing with 3 other people who didn't hear a thing. Am I crazy?

submitted by /u/FraskyDangler
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Deadzone PvE - How to use casino

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:08 PM PST

Wont collapse

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:37 AM PST

I digged out to bedrock, this 50x50x50 block isnt connected to the bedrock anymore, but wont collpase :S ??! any advice ?

submitted by /u/6128702
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Riften Map (Skyrim) in 7 Days to Die - COMING SOON

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:58 AM PST

For the players that play WotD

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:38 AM PST

First I want to give a big thank you to the creators of the mod.
Last night while playing I found an underground location under the mall. You can access by jumping in the pool and brake the door at the bottom or by breaking the target sign on the floor in the middle of the mall. That place it's huge and amazingly built. I won't spoil it. I haven't seen any videos on it so I thought I'll share it here.

submitted by /u/Nugatu
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Quick question

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:23 AM PST

If a new patch comes out does it update my current games or do i have to start a new game? Its been awhile since ive played and im just curious.

Edit; why was i getting downvoted for simply asking a question?

submitted by /u/Voruund
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How to bash on Xbox one

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:01 AM PST

It may not even be a feature, but I swear I remember being able to shove zombies back whilst holding a bow

submitted by /u/notgodpo
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Looking for PS4 players for survivalist PVE game (add MrVolcanoMan)

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:53 AM PST

I'm MrVolcanoMan on PS4 and been playing this game a lot. I'm on day 14-20 on my multiplayer PVE game and I'd like some company if you're fun to play with. No kids or PVP. Difficulty is survivalist.

submitted by /u/iLoveTwinPeaks
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Watt usage list?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:50 AM PST

I've come back to 7d2d not long ago, and I'm a bit surprised at how undetailed the wiki is on most things. For instnce, I would like to know how much watt f.x a certain lamp or electric fencepost uses. I know I can see it ingame, but one is not always ingame :) I've been using the gamepedia wiki, is there another resource with more detail around (in general), or is the gamepedia one, it?

submitted by /u/Obzzarver
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Twitch Streaming -

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:22 AM PST

Twitch Streaming -

Looking for people willing to attack and raid us small group of five streaming 7 Days 2 Die on


submitted by /u/Atreydius
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Does anyone else finding the aiming janky on Xbox one?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:03 AM PST

I'm not bitching (maybe a little) but the aiming is so janky. Like...idk it's hard to explain.

Is anyone else in the same boat? Like it doesn't aim very smoothly, it goes up and down and left to right, but going anywhere else feels....sluggish? Makes aiming very hard

submitted by /u/notgodpo
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Alpha player wondering if I get this game!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:33 AM PST


I purchased this game in the alpha state before it was on steam and I have proof of my purchase via the fact that I have emails of me creating servers for the game!

Just wondering if there is any way that I would be able to obtain the game considering I purchased it in the Alpha state when it was a 35$ purchase! Thanks!

submitted by /u/D_Crease
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