Halo - Weekly Discussion Thread

Weekly Discussion Thread

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:09 AM PST

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this week's Weekly Discussion thread!

As long as the topic is related to Halo, you may discuss it here. This includes subreddit meta and things related to Halo.

If you have any questions please message the mods.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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More of an assault rifle fan myself

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:36 AM PST

I have played halo with these guys since Halo 3 and they all came to my wedding this past weekend. Xbox live friends are real friends.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:11 PM PST

[Joke] These 343 redesigns are getting out of hand

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:40 PM PST

I’ve got someone working on the Halo Reach DMR file

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:03 AM PST

Now hanging in my house. Nothing beats this poster.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:28 PM PST

The new pictures of the pops with the exclusives!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:20 PM PST

My favorite Halo mission ever and favorite mission in a game ever

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:28 PM PST

Is this worth getting??

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:17 PM PST

Excellent video series on Halo 1-5 by Raycevick

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:22 AM PST

halo 4's brilliant writing

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:45 AM PST

343 has been getting as much flak lately as the covenant carrier that chief dropped the bomb on, so here's a bit of positivity: the didact's monologues were, i think, the best lines of the entire series; his awakening speech was chilling, yet exciting! "The Forerunners... have returned." (link to the cutscene https://youtu.be/3cIFNDy2zDM)

and the epilogue speech, as chief walks to remove his armour, and everyone is staring at him, and you get to see his eyes (if you completed the campaign on legendary) (link https://youtu.be/PAX61rp87Ts) absolutely wonderful!

the Forerunner aspect (as well as the graphics and refreshingly fast-paced grifball) is the reason why Halo 4 is my favourite Halo. please don't keep me from finishing my campaign against the humans, name me heretic, and brand me, it's just my opinion

submitted by /u/garwegh
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TIL the headquarters of the UNSC is in Australia

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:56 PM PST

I was looking through some lore of Earth and I was surprised for it to be in Australia, I thought it was American.

submitted by /u/Fowl_Eye
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A testament to all my sins

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:03 PM PST

Honestly I just wanted to take a moment to write down how I feel right now. I was gifted an xbox with the MCC and honestly it's the greatest gift I could have asked for. I used to play halo all the time growing up and played halo 3 especially everyday up until halo reach was released. I bought a halo reach limited edition xbox and about a week later my house was broken into and all my stuff taken, xboxs included. I moved on and never really gave it second thought but it really was a very traumatizing having all the things I loved taken. Well when I got my xbox first I played halo 4 and 5 as I hadn't played them yet and they were pretty fun, I was really happy about it, I thought they were far better than the old halos, but that's until I played the old halos, 1 was nice, 2 was really nice, but three, wow, I really didn't expect it to be great and it seriously surprised me, it's really brought a lot of emotions up I really didn't realize I had. I'm a game developer and the past year or so I've lost all motivation and hated myself for picking such a career, well as of a few hours ago upon beating halo 3 I remembered why I chose the career I did.

I'm so glad to have been apart of this community and I'm glad to be rejoining it. Hopefully we have many great days ahead of us.

submitted by /u/Siedgex
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Mattel, McFarlane, Play arts. I don’t care who does it just please MAKE MORE ELITE ACTION FIGURES

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:27 PM PST

Outta nowhere!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:02 PM PST

Matchmaking Feedback Update – January 22 | Matchmaking Feedback & Discussion | Forums | Halo

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:40 PM PST

Trying to find Halo CE for PC. Where should I go?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:34 PM PST

I want to try to find a legit copy of the game to use Custom Edition (preferabbly a digital copy, since I don't want a disc) but can't find any. Any help?

submitted by /u/Unit645
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I'm just into that halo sort of mood right now. I especially love this jumptage because you usually see them done on multiplayer maps, and not usually campaign maps. "Novella 2"

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:23 PM PST

Saturday was the most fun I've had playing Halo in a while... compiled some gameplay.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:17 PM PST

apparently you can walk through walls on empire

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:47 PM PST

Favourite campaign mission

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:56 PM PST

Mine has to be "the covenant" from halo 3 because I love to play around when the 2 scarabs drop in by landing warthogs with marines and getting as many on as I can and making the bottom part a garage, or dropping a buddy off onto a scarab to destroy it then wait at the front for extraction because it's something out of a movie. Also who doesn't like getting their bodies launched out of the map when a scarab's leg whacks your hornet at supersonic speeds.

Quick question, I want to see what people make up in a halo writing prompt so where should it be? r/halo or r/writingprompts ?

submitted by /u/Sunset1131
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Quick Play - only three maps?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:30 PM PST

Besides being smoked every game because the teams where never balanced I only played on Truth, Coliseum, and Plaza. 15 games only three maps, good maps, but tired of it when losing every game. Terrible luck?

submitted by /u/Camkon
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Why Halo: Reach is my personal favorite

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:02 PM PST

First, I want to acknowledge that Halo 3 has better map design, game design, and is, in many ways, a superior game. It is almost certainly the best for multiplayer, though that is a topic of debate for many and not the point of this essay. Rather, I'd like to discuss the oft-forgotten and at times rejected younger cousin of Halo 3. I feel as though far too many people went into Halo: Reach believing it to be a successor to Halo 3, forgetting that it's incredibly difficult to best perfection. Halo: Reach, even to me, is not the best in the series. That having been said, I'd like to explain, in detail, what makes Reach special to me. In essence, this can be summed up in one word: sacrifice.

Video games as of 2010 had reached what seemed like an apex in FPS storytelling. Many of them began to revolve around the obvious tropes, with either insanely powerful super-soldiers (Halo, Singularity, BioShock 2, etc.) or strangely powerful and oddly resilient average men (MAG, Call of Duty, Metro 2033, etc.) as the protagonists. With the upcoming release of Call of Duty: Black Ops (the best one) and an interesting, if misguided, reboot of Medal of Honor coming out, Halo: Reach had a precedent to set, as it released first among those three titles. It had to be different, even when compared to itself.

It isn't difficult to make money off of a Halo game (the title alone is almost guaranteed to make whatever media it's attached to profitable); hell, it isn't difficult to make money off of any amazing game so long as people know about it. It is, however, rather difficult to make a game that simultaneously lives up to expectations and shoots past them. Halo: Reach wasn't just a game about a group of idiots who die pointless deaths for a doomed planet; instead, Halo: Reach was game about your group of idiots who die not-completely-pointless deaths for a doomed planet. Most people knew long before even booting the game that it was not a happy story, and if they didn't, they were quickly made aware.

See, what sets Halo: Reach apart to me is the idea I mentioned earlier. You know, the last word of the first paragraph. Sacrifice is at the core of Halo: Reach. There are several examples of this, such as Carter flying his own Pelican into a Scarab after Emile and Noble-6 depart, buying them valuable time, Jorge throwing Six off the Covenant corvette, believing it would make the difference in the fight, and even Noble-6 remaining on Reach to buy the Pillar of Autumn enough time to leave the system. Sacrifice is the name of the game in Halo: Reach, and the game is good.

Ultimately, Halo: Reach is a game that is all about laying down not only your own life, as you do at the end of the game, but also the lives of your allies, friends, and comrades. It is a game of sacrifice, loyalty, and an underlying sense of duty. This is what makes that last mission, Lone Wolf, so effective and powerful. It isn't just a shooting gallery mission followed by a cutscene showing you how Noble team was finally snuffed out; no, the Bungie that was in 2010 wasn't willing to let that be how they finish their work on the series. Instead, they give you control back after a well-timed and poignant cutscene, telling you there will be another time to fight the Covenant, and that your only objective now is to survive.

As your helmet cracks, as the enemies overwhelm you, as your ammunition runs out, Six still refuses defeat. His helmet proving useless, he discards it, but the camera stays on. You watch now, hoping Six can fight off the onslaught of Elites, knowing that he won't but practically begging nonetheless. His shield goes out, and he takes some plasma bolts, but fights on. He gets tackled, but still fights. His fight doesn't stop until he's finally overwhelmed, on his back, surrounded by Elites. He had a chance to leave Reach, but Six was loyal to his team, and he knew his purpose. Truly, he was Noble to the end.

submitted by /u/getnixed
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You like halo music? This dude mixes it and it's fantastic

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:03 AM PST

Josh11735 on youtube, makes fantastic medleys and edits with various soundtracks. I don't know if this is against the rules or not but I just really love halo music and he adds a whole other aspect to it. Go over and give some of his vids a listen.

submitted by /u/chickenchaser97
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Unique launch to a blue beam tower - Halo 1

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:54 PM PST

Melees not working on halo 2

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:11 AM PST

I've played through the halo 2 campaign on MCC recently and I've noticed that melees and energy sword attacks don't register properly. It takes 3-4 hits for a melee to register, usually on brutes and flood. Does anybody know why this is happening?

submitted by /u/xXEpicGamer69Xx
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