Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-01-14]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-01-14]

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:05 AM PST

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: Sunken Isles - Loot a Lost Sector in the Sunken Isles. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Decimation - Defeat 5 Cabal Centurions.
Titan Arcology Reclaimer - Kill 40 enemies in the New Pacific Arcology. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Fallen or Hive supply caches. Maleus Maleficarum - Defeat 3 Hive Wizards.
Nessus Lost Sectors: The Tangle - Loot a Lost Sector in the Tangle. Walking the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Right in the Juicebox - Defeat 20 Vex with precision shots.
IO Lost Sectors: Lost Oasis - Loot a Lost Sector in the Lost Oasis. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Vex or Cabal supply caches. Cut Off One Head - Defeat a Vex Hydra.
Mercury Lost and Found - Complete a Lost Sector. Patrol for Initiative - Complete 3 patrols. Not Murder If It's Robots - Kill 75 Vex.

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Cycle of Light - Create 10 orbs for your allies. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Hat Trick - Defeat 3 or more enemies at once using a Power weapon. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Osiris Quickplay The Hunger - Defeat 15 opponents with Void final blows. Shutdown Artist - Defeat an opponent while their Super is active. Blaze of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents using your Supers.
Competitive Sound And Fury - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Supers. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Hold My Light - As a team, rapidly defeat 4 opponents.
Osiris Competitive Rocket Beats Everything - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Power weapons. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Mayhem High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Double Play - Rapidly defeat 2 opponents, 3 times. Look Them in the Eye - Defeat 10 opponents at close range.
Trials of Osiris Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 10 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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If we can drive a sparrow on Titan, we should be able to drive one on Mercury.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:16 AM PST

Edit: I'm seeing a lot of discussion saying sparrows were left out to make the map look bigger, but let's face it, we all know it's a small map and the addition of sparrows won't make it seem any smaller (at least for me). Hopefully we will just be able to ride sparrows there some day.

submitted by /u/OobeBanoobe
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I'm so thankful for Destiny Item Manager. Seriously, this game would be so much harder without these 3rd Party Apps.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:30 AM PST

Thank you DIM and all the other apps for this game.

I can't imagine playing this game without it. It stinks that new players probably haven't heard of it, and maybe stop playing the game because of inventory management problems.
Seriously, what a pain it would be having to go to the tower to swap weapons.

And managing the 200 slots with the amount of guns/armor I have now just wouldn't even be possible. I have about 5 free slots in the vault and one free for every weapon/armor slot on each character, so I can pick things up.

EDIT: I honestly wish they would just implement DIM into the game as it is. At least for PC version. Not for me, but for the new players. Just make the vault accessible from the character menu, let me see all three characters, and let me select the weapon I want and bring it over.

And on that note, the Amazon Echo idea of asking Ghost to bring over a weapon should be implemented into the game. Let me say 'Ghost please transfer my Nameless Midnight' and have him bring it over. It'd really speed up the gameplay and let me keep playing, which is in their spirit of 'streamlining' the game.

It'd also be able to just talk to my Ghost in general, ask him questions, etc. It'd really make the game feel more alive.

submitted by /u/davewhiffen
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Got my Powerful Engrams for the week - now there’s nothing to do.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 08:14 AM PST

And this is the whole problem.

Once you get your powerful engrams from NF and Raid and strikes etc, nothing you do can help you level.


And that's what's wrong with D2.

submitted by /u/StonehengeMan
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I didn’t quit Destiny cause of Eververse, lack of content or anything like that. I quit because after 5 months of feedback after it was apparent that people were unhappy with the state of the sandbox, Bungie’s sandbox update was pathetic.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 06:24 PM PST

Edit: The post was removed accidentally by a mod for 10 hours

We waited 4 months for a sandbox patch that consisted of buffs that did nothing major and nerfs that were completely unnecessary. Who complained about shoulder charge? Why do the idiots over at the Sandbox team never listen to feedback and always do what they feel is best regardless of what players say? Do we have to put it out into bullet points in a childish dialogue like in your game for you to understand what exactly we mean when we say "X is Powerful, but don't nerf Y, buff Y so it's just as good as X." And if you're afraid of power creep, if Y ends up being better than X, you bring down Y slightly!!!!! Imagine that.

All that aside, in my opinion this is what most people want

  • The old Primary/Special/Heavy system. 2 Primaries is fucking boring.

  • Increased movement speed across the board for all classes. Bring back Warlock surfing, Titan skating (to a degree).

  • Decreased TTK in the crucible.

  • Increased ability recharge rate. People want to be able to use their supers more than once per match.

Yes, I know there are people who still play and love the game as it is, people who love the new Weapon system, and think the increased TTK makes for more teamwork oriented gameplay. But at the end of the day player population was never this low even during Destinys worst content drought because the PVP kept people playing. Trials blew up the destiny twitch directory every weekend. PVP was FUN!!![You took that away arrogant morons cause you wanted a "tactical" team shotting fuck fest so you could feel good about yourself for missing Golden Gun shots at a target standing still directly in front of you ](

Luminosity quit, Krafty quit, Goth quit, cause the sandbox just isn't fun. Sweats don't hold tournaments anymore, all so Weisnewski and the rest of the sandbox team could stroke their egos. If this next sandbox update doesn't bring major changes, I promise no amount of raid loot in the world will bring people back.

Edit: I know this comes off as aggressive and I'm sorry but I've been playing this game since Year 1 and I've first hand witnessed the ignorance of the Sandbox team. Nerf after nerf, destroying subclass after subclass, misinterpreting every piece of data they get, it's just become extremely aggravating. We've tried communicating with them constructively and look where that got us (Destiny 2).

Constructive Criticism that has gotten ignored by the sandbox team:

/u/Luminosity48, one of the best PVP players in the game wrote up this well developed essay on how to improve Destiny 2 PVP. It was ignored entirely.

/u/tripleWRECK has made countless YouTube videos and twitter posts, all have been ignored without even being acknowledged once by anyone from the sandbox team. His most recent alligns well with my post

/u/Pwadigy has an entire subreddit, /r/Pwadigy, composed of the amount of articles and essays he's posted providing constructive concise and respectful feedback on Destiny PVP. Not a single comment from the sandbox team.

And finally, heres a funny story for ya, during the first and only MLG event where the best Destiny players were invited by Bungie to compete competitively, SayWallahBruh, iDropzBodies, SirDimetrious, Luminosity all went around and gave constructive feedback to Derek Caroll and Lars Bakken on how they could improve Destiny PVP. They both flat out ignored everything suggested and in fact ended up doing the exact opposite of what the players asked.

Im not being harsh with Bungie on purpose. Im being harsh because being nice and constructive for 3 YEARS hasnt changed anything.

submitted by /u/fuckflame
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Updated printable Grimoire cards, (now including Rise of Iron)

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:05 AM PST

Back in early 2016, I posted a set of all Grimoire cards, (up to The Taken King), in a printable PDF format. After that I was feeling pretty burnt out on the project, so I never did the cards they added in Rise of Iron. And, well, now I have.

Secondly, (and I'm not sure if this is public knowledge), when Rise of Iron was released Bungie updated every single Grimoire card image hosted on their site. Most noticeably, they changed the shade of purple used on border of the legendary cards, but they also removed the "dirt" overlay from every single card. See example here. I've updated every card with the new images, for consistency.

So here they are, all 1332 Grimoire cards ready to be printed. Have fun!


Print friendly versions

The complete set of Grimoire cards, 3x3 grid layout on 8.5x11 inch pages

This will most likely be the easiest way to print a large number, (if not all), of the cards. Includes crop marks to indicate where you should cut the cards out from the page.

Only the cards added in Rise of Iron

For people who already printed the ones I put up back in 2016

Printable Grimoire book, 8.5x11 inch pages, 1/8th inch bleed

This version uses the same format as above, but I added a simple border around the cards on the page. Use this version if you'd prefer to not have the cards cut out from the pages. Includes 1/8th inch of bleed, (that is the part of the page that is meant to be trimmed off).

Individual cards, with bleed and crop marks

The front of the first card is page 1, and the back is page 2, etc., for all 1332 cards (2664 pages). Includes bleed and crop marks showing where to cut out each card. This adds a little more than 1/4 inch to each side of the cards.

Individual cards, with bleed

Same as above, but without the crop marks. The bleed is exactly 0.0833 inches on each side.


Digital only versions

Individual cards: PDF format

Grimoire book, 3x3 grid layout: PDF for-mat

This PDF is the same as the printable version, but without the 1/8 inches of bleed



Complete archive of Grimoire images

Link to my original 2016 post


So excited to have these finally finished! Thank you to everyone who enjoyed the last version of these I put up and encouraged me to finish them. Feel free to message me if you need any help or information about these.

submitted by /u/rustwoodstudios
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Bungie please remember, what kept Destiny 1 alive for 3 years was the gameplay.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:54 AM PST

There was a very good post/video by TripleWreck yesterday discussing the latest dev update by Christopher Barret for Destiny 2. I think most of you have seen it by now and the comments in that thread mostly show agreement.

It really pointed out one thing for me again that I was aware of before but never really pointed out.

Bungie does adress many issues that Destiny 2 currently has like the Eververse, lack of investment worth content and rewards, ranked play and so on.

Many players tho said that these changes aren't enough, that they only scratch the surface. Looking back at Destiny 1 we had issues of similiar size like the lackluster story, content droughts and many other things that were ultimately improvet over the games 3 years long history. Even though we had these problems most players in this sub still played the game for 3 years straight, going through major content droughts like in TTK or dealing with the poor DLCs that were TDB and HoW.

What kept us around and coming back was the core gameplay, it was shooting, movement, the amazing abilities and the weapon system. It was what made Destiny stand out from other shooters, what made Destiny feel fast paced and made players feel powerful.

Besides all it's problems this is what Destiny 1 has been praised for since vanilla launched, no matter if by players or mass media, one thing made this game stand out; the smooth gameplay.

And as we all know this aspect of the game is where Destiny 2 went under major changes; movement feels slow and sluggish, abilites feel weak and are rarely availible and the weapon choice has been cut down to having basicaly only acces to two primaries and sometimes a power weapon, which has formerly been two slots; special weapons and heavy weapons, with the former one being constantly accesible in both pve and pvp for most of Destiny 1's lifecycle.

I as many others don't enjoy playing this game currently and we miss it. The reason for this isn't the lack of grind or content or the major focus on the Eververse; it is the less fun gameplay, which is what defines the character of Destiny and how we play it.

So Bungie, if you really want to draw players back in and show that you are willing to realise mistakes then work on these things and also let us know. I know developing these new systems required alot of work and it might be a major kick in the nuts to see these things not being received well, but accepting that and working on what the community really calls for is what we need.

TL;DR: Focus future changes on gameplay, since that is what made Destiny 1 great and what is lacking in Destiny 2.

submitted by /u/kemorL95
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Armor in D2 currently serves no other purpose than being cosmetic

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:24 PM PST

The armor in D2 is in sad shape, pretty much a cosmetic feature right now. The present stats of Mobility, Resilience, Recovery (I couldn't even name them without looking them up) are completely forgettable and lackluster and need to be completely re-evaluated. There are so many new and interesting stats that could be introduced: jump height, sprint speed, increased health bars, health regeneration rate, orb production rate, increased shield bar, shield regeneration rate, elemental resistance, increased elemental damage, etc.– the options are endless.

In addition, raid and pvp specific perks have been lost. Bungie had already implemented this in the past (e.g. increased run speed when holding orb, increased damage to oracles etc.) why was this idea lost? Raid armor needs a well defined perk to aid the group in heroic mode (e.g. legs with increased run speed in the gauntlet, arms with increased damage against warbeast, chest providing increased stacks in baths encounter) are some examples; then logically the heroic mode needs to be adjusted to where each armor piece becomes vital to progression (heroic raid with decreased gauntlet time or increased run distance, heroic raid with increased warbeast health, and heroic raid quicker stack consumption in baths) each a scenario where the normal raid gear is almost certainly required to progress further. Set bonuses could provide another incentive to acquire the entire gear set.

The introduction of new stats and unique armor perks could revolutionize the gear chase, making armor more dynamic and diverse than ever!

submitted by /u/TrueDestinyFan1234
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Current PvP supers and ability cooldown were one of the worst changes D2 received (PvP feedback)

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:15 AM PST

Not a rant post but rather an analysis of the game current cooldowns compared to what it used to be on D1.


On Destiny 2, regardless of your skill you get your super ability averagely 2 minutes or less before the matches end. This leads the game to feel like a more generic shooter throughout a Pvp match until the final minutes of the game where everyone is rushing to use their super before the match ends. I honestly don't understand how this is better or an improvement to the crucible gameplay compared to what destiny 1 was.

Then there is D1. You could build your loadout to be more effective on certain areas. If you wanted to have a relatively short cooldown on your grenade or melee you could wear certain gear in order to achieve that. SKILLED players were rewarded since your super would charge very quickly since you would get super energy on every kill, meaning that if you were good in crucible you could use your super 2-3 times per game.

Subclasses skill trees are another aspect of the game that were stripped down from their uniqueness and player freedom. The game could have been in a better place if Bungie kept the same system and expanded on it instead of simplifying it.

submitted by /u/elscape13
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Should I just wait until fall 2018? Any incentive to play now?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 08:37 AM PST

Long time D1 player, quit D2 a while back for obvious issues. Any reason to come back at this time? Or should I just wait for fall 2018.

submitted by /u/Robb2030
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Bungie, take a risk and make big changes NOW. Don't spend 6 months testing them. Your at a point where you can say "we can't make it worse, let's try..."

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:39 AM PST

I am, like many other guardians, at a point of exhaustion. If I could go play "EAs Destiny like game" or "Ubisofts Destiny like game," I would, without hesitation. But, nothing exists that scratches the same itch that Destiny scratches. You're in a unique position right now with not "actual" competition.

Taking a risk and making big changes in the next month or so, would be more beneficial than waiting until E3 or worse yet, September. By that time there is a good chance that we will at the very least have new info on games that will shift our attention away from Destiny permenently.

You're at a fever pitch, you need a game changer asap. Is it, returning to 6v6? Is it, returning to primary/2nd/heavy? Is it, (inset top 10 reddit posts here)? It doesn't matter, just pick one and and get it into the game ASAP.

Even if it's partially done, just tell us.. and I'm sorry but I can't stress this enough TELL US! it's a work in progress. TELL US, "hey, here's feature "x" and we're going to put this in next week and continue to tweak it in the coming weeks. Let us know how it's working and we'll adjust accordingly." Most of us are smarter than you give us credit for.

Please, put some game changing features into the crimson days update. Do something crazy like "we're adding a sniper/fusion and shotgun that's equipable in your energy slot available at the gunsmith. For now these are the only 3 guns that can Equip in the energy slots, they have no perks, go try this in the raid, Crucible,etc and if you like it well merge energy and power. If not we'll remove those 3 guns and try something else..." Timing is important and you're running out of it.

Take. A. Risk.

Seriously, what do you have to lose right now?

submitted by /u/Fareo
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Scrap Auras and change them to Armor Effects similar to Halo Reach.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:48 AM PST

Instead of a weekly aura that resets weekly, Bungie should add armor effects to the aura slot. Remember those from Halo Reach? If not, an example would be an effect called "Heart Attack" where you would see hearts fly up from your body when you died. There were also ones that constantly had flames or lightning around your head/body. These would not only be good for eververse, but add them to end game rewards to show off what we have done, such as raids, trials, prestige nightfalls, etc. Would also like a free one for all veteran players so people would know who was a veteran in game like they promised.

submitted by /u/VII8NEIN
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Trials of Osiris elimination was vastly superior because of revives and 3v3 here’s why

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 08:21 AM PST

Ok Before everyone jumps down my throat I want to say I'm straight in love with this game and have been from the start.

I def want the special weapon back just like the rest of you but I feel like there is another huge layer of disappointment people aren't acknowledging. Its two parts but it's mainly the revive system. In d1 reviving a teammate was an art form. It required you to have knowledge of where your teammate went down and also your immediate danger being the opposing team. All this while trying to desperately push a player out from a res snipe and not get popped yourself. Another one of those hero moments if you will.

Now think to d2 that mechanic is almost completely removed. It's neutered to irrelevancy you are more then likely wasting your time going for them. 3v3 meant more one on ones and the ability to make bigger plays all while trying to help keep your teammates up.

Also 3v3 = < players = < dick holding

I can only hope with the shift away from teamshotting and addition of 6v6 I get some semblance of this glory back. When in reality I just want trials of Osiris and leave these two shitty game modes in comp or just turn it back on in d1. Sorry for the rant lemme know what you think.

submitted by /u/Aolinger5130
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[D1] Tyra Karn is selling a 105% Int/Dis Memory of Gheleon

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:22 AM PST

Gives you a great excuse to go back and bask in the glory and excitement of D1 PvP. Go grab it before reset!

submitted by /u/Guccillionaire
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I think we should get exotic perks for wearing full armor sets.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:11 AM PST

If I'm wearing a full armor set, say a full set of Dawning armor. I have no spot to put an exotic armor piece. But because I fulfilled a requirement of collecting the whole set and wearing it. I should be granted a perk in comparitive value exclusively to that armor set as a bonus set. Similar to obtaining perks for wearing matching set bonus in Diablo 3 and it feels unique to that set.

submitted by /u/levyjl1988
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I hope the Infinite Forrest will be heavily utilized in regard to the dev update

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:55 AM PST

I know it's been said before about under utilization of the Infinite Forrest, but with the recent Dev Update it seems this would be a perfect opportunity to re-introduce (certain) D1 exotic weapons and armor pieces via replaying missions from D1 by going into the past or creating new ideas for us to obtain things we've lost from D1 that made aspects of the gameplay so amazing (Fatebringer, Icebreaker, Universal Remote). It'd be a way to introduce returning to D1 planets to "hunt" for the Pre-red war relics. If the original locations were supposed to be in D2, maybe they still have the data or a way to add it in without too much time or complication (I know nothing of how game design works)

I'd really enjoy a quest line that takes some time to complete and has some interesting mechanics yet rewards me with an Icebreaker, or even a quest to go back into time to get the blueprint, return to the present and then acquire the technology to build the weapon (maybe tweak it a little bit to make a D2 version of Icebreaker and not give the sense we're just getting reskined D1 stuff)

I just see a lot of potential for this concept and hope it isn't overlooked or taken off the drawing boards.

submitted by /u/LastGuardianStanding
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Please stop asking “experienced players only” “must have emblem” if you don’t know how to do the raid.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:01 AM PST

Went to LFG sites recently and a lot of posts said "know what to do", "experienced only" "must have emblem" and spent hours trying to complete EoW because ran into three groups that clearly did not know what they were doing.

Please just be honest and say the truth. I don't mind helping a group. It's just that you go in with an expectation and seeing people rage quit because of this is just a waste of time for everyone.

submitted by /u/thedragonpr
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Crimson Days could have a fun mechanic similar to snowballs, but themed accordingly

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:02 AM PST

The Dawning event brought an interesting and fun mechanic: snowballs. We had snowballs in the Tower, in the Farm and in the world destinations. Snowballs were useful, throwing them at enemies could kill them or stun them.

With Crimson Days event coming next month, Bungie could add a similar mechanic: maybe hearts, flowers or cupid arrows. The effect on enemies could be turn them friendly for a while or until they die. They could attack our enemies and help us during patrols ans strikes. Useful and fun.

TL;DR: Snowballs were fun during Dawning, make another similar mechanic during Crimson Days.

submitted by /u/Andre_Luiz1969
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What are peoples thoughts and expectations for 'The Taken Queen'?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:32 AM PST

We all know something focused around Sava'thun is coming. But i've seen mixed reactions in terms of peoples concerns if it's too similar to TTK. But also others being excited because lets face it The Book Of Sorrows is the among the best lore in Destiny.

So what do people want to see from it and what would put you off of it?

Personally I'd be more than happy to go back to the Dreadnaught, so long as it's not just the same part as before. The Dreadnaught is huge and you could easily set the TTQ on it without reusing the same content, in the same way EDZ is still earth but different to D1 earth.

submitted by /u/stead10
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This video illustrates why we need armor perks, random rolls and sandbox changes all in one

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:58 AM PST

I stumbled across this today and thought it was a perfect example of how your armor and items affected your builds and play style and how faster ttk and abilities made the game much more enjoyable while still being tactical.

This is what we need. Build diversity, sandbox changes, perks that affect how you play.

submitted by /u/esoterikk
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Prestige raid should be more rewarding so it should drop two loots (Prestige and Normal) per encounter like in D1

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:10 AM PST

How many of you remember running VOG on hard mode and the Templar would possibly drop fatebringer and a set of boots that you were missing. For those that never played Destiny 1, running the raids on hard mode would drop 2 loots per encounter so examples: 2 weapon drops, 2 armor drop, 1 of each, or even 2 exotic drop. And Atheon could possibly drop ghorn and a vision of confluence. Bungie we want this back. You said you would make Prestige activities more rewarding. Give us 2 loot drop per encounter that we already had in D1. Also when is Prestige Eater of Worlds releasing?

"we are adjusting the rewards to ensure a Raid item drops from each major encounter" I'm hoping that is Bungie addressing it.

Example of 2 loots dropping should look like in hard/prestige activities:

submitted by /u/looney2388
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After completing The campaign on your first character you should be given the option to bring your 2 other characters to level 20 like the sparks of light

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:32 AM PST

Honestly I just tried to make a second character and I'm currently on Titan bored out my head I physically can't do this. I had a blast playing the first time but now it's just a chore. All I wanted was another class to play in pvp

submitted by /u/originolo
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Enemy personality would add depth to the game.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST

While playing Destiny 2, I can't help but feel giving personality to the smaller/less powerful characters would add a tremendous amount of depth to the story. Often, only the biggest, baddest, and most powerful characters have anything that resembles a personality.

In my opinion, giving some parts of the story to vandals, acolytes, goblins, psions, etc. would greatly deepen several aspects of the game. Firstly, it would help the players understand the dynamics and societies the enemies come from. Secondly, I believe that in the lore, some of these smaller interactions are the most meaningful. For instance, when cayde fights side by side with a fallen baroness. Lastly, giving these smaller characters a personality and a story, will fill a lot of the cracks in the storytelling we have seen so far. What I mean by this, is that we know that ghaul is a bad guy but are all his troops just as ruthless? For all I know the red legion could be a bunch of super nice guys with families. An excellent way to build up ghaul would have been to build up those under him. Unfortunately, the only way I know that the red legion is scary and ruthless is because Ikora said so.

To conclude, I believe that adding personality to the smaller and less powerful characters in the game will allow for a deeper understanding, meaningful interactions, and a more interesting plot/villain.

TLDR: giving the small guys like vandals a personality would make the story better and more interesting.

submitted by /u/deathbymemeinjection
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If Bungie was to literally convert D2 back into D1 and gave out a legacy DLC pack, would that be enough to make you excited to play daily/weekly again, if you don't anymore?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:56 PM PST

So I was thinking about why me and my girlfriend don't play Destiny anymore, and whilst we used to smash Destiny 1 weekly, sometimes daily too, we just don't even bother with Destiny 2. It's not the same. And whilst change is great in a lot of ways, the direction of D2 was definitely not one of those.

Anyways, I asked her what she missed the most and she listed off things that I've read so frequently here that people don't like. She also said she missed some of the older missions, strikes and raids, but then she said this; "Honestly, I'd be happy if they just cloned how D1 plays, replaced the new system with the old, so it all just feels like a big D1 expansion, not a sequel with all the good stuff cut out."

Now don't get me wrong, I know not everyone will like this, but if Bungie were to literally revert everything about the engine, and how the game plays, back to D1 and brought out a free legacy Expansion pack (Free? Hey a man can dream haha) of the most popular missions, strikes and maybe 2 raids from D1, with a new light level, maybe 500? So we have a lot to work through. Updated rewards such as classic weapons, armour, ghost shells, sparrows, ships, emotes and emblems from D1 and gave weekly legacy raids, classic weekly nightfalls, strikes and daily missions with burns and stupidly hard buffs. Prison of Elders! Collectable Bounties! Trials being fun again!

This would legitimately become D1. Classic weapon system, with heavy and secondary returning, even moving shotguns and snipers back to secondaries. Classic abilities system, with classic abilities coming back (cough, cough Radiance) Literally everything back to how it was, with popular old content coming back and the newer stuff being adjusted to fit into the original formula. Everything would feel as good, or bad, as it did in D1.

Yes, whilst this will never happen, Would that be enough for you to get excited and start playing this game again?

I'm really interested to see what you guys have to say.

EDIT: "Was" in the title should have been "were". Oops haha

submitted by /u/DCHD
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Mods, where's the Brother Vance Uganda Knuckles flair?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:38 AM PST

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