Dead by Daylight N E R F E V E R Y T H I N G |
- N E R F E V E R Y T H I N G
- I tried to give Myers a free hit at the exit. As a Myers main, I should have known better.
- First game since my DBD break and I Just got killed by this legend
- Making different survivors play differently.
- This community in a nutshell part 2
- Dead By Daylight: Casefile | THE NURSE
- "Dead by 80's" 1980's Style DBD Theme [Music]
- Never had this happen to me after a post game chat of salt
- It's this new thing called Total Situational Awareness
- How to manipulate the bloodweb (TydeTyme)
- As a newbie killer, I found after rank 18, every match is a flashlight fest that throws me back to the start again
- Can we at least remove Player Names/profiles from the pre game lobby?
- Anyone else feeling a little apprehensive about the upcoming 'Chapter'?
- P4-P5-P6 suggestion.
- 199 Hours played and I bring 2 Killer/Survivor Concepts!
- To the Freddy I just played...
- Playing Killer is so painful...
- Jake mains when somedody goes down near a hook that they saboed.
- Picture of Ace and Quentin going for the chest in the basement.
- The next chapter could in theory come this week
- The Leaked Chat Logs of the Killers!
- Dead by Daylight Desktop Background | 1920 x 1080
- I'm torn when it comes to delaying content so it can be released on all platforms at the same time.
- 2 minutes 35 seconds.
Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:35 AM PST
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I tried to give Myers a free hit at the exit. As a Myers main, I should have known better. Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:35 AM PST
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First game since my DBD break and I Just got killed by this legend Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:53 AM PST
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Making different survivors play differently. Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:41 AM PST As of right now, survivors are just skins. They all play the same. There is no benefit to playing one survivor over another aside from how well their textures blend into the terrain. When Freddy was released, people actually cared, since he was something new and different. When Quentin was released, people skimmed his perks and moved on. To fix this, I think each survivor should have an innate perk that comes with an innate downside. The perk is upgraded when you prestige your survivor. Dwight Fairfield, the Nervous Leader Dwight is our basic survivor, a team player who cracks under pressure. +3/4/5/6% action speed. -2/2.6/3.3/4% action speed for every dead survivor. Meg Thomas, the Energetic Athlete Meg is the best survivor in a chase, but can be a liability when it comes to actually getting the gates open. +0.12 m/s (3.75%) sprint speed in chase. Lasts for the first 30/40/50/60 seconds of chase in the trail. -20% skill check success zone size. As you use up your empowered sprint, skill checks get even smaller, up to a 60% reduction when the full sprint duration has been consumed. Claudette Morel, the Studious Botanist Claudette is our medic. Unfortunately for her allies, Claudette is only a student; she doesn't quite have it down yet. While standing in tall grass, Claudette will store one charge of medicinal herbs every 6/5/4/3 seconds, up to 6 charges. These charges can be expended to heal herself or another survivor as though she were using a med-kit. Using these herbs comes at a risk. On consuming a charge, there is a 6% chance that the survivor being healed will be poisoned, applying one random debuff temporarily. Jake Park, the Solitary Survivalist Jake is DBD's rogue class. He has access to more information than the other survivors, but isn't very good at dealing with those other survivors. Whenever noise is made, the aura of the source is revealed to Jake (12/8/4/0 second CD). Jake receives an 8% action speed penalty per nearby ally, doubled if they are involved in the same action. Nea Karlsson, the Urban Artist Nea is DBD's scout. She can signal her allies, but can't hide the signals from the enemy. Nea can place up to 1/2/3/4 marks on the ground with her trusty paint can. The auras of these marks are visible globally to both survivors and the killer. Survivors can additionally see any players/objects within 8 meters of the mark. William "Bill" Overbeck, the Old Soldier Bill is for the player who refuses to leave anyone behind. Bill can pick up a dying survivor and carry them at 75/77.5/80/82.5% speed, and gains a 3% speed boost after unhooking/healing an ally. Bill cannot leave the trial until all other non-Bill survivors have either escaped or been killed. David King, the Rugged Scrapper David is always up for a fight. Against these monsters, the outcome is all but certain, but that doesn't bother him none. Once per trial, David can punch the killer by pressing M1, stunning them for 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds. Doing so breaks his hand, disabling further punching and reducing his action speeds by 30% for the remainder of the trial. Laurie Strode, the Determined Survivor Laurie is for the greedy player. If you're looking out for yourself and yourself alone, Laurie's your gal. The entity whispers to Laurie if she is within 70 meters of the hatch (or where it will spawn if it hasn't yet). For every dead survivor, this radius is decreased by 8/10/12/14 meters. Ace Visconti, the Lucky Gambler Ace is all about calculated risk. Ace has a lucky coin, which he can flip to gamble with the entity on a 6 second CD. If it comes up heads, the killer's aura is revealed to Ace for 12 seconds. If it comes up tails, Ace's aura is revealed to the killer until Ace can get the coin to come up heads. Feng Min, the Focused Competitor Feng is DBD on hard mode. Feng does not receive "Good" skill check zones, and "Great" skill check zones have their size reduced by 20%. Great skill checks grant an additional 1/2/3/4% progression, but failed skill checks cause an additional 5% regression. Quentin Smith, the Resolute Dreamwalker Quentin is our resident scavenger, getting himself the items he needs to escape and arming his team in the process. Quentin can hold up to 2/2/3/3 items at a time, though he incurs a 1% movement speed penalty for each item past the first. Additionally, he can search through "empty" chests and lockers, with a 10/15/15/20% chance of finding an item (one search per container). Quentin is kept awake by drugs. He starts the trial with 3 pills, which is the maximum he can carry. He's guaranteed to find one pill in each chest, and lockers have a 20% chance to spawn pills. Consume a pill to become drugged for 90 seconds. If Quentin is not drugged, he has a 20% action penalty and is exposed. [link] [comments] | ||
This community in a nutshell part 2 Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:25 AM PST
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Dead By Daylight: Casefile | THE NURSE Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:27 PM PST
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"Dead by 80's" 1980's Style DBD Theme [Music] Posted: 13 Jan 2018 04:14 PM PST
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Never had this happen to me after a post game chat of salt Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:21 AM PST
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It's this new thing called Total Situational Awareness Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:01 PM PST
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How to manipulate the bloodweb (TydeTyme) Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:57 AM PST Learnt a lot from the video thought others would too. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:53 AM PST So I decided I won't use flashlight when I play as a survivor, like ever. [link] [comments] | ||
Can we at least remove Player Names/profiles from the pre game lobby? Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:25 PM PST Just got Tunneled and Chainsaw Rev Facecamped by a Leatherface who was holding a grudge from losing to me last week, as long as i'm supposedly not supposed to use MLGA or have any way to dodge someone like this who's clearly gearing to ruin my game from the getgo, May we instead just not show names to the Killer in pre game lobby so they can't do shit like that? [link] [comments] | ||
Anyone else feeling a little apprehensive about the upcoming 'Chapter'? Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:21 AM PST I mean, there's always a bit of an uproar every time a new chapter hits. That's a given. But, given what happened when the 'Nightmare on Elm Street' first came out and the utter bedlam that ensued.. It leaves me feeling a bit worried. Now it's entirely possible that I'm worrying over nothing. But at the same time I just have that niggling concern sitting at the back of my mind about this topic. Anyone else feeling the same way? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:47 PM PST So you know how evey survivor has 2 sets of outfits by default right?(the ones that are currently prestige-able and the ones that aren't but are there by default) Well how about we make those p4 p5 and p6? Example:feng has her "gamer" outfit for her prestige right now.well how about we make her casual outfit prestige-able? 👈👈 [link] [comments] | ||
199 Hours played and I bring 2 Killer/Survivor Concepts! Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:50 AM PST Well, since my last post seemed to be so popular, I decided I was going to take the time to try and present more possibilities for perks, powers, concepts, the whole shebang! This time, I have 2 different Killers, and 2 different Survivors. Each one has some half-baked ideas, and hopefully you guys enjoy each one, if only for one or two things (whether it's a perk, or part of their story)... Killer 1: John "The Warlock" Willowstead: Hope was something that everyone had, in some form or another. In the village of Willowstead, John was the son of the seemingly-incompetent mayor. Necessities and entertainment were rare in the wilderness-hidden set of log cabins, leaving minds to wander and purposes to oftentimes seem fleeting. Rituals that were almost tribal in nature took place on a weekly basis, underneath the town hall. Children were considered 'innocent' and excluded from such as they were left to play with dogs and other pets. For most of his youth, he had as close to a 'normal' life as one could hope for. In the midst of his naive youth, two of his older friends had come to him, pressuring John to 'sneak' his way into adulthood. "Make a contract!" was all they challenged him to do, thrusting a yellowed piece of parchment into his face that would be treated as law in their community. Feeble ties of friendship were no match for the sudden harsh bullying he endured for nearly a month before he caved in. Unable to fully read the entirety of the document, the mayor's child had willingly signed away his soul, told that his 'sacrifice' would bring his parents long life together. Although his harassment had immediately stopped, and he never had to witness the result of his ignorant contract, John felt that an unnerving presence watched over his household at night since then. Although his mother sought to stay close to and shelter the young man even as he aged into adulthood, the mayor of the town had eventually introduced him to what the village saw as their source of weekly bounty. Long after-hours underneath the hall that he was once excluded from as a child, he witnessed an ancient tomb that his own town was built-upon. An underground altar caked with more blood and melted wax than he ever thought possible. And atop the altar now, a man he had never heard or seen before screaming harsh words at the villagers gathered around him. Words in another language were fluently spoken from John's father, and the visitor was silenced: A bloodied pipe as tall as a person thrust into the heart. A single year of this suddenly brutal addition to his life had worn down hope for the future from John's eyes, as he was forced to learn about sacrifices and how each method of execution benefited the entirety of the world. As a child, the charm of becoming an adult seemed as though it would have so many more things to do than treat other humans as livestock. At the end of the year, he was called once more - To ascend his father's shadow and become the new High Priest of the village - The next mayor, by outsider's standards. The ritual this time was to put his own family upon the altar, ensuring that there would only ever be one leader as John had been taught all there was to the village's secrets. In a sudden tear-filled tantrum, he echoed out in the subterranean cavern that a sacrifice had already been made - And with a swing of the cast-iron pipe, every candle within the room had gone out, plunging the ritual chamber into pitch-black darkness. John Willowstead, the next owner of the Willowstead village, had disappeared. The only survivors of the massacre to-date were an elderly couple, their eyes permanently blinded with hot wax. Weapon: Pipe Staff A lengthy cast-iron pipe given from the old High Priest, the welded figurine at its end has been twisted and crackles with the Entity's influence. Power: Entity's Touch Devout worship had allowed John to not only become embraced by the Entity without disfiguring, but to also be granted a unique bond and limited use of its power. Allows the ability to interact with objects of interest using Entity's Energy. Start with 2 Entity's Energy. Interacting costs 1 energy, however Energy is fully replenished at Hooks, at the cost of destroying the hook unless it is located in the basement.
Survivor 1: June Reywin: Fairly well-known yet ignored by the world, most carnivals held dark secrets. When supplies ran low, June never questioned what was the so-called 'secret ingredient' was in her facepaint. At least, not until her pet rabbit went missing. Perhaps it was learning the truth that made her realize just how sheltered she was, or just the conflict now bringing up thoughts of all the day-to-day customers who explored the outside world, but it was then that the clown-faced entertainer donned her finest and perhaps final layer of makeup, and made a grand escape through blowing out the encampment's spotlights during the Grand Finale. Since that day, she had fled into the nearby forest, with none daring to come after. June had mastered the art of operating and maintaining primitive machinery even in her childhood thanks to the availability of it around her. Dense fog and foreboding debris oddly cheered up the young woman who was used to bright colors fencing her in. Cautious as ever, June's past and present experience have taught her the importance of utilizing once-frivolous skills in unique ways. While she may no longer have remained the subject of entertaining other people, there was still an act going on that she was a part of. After all, "The show must go on."
Killer 2: Kendra "The Banshee" Ashlen: In the midst of the holidays, Kendra was a cherished woman within the city. Having dealt with impatient and impolite customers and violent drunks who reminded her of a man no longer in her life, not once had her pleasant facade faltered - It was just part of this time of year, she told herself. Everyone would return back to normal, and things would become simpler again. The neighbors thought it a true shame however when she never returned to her apartment the day before the peak of festivities, leaving her only child unattended during the holiday. Once the Entity had its grasp on her, Kendra initially refused the idea of staying as a pawn - subsequently facing her first trial and thinking it was her one and only... Only to awake around a campfire far more familiar to others, by herself. Her frustrated impatience proved to be her greatest strength as well as her weakness, for each trial she faced after her first showed how efficiently she could maintain the generators by herself, only to become so engrossed in her work as to be pulled from the machinery and offered again and again to the malevolent presence. Time and time again her continued sacrifice proved to be the source of hope for the others within the fog, though as the Entity took from her, spite took its place. Eventually, as she closed her eyes while swinging from a basement hook expecting the inevitable, her shallow breathing remained uninterrupted. Surprised, Kendra hesitantly opened her eyes: The entity's claws had hovered around her body sensing her acceptance of defeat, and waited for... something. Soon, the sounds of hurried footsteps had passed, and the trial was over. Despite her peers and their pursuer having left the area, she remained alone, growing increasingly bitter at the selfish desires to survive only for themselves. That last night within the trial had left her body beaten - and even while she was tortured as the Entity sought every drop of positive emotion within, she had accepted her own hopeless conditions, as well as retained her own twisted pride: She would escape, not out of survival or self-preservation, but out of rage and spite towards everyone. Even if she had to do it in another's body. Weapon: Spirit Claws Condensing her corporeal form into her fingertips, Kendra is able to slash through flesh, bone and soul. Power: Spite's Call Allows the killer to disperse their corporeal form to inhabit a weakened survivor.
Survivor 2: Carl Ashlen: Left behind by a neglectful mother and nonexistent father, Carl was thankfully adopted by a friendly neighbor. Full of optimism despite his less-than-ideal circumstances, the young man's idealistic tendencies grew up increasingly adaptive to the urban lifestyle. Consorting with few and trusting fewer, without a proper bloodline of relatives it was easy to succumb to the cruel and hard methods used by smaller gangs to acquire what they needed to survive. Not Carl though - He worked with his own small crew in the dead of the night to secure the means of living tomorrow. When his latest job involved him stripping a car to salvage valuable parts to sell to a junkyard, an unexpected turn down a dark alley turned into the new start of an experience he would never forget...
Well, this concludes my concepts - I apologize for misspelling or improper grammar, but this was hell to re-read through time and time again. [link] [comments] | ||
To the Freddy I just played... Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:28 AM PST Please pay attention to whether the person you are chasing is asleep or not. Because I wasn't. And if you didn't realize that, I can kind of understand why you DC'd after I took you on an endless tour of Haddonfield while you made swipey knife-hands noises behind me the whole way. I guess the last straw was when I used the proximity of your swipey knife-hands noises to smash a pallet over your head... oops. [link] [comments] | ||
Playing Killer is so painful... Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:51 AM PST
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Jake mains when somedody goes down near a hook that they saboed. Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:38 PM PST
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Picture of Ace and Quentin going for the chest in the basement. Posted: 13 Jan 2018 06:30 PM PST
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The next chapter could in theory come this week Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:32 AM PST It's coming before the emblems do, and I've been getting the impression that they're just about done with the emblems. So that must mean that the new chapter is coming very soon. How soon? How about this week? :D I'm probably wrong, but I'm allowed to dream. [link] [comments] | ||
The Leaked Chat Logs of the Killers! Posted: 13 Jan 2018 04:48 PM PST See the first leaked chat log of the Dead By Daylight killers! More to come in due time. [link] [comments] | ||
Dead by Daylight Desktop Background | 1920 x 1080 Posted: 13 Jan 2018 07:06 PM PST
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I'm torn when it comes to delaying content so it can be released on all platforms at the same time. Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:56 PM PST My happy side is happy that we all get to experience the new content simultaneously with nobody left to wait, but my angry side is angry that the devs are holding back something that is for all intents and purposes finished because Sony and MS have stupidly long approval processes. How do you guys feel? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:36 PM PST how can a game even go that fast? 4 gens done withen 1 minute 25, then last minute was the last gen, and then door done 15, and game ended. i got 1 hook after the 4th gen was popped, rescued, borrowed time, last gen Popped, and blamo games over. i could'nt even play that round O.o did'nt even think it was possible to end that quickly.... what even. [link] [comments] |
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