Dead by Daylight Weekly No Stupid Questions Thread - January 08, 2018

Weekly No Stupid Questions Thread - January 08, 2018

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:14 AM PST

Welcome newcomers to the fog! Here you can ask any sort of questions about Dead by Daylight, from gameplay mechanics to the current meta and strats for certain killers / survivors / maps / what have you.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread;

  • Top-level comments must contain a question. No 'complaint' questions (questions which aim to complain about an issue rather then ask for help)
  • No tech support questions; wait for Tech Support Weekend.
  • Rule 5 and Rule 6 will be more strictly enforced in this thread. We want to be welcoming to newcomers to the game.
  • Don't spam the thread with questions; try and keep them contained to one comment.
  • Check before commenting to make sure your question hasn't been asked already.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I did this to thank my 200 followers on Instagram, thought you guys might like the chibi killer cuteness.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:21 AM PST

When the NOED hits

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:35 AM PST

just another meme

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:12 AM PST

The "GG EZ, Get Good Scrub" Starter Pack

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:11 AM PST

Insane Hacking Nurse

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 10:31 PM PST

Probably a Repost - Funny video I show friends to get them interested in DBD

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:21 AM PST

Hillbilly vs Hill��illy

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:37 AM PST

Are any other killer mains still having fun?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:32 AM PST

I can't imagine that I'm the only one asking this question lately, and match after match, I'm slowly starting to wonder if this is just a vain attempt to at least validate the purchase of this game and 3 different DLCs.

Lately my games have been nothing short of wildly cancerous and one-sided. Repeatedly, I end up on the receiving end of teams with coordination so impeccable that before I can even down 1 player they've already popped 3 generators. Teams that seem to be an average of 6-10 ranks higher than me (rank 14 killer), with purple gear and addons, and a collective playtime of 2.5k hours or more.

Of the last 20 games that I've played, I've maybe averaged about 11k bloodpoints per match. Of those 20 games, 4 of them were complete steamrolls or turned into a farming session when 2 or more survivors disconnected. The rest of my matches have been against people who are clearly outside of my skill level, resulting in matches where I feel like I have to panic and scramble to at least walk away with enough points to buy a brown offering.

This isn't even to speak of the constant disregard for me as a person, let alone a player, that always follows in the post-game lobby when I DO manage to have a decent game. Hate and spite, all for simply trying to be the "other side" in this wildly asymmetrical game.

I'm not here to promote a pity party or piss and moan about the nature of balance, but I do want to know what other killer mains think about this.

submitted by /u/BearlyHereatAll
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The beauty of Ranks 10-12

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:54 AM PST

This ranking season, I decided to try a bunch of new killers, and I ranked and deranked a lot because of it, so instead of my usual thing of spending no more than a couple of matches in the green ranks before progressing to the purples, I spent a LOT of time in these ranks, and it is SOO REFRESHING.

This is because the playstyle at this rank is so completely different from playstyles at Rank 1. Survivors who hang around this rank are not good enough to be pro pallet loopers who you can't mindgame, but they're not noobs who hide 2m away from a gen either. At these ranks, most of my games I have to deal with stealth ninjas who dont leave a single scratch mark so it becomes a game of hide and seek instead of lemme chase you for 5 minutes, making when I find them even more satisfying, since I know I can get an easy kill once I spot them. 10/10 would Rank 10 again.

edit: from survivor perspective: I didnt play as much survivor, so got stuck in these ranks as surv too for some time. Mindnumbingly horrible. No thanks, I prefer my altruistic Rank 1s lol.

submitted by /u/shilpskidoodles
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Dead by Daylight: The Lamb to the Slaughter Chapter

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 11:23 PM PST

Chapter Image

NEW KILLER— The Butcher
"Another beast has entered the Entity's cruel arena. Like two of the others, he also hungers for our flesh. But his blows are well-measured, as if he was preparing the perfect cut of beef. This is a monster who knows how to butcher us well. I only hope I can save myself from becoming its next meal."-Unknown

Shimori Eigo was, to many, just your regular butcher. From his butcher shop, the large man served the freshest meat around, and the people loved hi for it. But when the night fell, his second job began. From a young age, he worked alongside the yakuza to get rid of the bodies of their enemies. He never asked them who the body belonged to, and they never asked what he did with them. But as time went on, the people of his hometown began to wonder how a butcher shop could have so much meat without a single delivery truck visiting it. One poor fool soon learned the secret, but Eigo would not let him escape. The chase led them into a nearby forest, where the twists and turns made the butcher's head spin and his prey escape. That dark, foggy night, Eigo accepted that the truth would soon be known, and decided to take his own life.
As blood seeped from the gash he inflicted onto his neck, a chill went down his spine. It was not the beckoning call of death that caused it. No, this was something far darker. But as it spoke, Eigo's heart calmed. Yes, this was not the end for him. After all, he now had an eternal client who demanded only the freshest of meat.

WEAPON: Butcher's Cleaver—A well-kept cleaver sharp enough to cut through bone.
BASE SPEED: 110% | 4.4m/s
POWER: Butcher's Hook—Losing his prey in life has taught The Butcher how to wrangle even the most slippery of meat. Those caught in the bloody hook will quickly be drawn back into The Butcher's eager grasp. Grants the ability to grab survivors from a distance, up to 40 meters.
* When a survivor is grabbed by Butcher's Hook, they are stunned for 1 second and dragged back to within 5 meters of The Butcher. After a successful hook, the hook will be unusable for 30 seconds.
* If a throw is missed, the hook will be unusable for 5 seconds and The Butcher is moderately slowed.
* If a survivor is hooked and hits something that prevents them from being dragged to within 5 meters of The Butcher, then the hook will break. When the hook is broken, the Survivor will be damaged by one health state, and the hook will be unusable for 60 seconds.

Hex: Metekketsu (Eye-Gouging)
A hex that hinders one's vision. This Hex Totem will not activate until a survivor is hit, at which point hitting a survivor will affect their vision, preventing them from seeing beyond a 40/30/20 meter ring. This status effect is cleared from a survivor when they are hooked and cleared for all affected survivor when the associated Hex Totem is cleaned.

Evil Hungers
The fresh offerings given to the Entity have please it enough to reward you improved aura reading abilities. Upon hooking a survivor, the aura of all survivors within a 25/35/45 meter range of the hook is revealed for 4 seconds. Striking a survivor revealed by Fresh Meat will provide a one-time 5%/10%/15% stackable Bonus to all Bloodpoint gains. The Bonus Bloodpoints are only awarded post-trial.

Fresh Meat
The drive to butcher the survivors pushes you to move faster. Each time after using your power, gain a 10%/15%/20% speed increase for 3 seconds. The timer is reset each time you use your power.

NEW SURIVOR— Hanagami Hajime
"While wandering the hellscape of the trials, I discovered a new victim of the Entity. He looks like a coward, but there's something about him that's simply unsettling. When he looked my way, I felt the same fear in my heart that I felt when facing one of those murderous beasts. As he scampered away into the fog, I silently hoped that he makes it through this. If he's this terrifying as a normal person, I shudder to think what he could become..." -Unknown

Hajime has always been loyal to the local yakuza, and quickly joined them upon reaching the proper age. He has done many terrible things to people he would argue did not deserve it. But his love for the clan was worth more than his conscience, so he acted with little mercy. Hajime's only weakness was his curiosity, which was something his superiors warned him would get him killed. Had he listened to their advice, he would have never seen what the town's butcher did with the bodies. He would have never figured that the meals the man would bring them were the very same people they had asked him to clean up. He vomited upon that realization, which revealed him to the butcher. Running for his life, he hid in the nearby forest, even more of a maze in that foggy night. Though he lost sight of the butcher, Hajime also lost sight of his town. As he struggled to find his way out, he heard a voice call to him. At first, it was a welcoming one. But as images of brutality began to fill his mind, Hajime became scared of it. He feared what this voice was trying to turn him into. So he ran again, He ran and ran until, somehow, he found himself by the side of a campfire...

Izanami's Blessing
You curry the favor of death even in this godless realm. Upon being hooked three times instead of being immediately sacrificed, a 20/25/30 second bleed-out timer will trigger. If the timer runs out or if you are hooked a fourth time, you are immediately sacrificed. Borrowed Time will not activate if you have Izanami's Blessing.

Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
Your menacing presence hides you from the killer and scares your fellow survivors away. All aura reading abilities are ignored when within a(n) 35/45/infinite range of the killer, but produce a terror radius 10m large/20m large/equal to the killer upon this perk activating. This perk also hides your aura when downed or hooked after activating.

Touched by Evil
You open your mind to the Entity and awaken an unknown strength within you. All stuns are increased by 2/3/4 seconds but you are unsaveable by the other survivors for 30/60/infinite seconds upon this perk first activating. Decisive Strike will not activate if you have Touched by Evil.

Realm—Yomi Village
This small town was always ignored, having always lived within the shadows of the forest that surround it. Though never really welcoming, it has always hidden its true face behind a mask. But in the Entity's realm, that mask is shattered and the dark truth of the town is laid bare. The homes are old and dilapidated, and the streets are exposed to the hellish landscape just beyond the town's walls. The key piece of this realm is the butcher shop, the freezer containing the rotting corpses of those sent to the butcher to be erased.

submitted by /u/EchelonEK
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The best times as killer is when you have all the chaos of 4 survivors surrounding 1 hook.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:31 AM PST

Maybe camping is frowned upon and also hook diving but these 2 things bring me my best most exhilarating times on this game. I love it when a survivor gets on the hook after flash attempts, body blocks and they all hang around for the borrowed time save. Someone on the hook someone slugged others healing or trying to bait away. These are the best most tense moments in the game and I love it.

submitted by /u/BreddaCroaky
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New Killer Idea: Helen Keller

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 10:52 PM PST

Powers: can see slightly better than Freddy

submitted by /u/GunsBeersTitties
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Calling all trappy-boy mains

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:00 AM PST

What is the most ridiculous match you have had with your traps?

submitted by /u/Subzero3846
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Finally complete

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:03 PM PST

WTF IS GOING ON (Glitchiest game ever)

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:48 PM PST

give killers a wave emote

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 11:42 PM PST

so I recently got incredibly bored of playing survivor (almost 400 hours of 100% survivor gameplay) so I decided to play killer. I found it incredibly fun, I wasn't even that bothered by survivors that were clearly trying to bully me and I even got a bunch of 3Ks and 4Ks. and what I noticed I wanted was, when I was clearly beaten, I wanted to wave at the survivors at the exitgate. kind of as a way to say "yes, you're safe, whatever, now get the fuck out of my game, please, I want to move on". plus, I think it would be kind of funny if someone that's been trying to kill you all game just sort waves at you at the exitgate lol.

I mean some jackass is going to facecamp you and keep waving at you as he does it, I'm sure, but we can't win em all.

(tagged as shitpost because even I don't know if I'm serious I just thought this would be funny)

submitted by /u/silverhairedqueen
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When you open a locker to refill your hatchets but find a survivor inside

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 01:59 PM PST

Let's talk about the killer pip system

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:31 AM PST

I feel like this is an issue people probably have some good things to say about, but I haven't seen a discussion thread in a bit and wanted to bring it up.

It's kind of weird that you can hook every player 2 times but only safety pip. Meanwhile, the incentive to camp is really strong when you hook someone the second time because you get so much progress toward a pip when they get sacrificed.

Also there's the fact that the pip system for killer is invisible and you have to look at the wiki to even understand how it works, at least survivor points are displayed prominently at the end.

Given that there is already strategic value in killing players (much easier to play as killer against fewer survivors), I think the current system rewards camping/tunneling a bit too much and punishes actually hunting for survivors actively a bit too much.


submitted by /u/mistermoo33
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All Survivor Mains need To Read This.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:01 PM PST

I've been playing a lot of Dead By Daylight since I started streaming. I've mained killer since I started playing but dabble in survivor as well. Yesterday I had a game where I didn't get a single hook until just as the last gen was finished. Thankfully NOED just kicked in and as they ran to try and dive the hook, I immediately knocked one down and was able to keep control of the hooked and down survivor. Once the first died, the second was hooked and NOED was cleansed just before.

Then the third hero of the day decided to try and save their friend. This time I knocked them down and tried to carry them to a hook but they broke free as I was no where near a hook. Thankfully they stepped into a trap (I was playing Trapper obviously) seconds after escaping and as the fourth survivor tried to save the hooked boi, he died. So that left an easy cleanup on the third.

Three sacrifices when I really shouldn't have had more than one. But these boys couldn't handle losing one and lost three in their recklessness. After game, two of the dead boys visit my stream (They and myself both have our Twitch names in our Steam names) and proceed to complain how I was camping and that I should have left him. I argued that the doors were open and I didn't have any other objectives but to get kills. They began to complain and saying I should leave them and try to get points elsewhere, that camping once the doors are open is a stupid idea and wasting my time.

I just lost it. I couldn't understand how some survivors can be so entitled. They act as if I should just let them leave once the gens are powered and the game is over. These streamers were MUCH bigger than I. 10x the concurrent viewers easily. I just don't understand why so people are such goddamned poor sports. You fucked up. You tried to be a hero and couldn't just leave but you have to try and save your buddy. Don't. Just leave.

Just. Leave.


Edit: Spelling

submitted by /u/TLTHawkston
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Lobby simulator 2018

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:51 AM PST

Just came back from a few weeks break after the reset. Let me preface this by stating I only wear prestige gear on my megs legs. I hold no items

Experience so far:

Killer dodged, Killer dodged, Waited in lobby for ages then killer dodged, killer dodged when badham preschool came up, Killer dodged, Killer dodged, Killer dodged, Killer dodged, Killer dodged

To be fair, in two of the dodges, a pair of SWF popped into the lobby. Sorry to waste your time with this post, I'm headed back to the long dark

submitted by /u/asksfordickpic
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Daily rewards

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:33 AM PST

so theres a trash can to the bottom right of every daily reward, it probably means that you can skip it. but it doesnt work. it didnt work since i bought the game in june. anyone has the same problem? and does anyone know how to fix it because i aint playing shitty wraith

submitted by /u/RS6Teemohitr
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What is up with the queue times?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:59 AM PST

Me and my 2 friends just seem unable to find a game at around rank 12-15 and i dont mean get into a lobby and get kicked. just actually not finding a game. with 16k people currently playing and a sale having been so close id guess there would be more people but is something wrong? its been 25+minutes now

edit: a word and formatting

submitted by /u/Ayolia
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I enjoy the game until i reach the top ranks (surv./killer)

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:04 PM PST

Now i'm rank 1 on both and just waiting for the reset since the matches are not fun at all. Will try not to rank so much from now on, doesn't worth it.

submitted by /u/MrHandos
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