PUBG Xbox Game Preview Patch Notes #4

Xbox Game Preview Patch Notes #4

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:03 AM PST

Garbage Boy uses his special technique to hid from stronger men.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:19 AM PST

Eliminating competition before the match has even started

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:02 AM PST

While jumping, when changing seats on the bike with a sidecar you instantly break and fall like a feather

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:19 AM PST

pubg irl

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 05:18 PM PST

Lately the player server positioning is really off sometimes

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:09 AM PST

Solution to slow down hackers, Prime.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:55 AM PST

Idea to help slow down hackers is to do what CSGO does and have prime accounts, where a player will match their phone number to the account. If the account gets banned that phone number is no longer useful. All accounts on prime are directed to a prime type server (no difference in stability/performance)

I know it's not an end all solution, but it's a start.

submitted by /u/Zagwyn
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I didn’t notice this guy until I watched the replay.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:07 AM PST

Me and my friends got a bit lucky when searching for scopes

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:32 AM PST

Flanking and punching the last guy to death in squads.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:21 AM PST

Santa Shroud comes to florida.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:34 AM PST

Why does this game use 100% of your GPU power in the lobby screen?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:39 AM PST

On top of that it doesn't even use 100% while actually playing the game... Is this normal because it heats up my system and uses a lot of power for just a menu/lobby. Anyone else with this problem or a possible fix?

submitted by /u/Axletraz
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I guess I'm blind

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:51 AM PST

Of the top 30 posts currently in this sub 15 are about cheating. When is something going to be done? Is anyone at Bluehole even reading this or listening?

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 08:05 PM PST

Seriously the game is going down the toilet. We need urgent action. Imagine if every second game in League or Dota you got hackers? The game would go extinct overnight. They're forcing us real players to cohabitate with these hackers because it makes them money. Infuriating.

submitted by /u/vidyagames
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Map Idea: A Vietnam style thick Jungle map would be so much fun!

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:43 AM PST

I mean even if it was a 50 player map that would be awesome. No real long lines of sight so lots of weapons would be viable. Plus with all that cover it could be guerilla warfare to the max. Could you imagine a ghillie suit too? You would be invisible! Hell give us some old weapons used by the vietcong too, so many opportunities with maps they can throw out for us to play on.

submitted by /u/Boopinthesnoot
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I submitted 2 cheaters report through the new reporting portal PUBG advertised. This is the answer I got.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:47 AM PST

The truth of online game cheating

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:44 AM PST

I am a full time software developer and been an overall computer geek since forever. I have also developed several different types of cheats (trainers, aimbots, walls, whatever). No, I don't cheat in online games (I am highly competitive and I think cheating ruins online games and is pathetic). I create 'cheats' for the sake of being a better programmer. I have extensively researched how cheats are programmed and how anti cheat system works -- to some extent I have some merit to speak of this.

With that being said, I am here to dispel false information out there about cheating and hacking in general. This information applies to any game, not just PUBG. When I get into conversations with people about cheats/hacks, it seems many people are misinformed. They seem to not understand the severity of cheating, as well as the massive, almost impossible vertical incline anti-cheat needs to climb to ever be on par with actually stopping cheaters -- I am here to tell you about the unfortunate truth and how cheating will always be here to stay.

In PUBG, the two important and most pervasive types of cheats are aimlock and 'wallhacks' ('Chams' or 'ESP' cheats, being able to see players and loot thru obstructed walls). The reason these two types of cheats are king is that they are read-only cheats (this is important because as soon as another process writes to the protected virtual space of another process, its immediately detected) meaning they are not detected as easily. But I digress from these technicalities.

The main thing to understand here is how anti-cheat works. When you understand this, it becomes clear how cheating is impossible to get rid of.

Anti cheat works in 3 main ways.

1. Signature detection - The detect of certain patterns of bytes in memory, checked against a database

2. Heuristic analysis - Behavior and stat analysis (is this player suddenly winning every game with 10/1 KD, all headshots etc)

3. User reports

1. Signature detection

This is the primary method in which anti cheat functions and cheats are detected. And its the main reason why cheating is is prevalent and can't be stopped. This works very similar to anti-virus. Let me explain a typical cycle.

  1. Hack is developed
  2. Cheater is detected
  3. If available, the hack signature is entered into a database
  4. Now this signature is entered into this database and is always being checked for

This is almost exactly how anti virus works. The virus is let out into the world, its eventually detected. The rouge code is contained, analyzed and entered into a database. When this signature is detected, the anti virus software quarantines that file. The cycle continues.

But here is where things fall down for anti-cheat, specifically step #3. Lets assume a cheater is caught and banned - great, but how is it possible to stop other people from using the same cheat? Well, anti cheat needs to have the signature of the cheat (exactly how antivirus is working). But think about how incredibly difficult that information is to get, its not like they have the 'file' just sitting there.

One of the only ways to actually get the signature is from a memory dump from that users computer, good luck getting that! Even then with that dump, its incredibly challenging to sort thru and actually get a signature. You need to be qualified and know your stuff. Not only that, but even after expelling a ton of resources to fish out a signature and enter into a database, its incredibly easy to modify the code and create another variant of the cheat (junk code, function changes, etc) that masks the signature into a new one.

This is an uphill battle and frankly cannot be solved.

Okay, so lets spitball here for a bit and think of some other ways anti cheat can get signatures. Well, for one, they could just scour the web and download any public cheats they can find off sketchy Russian/Chinese sites and ban those signatures -- cool, this gets rid of bunch cheating script kiddies and other people who cant code, probably ~80-90% of cheats out there, but the real problem still exists. This is a band-aid solution.

Private cheats

This is why its impossible to ever stop cheating. Private cheats. If I create a 100% homebrew cheat (meaning all custom code, no copy-paste, not borrowed function libs or dlls), its 100% impossible for anti cheat to detect me using signature analysis alone. By creating a 100% unique signature, the cheat has effectively circumvented anti cheat's primary method of cheat detection. Methods #2 and #3 are the only other ways now, which I will get into. However, this is the primary evidence that suggests cheating is an unsolvable problem. You can cut out 80-90% of the people who aren't developers, but the remaining people exist in a sort of bubble outside any actual way of getting caught.

Careful cheaters cannot be detected and essentially exist above the rules.

2. Heuristic analysis

This stuff can get pretty complicated, but its a simple concept. This is behavioral and statistical analysis. Lets say you're the average player. You've set a baseline of your performance. Sometimes you have excellent games and spike above that baseline, great, that's normal. You can also improve as a player and over time improve your baseline, that is also normal. You can also totally suck a bunch of games in a row because you let your little cousin player and lower your baseline. That is also normal. Whats not normal is suddenly winning all your games, getting insane KDR, super long range kills, etc.

This is what, in a nutshell, heuristics analysis is. Of course this is very straight forward stat analysis, and anti-cheat is clever and actually go into some insane tracking and analysis that I cant even wrap my mind around (very advance statistics and mathematics). They also track things like how your mouse is moving (they can detect macros, such as AHK) and can determine if you're using aimlock by tracking how you're moving your mouse (example, its unnatural to move your mouse X distance in repeating increments, like a program would do it). There's a whole other plethora of things that make the system pretty insane.

The downside to this is that its waiting for a cheater to make a mistake. A careful cheater who understands this wont trigger these flags. They'll slowly raise their baseline as expected, and wont make big jumps in their game play. They make sure to lose a few games here and there, sprinkle some wins, and overall "game" the system. People do this.

3. User reports

This is pretty straightforward and there isn't a whole lot to say about this... overall though, a careful cheater won't spark anyone's attention.

The conclusion that can be drawn (one that I came to long ago) is that cheating is here to stay. The primary means of detection can be circumvented by custom/homebrew cheats, and a careful cheater wont trigger any flags. Cheating and hacks aren't going anywhere - most likely forever there exists games to cheat on.

submitted by /u/0xNoComply
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'The Incident' Short Replay Cinematic

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:25 AM PST

My friend didn't spawn in the plane. The random guy in our squad got a boat and saved him. We won the whole game. gg

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 08:05 PM PST

How can a game this popular be THIS broken??

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:47 AM PST

ok game

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:13 AM PST

He was the best player in Erangel, and a cunning warrior.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:44 AM PST

Title screen wouldn't load, so here it is for anyone who wants to use it. 1920x1080

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 09:54 PM PST

We were followed by, and lost a teammate to a squad, so another teammate sacrificed himself for the greater good. If this had sound, our laughter would ruin it.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:07 AM PST

Thanks game.... lol.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:29 AM PST

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