Destiny - Focused Feedback: Features of Destiny 1 you would like to see implemented / improved in Destiny 2

Focused Feedback: Features of Destiny 1 you would like to see implemented / improved in Destiny 2

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:00 AM PST

Hello Guardians,

Focused Feedback is where we take the week to focus on a 'Hot Topic' discussed extensively around the Tower.

We do this in order to consolidate Feedback, to get out all your ideas and issues surrounding the topic in one place for discussion and a source of feedback to the Vanguard.

This Thread will be active until next week when a new topic is chosen for discussion

Whilst Focused Feedback is active, ALL posts regarding 'Features of Destiny 1 you would like to see implemented / improved in Destiny 2' following its posting will be removed and re-directed to this thread

Below are some example posts of ideas / feedback already provided of which may be of interest regarding the topic:

Any and all Feedback on the topic is welcome.

Regular Sub rules apply so please try to keep the conversation on the topic of the thread and keep it civil between contrasting ideas

A Wiki page - Focused Feedback - has also been created for the Sub as an archive for these topics going forward so they can be looked at by whoever may be interested or just a way to look through previous hot topics of the Sub as time goes on.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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I did like destiny 2, I just couldn't find a reason to keep playing

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:55 AM PST

I know some people are absolutely outraged and stuff about how the game has turned out to be, but I mean I guess I tacitly agree with them simply because by the time the new dlc had released I had litteraly no reason to buy it.

My character was maxed and good to go as soon as I did 2 raids... Only 2 and the prestige only got us some cosmetics and well I saw no reason to buy 2 to 3 more weekends of work only to be able to get more cosmetic boxes

submitted by /u/DancenOrigins
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I made more friends on D1 strikes this weekend than 4 months of D2.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:28 AM PST

I've been reading about a lot of people going back to D1 and I've even been vocal myself about things from D1 that I miss in D2.

I fired up D1 this weekend just for comparison to D2 as it's funny just how quickly you can forget certain things. Plus I wanted to reassure my nostalgic self that I did indeed miss certain aspects.

First off, this is not a salty post about D2, just a genuine comparison. I'm enjoying D2 and whilst not without faults, it's quickly apparent where improvements have been made. I also think there is plenty of content for a four month old game and that it is not fair to compare it with 3 years' worth of content in D1.

The main difference for me is the replayability of the content. Or the lack of incentives for doing so. I've gotten a good couple of hundred hours of play doing the campaign, every adventure and getting to 335 etc on 3 characters. Now I find myself struggling to be enthused about much past weekly milestones.

Fired up D1 and did the Nightfall and Sunrise bounty with the missus. Then we paid a visit to The Divide on patrol and helped some blueberries kill Darnu.

Then we all did a little dance and waved to say thanks.

That little encounter was an immediate reminder of something missing in D2. Public events in D2 just have that 'smash em out as fast as possible' feel. Look at map, fast travel to event, smash it, fast travel to next, repeat.

The bosses at the end of said (heroic) events are just too easy. One guardian with one super can take them down in seconds.

Even Darnu, the easiest Taken Champion in D1 is not capable of being downed with one super alone. It feels like a concentrated effort to take them down. The bodyguards for Darnu offer more threat than the boss in D2. Remember Grayris?

And then it's over, in D2 everyone seems to go straight into the menu to delete crap or piss off to the next destination. Very rarely does anyone wave or dance. Just on to the next.

Doesn't feel like helping fellow guardians in the wild.

If I was passing in D1, regardless, I would help out. Especially if I saw one guy going it alone. Or two kinderguardians getting burned alive. That's what it was about. Plus the chance of an exotic that felt exotic. Or a rune for the court. Which again gave you a reason to do it. Everything fed into everything else.

Want a weapon from Banshee? Here's a package to hold onto until next week. But here's some test weapons to pass the time in both crucible and PvE. Rank up and here's another weapon, possibly with the roll you're looking for. Always a reason to play.

But I digress, onto the title of the thread. From the Cosmodrome, we entered the heroic strike playlist and matched with the same person for a fair few strikes until they left, then someone else for a good run, and on it goes...

In D2 it seems to be someone different every time. I don't get a good enough sense of those people in one strike. There's no mutual respect to build on. You might get someone who knows them like the back of their hand and speedruns. After a strike or two you know that, and either up the pace and change your style or they ease up a bit. Or you leave I guess if it's not working. But you get this unspoken bond most of the time. I enjoyed it most with people who were new or out of their depth. It adds a challenge and you can tell their excitement at killing the boss at the end. Jumping around and dancing. Again, a rare occurrence in D2. Usually it's three dots above their head.

I made so many friends, many now clan members, from strikes in D1. Having a good run and messaging to say "well done" or "that was a good run" or even "one more" just so they knew you'd be leaving.

I messaged the players this weekend too, some of them new to the game, some having a break from D2 and others who haven't made the switch. But I came away with friends and yet more incentive to carry on building this chemistry with people. Strangers.

I think I've sent one friend request for D2 so far. And that was after multiple heroic events on Titan with the same person who always tried to revive people.

As for material incentives, I miss the rolls. Masterworks is a start but it's not enough. I know they're apparently bringing strike specific stuff back, which is great, but the variation of rolls is what made items worth grinding for.

I love inverted spire and Savanthun's Song but the challenge alone is not enough for me to keep doing strikes.

I still haven't got the exact roll I wanted for a Treads upon Stars from D1 and I soloed Cerberus Vae another four times in a row this weekend. Still didn't get the one I wanted but got one that felt completely different to the one I was using. I still want to get more skeleton keys and run that strike.

When I get a gun now, it might be a good gun to start with but every one after that will be the same. No reason to try and get another one. Perks already unlocked. No reason to get xp or motes.

D2 vanilla is a great START compared to D1 vanilla but I think a lot of people feel it shouldn't be a start at all. It should have the good balance of diversity and grind that D1Y3 had along with all the obvious improvements.

These are all just my thoughts and opinions, not fact and there may be plenty of you who agree/disagree. I feel that the devs at bungie care. You don't put years of your life into something if it's not a part of you in some way and you don't have that passion.

To me, I feel they got fed up with the constant nerf this, nerf that complaints and the pain it was to balance the sheer amount of guns and rolls. But now it feels like everything has been balanced to the point that nothing much stands out any more.

I read an article recently that suggested bungie had made the game for everyone who didn't buy it. i.e. Not their current audience. Whilst I don't agree that's exactly what they did, it does feel they've tried to please too many people.

Plus I really dislike being made to play how they seem to want me to play. Use an energy weapon to break shields, then kinetic to finish. I want to use a weapon because I enjoy using it, not feel this constant hand guiding me. The juggler thing I'm sure is there. You use just an energy weapon and see how many green bricks drop. (Drang quest anyone?) Or look at how Fighting Lion is designed, or how many weapons reload each other or pieces of armour that reload opposite weapons etc. I'm always encouraged to fight a certain way rather than how I'd like to.

I guess I'm getting a little salty there, but you can't please everyone. Hardcore players are lamenting the lack of difficulty and endgame, saying it's catering for casuals. Yet certain casuals will still complain about nightfall timers etc.

To me, as regards difficulty it's black and white. If you aren't good enough to do the content, you don't get the rewards.

You don't hear people saying "I can't complete Doom on ultra nightmare, make it easier" Why? Because you accept the difficulty and get better, or accept its too hard for you. If you disagree with that, I'm not saying you aren't trying, I'm not trying to brag and say it's easy. But the best stuff needs to be hard to be worth it. I was elated the first time I got Black Spindle after blood, sweat and tears and shouting "shoot the f***ing blight! 10 seconds left!" You need to work on fireteam communication, assign roles, look for the places costing time etc. If you still can't do it, don't give up! Or just ask for help!

As for Eververse, it doesn't really bother me too much as I don't/won't buy silver. Purchased things don't feel like I earned them. Ones bought with dust do, since I earned the dust. I have no problem with people wanting to collect things though and no problem with people wanting to buy things. I do however feel that if you're buying something, you should get to choose EXACTLY what that is. Not a damn lottery.

Anyway, sorry for warbling on a bit and thanks for reading if you did! Also sorry if it's a bit all over the place, I wrote it on my phone and it kind of evolved as things popped into my head. I hope it partially flows/makes sense.

The TLDR is that I'm passionate about D1 and D2 and deep down believe the devs care. Please over time bungie, try to make D2 feel like it's for the people who have stuck with it all this time and love D1. I want to feel part of something where helping randoms and making friends is ingrained. Don't simplify everything too much! That D1 diversity kept us playing! 😁

Edit: Massive thanks to the anonymous Guardian who gifted me my first ever Gold. I messaged back but just wanted to recognise them on here. It means a lot to know they'd feel strongly enough to do that. And thanks to all who have commented and upvoted so far. I hope it only goes to show the passion that people have towards Destiny and the friends we have made along the way.

Lastly, there was a commenter who asked me to add them on PSN. They appear to have removed the comment. Perhaps they didn't want their PSN name up for all to see. Anyway, if you read this, feel free to PM me, unless you've changed your mind which is also cool ;)

submitted by /u/Madbeef7
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The new DIM 'Progress' tab is EVERYTHING we need from an in-game quest page.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:12 AM PST

The Destiny Item Manager crew have done it again. Their latest rollout adds an extremely user-friendly Progress tab that lists all outstanding quest info for all three characters on one handy screen. Ordered by Account Milestones, Milestones, Quests and Factions, it's literally what I've been looking for since launch.


A huge thank you, once again, to all the hard working legends of DIM - /u/eutral /u/vid_boi and /u/sunburned_goose.

submitted by /u/psn_mrbobbyboy
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[Fan Art] Well... I created Sexy Oryx

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:23 AM PST

I.. em... well, here it is...

There are 2 more variations, but I don't think that allowed for posting in here. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Seriously, don't ask my "why?!", because I don't know myself.

Edit 1: Even with NSFW tag I'm not sure if it is allowed to attach other versions. Only mods can truly say... but I'm sure that even mods want to see other versions.

Edit 2: 45 minutes and already on the front page.

submitted by /u/TheMaestroNoob
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I miss the Bad Juju more than any other gun in D2

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:26 AM PST

Yes, this includes Gally, Mythoclast, Suros, TLW, Thorn...all of them.

Why? Because I want two things in D2. My super back faster and less finger pain from tapping the trigger all the time as a PvE player. Full auto is god when you're talking thousands of a kills a week and 10x the bullets.

If Bungie insists on recycling exotics from D1 then Bad Juju is a necessity for every PvE player.

Bad Juju was my life in D1. Please let me live again in D2.

submitted by /u/The-Ace-of-Spades
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Community: "We want Grimoire!" Bungie: "What players really want is a way to explore lore in the game client ..." Community: "We want ranked play!" Bungie: "What players really want is a way to show off PvP prowess ..." Stop making this harder than it needs to be, guys.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:04 AM PST

Rewatching this pre-release Luke Smith Q&A last night, it struck me that out of all the issues D2 has right now, Bungie's failure to accurately interpret player requests might be right up there at the top. In this interview (and many others), I've heard Bungie devs say, "players are asking for this, but what we really think they want is this other, different, more general/shallow thing ..."

Please, stop overthinking this stuff. The Grimoire is the Grimoire. It's not a drop down weapon tab or a bunch of scannables, it's a huge lore archive with an associated in-game score. Ranked play is ranked play, it's not a K/D emblem or a third party ELO tracker or a performance based ornament system.

There is a lot of room in this game for you guys to go nuts with innovative new features, but when they players say, "we want 6v6 Crucible," please don't interpret that as, "what the players really want are activities that have a larger sense of scale in terms of player count." We actually just want 6v6.

Don't short-circuit your own development by overthinking this stuff.

edit - re: "So now you don't want lore in the game? LOL MAKE UP UR MIND!!"

submitted by /u/Nght-Nght
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How is Guided Games still in Beta, this long after launch?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:32 AM PST

So, I've just been waiting in the guided games lobby for around 50 minutes with only one pop up and it's a Spanish group (I'm UK).

With everything else going on at the moment, Bungie have really dodged a bullet with getting some hard hitting criticism of this feature.

Time was I'd have my clan on and easily be able to pick up 2 people and jump into a nightfall, no worries... as with almost everyone who frequents this sub, that's sadly no longer the case.

submitted by /u/SmoothPounding
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For anyone still struggling with Argos Ph2 DPS rounds, I've found a few simple strategies that have guaranteed me 20+ clears with 1st timer. Mainly: Don't use guns on Argos.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:13 AM PST

It sounds like the complete opposite of what you'd want to do to maintain enough DPS, but surprisingly, it has gotten me many quick, safe, clears easily, even when running with inexperienced people.

I lay out the tools for the fight & their purpose as follows:

  • Heavy: Only for adds, specifically Minotaurs. Void Rockets, Telesto, whatever works for you. You see a Mino? Nuke it. No need to waste heavy on the boss.

  • Supers: This is your boss DPS. 5/6 guardians should have DPS supers. Top Hammers, Bottom Dawnblade, Nighthawk. You want 1 Defender guardian on an extended add clearing super to create orbs on the DPS plate: Top Stormcaller, Bottom Striker, Orpheus Nightstalker, or Raiden Arcstrider.

Once the shield breaks, the DPS thought process for everyone should be (with the bold being the simple call-outs I do each round as a reminder):

  • Dodge the first net.
  • Dump your Lasers.
  • Pop supers & DPS the boss (every class but GG gets enough damage resistance during a super to tank exploder harpies, which will be coming right about now.)
  • Dodge the second net.
  • Clear adds/exploders for the people still DPSing.

This is a flip of the usual "Heavy for DPS, Supers for Add clearing" strat I see, but it comes with some great benefits:

  • With people no longer worrying about saving their rockets for DPS, plates are kept super clean with constant heavy usage, and you won't have to worry about new people getting overwhelmed while trying to primary/energy down a couple of encroaching minotaurs.

  • Having enough DPS per phase is pretty much guaranteed. Supers do TONS of damage, 6 lasers & 5 supers is enough to drop 1/3 of Argos health per phase, with no additional supers or shots fired necessary. The only time you'll be lacking is if all 5 of your DPS supers are Dawnblade, but you'll still hit over a 1/4 of his health easily.

  • Because the actual DPS portion of the phase is so short (a laser and a super), you'll almost always have someone on adds. The 6th person who was assigned with the add clearing super can pretty much focus on Minotaurs & Exploders the whole phase without worrying about DPS at all. Makes the entire phase far, far less hectic.

  • You'll get good, safe damage without needing to coordinate Rifts & Barricades. You can still use them, but they are no longer necessary.

You also avoid many of the DPS reductions that come with inexperienced people focusing on getting 6 rockets out:

  • Deaths due to a teammate/minotaur hopping in front of your rocket.
  • Drops in DPS while searching for a rally barricade/rift.
  • Drops in DPS due to people getting caught by the net while trying to utilize rally barricades.
  • Deaths due to exploders because everyone is ADSing with rockets instead of shooting them down or tanking with supers.

I'm up to 31 clears now, and the last 20 have been infinitely smoother than the first 10 ever since we've dropped guns as a source of DPS. So if you're having trouble, give it a shot (by not shooting).

EDIT: And while I'm here, this is a quick layout of the rest of the strategies I utilize for simple clears:

  • Defenders pick up first. Defenders cook at the DPS plate. Runners cook as needed. Always cook all 6 Craniums. Runners try to group up as much as possible, so "3 Voids on Arc Plate" means Defenders to Arc, 3 Runners to Void.

  • Crit phase: Try to call instructions in advance, use clear concise word that direct the group instead of referring to Argus' left/right/whatever. So "We will be heading UP and to the RIGHT of this plate, and hitting his HEAD, then ARMS. Or "We will be heading LOW and to the LEFT of this plate, and hitting his BACK".

  • Have 5 team members shoot his closer cannon off, the leader/Sherpa can go solo the other with 1 rocket and some secondary.

  • Void, Void, Void, everything. I don't bother with Coldheart. 6 Void Uriels/PO/Number can easily drop crit spots, and have the added bonus of Minotaur Shield Bursts, which Coldheart lacks. Even better if they are Masterwork'd.

  • Baby Jumps. For real. You have tons of time to both cook your skulls and safely make it to a Crit shooting location that can hit both your designated spots. Climb/move one jump at a time, no need to attempt cross-map, hail-mary, super-jumps that result in you face-planting then dropping into oblivion.

EDIT 2: The relevant +/- numbers behind my super choices for anyone who's interested:

  • Lasers: 525k

  • Top Hammers: 400~600k, depending on shrapnel.

  • Bottom Nighthawk: 390k (With the bonus of dropping orbs)

  • Dawnblade bottom tree: 240k

  • Nova: 190-220k (drawback of a shorter armor/ damage resistance period than DB, can get boned by hitting an exploder harpy instead of the boss)

  • Bottom Hammers: 150k (please don't)

submitted by /u/MonsterHunterNecris
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I'm honestly really going to miss the snowballs.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:41 AM PST

The snowballs made both patrols and strikes so much more interesting. Thinking about your positioning to be ready to pick one up during the boss of a strike or when dealing with a public event added an extra small bit of strategy to each that simply made the events more enjoyable. I love the idea of environmental weapons and I hope that this isn't the last we see of them.

submitted by /u/GLHFScan
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Eater of Worlds Raid Lair, Argos Phase 1 and 2 Detailed Guide [With Picture Descriptions of Each Phase]

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:36 AM PST

Hello guardians, i hope this guide helps you to learn/improve the raid lair so that you can complete the Argos boss with minimal amount of trouble. I have cleared the raid 16 times in total as of now, and also have a day 1 clear (KingKabab#1563 if you want to confirm it) This guide will not assume you know the boss encounter so it will be a fully detailed guide. I will only explain the boss encounter, as the previous part is pretty easy to understand with some trial and error. Just a tip, while falling through the cannon in the huge area, make sure to activate the 7 RED RINGS to get a secret chest at the bottom (Calus grants you a gift text appears to let you know you have gotten them all). Here we go:

Recommended Weapon Loadout:

Auto Rifles: Valakadyn, Perseverence, Scathelock, Ghost Primus, Coldheart, Sweet Business

Hand Cannons: Better Devils, Midnight Coup

Scout Rifles: Only if you are comfortable, otherwise don't take one

Rocket Launchers: Sins of the Past, Curtain Call, Wardcliff Coil(Keep the wardcliff in your inventory, check extra tips at bottom for details)

ARGOS PHASE-1 (Picture for reference)

This part is when you reach the area with a huge cube thing in front of you and some purple fire area. In this encounter your job is to charge some vex craniums and shoot some crystals with those charged craniums (which blow you up after a specific time unless shot and destroyed). The purple is Void, yellow is Solar and white is Arc. The encounter will start once someone picks up a cranium. Refer to the picture and do the following things:

  • Have one person stand on each of the platforms, they will be known as Defenders
  • Have one person stand on each of the craniums, each will be linked to one of the platforms, they will be known as Runners
  • Defenders will call out crystals and clear the mobs that spawn. They can help runners if needed but their main job is to shoot mobs.
  • Runners will always charge their own platform, meaning if you are a Solar runner (picture for reference, pathing is given) you will always take your side orbs and charge them to Solar, you WILL NOT take any other orbs other than the 2 on your side so you can always keep track of your own craniums. Runners can also help with clearing adds if they have time.
  • Picking up the craniums will start the encounter, when they do, the Defenders will see some crystals spawning in the crystal holes (3 at a time). They will call out the element and the side they saw it on and relay the information to everybody (Example- Void Defender: 2 Arcs and 1 Solar on Void side).
  • Runners will charge their own crystal and bring the charged crystal (they can ask defenders to carry an extra charge to the crystal side if there are more than one to help out) to the crystal side and shoot the crystal, if there are no same element crystals, they will discharge the crystal, and immediately go back to their carrying place and take the new cranium to their station and refill their station (Defenders can help out aswell in this task if they are not at their station and instead returning after shooting a crystal). This means that at all times (unless while in use) there should be 2 craniums charging at all stations at all times, even if they aren't being used at that time.

Now some information about the encounter:

  • One cranium contains 40 ammo. 1 crystal takes approx. 25 ammo to break, so if you do it right, you can shoot 3 crystals with 2 craniums, but in the case of there being 3 crystals on any side, have some other runner bring one of their side craniums to the corresponding station and charge 3, so you are risk free, in this case, unless you have to rush, make sure to use that extra cranium first, so that when you have finished using it, the runner who brought it can take that cranium back to his own station to charge
  • There are 6 craniums in total, 2 on each side (refer to picture). A new one WILL NOT SPAWN unless a charge has been dispensed with fully.
  • Crystals will always spawn right to left, meaning if Void right side has the first set of crystals, it will always be Void left for the next set of crystals, and then Solar right, and so on.
  • The encounter will be finished once you have cleared all 18 crystals (6 on each side)

After you have completed all 18 crystals, the mobs will disappear and a chest should appear on Void side, collect your loot and get ready for phase-2 of Argos.

Argos Phase-2 (Picture for reference)

In this phase Argos has been revealed and he is encased in a shield. The encounter will start once a cranium has been picked up. A cutscene will ensue and the encounter will begin. In this phase, you have to do the same thing as before, except this time there will be energy orbs instead of crystals, and you need to shoot those orbs together with the corresponding charged cranium (only one person per orb needed). Then you need to shoot the boss and do as much damage as you can. Then there is a platforming phase where you have to shoot some of his body parts. You have to repeat this until you kill the boss, you get 4 tries in total (5 actually but the 5th try is barely any damage so it's better to finish in 4 phases). Refer to the picture and do the following things:

  • Set up the same way you did for phase-1. When you pick up the craniums, the encounter will start
  • One of the defenders will see three energy orbs Left, Top and Right (refer to picture Energy Orbs) which will be of a particular element (calling method is same as before).
  • In this phase, the defender that sees the 3 orbs will stay put, and the other two defenders will take the path shown in the picture. On their way, they will wait for the 2nd cranium to spawn, and then take it over to the platform the call came from (Example: if the call came from Void side, the Arc and Solar defenders will bring the 2nd cranium to Void and charge it). Next they will start clearing out all the adds that spawn in. There will be 2 waves of harpies (flying vex) that spawn, clear them out first.
  • Runners will charge the other crystals that are needed. All 6 crystals should be charging at whichever station is needed
  • There can be alot of combinations of charge method, i will make a list of combinations and all charging methods down below. Here is an example: If there are two Solar, one Void on Solar side, you have to charge 3 Solar and 3 Voids, defenders will bring in 2 charges, and the guy assigned to Solar will charge the final Solar, the other 2 runners will focus on charging 3 Voids.
  • If you have 2 charging craniums ready, make sure to call someone to help you bring that to the platform that has the orbs.
  • Gather at the Orb side all 6 of you together. Decide who shoots which orbs and shoot (a countdown is recommended so you shoot it together and are in sync), keep shooting until you see your orb explode (with a sound queue)
  • Once you have shot your orbs, the boss will lower his shield, this is the signal for damage phase, but before that, spread around, the boss will shoot a trap of some sorts, which if you get hit, you will be trapped and then you'll need to call out you have been trapped, so your teammates can shoot you free. After dodging the trap, gather in the middle, use your warlock empowering, your rally barricade, whatever to maximize your damage output. ALSO MAKE SURE TO USE THE EXTRA CRANIUMS THAT HAVE BEEN CHARGED AND NOT USED FOR THE ENERGY ORBS TO DO DAMAGE ASWELL. They do alot of DPS and will help you kill the boss faster. The boss will shoot some (6 in total, 3 on each side, you can spot them clearly as they will flash like flashlights) heat seeking missiles which do tons of damage, so make sure to shoot them down. The boss will shoot a final trap, so dodge that and finally once he puts up his shield, he'll shoot more missiles, shoot them down.
  • If you did the charging part in decent time, you'll see more orbs spawning, ignore those, and wait at either Void side or Solar side (if this is your phase-1 or phase -2 of dps) you'll see argos's shield has gone and some platforms have appeared.
  • During the platforming phase you have to shoot 2 of argos's body parts, which are white in color (similar to vex mind fluid). He has a total of 6 of these. 2 at his back, 2 at his head, 2 on his hands. Here is an example of his backside from google search. The optimal way to do this is to shoot his head and then immediately shoot his hands until they explode. You have to be hitting CRITICAL YELLOW DAMAGE otherwise you are doing nothing, so make sure to position yourself right in the proper platforms. Also, you cannot use rocket launchers or slow firing weapons here, as the key to breaking his parts is consistent damage, so an auto rifle with lots of ammo is good for this phase (check recommended auto rifles) It is easy to fall down and die, so be careful and don't rush too much. If you don't shoot the body parts in time, you'll be wiped and have to start the encounter again.
  • After you have exploded 2 of his body parts, shoot his cannons on both sides. When you see them explode (you need to shoot each cannon individually), get back to where you started from and clear any remaining mobs, who should be stunned for a short while. You only need to shoot the cannon once. This will ensure he cannot shoot with his cannons anymore (but can still shoot his traps and missiles during DPS phase) -Repeat this 4 times (you have to shoot the body parts that are remaining in the platforming phase, you cannot shoot the same one) and hopefully you will kill the boss if you are doing proper DPS. If you can't kill him in 4 phases, when the platforming phase comes, he will be enraged and you will barely do any damage to him, so unless Argos barely has any health (Like one more hit and dead type health, like my first run on this raid) you can be sure that you can't kill him and will be wiped out and have to start from phase-2 beginning again.

Some information about this phase:

  • If you are a warlock, chances are you will have a hard time during the platforming to shoot body part phase. A helpful tip is to increase your mobility to at least 2-3 so that you can have some help in jumping.
  • MAKE SURE TO USE 3 ORBS FOR DPS DURING DPS PHASE. I cannot stress this enough, most teams fall short on damage just because they forgot to use the extra cranium charges, or forgot to charge them. So be sure to charge all 6 and use all 6 of them, 3 to shoot orbs, and 3 for dps.
  • The encounter will finish once you finish Argos off. It is possible to one phase it.

If you kill Argos, then congratulations you have completed the raid lair, have fun with your loot and shaders.

Charging Combinations

We will take Void side as an example. If you see the following orbs, you will call it out according to the table down below.

Element = Either Arc or Solar, whatever is seen as the energy orb.

Callout for Void side What to Charge Charges for DPS
3 Voids 3 Voids and 3 Elements 3 Elements
3 Elements 3 Voids and 3 Elements 3 Voids
2 Voids 1 Element 3 Elements and 3 Voids 1 Void and 2 Elements
2 Arcs 1 Solar 3 Voids 2 Arcs 1 Solar 3 Voids
2 Solars 1 Arc 3 Voids 2 Solars 1 Arc 3 Voids
1 Void 2 Elements 3 Elements and 3 Voids 2 Voids and 1 Element
1 Void 1 Solar 1 Arc 3 Voids, 2 Arc 1 Solar or 1 Arc and 2 Solar 2 Voids and 1 Solar or 1 Arc

This logic can be applied to any side and be the same only changing the elements according to side in the table.

Extra Tips

  • You can do two dps phases if you have a very coordinated team (not recommended for first timers)which will help you finish the raid faster.
  • Make sure to shoot Argos with all your heavy ammo first before shooting your auto rifle (unless you are shooting down his missiles). A good way to keep your dps up is to have 2 members deal with the missiles, so the rest of you can focus on dps ing fully.
  • If you have are running low/run out of heavy ammo, a trick is to switch to the wardcliff, pick up a heavy ammo brick, and then switch back to your heavy weapon you were using, and you'll have full ammo (or -1 rocket from full for rocket launchers). This is very useful for keeping your DPS up all the time.
  • Titans should keep Top tree of Sunbreaker, Warlocks Nova bomb (make sure to aim a bit higher than Argos's head to hit the nova bomb) or stormcaller (for mob control).
  • If you have at least 2 hunters, make sure to have one as nightstalker with upper tree and Orpheus Rig, and one with Celestial Nighthawk and Gunslinger bottom tree. Have the nighstalker as a defender so that he can generate a lot of orbs for the Gunslinger so that he can get multiple Nighthawk shots in the DPS phase. To guarantee lots of orb generation, tell your team not to shoot the side of mobs that you are shooting your arrow at, so that you can keep on spamming your ult and keep on generating orbs, make sure to shoot from where the craniums are being charged, so that orbs generate nearby and are easy to get.

I hope this guide will come in handy to anybody to either improve your run, or to learn it. Feel free to improve this guide in anyway in the comment section. Thank you :).

Edit: Mistake in pathing for Argos Phase-2 updated and fixed.

submitted by /u/shabab_123
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Hidden Mechanic: Exotic Weapons

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:03 AM PST

If you accumulate 500 regular kills, 50 kills on Event bosses, 5 kills on heroic strike bosses and one Calus kill with one exotic weapon, having a ghost equiped that generates gunsmith telemetry data on the appropriate weapon kills, Banshee-44 will singal you with a new quest. He informs you that with the huge amount of data you have generated, you have given him insight into the workings of your weapon and he thinks he might be able to improve it. He then hands you a list of materials (15 Mastercores, 2 blue Paradox, 3 blue Radiolaria, one Panoptes Core (drops only if you have the quest and on heroic, available at Ikora)). Once you have the materials, he will hand you a modification kit, that you need to use on the forge on Mercur. This will transform your Exotic into a Masterwork weapon with an experience tracker. The perks will start at legendary level and increase with use to up to 2x legendary. Also, a new ornament for the weapon is now available (another one for maxxed perk).

Edit: There might be something along the same lines for Crucible kills, I haven't found out yet.


And then I woke up.

submitted by /u/BejayPS
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Orb Physics - Please make orbs "sticky".

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:34 AM PST

Would like to request some change to how orbs react to the environment. I've noticed that Bungie has made quite a bit more negative space in the terrain, requiring players to pay more attention to their surroundings or else fall to their death. Im fine with that. However, im finding a not insignificant number of my generated orbs (and ammo for that matter) rolling/falling off cliffs, and no longer able to be collected by guardians.

I've noticed the issue before, but i'm finding it particularly annoying in the new raid lair boss encounter. With much of the terrain being sloped towards the middle, i watched numerous orbs slowly rolling to their death. It's quite frustrating feeling like your hard work with super and masterwork kills is all for not.

Suggestion: Can we make orbs more "sticky", in that they still react to the environment, but do not roll nearly as much? I like that orbs and ammo and engrams react to the environment of the game, but i think it would be helpful to minimize the impact of negative space if orbs were not allowed to roll too far from their point of creation.

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/rtype03
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Dear Bungie, I believe it's time to crank every dial, run every slider and flip every switch.

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 09:46 PM PST

I've got just a few words for you right now:

Forget balance for five minutes; give me more power.

Mayhem was, and always will be, a success because it is the very pinnacle of Destiny's power fantasy. For PvE players, the Daybreak modifier for Destiny 1's nightfall achieved the same thing. This of course being due to reducing cooldowns significantly - forgoing balance for fun.

I humbly suggest that we echo this (to a degree) to the core experience. Let's be some bloody mad scientists and intentionally break the game together. I'm not saying that we should do all of the following, but maybe just let loose on a few of them?

  • Throw shotguns and snipers back into the energy (secondary) slot. Perhaps even to co-exist with the existing weapons (SMGs, ARs, etc.) Also, my apologies, I forgot the voop machines.

  • Let mobillity affect sprint speed, for god's sake. Even just a little bit!

  • Let players choose any four perks from either tree within a subclass.

  • Let players equip two exotic armor pieces (maybe still just the one weapon, though!)

  • Or, if we keep the exotic restrictions, let's go crazy with the numbers for exotic perks. Lion Rampant "should" be the return of Titan skating, for example.

  • Cut cooldowns down by at least a quarter.

  • Crank the difficulty in certain zones (for short periods of time, perhaps?) and bring up the rewards along with it. It would be nice to have some endgame level mobs show up in the world. Heroic Public Events are close, but we could use a tier above that. The Taken Lieutenants from D1 are what come to mind, but could be even tougher.

There's dozens more I'd love to add, especially class specific things (can shoulder charge be worth it again?), but those few things would be an exciting start. Destiny 2, in my opinion, needs a hell of a lot more than small tweaks to the balance and feel of the game. It's strongest asset to being something so much more than other shooters on offer is it's space magic. We are guardians, one of the most powerful forces the galaxy has seen.

I want to feel like it.

Hit me with your power-fantasy wishlist.

Edit: Elaborated on a point further.

Edit 2: Hot damn, thanks for the interest! Now that the post has picked up speed, I want to really hammer down on something: I am not asking for Mayhem, all modes, all the time. I want the fun from that mode (and Daybreak) to trickle down to the core game design. Suffering some imbalance for a bit might be a good way to find out what works best. Some of the most balance-dependent games in the world (DotA comes to mind) have gone through a phase like this with great success.

submitted by /u/AWhiteBocs
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There should be an exercise/diet app that has Shaxx shouting at you the whole time

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:31 PM PST

Lord Shaxx is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most encouraging force on this planet. No matter how awesome or poorly I'm doing, Shaxx is always there to let me know I can do better. I would rather disappoint Mr. Rogers than Lord Shaxx.

So yeah, just a constant barrage of him yelling would be great. "One more mile, Guardian!" or "One more rep! You can do this!".

And any time you enter junk food into your log? "Do you think THE ENEMY is eating garbage right now? Do better, Guardian!", or if you eat some celery or a salad, he just cackles maniacally.

submitted by /u/Jcorb
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The Titan's Towering Barricade works as sunblock.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:47 AM PST

[Super Useless Advice]

I just started my first Titan since the Dark Below on D1, and got into a weird spot on the Sunside mission where I thought I'd have another stupid death...

Panic barricaded, and yep, it works on the Sun Side mission on the Almighty. Thought I'd share.

SPF 9000+

submitted by /u/Zotfripper
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Chris Barrett: We need to hear from the Crucible/Sandbox team in your update

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:03 PM PST

With all the attention poured towards removing the Eververse. We need to remember that loot is rewarded at the end of an activity.

If the activity you have to do is stale, boring, monotonous, not fun then chances are we are not going to bother doing the activity. Which makes the loot redundant.

The crucible is in a very bad state at the moment and needs to be addressed urgently and in a major way.

The crucible team needs to stop continuing along this balanced design, protect the newbie, nerf high skill philosophy.

It has been a failure, it's time to listen to the community and changes things drastically otherwise there won't be a community left to play PVP.

I don't have all the answers but hell there are very smart and experienced players in our community who can certainly provide input such as TrueVanguard, CammyCakes, Mtashed, CoolGuy, BBKDragoon, Aztecross, Fallout, MS5000Watts, xHoundishx, Deicyde.

These people live and breathe PVP, leverage their knowledge and make the game better for everyone.

submitted by /u/bigphinis
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Sagira Shell makes Mercury fun. More Planetary Ghosts please.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:13 PM PST

Sagira Shell is the prime example of an end game drop. You can only get it once you complete all the Lost Prophecies, it looks great and it has a super useful perk set. I had no incentive to explore Mercury until I got this shell. It is so easy to loot chests and simulation seeds. In half an hour you can easily get more than 50 Tokens especially with the HVTs. Now imagine exotic ghosts for every location. This has been requested numerous times by the community and for good reason. Now if only that heroic public event gave us tokens like a strike does.

submitted by /u/mannyfresh2099
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Paul Tassi: "Is 'Destiny 2' About To Pull A 'Battlefront 2' With Eververse Microtransactions?"

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:26 AM PST

Article that discuss what Bungie might do with the Eververse problem i D2.

Although I think the headline of this article is made to generate clicks, I think the article itself is interesting.

I don't think that Bungie will completely remove Eververse, but I believe that Eververse and the focus on MTX is one of the main reasons that the end game in D2 is so lackluster.

submitted by /u/Lone_Wanderer_N
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Crucible and PvP MUST feature in This Week at Bungie 11 Jan 18

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:49 AM PST

I think we need some specific issues addressed:

Matchmaking improvements (inc solo queues)

Team sizes (beyond 4 v 4)

Radar changes to enable flanking

Modes (new modes - plus the ability to choose)

Custom matches


Super regen rates

Sandbox changes for weapons (making all weapons viable)

The double primary issue

Fighting for power ammo


DDoS attacks

I want to know how PvP is going to be made spectacular so that watching trials becomes a thing again - something which advertises the virtues of this game to the wider gaming community and makes them say "I'm in".

What else?

submitted by /u/dannyboy1121x
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Add mechanics to help clans represent themselves and play together.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:20 AM PST

Right now all the in-game interactivity I have with my clan is an extra tab in the roster, the banner, and the clan page in the menu. These are all just menu pages, none of it shows up in, or really impacts gameplay. Clans need to be brought out of menus and into the game.

One of my complete pie in the sky ideas:

Banners appear designed to be shown off but they aren't currently seen anywhere other than in a menu. How about letting the first person to rally at a public event enter a "slam dunk" animation and plant their clan's banner in the place of the public event banner. And once planted, how about that banner becoming a temporary waypoint which allow the planter's clan mates to fast travel directly to that location.

Mechanics like those would let a clan show off their banner, it would help incentivize playing together, and it helps build fireteams much easier than going down through the roster of online players in the clan and messaging each one to see if they want to do something.

submitted by /u/Gingevere
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I farmed 80 public events with the Winter Lotus Shell. Here is the breakdown of the increase in loot it provides.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:33 AM PST

I wanted to test the increased loot provided by the Winter Lotus Ghost Shell at power level 335 for clarity about what kind of loot bonus it provides. I wore the shell and a fireteam medallion while farming.

Winter Lotus Shell:
Public Defender-increased loot from public events on all destinations.

Edit: removed statements about what I thought was the drop rate without the shell. Will update again after testing without the shell. I was unaware that this shell is bugged. I apologize for posting this prematurely and not being in the loop about the shell.

Edit 2: The perk is currently not working on Mercury and is supposed to increase the drop rate for legendary and Exotics.

Edit 3: I have finished ten events. I received 8 pieces of rare gear, 2 Legendary Engrams, 10 Coins, and 1 exotic Engram. This sample size is considerably smaller but it seems fairly skewed.

The perk should be effecting legendary and exotic drop rates but is currently not working on Mercury.

Over the course of 80 heroic public events on Io here are the results:

  • Coins

80 coins. This was unchanged from farming with the shell. You do not receive more of a planetary coin from using the shell. This isn't surprising.

  • Rare Gear

75 blues. Each event completion granted drop along with 1 coin using this shell. In the case of an exotic drop I was not also awarded a piece of rare gear. 27 if these were power 330. There were two instances where I was only awarded a coin with no additional loot. I do not think was caused by opening too many chests in a short window. I made it a point to open chests prior to opening event chests frequently. I don't have the numbers on receiving blue drops without it so I can't give you an actual percentage.

  • Legendary Engrams

6 Engrams. This number is staggeringly low. I acquired more Legendary Engrams from drops after defeating random enemies and opening area chests than I did from events. Legendary Engrams dropped with rare gear. This drop rate seems to be unchanged.

  • Exotic Engrams

3 Engrams. This isn't surprising seeing as Legendary drops were unchanged. Exotic Engrams seem to also be unchanged by the increase. I averaged 1 roughly every 20 events.

After 10 events without the shell I received 10 coins, 8 rares, 2 Legendary Engrams, and 1 Exotic Engram. This is a smaller sample size with a similar loot pool. I'm not going to immediately jump and say that the shell is bugged on all locations or that we may have a similar Three if Coins situation but this is a little bizarre. I unfortunately won't have time today to do another 70. If any of you are public event farming today, don't use the shell and keep track of your loot. I would like to see more info.

In conclusion, Although this was a fairly small sample size to work with I think it still sheds some light on the increase to loot received from public events. Like I said I don't want to jump to conclusions but something seems bugged here.

TLDR: 97.5% if the events completed awarded a piece of rare gear, a piece of rare gear AND a Legendary Engram, or an Exotic Engram. 36% of the rare gear dropped at 330 power level. Legendary and exotic drops are unchanged. After farming 10 events without the shell the loot pool seemed to be greater than that if 80 with the shell. This is obviously not the same sample size so it's hard to be sure and I do not have time to grind 70 more today. Keep track of your loot without the shell if you are so inclined to share. Thanks.

submitted by /u/ERICHxZANN
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Oh Hi /r/DTG, I'm back

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:09 PM PST

For anyone who is new here or doesn't know me, I'm Cozmo, the community manager here at Bungie. Once upon a time, I was also a mod here, before I passed the reigns over to the current team who is doing a fantastic job.

I recently took some time off to spend with my new baby girl. Sorry, I am going to totally be "that dad" for a while on Twitter posting adorable pictures and videos. It was great getting to spend time with her, but I've missed you all and I'm glad to be back. Big shout out to /u/dmg04 who has been doing a great job covering for me. We are going to keep him around on the community team to continue responding on

DeeJ was insistent that I stay out while I was out. This was hard, but it's not good to weigh in as an official spokesperson for a community when you are out of the loop and away from the studio. I'm happy to say that I'm back and ready to dive in.

For all things feedback, I'll be your huckleberry. Tag me if you need me, but know that I'm reading the conversation here every day. It's /u/Cozmo23 with a "Z", not an "S". I know, I'm weird.

Anyways, feel free to use this thread to catch up, post your feedback, or share pictures of your dog/kid/Guardian/whatever. Just make sure you follow the rules here.

submitted by /u/Cozmo23
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Why are all the main Destiny characters bald?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:06 PM PST

This might be a bald statement, but everybody is bald. Ikora. Bald. Cayde. Bald. Zavala. Bald. Osiris. Bald. Ghost. Bald.

Why are they all bald? Even the villains; Ghaul, Calus, Crota, Oryx.

What does Bungie have against hair?

submitted by /u/VolksDK
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Remember Orb/Health Pick-Up?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:39 AM PST

I 'member.

With masterworks it'd probably be a little much, but imagine shooting something far away and making yourself a little health nugget for later.

submitted by /u/GinSin
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