World of Warcraft - Thursday Loot Thread

Thursday Loot Thread

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:08 AM PST

Let us know what you got this week! Achievements, meta-achievements, mounts, pets, actual loot drops, gold thresholds, or other things that you can say, "Oooh, I got this" and be excited about. Post them here! Screenshots are encouraged but not necessary.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Everyone is blaming Nomi for being a bad chef. We should be blaming ourselves.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:46 PM PST

How cool would it be for Warlocks to have these guys as a summonable bank ?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:11 AM PST

[SPOILERS] Immersion completely ruined

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:27 AM PST

shouldn't sargeras' sword massively increase Azeroth's rotational inertia and cause the days and nights to last longer?

submitted by /u/vallivallib
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I found this man in Dalaran one morning. He requested the following headline.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:02 AM PST

On behalf of all shadow priests, I'm sorry.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:32 AM PST

Upon entering the final boss room in Antorus, Xal'atath whispered to me.

I may have inadvertently allowed the Old Gods into Sargeras' prison with Illidan and a weakened titan Pantheon, without any means for us to help them.




Of course, she could be lying. I mean, that's what Old Gods do, right? All the time! I'm sure Illy, Hot Head and the Starshine Boys will be chilling out there in the vast abyss for the next 5-10 years. Hoo, that's a lot of Hearthstone games.



submitted by /u/Scrumshiz
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I did the math: How fucked would we be if what happened in the cinematic happened on Earth?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:09 AM PST

So, for the math, I'll be using this video for the ending cinematic.

The first, and easiest thing, to figure out is how fast the sword is moving. Let's say that it acts similar to a meteor in terms of when the entry burn up begins. This typically begins at 80km-120km above the surface of the Earth. For the sake of the next few calculations, let's say it begins at 120km, as the burn up begins higher up for larger objects. The burn up begins at 1:57 in the video, and the sword impacts the surface at 2:01. This means that the sword traveled 120km in 4 seconds. This then means that the sword was traveling at 30km/s, or 30000m/s, or 1800km/hr, or about 1120 mph.

Next, we need to figure out the dimensions of the sword. This is a bit harder. I'm going to use this video to estimate the length of the sword, and then the width will follow. From the initial jump at 9 seconds, it takes the player until 57 seconds to pass the pointed part of the hilt on the blade (I know there's a technical term for this, but I'm not a swordsmith). Now, the terminal velocity for an upright human in free fall on Earth is roughly 60 m/s. I'm not sure what it is for an upright panda, but we're going to use humans. Assuming an acceleration due to gravity of 9.8 m/s2, the player reached terminal velocity in roughly six seconds. During this time, they covered 29.4 meters, given by the formula: d=1/2at. After the player reached terminal velocity, they were still in free fall for 44 seconds until they reached our inspection point, meaning that during this time they traveled 2640 meters. Adding this together, we get to a total distance of 2669.4 meters. Rounding will give us a final number of 2670 meters. Going from a frame in the cinematic, one can tell that this distance is roughly 1/4 the length of the full sword, meaning that the full sword is 10680 meters long. The sword is also about 2/3 as broad as this measurement, giving us 1780 meters in breadth. There's no real way to scale the width in the cinematic, but judging by the map, the width is roughly 2/3 the breadth, giving us 1190 meters in width. For the sake of calculations, we're going to assume a rectangular prism, meaning that the sword is about 22,622,376,000 cubic meters.

Now that we have the dimensions, we need the mass. I'm going to assume that it's steel, because the only other thing it could possibly be that I can find a density for is Adamantium, but that doesn't really exist in the Warcraft universe... Or our universe. So, steel is 7700 kg/m3. Multiply that by our volume, and we have a whopping 1.74*1014 kg (or, 174 billion kilograms, or 174 trillion grams). For reference, Saturn's 9th largest moon, Prometheus, is just shy of this mass.

So, how fucked would we be? Well, let's compare it to a mass extinction that everyone knows about: The Chicxulub impact that killed the dinosaurs, and 75% of all life on Earth. Well, this sword is only a single order of magnitude lighter than that meteor (source). This sword would have impacted Azeroth with about 7.83*1022 joules of energy, so, still a bit less than the meteor, this time by two orders of magnitude. This is about the same amount of energy released by a magnitude 9.5 earthquake.

So, what would the aftermath of just the impact be? Well, for one, the skies all across the planet would darken, choking out most life on Azeroth. Since this was close to the coast, let's use the example of the 1960 Valdivia earthquake, which was recorded as a 9.3-9.6 magnitude. One could expect tsunamis in excess of 10m, reaching all the way to the next coast. Settlements within the 400,000km2 area around the epicenter were wiped out. This doesn't even take into account the plate tectonics of Azeroth, which more than likely has plates similar to the Earth, and this was very close to a possible fault line, potentially triggering a second massive earthquake. These two could potentially wipe out settlements on Kalimdor from their initial impacts. The Eastern Kingdoms will also feel a heavy impact, especially The Swamp of Sorrows, The Blasted Lands, and the Twilight Highlands, as they have no mountain ranges to protect them from the incoming tsunamis. All of these zones will by wiped out almost completely.

As for the lasting affects to the orbit of the planet. If Azeroth is the same mass as the Earth, then we actually didn't gain all that much mass. Not even a .0000001% increase. We actually gained about .00000000002% of our mass.

So, in other words, we're all fucking dead, but our orbit is fine, if anything, we drifted by a few seconds per year.

submitted by /u/PuddlesRex
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Patch 7.3.5 Build 25600 - Updated Baine, Nathanos, Saurfang Models

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:44 PM PST

Did you all forget the real Argus?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:32 AM PST

Times change

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:58 AM PST

I'm really happy they increased the view distance for Legion.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:45 AM PST

BfA is the perfect chance for realms to be merged.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:07 AM PST

This is yet another post spawning from the Vanilla vs Retail argument. But this isn't the point of this post. I want us to have a discussion. Not about which version is better, but how to make the one we've got better. Inspired by Alexensual's thoughts on BfA.

This game has been out for 13 years already. Technology's evolving as fast as ever. We don't play on toasters and our PCs can handle way more compared to that time. We are way past the prime time of 13 million active subs and there's a huge list of low pop realms around that nobody wants to really join by themselves. We've got connected realms, we've got sharding, we've got phasing and we've got cross-realm zones. Confusing isn't it! Coming BfA, there won't even be PvE and PvP realms anymore. The main focus of BfA will be faction war as far we know, yet there's all those 90A:10H realms and vice versa.

I believe BfA is a perfect opportunity for realms to be merged.

For all I know, they could make 8 Titan realms, named after the Titans and compensate people with vanity items and tabards unique to their old server's name. That way they can fix faction balance. They can remove sharding and cross-realm zones and have you focus on your realm alone. Or at least have them happen to a way lesser extend.

Suddenly there will be a vast amount of players you see in-game regularly, that you know by their names because they are unique to them, that you see in towns, in bgs, in dungeons, in raids and in the world. Faction war becomes much more personal. You know the enemy faction guilds, you know the players, you know the class mains and the best players, you know your competition.

All in all, I don't see any advantages to the current situation, with all those players that you see but you can't really interact with and with so many realms feeling deserted. I want realms to be merged and the world feeling big again.

submitted by /u/mr_feist
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Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:31 AM PST

After listening to what Malfurion and Tyrande have to say about Illidan

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:51 AM PST

I'm super glad their damn tree is getting burned down. By the Light, he just gave himself up to be the jailor of a being that was about to fuck the world, he spilled his heart out to them as a farewell and they have the audacity to respond like total douchebags. Hope they burn along with that damn thing.

submitted by /u/Ursidon
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I love the new elevator boss

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:25 AM PST

Last night while PUGing Normal Antorus I realized that Blizzard has finally implemented a TRUE elevator boss in-game.

After downing the Felhounds the PUG I was in made its way towards High Command. As I usually do with elevators, I stood just next to it (not under it) while several of my group members stood directly under the elevator (as most people tend to do) while we waited for the elevator to come down.

What happened next was the most glorious thing I have ever seen in this game. The elevator came down and upon coming in contact with the 2 to 3 people under it, proceeded to squash them in all of its gory glory. The elevator literally killed these people by turning them into piles of meat.

Blizzard please do more of these surprises in the future. We proceeded to laugh in Discord for a good 5 minutes straight because of how unexpected and hilarious it was to see this happen.

submitted by /u/Sporkthulhu
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Short, concise guides for every boss in Antorus!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:41 AM PST

I think it is safe to assume Il'gynoth is referring to Azeroth when he says "At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming."

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:57 AM PST


Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:45 AM PST

Allied Races are coming!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:21 PM PST

Highmountain Tauren and Void Elf Racial Mounts!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:39 PM PST

Patch 7.3.5 PTR. Get 4 extra backpack slots by attaching an Authenticator to your account.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:23 PM PST

[Spoilers] Stab from perspective

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:07 PM PST

I made this photoshop mockup of Sargeras stabbing Azeroth, by using the curvature of Azeroth in the cinematic, and created this Azeroth 3d sphere and matched it to the scale of Sargeras.

Just wanted to point out, that the size of the stab matches and doesn't seem scaled down ingame.

Hope you liked it, since it took some time to make :)

submitted by /u/sandorengholm
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Highmountain Tauren Allied Race Druid Forms and Racial Mount

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:13 PM PST

Scythe of the Unmaker - rare drop from Argus the Unmaker

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:48 PM PST

It was nice knowing you, [Bronze-Tinted Sunglasses]. We'll always miss when we could transmog you.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:18 AM PST

Dwarves, clans and role in the Alliance: modern times

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:35 AM PST

Continuing my earlier lore post as requested by several commenters. This time I will describe the role of the dwarves, their main clans and the role of the race as part of the Alliance in more modern times.

Last time I described the War of the Three Hammers and events leading up to the Second War, and the dwarves joining the first version of the modern Alliance.

This time I will go into more detail about the aftermath of the Second War, what the dwarves were up to in the Third War, notable dwarven characters in important world events, and what happened after the Third War up to today from a dwarven perspective.

Feel free to comment, correct mistakes and suggest further topics! This will be a rather long post, but I hope you will enjoy it!

Second War and Aftermath

As both the Wildhammer and Bronzebeard clans joined the Alliance in the Second War, they took part in the efforts to drive back the Horde from Khaz Modan and the Kingdom of Stormwind (then known as Azeroth). Cast back through the Dark Portal, the Horde was still a threat, for the somewhat sub-standard Wizard Khadgar failed to close the portal itself, only destroying the stone arch surrounding it.

After the death of Anduin Lothar at the hands of Warchief Doomhammer, the young paladin Turalyon, Lothar's second-in-command, picked up Lothar's broken sword and took charge of the Alliance army. He led an expedition force through the Dark Portal in order to find a way to close it for good.

The expedition force was made up of brave volunteers who set out on the mission knowing they might never return to their homeworld again. They came to be known as the Sons of Lothar. The dwarven representative in this expedition came to be none other than Thane Kurdran Wildhammer, leader of the Wildhammer clan.

And so it came to be that the heroes managed to seal the portal, but not without trapping themselves on Draenor, which was at that point quickly unraveling and turning into Outland.

Prelude to the Third War

With their iron-bound honor code, the Wildhammers and Bronzebeards stood fast in their commitment to the Alliance after the war, even though the Alliance itself was fracturing. Ironforge assisted in the rebuilding of Stormwind, but the mountains made the path between the two cities long and treacherous, so the great Deeprun Tram was constructed between the cities to further speed up the transport of goods and troops between the cities. A Dwarven District was even constructed in Stormwind for the allies to conduct trade and business in an easier manner.

To further strengthen ties within the Alliance, Magni sent one of his younger brothers, Muradin, to act as ambassador to King Terenas Menethil's court in Lordaeron. Muradin had earlier served as liaison between Ironforge and Lordaeron during the Second War, so the choice was a natural one. In Lordaeron, Muradin befriended the young crown prince, Arthas Menethil, whom he trained in fighting.

Sometime after the Second War, the first clues to the mysterious origin of the dwarves was discovered at Bael Modan. Intrigued by the find, King Magni founded the Explorer's League in Ironforge to continue investigating, sending surveyors and explorers to find other possible sites. Both his younger brothers, Muradin and Brann, became avid explorers and members of this institution.

When Prince Arthas chased the Dreadlord Mal'Ganis to Northrend, Muradin was already there, as part of an expedition by the Explorer's League, searching for titan relics. The dwarven expedition was beset by nerubians and undead, and they were happy join forces with Arthas and his troops. This co-operation ended in tragedy, when Arthas claimed Frostmourne from its pedestal. The ice that encased the blade exploded, and Muradin was struck down by some of the larger shards. Arthas, believing his friend dead, left him where he lay and went to hunt Mal'Ganis once more.

Third War

The dwarves fought together with the Alliance against both Arthas' Scourge and the Burning Legion all over Lordaeron, some even traveling with Jaina to Kalimdor, taking part in the final battle against Archimonde and the Burning Legion. They took part in some of the final battles for control over Lordaeron, fighting Scourge, Forsaken, and Kael'thas' Blood Elf rebellion.

Aftermath of the Third War & Dark Iron Shenanigans

When the Legion's invasion was thwarted, most dwarves returned to their homes in Khaz Modan and the Hinterlands. Explorer's League expeditions continued to scour all continents for dig sites and relics. But what about the Dark Irons?

The Dark Irons had, as I mentioned in the previous post, been enslaved by Ragnaros beneath Blackrock Mountain. As their numbers grew, they began expanding their slave-kingdom. Still ruled by the Thaurissan family (who now styled themselves Emperors), they were granted significant autonomy as vassals of the Firelord, who rested deep below in the Molten Core. The Dark Irons worked together with many of the Firelord's other minions, fire and magma elementals, flamewakers, core hounds, lava giants, etc. They crafted mighty war-golems, powerful weapons and sturdy armor using the magic-infused heat of the Molten Core.

They had built a grand city, Shadowforge City, in the depths of Blackrock Mountain. From it, they spread outward, fighting against the Blackrock Clan orcs for control of the mountain itself, and spilling out to claim most of the Searing Gorge, and also the ruins of their previous city of Thaurissan.

Emperor Dagran Thaurissan continued the scheming traditions of his ancestors. He sent spies to infiltrate Khaz Modan, and emissaries to back the new self-proclaimed ruler of Gnomeregan, Sicco Thermaplugg, hoping to capitalize on the gnomish schism. His probably greatest political achievement was the kidnapping of Moira Bronzebeard, King Magni's daughter, Princess of Ironforge and heir to the throne. He treated Moira with respect, even with kindness and fondness, even taking her advice in matters of state. Moira came to fall in love with her captor. They got married, and Moira Thaurissan ruled Shadowforge city as its Empress alongside her husband.

Magni, enraged by the kidnapping of his daughter and thinking that Thaurissan had used some form of magic to bend Moira to his will, sent teams of adventurers to get her back and slay the Dark Iron Emperor. A kill team managed to penetrate the depths of Blackrock Mountain, cross the many dangers of Shadowforge City, and assassinate Emperor Thaurissan. Moira, however, refused to return home with them. She announced she was pregnant with Dagran's child, and would remain in Shadowforge City to rule her people, the Dark Iron clan. The assassination of her husband left her with a terrible rage smouldering in her heart, and she would not be heard from for quite some time.

Burning Crusade

When the Dark Portal opened once more, the dwarves went exploring on Outland in hopes of finding their lost kin. They were overjoyed when they indeed found Kurdran Wildhammer and his remaining warriors in Wildhammer Stronghold. The Wildhammer clan played an important part in the fight against Illidan's forces in Shadowmoon Valley.

Wrath of the Lich King

When Arthas, now the Lich King, sent his forces against the living, the dwarves once more returned to Northrend. In the Storm Peaks, they encountered the Frostborn, a previously unknown dwarf subrace. Their leader, Yorg Stormheart, however, looked conspicuously like a Bronzebeard dwarf. Adventurers managed to find out that he was in fact Muradin, who had survived being impaled by the shards of Frostmourne's prison, but had lost his memory. He had been rescued by the Frostborn, but when returning to their town the party had been attacked by a jormungar. Muradin had slain the ice-worm single handedly, and the Frostborn thus named him after one of their greatest heroes. Eventually he rose in the Frostborn society, all the way to becoming named their King.

Yorg befriended the Alliance and the Explorer's League, and eventually brought the Frostborn into the Alliance. They fought side-by-side with the other allied races against the Lich King. During the campaign, Brann and Magni were reunited with their lost brother, and at that point Yorg recalled his true name and past. He then left the Frostborn to fight Arthas. After Arthas was defeated, he returned to Ironforge.

Brann and the Explorer's League were able to learn much of the Titans and their people's origins from their expeditions into Ulduar and other Titan sites in Northrend.


The Cataclysm was preceded by tumultuous elemental events all over the world. Magni descended to Old Ironforge to perform a ritual, attempting to calm the elements. He succeeded, but in the process became "one with the mountain", turning into a petrified, crystalline statue.

Following Magni's sudden petrification, a succession crisis was once more at hand. Moira Thaurissan reutrned to Ironforge, to claim the throne. She arrived with her Dark Iron forces, quickly subduing any resistance in Ironforge. She ruled with an iron fist, as she had the Dark Irons before.

King Varian Wrynn sent an intervention force along the Deeprun Tram to unseat Moira, but despite her tyrannical tendencies, she was still the legitimate heir to the throne. Killing her would only cause further unrest and confusion over the succession, and once her infant son, Dagran II Thaurissan, one day would rule, he would unite the entire dwarven people once more.

Varian then called for the formation of the Council of Three Hammers. Moira agreed, and thus the power was divided between representatives from each clan. Muradin for the Bronzebeards, Moira for the Dark Iron, and Falstad, who had succeeded Kurdran as Thane, for the Wildhammers. Old rivalries, bitterness and prejudice still cast shadows over the dealings of the council, as the Bronzebeards and Wildhammers still did not feel like they could trust the Dark Irons.

Mists of Pandaria

During the Zandalari invasion, Varian asked the Council to help repel the invading trolls, who had rallied the Frostmane trolls of Dun Morogh to their cause. Both Falstad and Muradin declined, believing Moira and the Dark Irons would once more take over Ironforge if they sent out any of their own forces. Moira, however, offered her aid and pledged her Dark Iron forces to the task, intending to prove her loyalty to the Council, Ironforge, and the Alliance. Upon her success, the remaining councilors were ashamed of their lack of trust and vowed to never again be ruled by such fear and distrust. United now, the dwarves pledged their full support to the Alliance.


Upon the Burning Legion's return, Magni suddenly awakened. Still crystalline, he had become the conduit of Azeroth's world soul. It was he who led adventurers to learn of the Pillars of Creation, which were instrumental in defeating the Legion invasion. He also traveled to Argus, and managed to commune with the world soul there, finding out what was going on in the heart of the enemy citadel, Antorus.

This concludes the second part of my dwarf lore posts. Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/Kuuppa
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