Fallout - Sorry, folks. This is the dumbest thing in any Fallout game, ever.

Sorry, folks. This is the dumbest thing in any Fallout game, ever.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:06 PM PST

Would you like to see the skills from fallout 3 and New Vegas return in the next fallout instalment?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:59 AM PST

Just curious and would like your opinions :) Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Renroh2003
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I like New Vegas!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:03 AM PST

I like the multiple factions, I like seeing their little vault person icon on the stats menu.

I like the multiple choice dialogue, when I don't have enough Barter or Science I have enough Explosives or Melee to get a good outcome from a conversation, or I can skip it and blow someone up! That works too sometimes.

I like the spooky desert scenario, wandering around listening to Mr. Vegas.


I like the companions, so far Boone, Veronica (especially her) and ED-E have been entertaining to talk to and a little intriguing (ED-E's broadcasts).


I finished Dead Money a few days ago and I LOVED IT, the companions were good, except Dean I guess, I didn't like him as much as Christine and Dog/God, I managed to get their "good" endings although Christine's felt sad (btw is she the girl Veronica mentioned as being her lover).

What I wanna know is, does Fallout 3 have all this stuff? Good companions, lots of factions/tribes/cities to get karma with, interesting/spooky locations, good radio, lots of dialogue options, and if the DLC is any good too.

Edit: Thank you for the answers!!! I will now wait until payday and Christmas vacation to see if I can get my hands on either Fallout 3 or Fallout 4 and maybe pick up the classics along the way! They may not have what I want but there's no harm in trying them (especially with holiday sales discounts).

submitted by /u/finiteWitch
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[Discussion] A more logical Hostility System would make Fallout games more interesting.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:00 PM PST

Hostility in Bethesda games have always kind of irked me. I've always hated how 90% of enemies were often instantly hostile the second they are aware of you. Some situations and locations however did have some variation in how they approached hostility. Some enemies would only attack if you directly entered their territories, sometimes giving you a warning if you got too close. Some would pretend to be friendly and then attack or try to extort valuables off of you. And that just makes me wonder: why isn't that the norm for 90% of the enemies?

The way I see it, bandits and other thinking enemies should have a much more broad spectrum of hostility and how they interpret the player. Animals, Creatures and Super Mutants are probably fine in a fight or flight instinctual approach to hostility. But humans and non-feral ghouls should definitely be more nuanced.

9 times out 10 you meet a bandit, they just shoot at you on sight. Which to me, doesn't make much sense. How do bandits replenish their ranks? How do the Gunners get more mercs when they constantly murder people on sight? Why do bandits and gunners even bother to collect caps and loot if they never seem to trade or go to merchants to sell stuff they take? You sometimes see notes and journal entries about people joining up with bandits or gunners and with Nuka World, they showed that Bandits from other groups can work together. But how do they do any of this when they simply just murder everyone on sight?

I think a better hostility system should come into play for the next entire game. And I think it should play out like this:

You, a fresh face in the fallout world, are searching through some ruins and you come across a small group of bandits. They see you, raise their weapons and go to a (CAUTION) status. They demand you put your gun down and now you can enter into a conversation(maybe like how intimidation works, you point at an enemy and press a button to enter into a negotiation/standoff) and give a retort. Now it turns into a stalemate where you should have many more options with how to deal with the situation You can make demands, concessions/trades, try to intimidate, try to deceive them, sow distrust, fire a warning shot or an extremity shot etc. You change the outcome based on a variety of things you can say or do. And any of these options could succeed or fail.

Whereas in it's current state it goes mostly like this:

You see some bandits, they see you and shoot at you, you kill them.

Obviously random bandits should be unpredictable and should fire on you from time to time, I just think having more ways to approach a conflict gives you tons more replayability, more tension and just more fun.

This system should also be able to be fully supported with new and old perks and it gives us more use out of Charisma and Speech-based skills/perks we are barely able to use. Stealth could make it so you stick someone up, take out a person to intimidate a lone survivor or hold someone hostage against a larger group. You could pull the pin on a grenade and threaten to blow everyone up if you have explosives skill. You could send a follower to flank/set up an ambush. Other things based on how you build your character should be able to affect how you encounter enemies.

All of this could work hand in hand with a disposition/panic system, where certain members of group could be more susceptible and others more difficult to these kind influences.

And enemies can still be instantly hostile sometimes, it's just another flavor of all the possibilities encounters can be and not the only flavor it always is.

TL;DR - I think enemies should be a lot less hostile upon encountering them, giving players a chance to do more things in the moment, like talking/trading/intimidating, rather than everyone wanting to constantly kill you no matter what.

Any thoughts? I just feel like it could open up tons of possibilities in gameplay. And it gives the wasteland a much more interesting and tense dynamic.

submitted by /u/GenghisAres
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Philosophy in Fallout?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:24 AM PST

I got a fun assignment for a contemporary philosophy class about analyzing any form of media. Therefore, I want to look into the philosophy of Fallout, and I want to go beyond the obvious "Caesar speaking about Hegel bit."

I think that free will and agency are pretty important in the series, maybe through Kant's categorical imperative, or maybe analysis through the contracts, especially Hobbes and Locke.

Any ideas on what I could look into? It's a pretty simple project so I don't need to go too deep.

submitted by /u/eccentricrealist
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Can I destroy the gangs at nuka world instead of helping then

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:03 AM PST

I was wondering because I'm doing things differently on my current play through

submitted by /u/bjornjorgenson
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Dead Money - The Complete Story by Oxhorn

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:24 AM PST

This is my favorite DLC from my favorite entry in the Fallout series. Oxhorn went above and beyond looking at all of the lore and paths possible in Dead Money. I think it is worth a watch for everyone who has played through the DLC. Also highly recommend his videos on Honest Hearts and Old World Blues. It's easy to just breeze through the DLC's and not really turn over every rock like Oxhorn does in his videos.

Here is a link to the playlist on youtube.

submitted by /u/ShannonM24
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[Discussion] Well I just got banished from Vault 101.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:18 PM PST

I am fucking livid right now. I leave after they tried to kill me and my dad, become a fucking wasteland legend, and now they come running back asking for help. So, naturally, I go in there, tease Butch for his life choices, save my old teacher, and go full Chad Insurrection mode and kill Mack (AFTER he tried to kill ME) and now I'm fucking permabanned from my own home. I'm literally shaking rn.

In all seriousness, I thought this was a really neat moment/quest, as it shows how the decision you made long ago has effected everyone you knew and loved (tolerated) growing up, and I was legitimately saddened when I was told that I had to leave forever.

submitted by /u/pro_beau
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Did I miss something in nuka world?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:18 PM PST

To me, this wasn't an enjoyable DLC. Yes, you got to tango with some raiders. But the missions to get the park back were... beyond... tedious.... go here and kill all the mirelaks(sp)

"But I've done that countless times"

Oh in this mission they are a different color and an announcer blasts ads in your ear the entire time you are clearing the place out!

Go here and get all the different stuff from western robots

"But... these snake things are just reskins of the moles"

Oh but you get to shoot these guys in a western setting and do things for robots with a western accent!

Go here and kill all the gator claws.

But.... why are there 15 of them.... I am a stealth character on survival.... these are just reskinned death claws and I have to find ALL of them?

Yes! But we threw in a funny cave man raised by apes isn't this just swell!!

No... for me it wasn't swell. Did I miss something? Like any interesting characters? I really liked the some of the factions but is your interaction with them really limited to "raise this flag for me"? If I missed something please let me know. I'm hoping I did so I can play through it again and enjoy it the second time.

submitted by /u/SilverSparrow32
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Just started playing far harbor..

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:09 PM PST

This DLC is a ton of fun, exploration, mysteries, the atmosphere is perfect. I haven't finished it yet but I feel these features were missing from the commonwealth.

On a side note, this DLC reminds me of Point lookout. Especially with the Child of Atom hallucination quest.

submitted by /u/Gnasher1999
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Damn you obsidian!!!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:45 PM PST

Ok, so today in my English class we were reading Julius Caesar. I had to read a role in it today, but when I had to say Caesar I accidentally said kaisar, since all the dirty legionaries in new Vegas call him that while still spelling it Caesar. Mild embarrassment aside I suppose it was kind of funny even though all the Normie plebs in my class probably though I was fucking stupid.

submitted by /u/Travisk666
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is this even legal?does bethesda/obsidian know about this?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:31 AM PST

Christian Character Suggestions (NV)

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:56 AM PST

First off I am not wanting this to turn into a debate thing.

With Religion being treaty with a fair bit of respect in Fallout New Vegas, I want to make a character that is from a Tribe or "settlement" that has remained Christian (maybe with a change here or there now that "Armageddon" has occured) long afer the war.

What I am looking for is suggestions on how to play such a character. Things like what should the S.P.E.C.I.A.L be, what skills should be tagged at the beginning and others that should be worked on as I level up?

What faction would be best for my character to side with, or should they go it on their own?

Should the character be non-violent only killing when no other option presents itself? Or should they make it their mission to cleanse the wasteland of those they consider "heretics/hethens"?

What kind of equipment etc etc

Oh and how to deal with chems? Use them or collect to keep out of the hands of others or just leave em be

Again just looking for suggestions on how I do this and not for people to start argueing about certain aspects. Please be respectful to ALL who post

submitted by /u/Darkmagic212
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FO4: Far Harbor is today's front page featured article on English Wikipedia

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:35 PM PST

CC content crashes my game

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:50 AM PST

The new CC item "home decor workshop pack" kills the (already fragile) game when I'm in V88. What now? Edit: I'm on ps4

submitted by /u/danktonium
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What does make New Vegas the Highest rated fallout?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:34 AM PST

What are the main differences between 3, 4 and New Vegas In your Opinion?(and the other ones as well)

Why is new vegas so different than the others? What does NV that the others didn't?

I was thinking of asking in the dedicated subreddit, but I just want to know the opinions of the general fanbase.

Anyway, if this post is out of place I'll delete it, but if is not, Thanks for answering!.

submitted by /u/I_Am_Ed_Edd_n_Eddy
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Ever since CC came to fallout I have been unable to access it, I’ve done a hard reset of the console, uninstalled the game then reinstalled it, unlinked my Xbox live account and uninstalled all mods to see what was causing this problem. Can somebody please help because it’s becoming a real pain.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:26 AM PST

Question about Raider Gangs

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:38 AM PST

How do they get new people if they kill everyone on sight?

submitted by /u/libertine1
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Should I play Fallout 3?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:34 AM PST

I just got done playing New Vegas; it was amazing although I kinda regret the ending I chose. It's probably now my all-time favorite video game I've played. What I want to know is Fallout 3 worth playing (I've heard it's more simple than NV), or should I just play Fallout 4? Edit: I should clarify I already own the game (from buying the mini nuke bundle) this question is for the sake of my limited time.

submitted by /u/-CRC-
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What kind of posts and discussions do you think would be made if the Fallout universe had it's own Reddit?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:47 PM PST

Never played a fallout game advice and how should I build my character

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:45 AM PST

I recently picked up fallout 4 and only just downloaded it what should I use my 21 points on considering this is my first fallout game

submitted by /u/redmanup
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Old Rusty lacks a thrusty

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:46 AM PST

I'm sure it's been noted before, but I just noticed Old Rusty (the mr handy in V81) doesn't have a Rocket-jet-thruster-thingamajig. It's so dumb (edit: silly dumb, not bad dumb). And I come through V81 very often. (I pass it when going from Sanctuary to V88) So I can't fathom how I hadn't noticed yet.

submitted by /u/danktonium
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[Fo3] Pyromaniac.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:06 PM PST

Weapon skins are on the Creation Club

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:12 AM PST

The only cool looking thing, it's 100 each though. :(

submitted by /u/HarraReeves_
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