Rainbow Six Game Director Leroy Athanassoff and Game Designer Jean-Baptiste Hallé are hosting an AMA on the topic of Siege's Operators on Friday December 1st to celebrate Siege's second anniversary!

Game Director Leroy Athanassoff and Game Designer Jean-Baptiste Hallé are hosting an AMA on the topic of Siege's Operators on Friday December 1st to celebrate Siege's second anniversary!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:24 AM PST

Game Director Leroy Athanassoff and Game Designer Jean-Baptiste Hallé will be answering questions about Siege's Operators on Friday December 1st from 10:00-11:59 AM EST [countdown link].

The AMA post will go live at 9:00 AM EST so people can submit their questions early; the post will be pinned to the top of the subreddit when it goes live so it can be easily found. We hope everyone is as excited as we are!

submitted by /u/LordKeren
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Rainbow Six: Siege Invitational 2018 Qualifers FAQ and General Information

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:31 PM PST

A large number of people had similar questions about the Rainbow Six: Siege Invitational, so I have gone ahead and collected some of the most common questions and answered them here along with some helpful links.

General Information

Just want to learn more about the Invitational event and not as interested in competing in the Qualifiers? You can read through Ubisoft's site about the event here : https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/en-us/events/sixinvitational/index.aspx

When do the Qualifiers start?

All Qualifiers start on the 6th of December and end on the 23rd of December. The top 16 teams will Qualifiers for the Playoffs. The Playoffs are taking place at the 7th of January until the 14th of January.

What are the requirements to participate in the Qualifiers?

  1. All members of the team be 18+ and have an ESL Profile (this includes coaches, managers, and anyone else that is part of the team)
  2. All members of the team must be in the same region
  3. All members of the team must have an active Gameaccount. This is easy to setup up and only requires you enter your In-Game name down and link it to your ESL Profile. Once you are on your ESL Profile Page it is on the left side as "Gameaccount"
  4. If all the above requirements are met, the final step is to create a team and invite your teammates, then sign up for the appropriate region as listed below.
Region Link
North America https://play.eslgaming.com/rainbowsix/north-america-pc/r6siege/open/six-invitational-2018-ladder-5on5-na/
Europe https://play.eslgaming.com/rainbowsix/europe-pc/r6siege/open/six-invitational-2018-ladder-5on5-europe/
Australia and New Zealand https://play.eslgaming.com/rainbowsix/anz-pc/r6siege/pro/six-invitational-y2-qualifier-anz/
Asia (Japan) https://play.eslgaming.com/rainbowsix/asia-pc/r6siege/pro/six-invitational-y2-qualifier-jp/
Asia (Korea) https://play.eslgaming.com/rainbowsix/asia-pc/r6siege/pro/six-invitational-y2-qualifier-kr/
Asia (South East Asia) https://play.eslgaming.com/rainbowsix/asia-pc/r6siege/pro/six-invitational-y2-qualifier-sea/
Latin America https://play.eslgaming.com/rainbowsix/latam-pc/r6siege/open/six-invitational-2018-ladder-5on5-latam/

Does participation in the Qualifiers require use of MOSS and ESL Wire?

Yes, both MOSS and ESL Wire are mandatory for all players.

How can I increase my chances to get into the Top 16 of the Qualifiers?

Play as many matches as you can and try to consistently win those. You can't drop out of the tournament due to a poor record, so keep trying.

Are the Qualifiers going to be streamed for public viewing?

The Qualifiers will be streamed by community casters. The Playoffs are being streamed on the official Rainbow6 twitch.tv channel.

Information about the ladder

How does the ladder system work for the Qualifiers?

During the week from 6:00 PM (local time) to 11:59 PM (local time) teams can get a match through the instant challenger system During the weekend from 2:00 PM(local time) until 11:59 PM (local time) Additional Information can be found here: https://play.eslgaming.com/ladder-faq#!#InstantChallenger

Can teams choose their opponents or know who their opponents will be before the match ?

No, teams cannot pick their opponent or know who they will be playing against before the match.

What happens if a team declines the challenge?

teams who decline a challenge receive a penalty, this might be a barrage for future matches or penalty points which could prevent the penalized team from participating in the Qualifiers.

How does the Instant Challenge system work within the open ladder?

The system works conceptually similar to Ranked in Rainbow Six: Siege. Rankings for teams is determined by the activity of the team and the matches that the team wins or loses (Win/Lose ratio).

Basic Match Information

What do I do when I have issues with the actual match?

Any match related issues such as opponents not reacting, not starting the map veto, or anything else need to be reported through a protest. Protests can be made by using the following URL: https://play.eslgaming.com/protest/add/ Any other non-match related issues (such as issues with Gameaccounts, Wire/MOSS issues, and insults or unsportsmanlike behaviour) need to be reported through a Support Ticket which you can create by using the following Link: https://play.eslgaming.com/support/

Are teams allowed to use the new DLC Operators (Vigil, Dokkaebi, and Zofia)?

No, the new Operators from the Operation White Noise (Vigil, Dokkaebi, and Zofia) will not be allowed to be used for the first week of play. Use of these Operators will be banned until all players are able to buy them using Renown/R6 Credits (For those who do not own the Year 2 Pass).

How many maps need to be played per match?

All matches are best of 3 maps.

What are the maps that are in the map pool for the Qualifiers?

The map pool will be the same as the one which is being used in Pro League, Challenger League, and Go4's. The map pool is the following 9 maps: Bank, Border, Chalet, Club House, Consulate, Kafe Dostoyevsky, Coastline, Oregon and Skyscraper.

You can view the full match rule book by clicking this link . All regions use the same rules for the matches.

submitted by /u/BK2TwoHundredOne
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You can never be too sure

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:10 AM PST

So close to that ace... (SAU-SIEGE)

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:34 AM PST

The location of the main point if discovered and drone should be marked on the map

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:59 AM PST

Improving The Terrorist Hunt, New Enemies, New Mission Types And More Interesting Gameplay. (With Crappy Concept Art)

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:35 AM PST

I think the Terrorist hunt would be more interesting, if it had more enemy types to mix things up. Not to mention, making enemies less brain dead on lower difficulties would also make the mode more fun, however without making all enemies aimbots.


White Masks:

The terrorist organization that the R6 fights in this game. Currently they don't have much that would make them special or even that memorable. They need more units and their own mark to be interesting to fight against.

Example of White Mask Mark/symbol

White Mask bullet proof barricades


Terrorist Units and AI behavior:

Regular Terrorists Units: Very common units, spawn in all difficulties and they have high numbers, but they are relatively easy to fight against.

Special Terrorists Units: Harder and stronger enemies that have low spawn rates at low difficulties but higher spawn rates at higher difficulties. However there will always be less Special-T than regulars. These enemies are harder to kill, as they have better arsenal and more health than regular units.


Aggressive units:

will engage players if they get too close to their proximity or when players are spotted near their area. They also serve as attacking force when players are defending.

Regular Units:

  • Shotgunner: starts hunting players when Sniper or camera spots them, or when players are close enough. They start the fight by throwing flashbang and then try to shotgun players down. They are 3 armor, 1 speed units.(These units are immune to flash bangs).

  • Light Assault: starts hunting players when Sniper or camera spots them, or when players are close enough. They are armed with MP5 with extended mag. They run to engagement range and start shooting as much as possible at player. They also carry Breach Charges. They are 1 armor, 3 speed units.

  • Heavy Assault: starts hunting players when Sniper or camera spots them, or when players are close enough. Armed with assault rifles and frag grenades. They are 2 armor, 2 speed units.

  • Shield: protects themselves with shield and try to close the distance. They rarely take aim and try to close in while hip firing. They are 3 armor, 1 speed units.

  • Heavy Shield: prefers to work as a team with other terrorists, they will create cover for other terrorist while they themselves will stay as bullet sponges. If they have no allies around them, they will run to areas where there are allies, they themselves will almost never attack players, only if they are last one alive. These units have large shield that behave very similarly to Montagnes extended shield. They are 2 armor, 2 speed units.

Special Units:

  • Tank: has heavy armor and uses Light machinegun, Tanks work as bullet sponges and very hard to kill enemies in the field. Tanks are the rarest of all Special units as they are the hardest to kill. They are 3 armor, 1 speed units and they have 1000 and only take 150% damage from headshots.

  • Elite Shield: are armed with SMG and shield and they try to close in while hip firing, they sometimes ADS when in longer distances. They carry Exothermic Charges. They are 3 armor, 1 speed units with 200 health. They also spawn to guard Camera Guard and Hostages.

  • Grenadier: will attack players with their SMG and will actively throw impact grenades at them. They also destroy walls to prevent players from taking cover, they also carry Exothermic Charges. They are 3 armor, 1 speed units with 200 health.

  • Bomber: (They work same way as they currently work).

  • Hazmat: uses carbines and they throw gas grenades at players (similar to Smoke) that deal damage over time. They are 2 armor, 2 speed units that have 300 health. They look similar to Bombers but they do not have explosives strapped around them, nor lights.

  • Medic: Terrorist unit that sticks with other terrorists, he heals wounded ones and himself. They also apply overheal to other terrorists. They are 2 armor, 2 speed units with 200 health.


Defensive Units:

are very passive and do not move much, they usually guard objectives or specific places, they do not spawn in missions where terrorists are attacking.

Regular Units:

  • Engineer: Very active before players arrive, actively placing Barbed Wire, C4 and reinforcements around important locations. They are also active near doors and windows, placing traps on them too. When players are close, they go in to hiding and activate C4 charges when player is near them. If player kills the engineer that placed the C4 charges, then those C4 charges won't explode. They are 2 armor, 2 speed units. (Engineers will also place Armor panels, similar to Castle, to doors near the objectives).

  • Trapper: Places different kind of C4 charges. These charges are similar to Kapkan's traps, however these can be placed in anywhere in the map, they have laser that, if crossed will make the charge explode. Trapper passively places new traps around the map until killed. They are 1 armor, 3 speed units.

  • Sniper: Guards windows during start of the round, aiming, spotting and shooting players that are closing the building. When players finally are inside, they will change their location to different advantage point inside the building. If they spot player, other aggressive terrorist units will move closer to their location. They are 1 armor, 3 speed units.

  • Ambusher: Similar to Heavy assault, but instead of hunting players, they will stay near important objectives and they hide behind cover. They can also deploy deployable shields. They are 3 armor, 1 speed units.

  • Stalker: starts hunting players when Sniper or camera spots them, or when players are close enough. Armed with silenced pistol and knife, they will attempt to attack from players from their blind sides (like from behind). They can only down players and not kill them but they will try to interrogate players similarly to Caveira, but they are 3x slower at interrogating player. They are 1 armor, 3 speed units.

Special Units:

  • Cameraman: Every terrorist defensive operation has one Cameraman, who will use cameras around the map to spot players. If player is in camera vision for 2.5s they are spotted and the closest aggressive enemies will try to kill the player. This can be avoided by destroying the cameras, or staying out of their line of sight. Killing Cameraman will also stop cameras from spotting and Dokkaebi is able to hack the Cameramans phone to access all terrorist cameras. Cameraman is defensive, he only stays in one room, far from the objective, which is guarded by Elite shields and Ambushers. There will be randomly placed new cameras around them on defensive missions.

  • Turret: places windows, similar to Mira, to walls (these windows do not have bullet resistant glass), then they will deploy deployable LMG with protective shield, similar to Tachanka's. They will place the deployable lmg near the window to well protected spot or If there is no good wall placement for window, then they will only deploy turret and they will stay In it, firing player's that are closing the room. Turrets spawn mostly in objective areas. They are 2 armor, 2 speed units.


Objective Units: These units are someway connected to current objective and only appear in those missions.

  • Fake Hostage: Only spawns in hostage missions, this terrorist pretends to be hostage, but when player is close enough they will pull a gun and try to shoot player. When player first sees them, they will get objective marker similar to hostage, however if player uses drone and uses scan, player can identify if its real hostage or terrorist. They are 1 armor, 3 speed units.

  • Captain: Appears in raid and assassination missions, heavily armored and armed captain is a tough enemy, they carry impact grenades and stun grenades along with their extended mag SMG. They are 2 armor, 2 speed units with 1000 health and they take 150% damage from headshots. Other terrorists will try to guard the Captain. In Assasination, When Captain loses 60% health, captain will try to escape from the map.



  • Enemies stay consistent with difficulties, however special units number increases per difficulty, making it harder for players. (For example, at normal there are 2 bombers, 1 grenadier, 1 elite shield, at Realistic there are 4 bombers, 3 grenadier, 4 elite shield)

  • Terrorists firearms deal 50% less damage to players (Head shots are not lethal, but deal 2x damage, which means that they deal regular damage), as there are now more enemies on the map, some stronger than the other. Terrorists can now more reliably hit players in all difficulties, not miss firing full 1-3 seconds. Terrorist melee attacks only deal 40 damage.

  • Terrorists are more accurate the more closer player is. At far distances, they have low accuracy, at medium range they can hit almost reliably and at close range they are very accurate. However Terrorists are not accurate at shooting through surfaces, so if player is behind cover, terrorists will shoot blindly through walls trying to hit player. If player is in smoke, or behind some, Terrorists will shoot to last known direction. If player shoots through the smoke, the Terrorists try to return fire to direction where the bullets came.

  • Regular type enemies react when they get shot, which makes them stop animations like shooting, aiming, building, throwing. However tougher more well armored opponents won't be stunned by bullets.


New Missions And Improving Older Ones:

  • Assassination: Eliminate high ranking terrorist before he escapes. There will be escape Van parked outside the building and players must kill the Captain before he can escape.

  • Raid: Attack terrorist occupied area and kill their leaders and destroy their bio weapons. There are 2 captains in this mission and bio weapon room that players must neutralize, it is guarded by Hazmat terrorists.


Terrorist Hunt Classic:

  • Normal: 30 enemies. Mostly regular enemies. Allotted time: Infinite

  • Hard 40 Enemies. Stronger enemies are uncommon. Allotted time: 12min

  • Realistic: 50 Enemies. Stronger enemies are common. Allotted time: 15min


Protect Asset

Enemies are more aggressive than in current game.

Preparation Time between Waves: 40s


  • Round 1: 11 regular enemies, 1 special enemies.

  • Round 2: 12 regular enemies, 2 Special enemies.

  • Round 3: 13 regular enemies, 3 Special enemies.

  • Round 4: 14 regular enemies, 4 Special enemies.


  • Round 1: 15 regular enemies, 3 special enemies.

  • Round 2: 17 regular enemies, 4 Special enemies.

  • Round 3: 19 regular enemies, 5 Special enemies.

  • Round 4: 21 regular enemies, 6 Special enemies, + 1 Guaranteed Tank spawn.


  • Round 1: 18 regular enemies, 5 special enemies.

  • Round 2: 20 regular enemies, 6 Special enemies.

  • Round 3: 22 regular enemies, 7 Special enemies.

  • Round 4: 24 regular enemies, 8 Special enemies, + 1 Guaranteed Tank spawn.


Hostage Extraction

Works just like it does now, but at Hard and Realistic difficulties there are 2 fake hostages in the map. The hostages are better guarded and not as easy to extract. Regular terrorist units may use Hostage as living shield, so players have to be more careful when shooting.

With higher difficulties there are more special units.

Disarm Bombs

Works just like now, but there will be more special units with higher difficulties. Not to mention bombs will be better protected.


Abilities and Resupply:

  • At all difficulties, players get 2x times more ability and utility gadgets (Example: Ash gets 4 grenade launcher ammo, compared to regular 2)

  • Normal Difficulty: Players can resupply infinitely from resupply boxes: They also receive 40 health and can resupply gadgets.

  • Hard: Players get 10 resupply changes per resupply box. They also heal 40 health and can resupply gadgets.

  • Realistic: Players get 5 resupply changes per resupply box. They also heal 40 health and can resupply gadgets.

  • Max deployables per player at one time on map is (10 from ???)


After Match

After a match (failed or successful) players can vote to either to do same mission, or to change map and mission.

Players can vote what map they want to play next.



  • Higher Difficulties offer better rewards.

Match Credits: (Not universal, as some missions take less time than others to complete)

  • Regular: 100

  • Hard: 175

  • Realistic: 250

  • +credits For how well you played.

If player wins a Hard match, they receive 1% change for their next Alpha packs roll.

If players win a Realistic, they can roll to get a Alpha packs and if they don't get one, they get 1.5% change for next roll. (This could probably change, depending on what mission is played).

submitted by /u/omegaskorpion
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[Leak]IQ,Twitch,Smoke,Jager,Valk,Buck’s unreleased unis and HGs.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:06 AM PST

The dream.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:19 PM PST

Common defender spots to nade

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:24 AM PST

Kapkan + shotgun = "fine, I'll do it myself!"

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:14 AM PST

Upcoming Valkyrie headgear & Uniform

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:51 AM PST

People never check this corner and I catch a rusher at least once a match.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:11 AM PST

Hello 60Hz tickrate server

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:17 AM PST

I found out how drones are made

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:01 AM PST

I thought this was echo at first but I’m surprised it’s twitch. Credit to R6S news on Twitter and YouTube

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:23 AM PST

Tachanka's Christmas Spirit

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:31 AM PST

My favourite moment in R6S.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:56 AM PST

I know what you're wondering...

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:29 AM PST

Thought I'd share this here

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:39 AM PST

Shock drone+ rubberbanding=

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:41 AM PST

Upcoming Buck headgear & Uniform

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:08 AM PST

Console Precision at its Finest

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:51 AM PST

Reloading bug for the C8-SFW

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:58 AM PST

Hi how are ya?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:41 AM PST

I made this Thermite wallpaper a wile ago I hope y'all like it

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:53 AM PST

Please fix barbed wire hitbox.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:13 AM PST

I can't count how many times I've died from someone as I'm hitting barbed wire that's not getting damaged. It ends up taking 4-5 hits to kill barbed wire due to its tiny hitbox.

submitted by /u/DetectiveMitten1
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