True Dota 2 - Is Chaosknight Battlefury a thing?

Is Chaosknight Battlefury a thing?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:55 PM PST

As Title. Just had one in a medium to low level pub and i'm not sure right now if this guy was dumb as all hell or so next level i don't understand it.

submitted by /u/Epi_Kossal
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Does anyone play this game a lot less due to the significant game play changes brought on by 7.xx?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:22 PM PST

I've been playing dota since WC3 days back in the early 6.xx versions.

I feel like all these changes such as talent trees, removal of stats, gold mechanic changes, experience changes, lineups being forced into a more team-fight orientated high kill count comp, introductions of shrines, hp/mp regeneration formula changes, primary stat changes (status resistance, move speed, magic resistance) have actually worsened the game experience and the game has lost its magic that it used to have.

I kind of miss classic dota where i could choose to draft a push lineup, draft a team-fight lineup, draft an entirely early game lineup and not getting punished for it. Getting to level 25 didn't happen as often, gold was a little bit harder to acquire and now people can get to level 25 within 20-30 minutes. I've witnessed a Meepo player hit max level after 16 minutes, making the game highly unplayable for the opposing team.

TL;DR. Current dota doesn't feel as fun as dota back then. Kinda how like people reminisce about vanilla WoW

submitted by /u/xzhobo
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As aggressive heroes, buy a couple of your own wards in pubs

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:07 PM PST

Example: you play AM. You've managed to get PT BF. Depending on enemy lineup, you could easily farm the enemy jungle instead of taking up farm from your team, in addition you can cut waves for push here and there, or just straight push enemy's safelane. But you can only do it if you have a ward. Nobody on your team is going to walk into their jungle all the way. You can do it safer and easier. Costs you tops 160g for 2 wards (that's all you need with some map awareness) for tremendous pressure on the enemy. It's literally like having sex with your neighbours girlfriend, just leave (blink out and TP out) everytime he (they) come too close to catch you.

Same with Storm

submitted by /u/DayGameChirality
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Dragon Knight offlane?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:47 AM PST

This hero seems like he has many beneficial attributes that can sustain him in the offlane, armor, regen, a good stun, and an enemy damage reduction. Coupled with a soul ring these abilities can be used often. There must be some reason he almost always go mid though. I imagine his low base move speed is an issue. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/vornash2
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How to play Monkey King in 7.07c?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:03 AM PST

Is he pretty much only a situational safelane carry? I feel like that's the only way I've seen him played in high MMR/pro games I've watched lately. Can he still be played as a roamer? I've been spamming pos 3/4 lately, mostly Tusk/SK/Pudge/Riki, but was thinking of giving MK a go.

If I want to roam with him, whats the best build to go?

Thanks for any suggestions!

submitted by /u/throwawaycanadian
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any tips for someone who is on a losing streak?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:15 AM PST

I've been losing a lot lately and idk what to do. I'm getting more and more tilted with every lost game.

submitted by /u/d4zz97
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What do you do when the game gets to the point where you know your team will not win?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:34 PM PST

Sometimes it's obvious you will lose, but you can't get the teammates to accept it and so the game drags out another 20 minutes. Is there anything you do short of abandoning?

I understand not to give up, but when both carry has fed 12+ times in a match and the team can't compensate it takes a huge mistake to allow an opening.

submitted by /u/rustyrocky
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Theorycraft/question: How can Nullifer's recipe be changed so it makes more sense as an item?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:55 PM PST

Because right now, if you really think about it, it makes no sense.

Nullifer is designed to be a ganking item so to speak, like to get the first jump on someone and gank them down within the duration of the active.

The sacred relic part makes sense, but the helm of iron will threw many of us off, as I'm sure there are better alternatives than an item that gives hp regen and armor, totally counter intuitive towards the nature of the item.

But if it were to be changed, what can the item be and what would the new stats be?

submitted by /u/PrimalWinter322
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Midas Efficiency - 7.07 - Ranged or Melee?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:30 PM PST

I was interested in the question of Midas efficiency on ranged or melee lane creeps in the new patch (7.07) after hearing some pro streamers mentioning they weren't sure about what to Midas. I couldn't find any other threads so I thought I'd share some basic analysis I have done.

Use Midas on the Ranged Creep for +23 overall exp or the Melee Creep for +16 overall wave gold and faster wave clear.

Catapults give +58 Exp and faster clear, but -32 wave gold compared to using on a melee.

I think I would value the EXP and mostly Midas ranged creeps or catapults.

Large jungle creeps still give +71 EXP compared to a melee creep and should probably be gone for if it means you'll not miss 2 or more lane creeps' EXP/Gold.

Please let me know your comments and additional insight.

submitted by /u/TheTipRat
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How do you counter morph?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:34 AM PST

I know silences are generally good but what else, and what heroes specifically. I like puck a lot because of silence and then dream coil afterwards if you need it.

Other suggestions?

submitted by /u/pierce768
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Winter's Curse - Full list of passives and items.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:27 AM PST

Tips on Roaming in the early game?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:19 AM PST

I play at about a 3.5K level, usually pos. 1 or 2 heroes but I'd like to start learning how to roam and play heroes like Spirit Breaker, Bounty Hunter, and Pudge.

Whenever I've tried to roam, I never know how long I should stay in a certain lane before I go to a different one.

Does anyone have tips on how to roam better?

submitted by /u/Everythins
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How do you play Tiny after his 7.07c Grow change?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:51 PM PST

My new favorite Doom 7.07 build

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:26 PM PST

Best played offlane. As always, the details will vary based on who you're playing against but this provides tons of sustainability.

Tranquils, Vlads, Hood, Shadow blade, Aeon disk, Heart. Almost all of it provides life or regen so you are ready to get in there, Doom someone and tank the rest of the fight. Give it a shot!

submitted by /u/ishkabum
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Medusa in the safe Lane

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:32 PM PST

Medusa's seems pretty good this patch, I do however have a question regarding lane equilibrium in the safe Lane. Coaches like bsj have indicated that safe Lane in equilibrium is more important than ever before in 7.07 C.

How does one maintain Lane equilibrium through the first 10 to 15 minutes while picking up split shot at level 4. Is it better to wait until Level 8 to pick up split shot? None of the guides seem to indicate this.

submitted by /u/waynebradysworld
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Please allow the courier to spawn automatically after purchase.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:38 PM PST

How do you play Drow Ranger now?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:54 PM PST

I've tried her today, albeit unranked clownfest game and went WB, WB, PT then SB, Aquila, Blink, Pike, Manta and Necro3. I went for 50% CD reduction talent. How would you play her as a strict split pusher? I'd say if you manage to hit 25 she's way better than a Furion

submitted by /u/DayGameChirality
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Coaching ~3k MMR Disruptor

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:29 PM PST

Thoughts on roaming Reflection-based roaming Terrorblade?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:06 PM PST


I just played with a roaming Terrorblade who said he had a 70% winrate with it over 20+ games, in 5k+ ranked. I checked his Dotabuff and he actually does seem to legitimately do well in every game he plays. Here is his Dotabuff link:

He starts off roaming with Boots and Metamorphosis. Eventually from roaming he transitions into a core with Radiance.

His item build in order is:

  • Tranquil Boots

  • Euls

  • Radiance

  • Octarine Core

  • Shiva's Guard.

It doesn't look like he purchases wards so it is inaccurate to say he is a support Terrorblade. It's more of a greedy roam that goes into a core.

He chooses the -10s Reflection talent at level 20 and just spams it in fights. I thought this was stupid at first but I watched some more of his games and it actually looks legit. Reasons:

  • The amount of damage you can deal with a permanent Reflection is insane.

  • Radiance offers a lot of utility in farming, miss chance on foes, and creep cutting.

  • You still deal strong right click with Metamorphosis.

  • You can sunder allies on low HP or sunder enemies.

  • At 25, your Sunder is only ~4 second CD, meaning you can abuse it in fights.

Is he just lucky in his 23 games of roaming TB or is it a viable build? I'd like to try it out but wondering on your thoughts.

EDIT (30/11/17): Clarified that he is not particularly a support Terrorblade with wards. He transitions from roam into a core, effectively entering a phase of farming for ~5-10 minutes.

submitted by /u/KCLKVL
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Turbo mode details - how much passive GPM and XP changes? Tower HP/armor changes in Turbo?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:33 PM PST

Struggling to find information on what is different in Turbo mode. The Dota wiki is usually good on details but all I can find is this short blurb on the Game Mode page.

Anyone have detailed info on the actual numbers that have been tweaked for Turbo?

submitted by /u/AlexDanger
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