True Dota 2 - Tinker problems

Tinker problems

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:28 AM PST

The last year or so I've found myself banning tinker every game as, for me, he is the least fun hero to play against. I'd rather play any FOTM hero from the last few patches.

I checked my dotabuff and I have ~38% winrate in games when playing versus tinker.

I usually play position 4/5 roamer/support at currently Ancient 2 (4.6k MMR).

I'm familiar with tinker wards and counter picks such as silencer and pugna. Ganking him in lane used to be easy when I was 3k but now I find that they tend to have incredible positioning knowledge and map awareness.

I would play tinker to learn but I am not great at mid.

Could you guys give me some suggestions on how to deal with tinker as a support?

edit: This is my dotabuff and these are my games versus tinker.

submitted by /u/IAmaSwedishfish
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What makes a good Ogre Magi?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:26 PM PST

Hello guys, i am Ancient 0 Support player who has pretty good supporting hero pool. But i'm really confuse about how bad my Ogre Magi is. So what makes a good Ogre?


  1. What makes a good Enigma is the ability to land a good black hole and how to give enemy Threat of Black Hole.

  2. What makes a good Anti-Mage is your farming pattern and ability to split push and good decision making (when to split and when to fight)

so what makes a good Ogre Magi player? i'm thinking what makes a good Ogre is not starting ingame but at drafting phase, you can't just pick Ogre on every ocassion, you have to analyse if your team can make a good use of Bloodlust. Let's say if you midlaner is Tinker of something. So what do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Gacode
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Possible use for Aeon Disk?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:54 AM PST

I've started spamming Ench offlane, because it's fun.

However, she has problems with burst and silver edge, is this actually a good use of Aeon Disk?

Also, does anyone know if Kaya has any effect on Impetus?

submitted by /u/Ma1nStreaM
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How to build HC medusa vs. certain lineups

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:54 AM PST

I know analyze mydota2 subreddit exists but it's pretty dead, and I wanted to talk about this

I feel like I threw the game even though I felt I had a huge advantage. On Medusa after phase Aquila MoM previously I would build linkens, which felt horrible. This game I went phase Aquila MoM then got yasha, then rushed skadi and it felt much better. I don't know what it is about yasha but farming felt better and I also could fend off map pressure and be more independent.

After I got skadi though, I felt like my items were questionable. I went for Manta (since I had the yasha), then Mjollnir for damage in preparation for my 25, then noticed that the manta was useless and doubled back for linkens with a BKB in my backpack.

However I wonder if getting the manta first messed up my timings so much that it became irrelevant having a linkens.

I also see in dotabuff guides that medusas pick up butterfly a lot, which I was going to get this game but I didn't feel like there was a lot of right click to dodge that I couldn't do better with just having mjollnir on me.

What ended up happening this game was that after pushing their rax with aegis and taking two lanes we lost the fight and got destroyed by Luna.

As a 3k player trying to improve I'm wondering what exactly I should be saying to myself "this was wrong and this was why you lost" in this game. It felt awful to lose because I felt up until that point it was going Okay.

It's a long replay but if people could point out my mistakes or suggest ways to build medusa vs their lineup (blade mail worth it?) I would be grateful.

submitted by /u/sss2208
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Is Visage more strong now?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:19 PM PST

before even with medalion I could not kill a target with more than 10 armor and 1000 hp on level 6 bc i lost the chargers, now I can (with grave chill max first) well, anyway, i like this "New" visage... just commenting

submitted by /u/gabriela_r5
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Unique build with Pangolier, thoughts?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:16 AM PST

I've seen a lot of the javelin build and I've tried it myself a few times and wasn't too fond of it. I've been experimenting with Pangolier a lot trying out new builds and I think I've found something that works.


Always offlane. Solo or sometimes with a second hero. If it's a 1v1 you'll beat most heros, 2v1 or 3v1 you'll probably be zoned.


Q-W-E then max W then max Q.


Tangos, shield, salve or Tangos, shield, mango, 2x branch

Then you build a ring of health to mana boots to perseverance.

perseverance will be disassembled into a euls, then a force staff. Or a linkens, or pipe. It all depends on the match up but usually euls, force staff is the best option.


Gives you mana regen, int, and move speed. The active can be used during your roll and it will continue to stun while you're lifted. Active also gives you time for your cooldowns to escape.

Force Staff

Gives regen and int. A solid escape. Can be used as a blink when in your ball.


Good stats. Used for sniper, kunkka, bloodseeker, etc. Heros that can lock you down or have spells that will cancel your ball or make it difficult to be mobile.


If vs heavy magic dmg**

Late Game Items


Build this early if planning to go for it. Mainly if you're snowballing.


This item is fucking amazing. I usually start it around level 20 to have it finished before my 25 -16s cooldown on my ult. This gives you roughly 10s in your ult then 10s cooldown and repeat. Very strong for escaping.


Just to be tanky as fuck

Shivas Same as heart, active gives further magic damage.

Aeon Disk I like to keep this in my backpack and swap it for my boots if I'm taking a lot of damage and 6 slotted. Very good vs bloodseeker as well.


Same deal as force staff. Great mobility. Goes well with euls. Can be used to initiate or escape.

I know I'm by no means a pro and only an Archon 4. But I've had great success with this build over the more conventional ones. The point of the build is to offer great CC and be very difficult to kill.

Here's my DotaBuff if anyones interested, I've got roughly 65 games on pango.

submitted by /u/MG4L
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KotL Meteor Hammer?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:54 PM PST

Has anyone given it a shot? KotL already has a very splitpushy playstyle (hide in the trees, push waves). This should give him some tower push too, particularly with the 350 cast range talent.

submitted by /u/delete_me_pls
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