True Dota 2 - Riki's early game is currently a joke.

Riki's early game is currently a joke.

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 05:03 AM PST

I'm a 5k offlane Riki spammer. Prior to the recent update and subsequent patch I had climbed from 4.1 calibration in to 5.3k and was continuing to climb with a 61% winrate on over 1500 Riki games. I had recalibrated at the same MMR even though I lost 7 of my calibration games. I'm not here to argue with how riki should be a roamer or whatever, contrary to all the whiners and naysayers my style has(was) worked for me. Yes, I'm a one trick pony, so please save your flaming.

After the most recent update, I feel so useless in the first 15 minutes / laning phase. Base damage with backstab is atrocious right now, its difficult to last hit with even level 2-3 backstab. His base movement speed was nerfed and the removal of poor man's shield hit my offlane playstyle hard.

Going from 13-15 minute average diffusal blade to 20 minutes is huge. My average k/d ratio was 14/5 and my post patch only average is 6/6.

I've dropped about 350 MMR in 2 weeks and decided to bench Riki and stop playing ranked until he receives some change or buff in a future patch. (And to stop stressing out over this)

My usual build prepatch had been pms>phaseboots>diffusal>yasha>basher

Any item build suggestions to try before picking up diffusal blade? I'm just looking for confirmation that others have noticed the same thing, or if there are any suggestions to improve very early game performance.

submitted by /u/watcher_of_the_desks
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Manta and resetting targeting

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:17 PM PST

Has anyone noticed the fact that manta no longer resets enemies' cursor focus? There was a change a while ago that was supposed to not have this happen.

For example you target a single target spell on a unit with manta or they're right clicking, they manta and the spell continues to accurately target the true unit.

I'm not wording this correctly but there was a specific scenario where this happened and it bothered the shit out of me.

submitted by /u/kangiskahn
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Shadow Shaman Beginner-Intermediate Guide. Would love some feedback from /r/TrueDoTA2

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 03:30 PM PST

I made a Shadow Shaman guide, I'd love some feedback on how to improve the guide. Some things I wanted to get across in this guide:

  • Explain Shadow Shaman as a hero and talk about his strengths.
  • Explain how his spells should be used, the strategy behind them, and give visual examples while I explain.
  • Explain his role as a support and what he can do to have the greatest impact on the game.
  • Describe different item builds and offer some alternatives.
  • Talk about talents.
  • Try to include demo mode and in game examples.

I'm thinking of doing a guide for Arc Warden next so I'd like to take in suggestions before I start making it.

Edit: I suppose I should include the guide as well: Shadow Shaman Beginner-Intermediate Guide

submitted by /u/Navetz
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Shout shield

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:30 PM PST

I just don't get any reason to buy shout shield. 9 damage reduction for each hit (18 with 50%) seems worthless for 200 gold. You can buy branch/faerie fire and extra set of tangoes or healing salve.

Maybe it's worth on melee supports who trade hits?

submitted by /u/Ridepad
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How do you handle a Storm Tinker match up in the early game? (Pre lvl 6)

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 02:41 AM PST

Assuming that he is good, he will spam laser to you whenever you last hit or planning to engage to keep you on low health.

So as Storm, i would just stack salves, clarity, try my best to get the rune. And always have my support around to help me.

If it gets bad for me that i am getting ganked like a normal mid. Just try my hardest to not die and try neutrals. How do you handle this match up? Aggro creeps then kill 3 melee then stack? Play safe? Until you reach 6?

Just wanna hear thought of better players.

submitted by /u/popoysegundo
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What are your favorite morphling hero combos for his ultimate?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 11:36 AM PST

Morphling is finally back in the meta (at least pub meta, not sure about what the pros are up to) and has become way more fun to play with the new mechanics. He's thankfully been buffed to the point that he's not overpowered but is still quite strong and the morph mechanic makes for a lot of really fun and potentially game winning plays.

Morphling gets to keep whatever buff he gives himself during the duration of morph so this allows you to make some pretty interesting and fun plays that are completely unexpected on the enemy's side.

I made a thread prompting some discussion about his strengths and how to use his healing mechanic

Personally these have been a lot of fun for me

  1. Spirit breaker - morph into breaker, charge backline (you can even double charge for double the lols) and shotgun to kill.

  2. Earthshaker - you build a lot of stat items, his w increases the stat based damage that you do so with maxed w you can do 1000 damage in a single hit. With the waveform talent, you can wave over an enemy for 1300 damage and shotgun them

  3. Riki - your stat based items increase agility. Diffusal isn't a terrible item on morphling either so you can really lay down some hurt on enemy heroes

  4. Monkey King - Get your jingu stacks off, stun and morph out to life steal off the remaining bonus damage+lifesteal jingu hits.

  5. Omni - This one is kinda boring but it gives you a free bkb every 40 seconds. Pop repel on your self and then morph out giving you spell immunity, this has definitely won me games in the past but it's not that interesting

  6. Skywrath/Pugna - Silence/decrepify to amp your spell damage and shotgun them

  7. Bloodseeker - Kind of boring but you can use q to help heal yourself with creeps

  8. Magnus - better if it's on the enemy, give empower to all your teammates and yourself

  9. Antimage - just morph into him and drain his mana before morphing back to fight him. An antimage without mana to blink is a sad antimage. Bonus points if you can get a full duration stun on him before morphing for some extra lockdown.

  10. Troll/Ursa - man fight them as themselves. If you've got skadi you can almost always win the man fight as long as you can morph back before you die. Killing an ursa trying to gank me as himself was the hardest I've laughed playing this game.

submitted by /u/ColickingSeahorse
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Tinker Itemisation question

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 02:52 AM PST

I (was, I guess) a 2.8K support player, though due to most of my dota traitors friends being shit moving on with their lives, and my own time constraints, I've found myself playing solo bot games almost exclusively due to their convenience. Since doing this, I've discovered that playing miss is good fun, and I know probably have about a hundred games on Tinker who's rapidly become a new personal favourite. He seems even better in 7.07, so I'm looking forward to playing some pubs when I've more time.

Watching some of the pros playing him, it seems that Kaya and aether lens is the current popular build. I've feel like I have managed issues if I swap out an item for aether lense, and I feel that Kaya is too good an item on Tinker to pass on.

Generally speaking, other than starting regen and null: Bottle -> soul -> travels -> blink -> Kaya/scepter (order depends on game) and then depending how hard I'm snowballing (and even for a 2k scrub, not games aren't hard to stomp) hex/shivas or eblade/dragon.

At level 10, unless I've ended up against a team with bugger all catch, I tend to take the cast range, mostly to offset the loss of aether that I felt was core in 7.06.

Can anybody with a bit more experience advise me on when aether instead of or with Kaya is the choice build? Is it just if you've been pressured really hard and you want to try and stay as far back as possible while underlevelled?

submitted by /u/Evilpooley
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Mid Heroes with simplest mechanics

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:45 PM PST

Hey guys,

I've managed to spam my way to 3.5k with Storm Spirit, however, now since he's getting countered, I'd like to learn some more mids.

What are some mid heroes that are easiest to learn? I'm thinking huskar/dragon knight - would love some suggestions!

submitted by /u/Stormy1997
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Why does divine do nothing on Pangolier?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 04:23 AM PST

Why is there is no bonus damage when you use swashbuckle? divine is physical damage and pangolier first skill is physical. I am confused here >.<

submitted by /u/Scibilia
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I'm noob and started to play pos4.5

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 02:09 AM PST

I started to play pos 4.5 support.There isn't 4.5 support in low rank. So i started to play pos4.5. I roam early game and buy support item. I am planing to play this way. Here is my dotabuff and i won 2 games this way(Nyx,Doom)

submitted by /u/eeve5
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